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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. If it's gardening, like for veggies, I never have had any luck. I can kill a spider plant, but can grow roses decently. It's weird.

    Where we are, it's either gumbo mud, or too dry.

    I've kinda given up with the gardening thing.

    Maybe when I move back to my homestate, in my own place, I'll feel more like gardening.

    I have planted a few tropical plants, with some great success. 

    Honestly, I'm more into decorating. But I do love plants.

  2. Well, I've been with my GF for almost 7 yrs now. When we first started dating, we talked a lot. I'd never been with a woman before, so I was completely scared for sure!!!

    My GF has been Out since she was about 25. We were in our 40's when we met, so it's been a hot minute for her, and she has more experience being with women. She was very patient & understanding. She told me she likes going down, but knew I wasn't a huge fan of it happening. But, I was willing to try, and I like it a lot more than I did before! She also told me not ALL lesbains enjoy going down on women, for whatever reason. And, that's OK!!  It's like any preference really. 

    My suggestion, as someone that has a touch of OCD, and I do enjoy going down on my GF when we have the time and privacy.....do it in the shower. Get each other all cleaned up. Hot water gets all the nerve endings tingling anyway. 

    Remember, each woman is different. Some like harder clit action, some soft flicks. some like insertion, some don't. My GF loves it when I suck her clit, kinda hard.  Each woman tastes different too.  Diet has a lot to do with it as well.

    Communication is key. Letting your potential lover know your insecurities, what you're not sure about, before hand, will help make it easier if you find you don't like it.

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 9/17/2021 at 10:14 AM, Pussycathy said:

    Very worried. In Louisiana where in our parish, we have 27% fully vaccinated.  This is quite worrisome. We have mask mandated but I don’t know of any business following the guidelines. We, personally are fully vaccinated. However my mother who is in a nursing home and fully vaccinated, tested positive just last week. We haven’t been able to see her in months.

    I stay home, suffer with COPD, so husband does all the shopping and running errands. Both of us work from home so that is a plus.  We take off to the lake when we get a break and fish a little and fool around a lot.

    This time last year we were coping with two hurricanes and are still lingering in the aftermath. We still have each other, so we are good.

    That's great that things are doing so good for you!! Louisiana, I hear, is pretty bad with COVID. but I'm glad you and your hubby are staying safe. My GF & I love fishing!!! Outdoor things are so fun!! And it feels freeing!  

    Working from home has some great perks for sure!!!!

    I'm on the fence about the vaccines. I believe it's everyone's choice whether or not to be vaccinated.  I don't think it should be a requirement to go to work, travel, or patronize any place.

    Personally, I'm going to wait, until the vaccines are more proven. That's just me. I respect everyone beliefs.

  4. Hey guys and gals!!!

    I started a job with an Inbound call center, staring at 2 large computer screens and taking calls all day. It's a living, but I'm working from home, and I'm grateful for that opportunity. 

    I'm just getting over COVID, but, thankfully, it wasn't too bad, and I wasn't down long. Didn't loose my paycheck because I can work from home. My GF is also getting over COVID. She's been down almost 3 weeks now, and it hit her harder, but she's doing ok.

    Thankfully, my daughter never got it. She graduated high school in May. 

    I'm looking into getting a 2nd job for a few months, to help catch up on stuff, so, yeah, Tyger's been a busy gal!

    I hope everything is well with everyone!! I'd love to see some personal "HEY"s and hear what y'all are up to!!!

    • Thanks 1
  5. Squirting, is, like Rio said, not like what they show on porn videos. It's not like we gush fluid out of our va=jay=jays!!! LOL

    Before you start anything, make SURE your woman uses the bathroom first, and voids her bladder. Because, yes, if stimulated correctly, it does feel like you're going to pee....but you won't.....

    Dew is right, though, each woman is different on likes and dislikes, but you do need to get your woman (or allow her to get herself) extremely excited and relaxed. Lots of clit action!!!

    Up inside, on the upper part of the cervix, there's a spongy spot, about 4" or so up in there, which is the "g-spot". Making a "come here" motion with a finger or 2, or having a curved dildo applying pressure, does the trick for many women. Not all, but MANY! LOL I had a great experience with the Blue Swirl G-spot glass dildo. It was per....fec.....tion!!!! I was actually amazed at how much I came, and, though it wasn't like a hose, there was definite squirting that was obvious!!! I was wiping up the chair I was in afterwards for sure!!! LOL

    • Like 1
  6. Assuming it's from TooTimid, can you please link the TooTimid product to your review? What did you like the most about it? How hard was it to put on? Easy to clean? What was the dildo made of? How is it held onto the harness? What kind of harness was it?

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 1/12/2021 at 12:51 PM, Haywood25 said:

    What are some of the recommendations 

    Go check out the TooTimid shopping page, and search for Men's Toys, Prostate Stimulation, or Anal Toys. Check out their ratings. Many will have reviews too!!! And you can also check out our Sex Toy Reviews section in the Sex Toys part of the forum. :)

  8. On 12/11/2020 at 12:16 PM, DewMan@1961 said:

    Hi there Stella96.... I Want and will be more than happy to give you all the head and penetrate deeply into your beautiful pussy lips and give you the hotties fucking and squirting orgasms of you live


    Dew, this really doesn't seem to be what she was asking for, but stating a concern. It's not necessary to proposition everyone that posts a concern or question on the forums.

    Stella, I'm sorry to read that the man you're with doesn't want to please you. I wouldn't go so far as even saying "My man" anymore, because, a REAL man that wants to be a part of a relationship, and truly treasures his woman, wouldn't be a selfish jerk, and only want to have his release.  It sounds like he just uses you as a safe outlet to get his rocks off, and doesn't give a crap about your feelings or needs.

    That may sound harsh, but, after a very miserable and lonely marriage, and after finding someone that truly cares about me as a person, and not just an object, I know my worth as a woman, and so should you!!!! *HUGS*

    • Like 2
  9. Pictures and videos can eat up all of your computer's memory (or tablet, or phone). The best thing to do, is to pick your faves, and email them to yourself. Or, save them to some sort of external hard drive, whether physical or The Cloud. Then, delete them off of your device, remembering to also empty out your Trash folder too. That way it gets rid of everything.

    I have to go thru and delete a bunch of things every so often, then do  a system restart.

  10. On 1/6/2021 at 7:44 PM, square said:

    LOL, was waiting to see what others came back with.  I don't have much.  Occasionally the wife and I will go out for dinner or a movie or something, but mostly we don't have much in common any more and retreat to our own corners and devices.  I did some of the drinking thing, but got to feeling like I was enjoying it a bit too much, so have backed off.  I don't communicate much with my wife either, beyond small talk; it doesn't ever change anything, so there is no point to it.  I tried Meetup, but covid puts a damper on that, and most events I might be interested in get filled up before I even see them.

    It's funny you say that, Square. My mother, who is 76, had 2 bottles of wine in her condo, for like 5 years. She never has liked alcohol and she decided to drink the 2 bottles. It took her about a month, and she said she grew to like it, but said after she drank those 2, she wasn't going to buy anymore. Not sure if she has kept to that, since she's in FL, and I'm not, so I'll just go with what she said. She said at 76, alcoholism really isn't too much of a concern, in the long term, of hers. LOL

    I understand wanted to get out and do stuff. My GF and I only go out to eat a little bit. We don't really do too much. We don't want to risk it. We can't afford to really loose 14 days of pay, so we don't want to risk going out too much. Though, sometimes, I just want to go do "something gay" with her!! LMAO

    I'm  kinda disappointed that nobody else has commented too. :) 

    • Haha 1
  11. I think CDing is a lot more common than people realize. Whether it's just wearing an "Opposite gender" specified piece of clothing, wearing makeup, or even doing your hair in a way that may be considered of the opposite sex. One of my friends said he would crossdress, and I always wanted to see him do so, but, we live in separate states, so it hasn't been possible yet.

    • Like 2
  12. On 5/18/2016 at 12:28 PM, RC4BLUE said:

    Birth control is not something I ever had to worry about, due to an accident when I was younger (long story). So it is more about barrier protection for the number of transmitted infections... Practicing safer sex is the issue, condoms, dental dams, latex/rubber gloves, when all else fails aluminum foil (???). 

    Aluminum foil? Um, owie? LMAO Use plastic wrap.....duuuuh!!! (JUST KIDDING!)

    • Like 1
  13. 11 hours ago, MaryCS said:

    Bi curious and stay safe

    I actually just was given a website for a swingers club w nights specials for ladies..

    Swingers and bisexuality are different lifetyles. Yes, it can be helpful to be bisexual as a swinger, however, to get the true experience of being with another one of your gender, probably shouldn't involve another. And, being a swinger, means swapping partners. Not just one.

    There use club right up the road from where we live called Mystery. It was, in fact, a well-known, highly critria-based club. They actually didn't allow gay couples in at all. Or singles, unless it was a singles night. It shut down right after COVID started I believe. That's when I noticed, mysteriously, that the Mystery was gone......LOL Though, "back in the day", I probably would've gone there! :)

  14. The labia and vagina are very stretchy. It's a muscled area. With training, it can learn to stretch and accommodate a variety of sizes. It's not like it stretches out and stays that way. Women can actually tone their pussies with Kegel exercises, to make it more controllable though. Trust me, every man LOVES to feel his woman's vaginal walls clamp down on his cock!!!

    When I was with men, I did Kegel's every day. It's very simple. Squeeze that area, almost like you have to hold going pee. Clench for 3 seconds, then release. You can actually do a lot of good by exercising those muscles! And, you can do it anywhere, any time. Nobody will know.  In fact....I could be doing them. Right. Now....2, 3......

    • Like 4
  15. On 12/24/2020 at 9:13 AM, Fun4her +me! said:

    Jut read your message, I took a  little break from forums. The reason I had to wait for her to file for divorce, was money. My ex was in charge of the household finances and always told me there was not enough to do anything extra! The reason I had to wait for her to file, I had no money for an attorney and my ex was trying to get me to pay for the divorce when we met in her lawyer's office. That is when I asked my wife had she told her attorney about why our marriage was in trouble? Her attorney asked what the heck I was talking about, and that is when I let them have it with both barrels! One thing talking  about your past flings with your ex's, but catching your current partner with their ex's privates in their mouth, that is a whole different ballgame!  My ex had no clue how to respond or her attorney to that accusation, because she was clueless about my affair and to this day I have never told her and I will never tell her!                     

    As for the E.D; Yes I have been to my Urologist, and everything they have prescribed has not worked, besides the supplements I have also tried! I'm a Combat Vet and suffer a with lot of medical problems, and some of the medications I take could be part of my problem. I love my wife I have now and she does things to keep me interested in her, but I can't argue with her logic. What good does it do for her to try to  get my attention when she can't get a rise out of me, even when she tries to play with me and gets no response. She was good at giving Oral, but she lost interest in doing that as well! We love each other, and love conquers all! She does have toys from TOO TIMID as well to satisfy her needs which I bought, but she uses them in private even though I have asked her to let me watch. I love watching women on cam sites getting off with sex toys!

    Ah, ok, I get it now.  The laws vary state-to-state. I was willing to pay both times to get out of a bad marriage. The first time I did pay, the second, I was able to file in a way that said "I'm poor" (I can never remember the term.....starts witn an "i"). So, filing was free, especially because we didn't own anything substantial other than 2 vehicles and 2 trailers. So, there was that.

    I'm glad to hear you are trying different things to take care of your ED, and that your current wife is actively trying to help keep the sex life alive no matter what. I can understand her lose of interest in giving oral if it really wasn't doing anything, other than feeling good. So, I'm sure it's frustrating, but understandable.  I'm not sure if they've tried other meds for your medical issues that would also encourage a bit more spunk out of your little soldier there, but it's always good to ask the prescriber for any info that may be useful. Many men find it embarrassing and "unmanly" to have this issue, where it's actually pretty common and NOTHING  to be ashamed of!!! I mean, it's a medical problem, beyond one's control. 

    I hope that things work out, and you may be able to get some help this  year! Thank you for your service to our country and Happy New Year!!

  16. You are absolutely NOT wrong for wanting a 3-some!! It's a very common fantasy to have. Even more commo than one might think, that actually happens too.

    If you're single, open, honest, and willing to try, there's nothing wrong with wanting to do so & going for it!!

    • Like 1
  17. I am going thru and doing some moving of posts....and came across this.

    We use to have a chat room, years ago. But, it developed into a chat area for just a couple of people that were hogging it, playing out their sexual fantasies on there. Everyone but those few people, got tired of it and stopped visiting it. Reports were made. And, when the new format of the forum came about, I believe they said "No" to the idea of a chat. It's hard to get someone from TT to be in there the majority of the time to moderate.

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    • Thanks 1
  18. 12 hours ago, Rio said:

    Before I had my prostate cancer surgery I was able to ejaculate and my wife did not like to swallow my cum. I had no problems with that and I respected her wishes. She would suck me until I was ready to cum and then she would either finish me off with a hand job or by letting me rub my cock between her tits. Sex was still fantastic. It didn't bother me that I didn't come in her mouth on her face. However, today things are different. Now that I cannot ejaculate  she will suck me off until I finish cumming while I'm in her mouth. The feeling that we have towards each other in either case is the same. It's love making and not just sex.

    True intimacy is extremely sexy! 

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