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Posts posted by promiscuouseuphoria

  1. Another possiblity - wax. I also have sensitive skin, and have found that waxing doesn't leave the longer lasting skin irritation that shaving does. Now, granted, I haven't gotten the whole thing done yet - just the bikini line. However, my hair was sparse and pretty thin to begin with (if dark) and after a few waxings it doesn't seem to be growing back at all.

  2. You know, I never once even thought about the size or proportions of my labia until this thread. I'm now sitting here trying to remember whether or not their proportionate, etc, and I honestly can't tell you. I know my inner labia doesn't protrude, but that's really all I can tell you about it. I haven't once heard a guy say anything about the size or shape of a woman's labia - and while my sexual experience with men is not what others is, I do have a pretty large number of male friends whom I frequently have candid conversations with. I've heard guys comment on breast size, a woman's basic figure, how loose she was, etc and so forth, but nothing about the labia. I don't think you have anything to worry about.

  3. I refuse to comment on the validity of this analysis. ;)


    Since you are such an attention craver, you are into wearing the sexiest clothes and going straight for the sexiest person in the room. You like secure people who are genuine and have a good fashion sense.

    In bed, you like to get all of the attention, so you need a partner who can worship you for the hottie that you are. You like to dance and strip for your partner and you enjoy buying the sexiest lingere for yourself.

    Sex matches: Aries, Sagittarius, Libra

  4. I love Honey Dust! I never picked up the weekend kit (though I think I will buy one before my next trip out to see my love), but I have a few cannisters of Honey Dust on my night stand. It's fantastic. Fun, sweet, and one incredible sensation - the first time I had it dusted on then licked off I almost went crazy.

    I've never noticed any itching - it's soft as baby powder, and probably as fine. You may end up a little sticky afterwards if your partner doesn't get it all, but it's not bad, and I've never had need to complain. Just make sure you don't get the container wet - obviously, if you do so, you'll have a tin of goo instead of dust.

  5. Well, I have never withheld sex because I was angry. However, there was a couple times with my ex when I was so upset that I couldn't find it in myself to be interested. It wasn't withholding so much as I was still so angry/hurt/etc. that I couldn't even think about sex, and so wasn't receptive to being approached.

  6. I...actually won something? Wow. I never win anything. Seriously. I have a long history of being the person who always comes in 4th or 5th. I'll have to record this day for posterity. I'm going to be all happy and proud of myself for the rest of the day now. ^_^

  7. Oh, come on, I thought it was cute. You are the guru here, after all.

    I have a friend whom I call the Goddess Em (short for Emily) for similar reasons - she's an expert in her "field".

  8. Well, according to the rules, the Goddess M already said we're only allowed one entry per person. However, I have read stories here before, so I imagine just find the appropriate sub-category and post a story there if you truly wish to share it.

  9. Well, the experiment seems to have ended, but I think I'll be annoying and add my two cents anyway. Largely, because I think I'm about to become the odd man out, as it were.

    To me, cheating implies betrayal. Now, if both parties are aware of the situation, and consenting, and clear on boundaries, etc, then it's not a betrayal. Therefore, not cheating. I know, I'm insane, bear with me.

    My boy is of the opinion that my having relations with another woman would not be a big deal. The other woman would never fill the role that he does in my life, either physically or emotionally. Have I indulged in this luxury? No. In all likelihood, I probably won't. The possibility exists, though.

  10. There are two types of people who tend to ask for advice on forums. The first are the people who really don't want your advice - they know in their heart that something's wrong, but that's not what they want to hear, so they ask other people to validate what they want (there are a couple examples of this floating around here). It rarely happens. The second are people who know that their situation isn't working - no matter how simple or complex it may be - and genuinely want input. I really, really hope you're that second one.

    That said - leave him. For your own sake, or if you cannot, for the sake of your child. Alcohol cannot "make" someone do something. It wasn't "just the alcohol". The alcohol just brought the latent tendencies to the surface. Unless he's seeking intensive therapy, he won't change. Even then, the change will come AFTER years of therapy, so don't come back and tell us all it's okay because he went to one or two meetings. Honey, he violated you. Nothing in the world can make that right. And you've already told him that he can do it again with your inaction. It's naive to think he won't. Take a long look at your situation. Ignore whatever kind words he may shower on you when things are going well and all is right with the world. Examine the fact that he raised his hands to a pregnant woman with no regard for the child she was carrying. His child. Is that really the kind of man you want as your daughter's father? And do you honestly think he'll keep from hititng her once she gets old enough to rebel and talk back?

    My ex never raised a hand to me. He was mostly just lazy and worthless in a general sense. But the first time he slapped my son I damn near broke his arm. I'll admit, I didn't leave right away - I was young, and stupid, and convinced that it was my fault and I wasn't trying hard enough or not communicating properly or some other nonsense. It's a terrible thing when you tell someone that the reason you can't get a job is because you don't dare leave your children with their father. I kicked him out a week after I told someone that. You've told us that he raped and beat you. He should have been gone two years ago.

  11. Hm. Well, hygiene is a big one. If you're not going to keep yourself clean, don't expect me to want to put my hands, mouth, or any other parts of my body on yours. Oral hygiene is included in this - it's hard to feel romantic when the person you're lip to lip with smells heavily of onions. I also have a heavy aversion to people who can't find the thin line between confidence and blind arrogance. I will grant you, sometimes it's sexy when a guy is a little arrogant, but when I've told you I'm not interested for the fifth time, and you're still convinced I'm just playing hard to get - cause how could I NOT want that? - we have a problem.

  12. "Je t'aime toi, ma faiblesse,"

    I know that one! It's French. Je t'aime toi is I love you too, and ma faiblesse is...my weakness? That's literal, at least, I never took french long enough to learn the venacular.

    Aside from that - good story! Very nicely done.

    Edit: I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Aussi it too or also, not toi. Toi is "you". And actually I think it's unneccessary in the sentence cause just Je t'aime is I love you, but...okay never mind, I"ll be quiet now.

  13. Shaving is good. Like most everyone here, I like not getting any hair in my teeth. There is something a little unsexy about going "Wait a minute" to fish hair out of your mouth. Although, I did find a good reason for one of the two to have a bit of pubic hair - without anything to hold the moisture, the most unique sounds can come from that region (of course, I have copious amounts of natural lubrication, so maybe it's just me).

  14. You know, it's funny. The conversation about not wanting to expose children to alternative lifestyels, and all. One of my closest friends told me hew knew he was gay at age 12. He didn't need "exposure". He just knew. Similarly, I think most preteens will know if they're getting excited over people of their own sex, or of the opposite sex. I don't think keeping them sheltered does them any favors - in this case, it just signals them out during a tumultuous time, and as Howard pointed out, they'll hear it all from friends/media/etc anyway.

    My children are still far too young for porn, or the sex talk, or anything else along those lines. However, when that time comes, I see myself taking Katprr's approach. I'd rather them get it from me first than the rest of the world. And that includes letting my son flip through my partner's old Playboy issues rather than downloading hardcore porn at a friend's house.

  15. Oh, what the heck, I'll play.

    Let's see...I lost my virginty two months shy of my 19th birthday, to my long-distance boyfriend who flew out for the event. My first bj was the day before my deflowering. I didn't recieve oral sex until my next partner, though. So there's my first, my ex, one guy that I experimented with once and decided I wasn't into pain enough to continue, and my current. Plus three women from scattered intervals.


    4 men

    3 women

    = 7 by age 26.

  16. Thank you, Mikayla. I'm not accustomed to writing erotica so the compliment is greatly appreciated.

    As for being real or fantasy...a bit of both, actually. Based on actual events (two different dates, in fact), and embellished in all the right areas to make a smoother and a bit sexier story.

  17. It had taken me hours to get ready. I had gone through my closet twice, trying to find the perfect outfit that would be casual and yet sexy. Perfect, while still looking effortless. My search had found short denim dress – nothing to wear to a club, but the low neckline showed more than enough cleavage, and the six inches of cutwork embroidery at the hem added a certain flavor to the outfit. Revealing even while concealing.

    Wardrobe agonizing aside, 7:30 pm found me waiting and ready as the gloss red convertible pulled to a stop in front of my house. He smiled as I approached, and I noted with satisfaction that his eyes scanned up and down my body, taking in all points of interest. He complimented me and I smiled, sliding into the passenger seat, resting my hand on his thigh as he shifted and pulled away.

    We headed into Old Colorado City, and spent a few hours at a street fair, pausing for dinner in one of the local restaurants. The vendors sold everything from foil-wire crowns to saddles to kettle corn. I got a chocolate banana from one of the countless food stands, and made a point of eating it as slowly and sensually as possible, licking around the tip, and even sliding half of it into my mouth before drawing it back to nibble at the top. He smirked, knowing full well what I was doing, but enjoyed the show nonetheless. As the sun began to set, we left the rapidly closing fair and headed to the park.

    I slipped off my sandals and walked barefoot through the thick carpet of grass as he held my hand and led the way. We talked of everything and nothing, and he would pause now and then to draw me in and kiss me, his hands sliding over my back and pulling me tight against him. Yet he always stopped too soon, and would smirk before taking my hand again and moving on. It was growing dark faster than anticipated, as a storm began blowing in, but he continued walking so I just followed. At last we came to a winding brick wall retention wall that someone had taken some artistic license with. There was a stone bench next to the wall, and he sat on it, drawing me down beside him.

    We continued to talk for a moment, my hand on his thigh once more, his hand reaching up to play with my hair, brushing away errant strands as the wind sent them whipping across my face. He then began to kiss me again, his fingers tangling in my hair and pulling my head back. We kissed until I was panting, and then he moved his mouth down over my neck, biting softly and leaving a wet trail to my collarbone. I think I moaned then, feeling soft and vulnerable, and I know I gasped as I felt his hand on my thigh, pushing up my skirt slowly as he continued to tease every sensitive spot on my neck.

    I was already more than a little wet by the time his fingers encountered the smooth, shaven skin between my legs. Instinct had told me to forego my panties that night, and I was very glad I had. His fingertips brushed my lips, then parted them easily, one drawing up slowly to find my clit. He found it – he always did. I shuddered and whimpered as he teased, my own hand sliding up to stroke his rather obvious erection through the light, micro fiber pants. I spread my legs wider for him, and he shifted his hand, his thumb now rubbing my clit as he slid two fingers into my moist pussy. I began to tense, moaning, and pressed my mouth against his shoulder so muffle myself as I came, not once but three times as he continued to finger me, whispering for me to cum again each time, murmuring countless endearments that I barely heard over my own high pitched cries.

    I was still gasping when the mood was broken by the too loud laughter of intoxicated college students. He cursed briefly under his breath but simply smiled and withdrew his hand, smoothing my skirt down before drawing me to my feet. I caressed him lightly through his pants again – I knew this wasn’t over. He led me back to the car in silence as the wind howled around us, the storm not far off. We climbed in, and I decided not to wait. Once the car was in motion, my head was between his legs.

    It was easy enough to get his pants open, and ease out his rock hard cock. I couldn’t help smiling to myself as I heard him moan quietly when I let my tongue tease around the ridge, laving the large vein down the front before drawing just the head into my mouth to suck softly. I heard him call me a tease, and quickly deep throated his cock for just a second before returning to the head again, and was rewarded with a gasp.

    I didn’t get much further before he pulled up in front of my house again. That made me smile – I would have expected his house, but mine was much closer. We went inside, and the minute the door was shut he was there again, pushing my skirt up above my hips and pressing me back over the arm of my oversized chair. I bounced gently on the cushion, and his head was between my legs before I could look up, licking furiously at my clit. I whimpered and twisted, but he held tight to my legs and held me there as he continued to eat me, only letting go when I had cum once more.

    Gasping, I pushed my hair back from my face and looked up to see him pulling his shirt off his broad shoulders, and then undoing his pants and letting them drop. I took the hint and wiggled out of my dress as fast as I could, tossing it aside just as he reached for me.

    I had thought he would take me immediately, but was surprised. He pulled me up out of the chair and turned his attention to my neglected breasts. I shivered and squirmed with sensation as he licked and bit at them softly, my hips shifting against the arm of the chair so that I was almost grinding against it as he continued. I heard my own voice begging for him to fuck me, and he just laughed and kept going. I tried to push him back, intent on tackling him to the floor if I had to, but that just made him hold my wrists behind my back with one hand and continue what he was doing.

    After countless minutes of pleading, he straightened up. Using his hold on my wrists, he turned me around and pushed me over the arm of the chair again. As I fell forward my feet left the ground, and holding me helpless he pushed my thighs open with his free hand and slowly pressed his cock into my soaking cunt.

    I almost came instantly – it felt so good to finally have him there. As it was, it only took three or four thrusts before I was squirming and screaming, my muscles gripping his cock as he continued to move slowly in and out of me. He let the speed build steadily, but he wasn’t rushed, and I just knew he was smirking as I shuddered, and cried out, and called his name as I came again. The thrusts started coming harder instead of just faster, and my face pressed into the cushion of the chair. I was sure the pattern of the fabric was being imprinted on my cheek, but I couldn’t have cared less. I cried out again and again as his cock pounded into me, cumming for him over and over. I heard him cry out as he finally reached his zenith, spasming as he came inside me.

    He stepped back slowly after a minute, sliding out of me and releasing my wrists before helping me up and drawing me back into the chair, into his lap. We rested for a moment and his mouth moved to my neck again, biting lightly and drawing down slowly but steadily towards my breasts. I gasped, and laughed softly.


    He didn’t bother voicing a reply.

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