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Hoggy last won the day on June 12 2023

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  1. Before asking us that, ask her how you can improve your dick.
  2. https://www.facebook.com/reel/287084397372347?s=yWDuG2&fs=e&mibextid=Nif5oz
  3. Q: What does a robot do when having sex? A: He nuts and bolts.
  4. My wife has always been against anal but I was curious about being on the receiving end so I started playing with butt plugs and dildos while having sex with my wife. Finally, one day she said, "Fuck me in the ass!" I fucked her until I came and now she even enjoys DP with me and a dildo. I'm not saying I prefer ass over pussy but it's nice to now have "options". 😊
  5. I guess I would say, "I'll be as quiet as possible so long as you do". Heck, if anything, you have the upper hand since her BF has been over but your GF hasn't. But it does sound like to me that your ex has some jealousy issues. She brings her BF over but doesn't want to hear the joy you're bringing your GF - SHOULD YOU bring her over?! C'mon....
  6. That is awesome! I have many family members that don't (and haven't in years) speak to one another but my philosophy is we only get one shot at this thing called "life". So regardless of how difficult a family member is, I will always maintain communication. I've even been called "soft" and the most difficult is my older brother but he's my brother nonetheless. My older brother and younger brother have not spoken since 2015. Both are stubborn. I refuse to be like that. I'll even apologize for something even if it's not my fault. I'll do whatever it takes. There's NOTHING like family! NOTHING! I am very happy for you! Your story is probably one of the happiest I've read here. Keep us posted!!! ❤💞
  7. I can understand it being awkward but, all that aside, if you are both equal roommates, you both have equal rights to bring someone home without the need to discuss it. JMHO.
  8. I'm a white southern male and set my sister up with a good friend of mine (he's black) and they eventually married and had children. The person you were referring to is simply ignorant.
  9. And no, I am not complaining at all! But after being married for 33 years, my wife and I are having more sex than when we first started getting intimate. More frequently and with zero inhibitions. Everything is fine. Just do what you want to do and if it feels good, then do it again! But as an example, back in the day, if I had already penetrated her, sucking my dick afterwards was out of the question because it smelled like pussy to her. But now rimming, anal, pegging, cream pie eating, etc is part of our sex routine. Hell, now she doesn't care where my cock has been because she'll suck it! Life truly begins after 50! (In her case 60)
  10. Looking good! I also lost a little over 30 pounds recently and am trying to regain some weight back. I finally got over 150lbs as of yesterday. My pants were also falling off (lucky her!).
  11. Astro Glide by far.
  12. What kind of person are you looking for? 😉
  13. I hope everyone has a great day. I'll be grilling (charcoal of course) some Ribeyes later today and then passing out!
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