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Posts posted by sam7970

  1. O.K., these kids are 16, 19, and 21, so I'm pretty sure they have a darn good idea of why their parents got divorced. Kids are NOT stupid.

    It has been only 20 mons. (less than 2 yrs) since your divorce, so they might feel that you moved on a little too fast. Now I know that there are no rules on when it is an appropriate time to start a new relationship with someone else, but keep in mind that they are used to seeing mommy and daddy together. How long have you been dating your current girlfriend?

    You really need to stop thinking of yourself as the bad guy, and TRY to see things from your children's perspective. I don't think that them not liking the pics of your girlfrind have much to do with hoping their parents will get back together. I think that they are just not comfortable with a stranger that's taking their mother's place in your heart, especially if you took down every picture of your ex (I'm not saying that you did, I don't know all the facts). And it's not a matter of whose house it is, who who pays the bills, or even if you've had that "frank" discussion with them, it's that they love both mom and dad (not necessarily together) and that your girlfriend IS a stranger that they are not use to and don't know.

    Now, there is no reason to put away the pictures, its just that you are going to have to wait for them to get use to the idea of daddy having a new girlfriend. Respect is a two way street. They have to respect your girlfriend and her pictures, but you also have to respect their feelings and just wait for them to come around. You also have to remember that feelings are not always rational, and some times we can't always control the way we feel. We are all human.

  2. Calling this man's son childish, no matter what age he is, is not fair. No matter how old a child is, it will always be difficult to watch your parents split up and move on with other people. He has the right to invite who ever he wants to HIS wedding, and as Telecom said, the son has been polite to his girlfriend, so it's not like the son has been disrespecting her all along. The father needs to respect the son's wishes, and if he can't deal with not having the girlfriend at the wedding with him, don't go. But, it would be a BIG mistake not to go.

  3. The best fuck I have ever had was with my ex. Those long weekends when we would stay in bed ALL DAY and do nothing but fuck in every position possible until we were so tired that we would pass out with him still inside of me, wake up, get something to eat in bed, and start the whole fucking cycle over again (pun intended). Those were the best. I would ALMOST be sated (after all, my signature ain't insatiable for nothing) and that could keep me satisfied for a while B)

  4. My favorites are: 1) Me on top, riding him. I love to watch the expressions on his face, and I love being in control. He also loves to grab me by the hips and lift me up so he can watch his hard cock going in and out of my wet, tight pussy :P

    2) Doggie style. In that position, I have to have my hair pulled and my ass slapped (both cheeks, or the other will get jealous :D )

    3) Spooning. One of the best positions every. I can reach orgasm that way without clitoral stimulation.

  5. I got on the pill because I was told that I have polycystic ovarian syndrom and other than causing havoc to my body it didn't do much for me. I got pregnant twice. Don't put all of your trust on one form of birth control or any combination of birth control for that matter. Remember, nothing is ever 100% effective.

  6. Thanks for the support: bondagejunkie, hrnychick, and tyger. I've been through the phase where I am constantly on the look out for the perfect man, but I'm over that. It's too depressing. But I still find myself trying to dig myself out that rut where I'm so lonely that I think any guy will do at that moment, and telling myself that I am worthy to be loved by someone else other than Him.

    It's hard, but I take it one day at a time and just try not to think about him. But there are those times that I am so horny and lonely, and all I can think about is calling him over so that I can screw his brains out and prove to myself that he still loves me. Those are some rough times, and to get over them I find myself ordering a new arsenal of sex toys, everytime :ph34r: It's ridiculous the amount of toys I have now :o and the amount of money I have spent on them. But it works everytime :D

  7. My ex loved to watch me masturbate. Which I do very often, maybe a bit too much. Whenever he asked what I had been up to all day and I told him that I had been pleasuring myself, he always asked why I didn't call him so that he could come home from work and HELP ME OUT. It was hilariuos. There were quite a few times that he called while I was masturbating and he actually came home to help out :P

    I also loved to watch him masturbate and learn how he liked to pleasure himself. It's very erotic and a big turn on.

    So to answer your question, NO. She doesn't have to know how often how you masturbate. But if there is a sexual problem, like you are not being pleasured the way you like, both of you need to have a discussion.

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  8. Well, I haven't exactly been cheated on, but I have had my heart ripped to shreds. Long story, but I'll try to make it as short as possible. I seduced this older guy when I was 13, and I we fell madly in love. He was sort of a family member, not by blood, I had known him since I was about 8 yrs. old, but If my parents had ever found out they would have killed me. So we snuck around for years, talked about getting married, running away together, and I just fell head over heels in love with him. I would have died for him.

    So we snuck around for over 10 years, exclusively. For all those years everyone in my family thought that I was lieing when I told them that I was single (which I was, but they never knew for sure), or that I just had fuck buddies that I didn't want anyone in my family to meet. I told them that I just hadn't meet the right guy, I didn't want a steady boyfriend. Little did they know that I was in love with So-and-So, and that I was having the best sex, and the most sex than every one else that I knew. Even the ones with boyfriends they brought home or the married one.

    Anyway, I ended up having two abortions, which I am not very proud of. Never in my life did I think that I would have an abortion, much less two. If anyone had told me six years ago that I would one day have an abortion, I would tell them to their face that they were out of their fucking mind. But here I am with my dirty little secrets. I had my first a few months after my high school graduation, and my second my junior year of college. I wasn't ready to be a parent, I wanted to finish my education, and how would I tell my family who got me knocked up, as far as they know I'm single. Was I supposed to walk around pregnant and act like it was another emaculate conception (or whatever the damn phrase is)?

    After all the years of sneaking around and the abortions, i got tired of all the secrets. I wanted a man that I could hold hands with in public and not worry about running into some that knows us. I wanted to make out with him in public, brag about him to my friends, introduce him as my man to my parents, one that could spent the hole night in MY bed instead of a hotel room, and I wanted to keep my babies when I was ready to have kids or if I got pregnant again. I am so ashamed of my previous pregnancies.

    All the secrets started to wear on our relationship and we started to argue a lot. We talked about dating other people and moving on with our lives, but we failed miserably every time we tried. It's like we had become one person, or drug addicts. I was his drug and he was mine. We couldn't leave each other or stop having sex. I think the longest we ever went without sex was 2 maybe 3weeks tops, and that was HARD for me. He started the online dating thing to meet other women and iI kind of encouraged him, even though I found it hard to even date someone else myself. At first he said it was hard because he didn't want anyone else but me, but then eventually he started meeting other women that really liked him, and two years ago he meet someone that he like.

    Now all this time I have been dating but I haven't found anyone else that I would like to be in a relationship with. Well there was this one guy, but he lied about not having kids and his mother ended up telling me about his 8 year old daughter in Colorado, so that was over real quick. But I keep comparing everyone that I meet to him, and its like he has my heart in his hands and I don't know how to get it back so that I can share it with someone else and fall in love agian. Does that make any sense? So while I see that he is actually serious about moving on I start to push him away and numb my heart a little, since we are both so unhappy with the situation, and I really want him to be happy. Keep in mind that we are still sleeping together at this point. So we keep talking about the both of us moving on, he's still dating, I can't move on and my heart is crumbling. He starts getting home at 5:30 in the mornings, leaving just enough time to shower and leave for work, so I start wondering what the fuck is going on. So my nosey ass decides to listen to his cell phone messages, and this one chick is cussing him out because he wouldn't screw her and told him not to ever call her again. I ask him about the messages, and I'ml ike how long have you known this chich 2-3 weeks and you've been to her home two times, what were you doing to give her the impression that you were going to screw her, and why is she so pissed about it?. And what the fuck were you doing at her place all night if you had no intention of sleeping with her, and what kind of slut would call you that upset just because you didn't screw her? He said they were just talking, he wanted to get to know her. (Like I was falling for that bullshit.) He said that he didn't know what her problem was, and after that phone call he didn't want anything to do with her.

    I start to get suspecious and jealous (and I'm not a jealous person, well I wasn't anyway), and start to distance myself from him cause I see him moving on, I'm stuck,and in my head its like, if he loved me as much as he said he did, it wouldn't be this easy for him to just date other people. Any way the crazy chick was still calling him and eventually he started to return her calls and seeing her again. This lady turns out to be a parent of one of the girls in my little brother's class. A girl my brother can't stand. So know I'm staring to hat this woman. The slut who cussed out strange men she invites in her home, who don't want to screw her, and the has the annoying daughter on top of that. I discussed everything with Him, but he continues to date her cause he likes her, and he says that I don't know her.

    I start to resent and despise him, for moving on so easily and falling for the first chick that he likes.

    In January of 2006 I go to the gyno and I get an STD scare (never thought I would have one of those either). I come home pissed as hell and ready to make the shit hit the fans, and he tells me that he has been having sex with her WITHOUT a condom. First of all, he told me that he was not fucking her, and second, we had talkd about him using condoms if he every decided to sleep with anyone that he was dating and to tell me so that I could stop screwing him. He gave me some bullshit story that they had started out using condoms, but she said that she couldn't get pregnant and that she didn't want any more kids. I was livid, cause obviously he didn't give a fuck about my health or what I wanted. Anyway, I got tested a FEW more times and they returned negative. Thank God the first was a false positive.

    I May, he proposed to the Bitch. I am so angry and hurt, and I'm not exactly sure why. I'm still in love with him and everytime time I think about what we had, my heart hurts. Why is it so hard to move on from a broken heart? Other than all the secrets, we had a great relationship. Or maybe it was the spectacular sex. Then again a lot of people would say that I never had a relationship, but its hard not to think of it that way. Iwas with him for 12 years. Kind of pathetic, I know. But I really loved him.

    I've never told this to anyone.

  9. I have to add my list. Under the dining room table while my parents were in the next room, on a bar stool, on the dining room table, couch, gas station, in one of those peep booths were they show porn, in a toy store (adult toys, was too horny couldn't wait till I got home), truck stop off the highway, library, hallway at school, theater (where there are actually people on stage), in the movie theater, parking lot of the movie theater, bus, basement, on the beach (I laughed the whole time, was a little nervous), bathroom sink, shower, HELL almost every parking lot I can think of, when the urge hits me while I'm driving, I just pull over and handle my business.

  10. I would LOVE to watch two men having sex. It's more of a turn on to me than watching two women. It is the thought of seeing two uninhibited beautiful men with hard cocks going at it. That is one fantasy I have to have fulfilled before I leave this earth, anyway I'm off topic.

    But I find it such a shame that it is acceptable for women to experiment bi-sexually but not men. We always see men as the less inhibited sex because it is acceptable for them to screw as many women as they please, but if they chose to experiment with other men they have to keep it as this big secrect. But it is more acceptable for women to sleep with other women. Huge double standard!!

    And it kind of put a damper on my fantasy. It's hard to find two men that will let you watch them having sex. Bummer!!!

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  11. I am a male who for the last 3 years cant get off without a thick dildo, does anyone else have this?? i like both guys and girls but have a real problem when it comes to women as you can imagine, i just bought another anal dildo today, I am having a problem finding thick enough dildo's to satisfy me, does anyone have any good idea's or the same issue.

    Thanks extralove

    Go to www.stockroom.com and check out the vinyl dildos. I think you will be very pleased.

  12. O.K., I'm only 24 and I have dozens of sex toys (I use to work in a sex shop) and I just ordered more. I go through periods of time where I'm horny like hell and I will masturbate from the moment I wake up until I HAVE TO leave the house and take care of my responsibilities. But no one can do that all the time, not even me, because it gets really boring and lonesome ( I'm single).

    But I have to say that when I am in a relationship with someone that I really enjoy, NOTHING is better than a real man; A warm body, big hands, someone to hold me, talk to, his mouth, the way he smells, taste, and warm, lively dick. And when we make love OR fuck there is nothing in this world that is more satisfying. Not even a dildo or vibrator that's always hard when you need it to be, and can guarantee an orgasm 100% of the time when I'm doing it myself, nothing.

    Now I must admit that I sometimes use toys to add to the experience, but it is never really needed when I'm with another person and I perfer to use toys solo.

    So,to answer your question, No, no one can ever have too much of a good thing. But, a toy should never be chosen over a significant other, besides the real thing is always better anyway.

  13. Uhhhh, I think you guys forgot the built in closet for all the sexy outfits and hooker shoes, you can't leave that out.

    My soundproof room would have built in entertainment system to set the mood with small speakers in the upper corners of the room, two camers with motion sensors so I catch the action from all angles, a medium sized flat screen t.v. on one of the walls so we can watch ourselves later, and controled lighting and temperature. I love wood floors with maybe some sheepskin rugs and pillows (stuff I can take out and wash), red walls with black accessories like builtin restraint on the walls for ankles and wrists, swing in the middle of the floor, a few biult in shelves for my lubes, candles, feathers, dildos, vibrators, strapons, leather whips, silken ropes, paddles, nipple and clit clamps, blindfolds, handcuffs, knee pads, chains with locks, etc. A horse, fucking machine, a couple of chairs without armrests. Almost forgot, one wall should be padded and one should have a two way mirror with a slidding panel so it can be covered when not in use.

    Am I forgetting anything?

  14. I love glass dildos!!! Right now I have two and I ordered four more last week. They are the best ever. Smooth, hard, can do anything with them, and super easy to clean. I'm looking forward to trying one of mine cold. I never thought that I would enjoy it cold, but I'll give it a try. I'm thinking about starting a collection of just glass dildos. There are so many different styles, shapes, colors; the possibilities are endless.

  15. Sam7970: Good for you. :lol::rolleyes: I like to hear a woman who takes charge when she is giving head. There should be nohting wrong with giving a man's cum back to him to swallow, particularly if you don't like the taste. He can change the taste by changing his diet. :o:ph34r: Vanilla, cinamon, and some other sweets will make the cum taste sweet. Bitter root foods will make it taste bitter. Coffee makes it taste bitter. And this applies to the taste of women's fluids, too. If you are going to get into oral, you might as well go all the way, and appreciate these subtleties. My wife could tell if I cheated on my diet by having a danish with my morning coffee at work, that evening when she tasted my cum. B) And I could tell when she was drinking too much coffee, or when she started drinking flavored coffees by the taste of her vaginal juices that evening. She was always surprised that I could tell her what flavor of coffee she had drunk that morning. :blink:

    Have fun. :D

    Howard, you must have very keen taste buds.

    Sam7970: Good for you. :lol::rolleyes: I like to hear a woman who takes charge when she is giving head. There should be nohting wrong with giving a man's cum back to him to swallow, particularly if you don't like the taste. He can change the taste by changing his diet. :o:ph34r: Vanilla, cinamon, and some other sweets will make the cum taste sweet. Bitter root foods will make it taste bitter. Coffee makes it taste bitter. And this applies to the taste of women's fluids, too. If you are going to get into oral, you might as well go all the way, and appreciate these subtleties. My wife could tell if I cheated on my diet by having a danish with my morning coffee at work, that evening when she tasted my cum. B) And I could tell when she was drinking too much coffee, or when she started drinking flavored coffees by the taste of her vaginal juices that evening. She was always surprised that I could tell her what flavor of coffee she had drunk that morning. :blink:

    Have fun. :D

    Howard, you must have very keen taste buds.

    Mikayla, I have never understood why men love to have their own cum swallowed by a woman and they love to kiss us after eating pussy, but they refuse to taste a load of thier own cum. My rule is, if I have to taste it you have to taste it too.

  16. What is the proper procedure for getting ready for anal sex? Do you have to have an enema or douche the colon each time before anal sex? Does anyone ever worry about odor of feces? And what is your favorite toy and lube? I would appreciate your help.

  17. I would like some tips from the squirters out there. How do you do it and can everyone do it, or just certain women? I've tried stimulating my G-spot, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it corectly. Cause when I do have an orgasm it's pee that squirts out, not cum. And in every porno that I've watched, their "cum" looks just like pee. What exactly should be happening?

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