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Posts posted by Meg

  1. CVS/Walgreens/Wal-Mart, etc. carries a disposable version called Instead. They are in the tampon/pad isle and may be hard to locate on the shelf because most places only carry one or two boxes. It's a purple box!

    Good Luck!


    So far no luck. I went to 2 cvs', a Walgreens and a Walmart and none carry it even though the website for the company says they do.

    I am gonna call in the morning when someone in the pharmacy part is in and ask them as when I ask different clerks they had no clue what I was talking about.

  2. I have a slightly similar problem. It's frustrating and annoying! I have found that neither Fredrick's nor Victoria's Secret work for me (although they are nice to look at!) The cup sizes just don't go up high enough. I have found that www.HipsandCurves.com has an o.k. selection, as well as www.HerRoom.com (which I highly recommend for smaller band/larger cup sizing.) I generally find one or two bras that I love and buy multiples so I won't have to search and search! Alternatively, if you have the time (and patience) you can sometimes find odd sizes at Macy's and/or JCPenney/other random department stores!

    My only other suggestion is go to a specialty store in your area!

    I hope that helps.


  3. Ok, ok, ok. ROB! I'll admit it. The Tropical G WAS my idea. HOWEVER (in my defense) I didn't realize that it was a pineapple. It looks cool though. Let's prove Rob wrong and everyone order one. :) :)


    Thanks for all of the comments! Hearing the feedback is great.

    ummm... yeah, that was all Meaghan's idea. :)

  4. First of all - welcome to the team. :)

    Secondly, when I send out new products I include a packet of information. This packet MUST be read throughly and all of the guidelines absolutely must be followed. I don't make this stuff up for my health. I LOVE adding new people to the team - but I do not have time to babysit those of you who can't/don't/aren't willing to follow directions.

    I have noticed a LARGE amount of people posting their reviews on the site under "anonymous." (example: "European Real Man" Dildo, Pixie Vibe, Erotic Butterfly Vibrator.) This is not acceptable - I want you to all get credit for the effort you have put into reviewing and writing up your products. I have also noticed that some new reviewers are posting their reviews without FIRST emailing them to me for approval - this is also not acceptable. Please remember that ALL new reviewers must submit their reviews to me for approval until otherwise stated. It gives me a chance to help you improve and offer some suggestions on how to make you a better reviewer! Some of you are also posting your reviews without pictures and links. If you do not know how to post a picture or a link - ASK. FOR. HELP. Ask me, or some of the other helpful members of this board (they are extremely knowledgeable and more than willing to lend a hand.) It is NOT ACCEPTABLE for anyone to state in their review that they do not know how to post a picture and/or link or simply not post a picture or link at all. All of the information that one would need to know is in the packet that was sent to you with your products, as well as in the email that was sent when the products were shipped. If you did not receive this information, please contact me!

    Thank you all for the good work and effort you have put in. I hope you can all understand how important it is to do it correctly. If you have any questions - please email me at: meaghan@tootimid.com.

    I don't always have time to check my private messages here, so email is the best way to reach me.


  5. You could try "The Garment District" in Cambridge, although their clothes are pretty alternative, and I'm not sure it's what you're looking for. It's a great store - if anything you should just check it out! Alternatively, you could just take his measurements (or buy something and hope it fits.) There is such a large range of womens sizes - something is bound to fit. :) I have a few close male friends who wear womens jeans because they fit better. To each their own. Good luck! :)

  6. While I do feel that true customer service is SEVERELY lacking (for online retailers as well as retail store locations) I don't place 100% of the blame on the clerks. They're getting paid minimum wage (which, in most places, is less than 7 bucks) an hour to put up with frantic (and often times bitchy) holiday shoppers.

    For instance, this weekend I witnessed one woman who was checking out with at least 25 items - she went through the 10 items or less isle. Clearly marked - BIG red sign! The clerk reminded her that he would take her this time, but in the future, if she could remember to go to through the regular line, he (and the shoppers behind her) would appreciate it. The clerk was super friendly about it, but the woman replied with, "Fuck you. You're taking my money, and I'll check out anywhere I damn well please." The clerk just smiled at her and kept ringing her through. I think he did the right thing. If he had retaliated with a rude comment - I'm sure the lady would have flown off the handle, creating a scene that was easily avoided by the calmness of his initial reaction. In his head he was probably calling her every nasty name he could think of.

    From someone who works in customer service, I realize that some people are just having a bad day (or week, or month... or...) and they are unhappy and they have little to no control over their lives, so they take it out on random strangers. It isn't fair, and it sucks for the person on the receiving end of the bitchiness. The holidays aren't a happy time for some. I always try to be pleasant to clerks, waiters, other shoppers etc. because you just never know. :)


  7. Haha. I love this post.

    I have a close friend who has a very unique cat - he's about 10 or 11. If you make a sexual sound (i.e. moaning - joking, or not) he starts humping whatever is around him; shorts, shoes, blankets - the carpet! He IS fixed, and it's the creepiest (and surprisingly violating) thing to watch.

    I find that my own cats are very curious about what I'm doing and where I am at.all.times. It's been several months since I adopted them and I am JUST getting used to four extra eyes watching me shower and use the bathroom. I draw the line (and lock my door) at watching my "personal time!"


  8. GREAT question!

    Cleopatra's Secret Creme (all flavors) does not contain actual sugar, however it DOES contain Glycerin (a sugar alcohol,) however, this doesn't mean that it is unsafe to use.

    Astroglide is a lubricant that also contains Glycerin. Also, some toothpastes, mouthwashes, skin care products, hair care products and soaps contain it as well.

    There have been several women's journals citing glycerin as a source of yeast infections. This is not entirely true! In fact, some yeast infection cures contain glycerin. An existing yeast infection CAN be made worse by using products containing a large percentage of glycerin. This is because the sugars in glycerin act as a food source for the yeast. Women who are prone to yeast infections should use a lubricant that does not contain glycerin.

    *please note that if you have an active yeast infection - you shouldn't use toys, and refrain from sexual activity (and if you've had a yeast infection - you probably know why. :()

    Hope that helps!


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