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Posts posted by hrnychick

  1. What was the best sex you ever had and what made it the best?? I am asking because in reading posts it seems that lots have had some down right great sex...but it turns out that they arent with that person anymore for one reason or another. That had me thinking since I have had only one partner for intercourse and I married him I may have missed out on something since I have nothing to compare lol.

    So again what makes sex great with some and so/so with others?? Also how could some say sex they had was awful? Isnt any sex good sex and better then none at all???

    Just a question for those who know more then me lol

  2. I can only speak for myself and I have to say I dont wake up everyday feeling sexy. I may have a bad hair day or just be in a mood thanks to pms lol...but even though those days are few and far between it helps to know that my SO or like on post said even a stranger finds me attractive/sexy. I know its all from within but its good to know that when I see myself in a non sexy way I am proved wrong,

  3. I agree with DADT.....you have to be on the same level in order for it to not take a toll on the relationship in other ways. There were many good points made by posts here on this topic. I have to say I would rather be alone then be in a sexless marriage or a marriage where the sex is great and we have nothing else but that....to me thats just a booty call. I would feel as if I was being used...like thats all I am good for is the sex. Yes looks are a part of being sexy but lets face it....when you really get to know someone arent you more attracted to them if they stimulate you in other ways then just in the bedroom. If you can laugh and joke and really have a good conversation its all key to having a good relationship including the sex. It all goes together and you really cant have one without the other.....no matter how much you try to believe you can.

    I know people who have cheated and when we talked about it ...it wasnt because of the lack of sex....they had a good relationship in the bedroom...it was outside the bedroom...they just had nothing in common....and when they met someone they could have fun with etc...they were so attracted to that person that it lead to them cheating. Not that any reason is a good reason to cheat but it just shows that not all people cheat just because there is a lack of sex...it could be for lack of many other things too.

  4. It is so brave of you to open up about your past. This is a very good place to do so. Yes by you posting you may help others if even just one person then it was well worth it. Also this is a good place to just let it all go....others will support you...and maybe even offer some advice that may help. What really helps with problems is talking about them. It may be hard to do but after all is said and done it feels like a giant weight is lifted off you. I hope you continue to see that life is what YOU make of it....YOU are the only one in charge of your life and only YOU control it. Best of luck to you for a bright and happy future.

  5. Which toys do you have that you just dont like and why? I know I am no expert lol being that I only own one but in reading of others who own totes full it had me thinking....what is it about some that you like and others that you dont. Don't you run across one being the same as another that you already have? How many changes can be made over the years to keep them new and exciting and doing the job?

  6. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all here at TT. As Christmas is near so is the New Year. Is there anything you would like to change in the upcoming New Year to make a New and better you?

    I found that in the past if you try to make to many changes I tend to fail. So this year I am going to just make some small changes that in the long run I hope will lead to bigger and better changes...Like eating more vegtables and drinking more water...instead of saying I want to lose 20lbs I hope these little changes will lead to the bigger change I want.

    I also really want to enjoy life and see the joy in it everday. I realized with the Holidays near that I just get to stressed and dont really enjoy the little things life has to offer....just enjoying my kids and all the little things they do. Going sledding with them the other day just to go and have some fun was a true joy for all of us. That made me think about when I yell at them for dirt on my clean carpet. Is that really something to get upset over??? Now I see its not....I am going to pick my battles and take a good step back and rethink things before I react. (or atleast that is what I am shooting for in the New Year)Trying to do everything and be everything does take its toll...and I am going to try to let somethings go or atleast try to not let all the little things get to me...it will be hard at first but I think I can do it.

    I am going to take time for myself....I dont do that now and I know I need to...because a better me means a better me for everyone. Like the saying goes "If mama aint happy no one is" lol.

    I also would like to pay it forward more.....yes I know I sound like Oprah lol...but the few things I have done in the past few weeks with helping others really made a change in the way I feel. It made me feel good and truly happy. It wasnt major things just little things like helping a elderly neighbor with her bags. Letting the mom behind me in the supermarket with the crying kids and a cart full cut infront of me in line. These little things are the things I lost somewhere along the way. I now realize that I need to teach my children to help and do more for others...just to do it...not because something maybe in it for them.

    Along the way Im sure I will find other changes I would like to make....but for now its a start.

    Again Happy Holidays to one and all!!!!!

  7. All my can goods have to be grouped and labels face out so I can see what I have.

    Everything in my home has its place....and if its put in the wrong place that irks me.

    sometimes I think my hubby and kids do things just to get me going lol....like our dogs food and water bowls....It has to be food bowl then water....if they do it the other way around I have to change it....same thing with salt and pepper shakers....if its pepper then salt that bothers me.

    lol this was a good topic....somethings I didnt even think of until I sat down to write this....and I am sure I have more

  8. For me, it is definitely a compulsion. I have 24 hours in my day, and 22 of them I am busy! LOL.

    thanks to this post I have noticed all the other odd things I do. I can add more to my list.

    I do everything in order, scheduled, and if someone does something off schedule, it bothers me.

    I clean my windows once a week - whether they look dirty or not - and if my dog puts a nose print (or my kids) I HAVE to clean it.

    The remotes for our media equipment are arranged via size - and if my son moves one, I get irked

    I can't have one lightbulb in a set (chandeliers, bathroom) out

    I go through my 15 month old's toys every night and put all the parts together with each toy and all the blocks are arranged by color, or alphabetically if they are alphabet blocks

    My sex toys are aranged in boxes, always in their original packaging if possible. I ahve a 'current fave' box, a 'not for me' box, a 'rotation box' etc.

    My basement has tons of containers, all arranged neatly and labeled. The decorations for each holiday are arranged by time of year

    I have an ice machine. I have to fill one glass of ice first, before I will fill MY glass. Then I have to melt all the ice I just dumped in the sink completely

    If a smudge gets on my child's coat, I have to fix it

    I have tide to go pens stashed everywhere...3 in the car, one in diaper bag, one in my purse, one by the laundry, two in the kitchen, one upstairs

    This is something I just noticed last night: I burn a lot of candles, and I have 3 fall scents. I seem to rotate them unconsciously every 3 days to burn a new scent

    Oh Lord, I need a shrink.....

    LOL love your posts....somethings may seem ocd but I think most of it is just being on top of things and being a good mother and wife. You werent kidding when you said 22 out of 24 hrs you are busy. lol

  9. Even if you are in a relationship/taken....everyone wants to know if they "still got it". I know the question was asked how do you if SHE is checking you out....well I want to know how do you know if HE is. I guess I am just blind when it comes to the flirting and the looks.....Unless a guy comes right out and says "I like you" or something I dont think he even sees me. So how can a gal like me tell when she is being checked out? When I go places I always seem to notice guys checking out other girls...trust me I dont look for this it just seems to happen when I am around lol....I see them look and then turn around for another look. Then that gets me thinking...do I still have it? what do they see in others that they dont see in me? I think I get like this because Ive been married for years and after kids etc sometimes I just want to know that I still have what it takes to grab some attention.

  10. Oh man, do we have enough space on the board for this??? OK, I will give a few:

    (1) Every night I check every window and door in the house. Every one. Every night.

    (2) I can not go to sleep if there is any mess in the house. Not even mess, more like things out of place. Once I was in the middle of sex afterglow wondering if my hubby put the whipped cream we were using away. I went naked to the kitchen to check.

    (3) I iron my t-shirts, towels, sheets and my kids clothes. Even if they are just hanging around the house.

    (4) I have to drink a half frozen, icy bottle of water before I go to work out, one during my workout and at LEAST a total of 5 bottles a day.

    (5) I eat my breakfasts in rotation. A 3 day rotation, it never varies.

    (6) My children have specific coat hooks, and if they reverse them, I have to move them back.

    (7) my cabinets are alphabetical order

    (8) I have a wipe board on my freezer, all the things in it are listed. When something comes out, I have to erase it from the list. Add when we shop.

    (9) I vacuum twice a day, everyday. I have a mini-vacuum to vaccuum my vaccum's filter. I do that between vaccuming.

    (10) I mop my kitchen floor every night.

    (11) I clean my bathroom daily, scrub the tub every 3 days

    (12) My books (and my children's books) are all stacked by height, largest to smallest

    (13) My recyclable containers are arranged in alphabetical order: cans, cardboard,glass, paper, plastic

    (14) I 'remake' the bed every morning, even though my hubby makes it

    (15) When I grocery shop, I arrange my cart in zones: boxed goods, cans, frozen foods, delicates (chips, bread) and I bag it as such

    (16) If a lightbulb burns out, I HAVE to change it. Now. Can't wait.

    (17) I disinfect my counters every night. Even though they are clean, I disinfect them. I also disinfect all the toys 3 times a day.

    (18) My poor kids, when we do window clingers for the holidays, I let them put them on, but move them when they go to sleep so they are even and look appealing. I am sorry boys!

    (19) I try, REALLY try, to get every leaf off my lawn when it is fall

    (20) My table chairs at my table must be even and put in

    Oh I could go on and on and on....

    Wow and I thought I was bad.....How many hours do you have in your day??? LOL I was tired just reading this list....More power to you girl!!!!

  11. Have you even been told by someone ( a ex for example) that you were the "best fuck ever"? If so what makes you so much better then the others? It can seem like a silly question but I was just thinking what makes someone "the best" that the other cant seem to get over. To me this would be the most flattering comment to hear......guess it just had me thinking.....

  12. If I am checking out the women, I want curves. Real women have curves IMHO. Height is not a factor really, but I like hips, a rear that is just a little more than a handful, and breasts that I would stand no chance of fitting them all in my mouth. I love large breasts and women that are usually around a size 10-14. They just seem to have a 'womans' body. I like athletic figures too tyger, but they still have to be curvy as well. I appreciate slim women and all, but some just look unhealthy to me. I dated a few girls who were very slender, no hips, small breasts and I was much more attracted to who they were rather than their figures! I love a woman with curves! I would not kick either of these ladies out of my bed!

    Plus size model Kelsey Olsen



    Plus Size model Kailee O'Sullivan



    Well i just wanted to say its nice that there are men like you in the world who arent looking for that size 0 because in the real world most of us will never be nor want to be. Too many times they go for that sterotype gal but hey us gals with curves need love too LOL.......and i agree those gals you posted pics of are pretty darn good looking.

  13. Well for me the guy has to have a bit of meat on him....just something about a big guy. I like a guy taller then me ( im 5ft9) and a nice ass....mmmm if he can look good in jeans just think how he looks without YUMMY.

    Now not that i have ever been with a woman but honestly I admit when a girl is hot or not in my book. I know lots of women who just wont say anything nice about another woman...maybe its cause they see things in them they wish they had so it makes them jealous.....but anyway for me she has to have curves....long hair is always nice....and nice size boobs.....not sooooo big that they odd on her body type and not small that when she lays on her back they look like two fried eggs.....I think the Paris Hilton looking girls in todays world look so unhealthy.......some men may like that type but most that i know anyway like us gals with a bit of meat on our bones.....now that doesnt mean i pig out and dont workout but im not affraid to eat i like my pizza hot wings and beer.....so i think there is nothing wrong at all with anyone male or female having a bit of meat on his/her bones.

  14. Well I have to say that was a very nice thing of you to do for her birthday. I can understand the fact that she felt uncomfortable picking her gift in front of you. Like stated above she felt funny wondering if it was to high priced etc....but its nice to know that there are still women such as her (and myself)out there where its not the size of the ring or if its gold instead of silver or if its a designer name.....its all in the thought that counts. People have to stop being so picky and just enjoy that they have someone who takes the time to buy a gift or card....someone who remembers that special day.....someone who puts time and effort into doing something nice for that special someone in their life. Valentine day is upcoming and from what you wrote it seems to me that she would like you to be the "tradiontal romantic" that you seem to be.......and im sure if you buy her some gift she will love it. If she doesnt give you any hints as to what she would like or needs........you just have to go with what you know.....pay attention and it will be clear as day. LOL

    Remember its the thought that counts!!!!!!!!!!


  15. I watch those shows too on HBO. Very interesting. Another that I watch and i dont think its on as much as the Real Sex Shows is Cathouse. Its about women working in a brothel. The customers they have, what they do to keep them coming back etc. Last one I watched was Twins.....two sisters came to work there and they showed them with all the guys who always wanted to "do" twins.

    I also enjoy watching porn. More now then I use to but thats another story. What I enjoy about it is watching the hot sex....faking or not.....the moans groans....watching whats done to the guy(s) or girl(s). I have to admit i dont like to watch ones that arent of high quality in the porn industry. For me it has to be HOT girls.....nice tits flat belly nice round ass....and ofcourse the guys have to be rather good looking too. I have watched some that just made me laugh and others that made me so wet within the first few mins that I couldnt wait to cum.

  16. A friend and I were just talking about this topic the other day. I had many boyfriends but not being on any type of birthcontrol the fear of getting pregnant and letting my parents down stopped me everytime. Now thats not to say that my boyfriends and I didnt have "fun" but NO intercourse. Also in my school back when I was a teenager girls got bad reputations if they fucked anyone....it only took one time before you were known for fucking the whole football team.( I never dated anyone from my school by the way cause of that reason) Anyway it wasnt until I was 18yrs old and I met my now hubby. I remember I made him wait a good few months before I gave in so to speak....He knew he had to be the "one" or I wasnt going to give it up. I never thought as far as marriage but I didnt want to be just a fling or a one night stand etc. Also he had to wait until I was on birthcontrol. He said he would use a condom but I wanted to be on the pill to feel more secure about NOT getting pregnant. It didnt happen with wine and candles lol....it was after a date back at my house parents upstairs sleeping one thing lead to the other and i thought oh god just do it go for it.....and all said and done I didnt orgasim...it didnt hurt as much as i thought it would....ofcourse there was a bit of pain but nothing major....and I remember crying...which he thought he really hurt me but it was just such a emotional time i couldnt help it. I dont regret it because we are married....and he likes knowing he was and is my one and only.....do i wish I had more before him....well in a way yes and no. I would like to know what else was out there so i dont feel i misse something but then again I didnt want to be know as easy or a slut and ofcourse my hubbys love makes it all worth it.

  17. Have to agree with the above posts. You have the right to let him know and the right to know. If its meant to be it will be. There is too much wasted time with people playing "games" in relationships.....I mean we aren't back in high school here. As adults we should know what we want and feel free to say so. Like Mikayla said, find that happy medium and go from there. The rest will fall into place. I don't believe in rushing into things, but I do know when you know, and you feel it, then its right.

  18. Wow did this topic strike up a memory for me. I was a teenager. Working part time at a data entry office. There was this guy who was cute. We flirted on and off. Then one night to my surprise he was leaving at the same time I was. We walked out to the parking lot together. We talked as we walked then we stopped and from out of nowhere he just kissed me. Was I ever shocked....nothing like that ever happend to me before. I mean I had my share of kisses but knew it was about to happen unlike this one that caught me by surprise. Oh what a nice one it was. Anyway he asked me to go to his truck with him where the kissing continued and from there he unbuttoned my shirt.....off came the bra.....I can still remember his "WOW" remark as he looked at my then 38Cs...(now a 38dd bet that would knock his socks off LOL) i laid down on the seat he got ontop and began to titty fuck me....playing with my nips as he and I worked his hard cock between my large natural tits.....just watching him and hearing him was such a turn on.....he came...and came good I might add....That was my first time but NOT my last....from there it was boyfriends...then hubby....which to this day he still enjoys a nice titty fuck every now and then. We lube up and he gets on top....in a way that all his body weight doesnt crush me LOL and we just have fun.......he likes when I lick it as it pushes up and near my mouth.......Thats a move that has been added over the yrs. Live and learn right lol. I look at it as just another way to spice up the sex life.....another way to add some pleasure for my man.

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