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Everything posted by tharper84

  1. Hello Everyone, I got a bit of a problem today. Well Lets see i have been eoth my man for 6 years now.(in will be 7 on may 15 ) our sex life has bee great over these past years we have tried a little bit of everything. but now were pregnant and there is no sex at all. Now before we got pregnant we had sex almost every othe day, but now that im pregnant i can't get him to touch me at all well if he does its when he wants it. Now ladies we all know that when we get pregnant our hormones start flying. his excuse is that he doesn't want to hurt the baby. I think he's lying i think that since he knows my belly is going to get big he is gonna be unattracted to me. he always said he don't like big women.At night i find him downloading porn on the computer and getting off to it but the minute i tell him that i want it he goes to sleep an dont think twice about it, he says he's forgot. Im just tying to see if this is just my hormones because im pregnant or is it him and he really dont want to have sex. Someone please help me im on the verge of cheating and i have never cheated on him in all of these 7 years.
  2. everything else in the realtionship is perfect I have two children that are 6 and 4 they are not his but he takes care of them like they are(I had a one year old and was pregnant when we met). Yeah six years is a long time and he tells me he loves me and shows me with the kids that he loves all of but his reason for not getting married is that there is no good reason to really get married( oh yeah congrats on your big step) its not like he really takes it from me its just that i be sleep and he might wake me to have sex but I 'll still be sleepy,or say if hes out with his boys and don't gets in to late and he wakes me to have sex i roll over and wake up to have sex. Yeah true enough i am tired of his foolishness but im thinking that it could be that this is the first real relationshp that he has been in and he doesn't know how to handle it or he does not know what to do but before me he tole me that all the other girls he ever talked to was just for a couple of days never longer than a week so im suprised he stayed with me pass the first year knowing the way his other relationships went. I don't think its the kids cause they sleep at night and we could do everything we want to do but he says hes just too tired at night and every other weekend they are gone to grannys house. Before I really decide to quit this relationship I wanna try and make somthing work beside the suggestions you all have given me which by the way are very good opinions. Any suggestions on getting things back hot again before i decide to give up.
  3. I have a few problems, me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 6 years now, it will be 6 years on May 15. When we first started going out he could last a long time and we had sex everywhere, parks, sofas, stairs,cars, all different positions in the bed and it was great but now he can't even last even 3 min. The only way he likes it is for him to be on top, he can't handle anything else. Then I thought we needed to spice things up so I started giving him oral and that made things better for him. yeah true enough when i give it to him I get wet but he doesn't do anything about it . I want him to try and give me oral but he thinks its so nasty that if he trys it that his tounge will turn colors and fall off. He don't like the thought of touching me either he says all coochie smells the same and he does not want the smell on his fingers. so I get no play there either. What am I to do? I don't know what's going on with him and when it comes to talkin about sex or our relationship he gets mad and starts an argument so I don't bring it up any more I just go with the flow but im a little tired of going with the flow I finally let him try the anal thing. The anal thing was his idea a long time ago and I just got comfortable about a year ago to let him try it and when he did I liked it and he liked it too,but now he doesn't want to do it anymore he says he has to do too much when having sex with me. I do everything he asks to please him but he won't please me but with 3 minutes of sex and that's not enough for me.and oh yeah he sex drive is funny because he only wants in early in the morning and when he asks for it im half sleep so I don't be horny but he does and he does nothing to get me in the mood, but jumps on top of me and get his nut and go about his day but when im horny its a problem about me wantins sex all the time. SOME ONE PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!
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