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twin spirits

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Everything posted by twin spirits

  1. Sorry you haven't gotten any responses but maybe this isn't the best site for your question. That being said, I think that sexual intimacy can be as simple or complicated as we want to make it. Some people can throw caution to the wind while others like yourself are extremely careful. For myself, it’s complicated by my need to have an emotional attachment to my partner. Otherwise it’s just sex (which isn’t so bad) but I prefer to have that connection. Makes it more meaningful. I read while back that oral sex is a gift from the giver to the receiver. That put a whole different spin on it for me. If you’re the receiver then relax and enjoy the gift that you are receiving. It is an unselfish gift you are receiving. Respond accordingly. If you are the giver then remember that you are the gift giver. If there is an odor or any kind of lack of proper hygiene then the receiver is not worth of your gift. Otherwise, enjoy her pleasure responses and give more. A flat tongue works best. You love women. You love being with women. Let down your guard and take that love to the next level. Hope that helps.
  2. Lots of jobs. There are hand jobs, blow jobs. boob jobs, ass jobs, pussy jobs, thigh jobs, foot jobs ... did I miss any? Sure there are many more but what about panty jobs?
  3. Welcome. Friendly place with lots of good people.
  4. Yum is right. She has a couple of very talented hands you agree?
  5. Absolutely. Those are the real, natural thing in action!
  6. I love the way she repositioned herself so she could take the whole thing.
  7. Mine too. This from a person who loves asses,
  8. So you've already gotten some help. Great! You two have something to build on now. Good luck to you both.
  9. All three can kill sex drive. Low testosterone is probably the number one answer and that's a tough one. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is not a great alternative. Too many risky side effects. As I am sure you already have try to do anything that might stimulate his interests in sex. Hope that helps.
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