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Posts posted by Trooper

  1. It was not meant in a nasty way so no worries there. But you said ....

    I have to suffice with the memories. I think sometimes once we commit to that one person we have to sacrifice some things - like having threesomes. I had them before marriage

    Its a shame that he doesn't have the desire to continue with things like this. In a lot of blokes eyes he is missing out but his choice.

  2. With you knowing you will feel jealous and by saying that you would never be able to get the image of him with another out your mind you truly have answered one of your own questions. NO its not for you.

    My concern is just how badly does he want this? The reason im saying this is not to way up the chances of him cheating but as a male within a relationship that is not that evenly balanced sexually, I know only too well how much something you desperately want can eat away at you. He may not cheat but will he remain happy? If its just a quick I wouldn't mind ... you will be ok but if its on his to do before I die list you may have future problems

  3. Having ordered the lovers candle which I can't wait to get into my hands (up to 10 days delivery for uk) because there is nothing that my wife likes better then a good old fashioned massage. I was wondering will too Timid be stocking the low temp wax candles?

    Im surprised that neither of these are available here in the uk or not ones that I can find anyway. Can anyone recommend a safe a secure site that sells these as would love to try them.

    If there is anyone else here from the uk I think the postage rate that Too Timid use is really good value and to be honest it surprised me just how cheap it was.

  4. Again I want to say a Massive thank you to you all for your reply's. This board really is great for some straight and to the point advice. As heartless as it made me sound there is no fear of me doing this fantasy without either my wife being there to share it or her being happy for me to go watching alone.

    Mikayla having read some of your others posts as well, your husband must be a very lucky man!! It is a shame that he doesn't realise just what he is missing?

  5. This sounds GREAT!! I have never heard of this before. Just been having a look around all the uk shops but can't find a similar product anywhere so might have to pay the international shipping rate (Gulp)

  6. have you noticed that the couple making love does not have names and faces, and even their bodies are kind of blurry in your fantasy? There is a reason for that. . . .

    No in my fantasy they have faces and more often then not it's people that I know.

    I have watched couple of porn films and educational one like the lovers guide. These I watched with my wife but surly it can't be anything like being there and seeing it for real?

  7. Here are a few questions about a strong sexual fantasy I have. Has anyone had the experience of watching either a friend or a unknown couple have full sex whilst they knew that you was there in the room watching? Does anyone else share this fantasy and would love to watch another couple do everything in the book to each other whilst you were never more then a few feet away watching?

    Or have you been on the other side having been watched by a friend or stranger whilst giving them a performance? Have you fantasised with your partner about being watched?

    Sorry its all questions but like I have said this has been a top fantasy of mine for a long time and the urge to fulfil it by watching is getting stronger and stronger.

    Is this a healthy Fantasy or do you think it’s a little close to the sick mark?

    Just one more Question if a person (Me) did fulfil this fantasy is just being in a room watching another couple without touching or joining in classed as cheating as I’m certain my wife wouldn’t enjoy this but maybe one day I will pluck up enough courage to ask her.

  8. Yes, I have tried a hair removal cream. I can't fully remember the brand but think it might have been veet? My advise is DON'T!! I know that not everyone will get the same reaction that I did but within 5 mins I started to get a few blisters. Within an hour of using it I was blistered, burnt and sore and spend about 3 days of work because of the pain!! What made it worse was that sex was a Nooooooooo go for about 3 weeks.

  9. Mikayla I fully agree we all pay for it in the end !!

    As tempting as it has been, I wouldn't pay for sex. Having a wife that puts sex very low on her list of priorities it has been more than a temptation to turn else where. But No I wouldn't pay for it. If I ever did cheat which is VERY doubtful surely the chase would be part of the excitement??

  10. Just a question of curiosity. Do any males get any sexual pleasure from there Nipples?

    Strange question I know but my Wife was talking about an old flame who got great sexual satisfaction out of having his nipples played with, to the stage that he could cum just by this alone.

    I have never found much pleasure from my nipples and have started to wonder if I should or not?

  11. Having recently found out that im not the only one in a Relationship that is sexually unbalanced I thought I would share my experience of "Last Night" with you.

    I had brought an adult board game called Monogamy a few months ago but until then as sex was always an Iffy subject it had sat in a cupboard waiting to be played.

    So last night like the a couple of times before I asked if she would like for a laugh to give it a try and was surprised when she YES but only if at anytime she felt uncomfortable with it we ended the game.

    We started playing, At first the game started off very slowly asking you to do things like kiss you partner on the cheek or give a foot rub but as the game went on so did the intensity of it. At all times I gave her the option to opt out of her card but she was getting hotter and hotter that barrier that had been there before had almost gone. When we had got to the High level I could see how worked up she was becoming whilst reading the Fantasy cards trying to select one that (SHE!!) wanted to try. Having Landed on a Monogamy square this is like a Chance card on Monopoly but it tells you either confess about something or do an act depending what is on the card she smiled at me then walked into the kitchen. On returning she smeared a large amount of Jam onto my penis then starting with my balls began to lick it off.

    She ended with my head in her mouth as this was where the Majority of the jam was then lent forward and this really surprised me as she kissed me passed the jam into my mouth.

    She had done just what the card had told her to do!! Sorry if that's a little Graphic.

    What Im trying to say amongst my excitement is that if anyone is in the same situation that I was In until last night with a very Miss-Matched sex life and yes even for years like me then DON'T give up keep trying to find away to lose that Barrier. Even try this game as it worked for us

  12. Feeling really guilty now so thought I would ask is it cheating???

    I am married to a woman who I think the world of and would never want to hurt but like I have said is posts here before our sex life really isn't anything special. When we do make love its fantastic because of the mutual feelings between us. But one its not that often and two its far from anything risky or exciting and my fantasy's are a Noooo even to talk of.

    Over the last few nights I have been talking to an ex from years ago (on-Line) with no motive intended and we started talking about our sex lives. She started by saying all the things we used to do and just how good I was. After a couple of nights of talking I knew what was coming and wanted it bad. So I have just spent a couple of Hours having cyber sex with her. She made me feel like a sexual being again. We started talking about our fantasy's and what we would do to or for each other and then onto the stuff that she knows I love so much. We both even cum together. So now I feel guilty as hell almost like I have cheated on the person I love so Much (sorry for the mush) but at the same time wow it was great yes having a loving Marriage is fantastic but being able to talk about what I like sexually again was awesome. PLEASE don't say I need to talk to my Wife about how I feel as we have talked and talked about it leaving her feeling useless and me frustrated so is it ok to continue talking to an ex of 15 years ago and having mind blowing dirty cyber sex. Or is it cheating and for the sake of our very loving marriage should I stay being frustrated and enjoy the routine sex we have at times??

  13. I have always understood that flirting is when someone goes that little bit extra to impress or edge the other person on. If you have not had a conversation with them that was a little daring or done something flirty like shown a bit of leg and fluttered them eye lashes then No its not Flirting. I Don't know anything about the relationship your in so sorry if Im getting this really wrong, But when I read your post Alarm bells started to ring. I Really think you should be a lot more worried about your Man's behaviour then trying to work out if you were Flirting or not. It sounds to me as if he is starting to gain a problem? Can I ask is this new or have things been slowly building up to it? Has he shown any signs of Jealousy in the past or does he have a controlling personality? One more Question if you told him you had been invited to a hen night what would his reaction be?

    Sorry to answer your Question with Questions but I feel this problem is maybe deeper or bigger then you might realise

  14. I have read in a paper's problem page about someone who couldn't last during sex for more then 60 seconds. The reply he got was that he should ignore his mates boasts about having sexual encounters lasting up to an hour as the very large majority of men cant last for more then 5 Minutes.

    So am I super human??? If only!!!! so was wondering how long you or Male partner can last??

    I can do a quickie in about 5-10 mins but on the other end of the scale can last up to an hour and If allowed can do it all over again.

  15. Thank you to Both of you for some great valued points. There is no worries about me leaving her as despite the way our sex life is we have something too special for me to walk away from. I was really surprised two nights ago when she made a move for me !!! we had a fantastic night with her hitting the high note a few times. We do have a 2yr old who is very active at times but I really do my share with him but reading what Mikayla1 wrote has made me wonder if its enough?

  16. Sent this as a Pm to Howard but just wondering if anyone else has any thoughts on it?

    Thanks for the in-depth reply. One thing is certain it is not peer pressure from people she is around. I really don't know what the main cause is. She has always struggled to cope with sex as sadly she was brought up by her parents drumming home the message that sex is Dirty and for perverted people. I knew this when we first got together, but with just a few months things were improving rapidly even to the stage of her initiating it and being happy to try different things. At times I would come home from work to find her standing there all dressed up in lingerie and stockings (Drives me Crazy!) we even started to watch things like the lovers guide video's together so we could learn new things. After we had been together a few years her sexual interest just started to slowly vanish. The more we talked about it the bigger the problem became. We went from 3/4 times a week to maybe once every 4/5 WEEKS! It is now got to the stage where she has not initiated anything for at least 18 months. If I buy her any Lingerie as a surprise she will wear it but only as a token gesture and the chances of anything sexual coming from it are nearly zero. Sorry if It all sounds negative as it isn't. Because what we do have is Fantastic. I really wont do anything to risk losing her as we really are great together and on the rare times we do Make Love its great. But yes I would like a lot more sexually, The chance to try new things or fantasies and how fantastic it would be not to be turned down 95% of the time. But as I said earlier on the Board despite the fact that we still have all the other side of the relationship (Kisses, Cuddles, Romance, Love, Massages) sex either talking about it, trying something different or improving the frequency immediately gets her very tense and stressed. Just an add on to the end of this she claims that sexually im the Best that she has ever had, And she really didn't realise that it could be such an enjoyable experience. She has also said a few years ago that Im the only Person to have given her an Orgasm which I ensure she gets everytime, So why is she backing off so Much??? In her previous marriage she said that she never enjoyed sex so settled for once or twice a year to please her ex, But she always ended up in tears because she found it disgusting and painful

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