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Posts posted by Hoggy

  1. A lot of people think that our senior citizens don't have sex so I thought it would be interesting to hear from our older members and what they do to keep love alive.  

    I know we have members in their 60's and have read what you do for fun (totally hot!) so I'll up it. 

    Anybody in their 70's? 80's?

    I would love to read yall's stories!

    • Like 1
  2. This might be long...

    Over the course of the last year or so,  it was getting more and more difficult to get and maintain an erection so being 57, I figured "Here we go.  The next step in aging 😮‍💨". 

    I contacted my doctor and she prescribed 50mg of Sildenafil. And while it helped things,  I really didn't reach my "maximum" size when hard except for a few seconds just before cumming. And if I stopped fucking my wife in order to go down on her,  my erection  would go away and never come back. 

    So I figured I needed a higher dose and contacted my doctor again.  She upped the prescription to 100mg and referred me to a Urologist. He did all his testing and then offered me the option of being prescribed 5mg of Tadalafil to be taken daily or 30mg for as needed (before having sex).

    I opted for the daily dose as being able to have sex spontaneously was what I wanted! 

    I got the meds and thought. "What is this TINY little 5mg Tadalafil pill going to do that a 50 Sildenafil couldn't"? The instructions said it would take 30 minutes to work and will last 24 hours.  I was seriously doubting all that and decided to put it to the test. 

    I took the pill,  waited 30 minutes and started playing with myself.  I got ROCK hard and not only was it stiff,  it was pointing straight up!! I then stopped playing with myself to allow my amazing hard on to subside to see if it would come back since it wouldn't before. 

    I jumped in the shower, played with myself for a minute and BOING!  I stopped playing with myself  yet again and decided to test it when I went to bed.  BOING! I stopped fondling my cock and went to sleep to only keep testing in the morning.  BOING!

    Tadalafil ain't no joke! So men. If you haven't tried it, talk to your doctor.  It's life changing! I feel like I'm 20 y/o again! 

    And my wife said,  "Oh! We're fucking tonight!"

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  3. I think this could be a fun "contest" that could not only help the self esteem of many men but also show women that looks can be deceiving. 

    I propose a "challenge" of how much us men grow and how many show.  I think sharing pictures (with a tape measure) when flaccid and when erect could be fun,  enlightening and in some cases.....educational.

    What does the rest think?

  4. I will admit that I would love to try a cock.  Especially a smooth,  large and uncut cock.  Race doesn't matter. 

    I want to know what it feels like to suck a cock. I want to play with his foreskin and tease him before slowly pulling his foreskin back,  revealing the prize - a big glistening head!

    After spending some time enjoying and tasting him, I then want to be fucked in the ass and feel him as he injects his load into me. 

    But I want the hardcore sex and sex only.  I don't want to kiss, hug,   etc. 

  5. 4 hours ago, michelleddd said:

    I’m not saying she couldn’t identify as green if she wanted but I’m thinking if you’re a higher up in the NAACP you should probably really be black. Obviously, she had been doing the job till they found out. 

    political hypocrisy is rampant these days. 

    Please don't think of me as arguing because I'm not.  I just enjoy discussing and debating.  😃

    But if it's true that she was doing the job well and had to reassign after being "outed" for being white, I would have to guess a racial discrimination suit should be filed. 

  6. 9 hours ago, michelleddd said:

    I could care less if she wanted to be black. She was the president of the NAACP in Spokane, hence her termination.  

    Why does it matter that she was with the NAACP? Is society/law saying that one can self identify as whatever they want,  use whichever bathroom,  join whichever organized sport,  be the Energy Department deputy assistant secretary, etc  EXCEPT with the NAACP?

    It's all political hypocrisy IMO.

  7. Let's forget about all this trans stuff for a second but if one can be whatever they relate as,  why was it a big deal when Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who claimed to be black (and eventually was called a liar and had to resign)?

    The bottom line is that this is all a political agenda and this country is fucked!

    • Like 2
  8. Here's an opinion from a straight man. 

    I think you look pretty good and you have a nice looking dick.

    So if you have a hard time meeting girls,  I'd say it comes down to two things. 

    Its either your confidence in approaching them or your mode of dress.  If I had to pick one, I'd say it's your choice of attire. It doesn't project the image of a mature man.

    Just my .02

    • Like 1
  9. Yes it can be overcome and I speak from experience. But it's hard and will take time. Shit. I caught my wife in the act!!!

    But I will say,  your boyfriend definitely is showing remorse by going to therapy etc. 

    I suggest giving him one more chance (assuming this is the first time) but take YOUR time  and work on healing yourself first but let him know if it happens again - you are through! 


  10. I used to have a similar problem albeit not as bad as you. 

    My family used to enjoy going to nude resorts (me,  wife and teen son) and then my wife got involved in a church.  Now while I'll a "non-believer" and question everything, I think it's good to have faith in something.  Anything. 

    But all of a sudden,  my wife would stop doing various things because "the Bible says....." but thankfully, for some unknown reason,  she slowly stopped going to the church and no longer goes. 

    From one veteran to another thank you for your service and good luck. 


  11. On 5/18/2023 at 6:52 AM, Not large enough said:

    Me either but I was asking if it normal to be having this type of freaky sex at our age 

    I'm 57 and my wife is 62. We've been married 33 years and she suddenly came out of her shell.  Now there's a "green light" for everything. She even told me, "Put your cock in my ass" after decades of her telling me it was "exit only".

    Embrace it and enjoy life!

    • Like 3
  12. 2 hours ago, MattfromNY said:

    So one of the fantasies I’ve had is watching my girl have sex with someone else, be it male or female. If it’s a female, I participate, if it’s a male, he can’t cum on/in her. Am I weird?

    Weird? No.  But why can't he cum inside her? Or are you saying that if it's a FFM, you wouldn't cum either? 😉

    • Like 1
  13. Malady,

    I'm not in a position to say if it's normal or not but I will say that it's unhealthy for YOU and he is selfish.  Everybody needs and yearns for the loving touch of another person. If I had to choose between soft caresses and sex - I would drop sex in a heartbeat. 

    But I think I have a solution for you. 

    You said he was a starfish and just lays there while you suck his dick for an hour (wow!). If that's the case, the next time he rolls over for you to "come and get it", I recommend you roll over too and go to sleep! He'll get it eventually. 

    In the mean time - masturbation can relieve any sexual frustration you may have.  Buy yourself some toys and don't hide the fact that you did.  When he asks about them, simply say you haven't been sexually satisfied for years and this fills the void. 

    • Thanks 1
  14. 13 hours ago, Rio said:

    I just read one of your other posts and it sounds like you just might have the opportunity to do it pretty soon. Good luck

    No. It was going to be a video chat last night but it didn't happen. And we're in different time zones so..   

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