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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. Hey all, I have removed the intros from this post. They were responses to this post, and should be focalized as their very own introductions! So, if you intro'ed yourself in this post,  please create a new topic and feature your intro!!! I love seeing all of the responses!!! I wish I could have moved them, but it won't let me do that, so please repost!!! 

    And, I made it so that can't be done on this specific post anymore, so people don't detract from themselves. 

    Please do read this though. I've been getting more reports, so, I think that this post is still relevant. 

    Thanks all!!! 

    Happy posting, and welcome to TooTimid!!!!!

  2. On 12/11/2020 at 5:38 PM, SexMaster said:

    I never post but I am curious what other do on Fridays, Saturdays? I am locked down here in California. I've been drinking, Gaming, watching porn and give it to the wife when she feels like it. It's cool but my wife doesn't communicate with me unless she needs something. 

    I have a relative stationed in CA. She said the lockdown ended the day after Christmas!!! And that it was for 3 weeks?? That's a long time!! I hope you didn't go stir crazy!

    As far as communicating with your wife, do you communicate with her? I'm not talking about just when you're horny, but in other aspects of everyday life? 

    I ask this because, many men don't seem to realize, that for women, being attracted, wanting their SO, and feeling desired, comes from not just the sexual over and undertones. It comes from feeling close to someone. That means, talking about the little things, big things, and really paying attention. Doing things that she's asked you to do the FIRST time, and not after she's asked you 4/5 times.  Or, doing something you know she wants done, but hasn't said anything yet about. Things that need to be done often (dishes, sweeping, vacuuming, taking the trash out), without having to be asked on a regular basis. It's not truly "helping her out", it's actively participating in the relationship. THAT is TRULY sexy!!!

    Women get turned on by what they hear, men by what they see. At least that's the common belief. I also believe that women get turned on by what they see their partner doing to help out, and men get turned on by hearing that they're truly appreciated.

    There are many women out there that don't understand that men need and like to be directly communicated with. Don't beat around the bush by saying "wouldn't it be nice to....". Say "I want to..." Direct and to the point. Men don't get hints. Most will tell you that. They hate hints. They don't get them because that's not how their brains work. They are, by nature, problem solvers, and love to do so!! 

    Being stuck in a lockdown situation (which may happen again with numbers rising daily), can be very stressful in any situation. It's scary out there right now since there's all sorts of unknowns, and variances on this virus. Nobody's safe. Kinda like The Purge!! LOL Seriously though, take the time to enjoy each other, do a hobby together, hold hands while watching TV, or just lay in bed and read. The small things of showing each other you want to be close, and it doesn't have to be sexual, will show tenderness, companionship, and caring....all of which is also incredibly sexy!!!

    • Like 1
  3. On 9/27/2020 at 8:54 PM, Mill said:

    How about a married man meeting a special woman on line a just talked to each other

    Here's the thing, and someone already said it, would YOU like it if your wife was talking to a special man online? Probably not. There is such a thing as emotional cheating.

    I stand by what I said 12 yrs ago:

    It most certainly is cheating if you're in a relationship and it's understood that you're exclusive. Whether is straight or "gay" sex, if you wouldn't like your SO doing it with another person, then you shouldn't do it either. Sex is sex is sex. So is having oral sex with someone, giving hand jobs, and even kissing someone else (romantically, not-peck-on-the-cheek/hi-how're-you-soing? kind), is all cheating. It's being intimate with another person no matter what gender.

  4. On 9/20/2020 at 9:38 PM, Fun4her +me! said:

    Spit or swallow - not even close! My wife has not will never let a man cum in her mouth, including me! My wife told me when we were dating she has no hangups about BJ's and is an expert at giving Throat Jobs. She loves the taste of pre-cum and loves sticking the tip of her tongue into my pee-hole to get as much of it as she can. Her one and only rule, don't cum in her mouth or throat.  She told me the head of the Penis swells a little bit, or she can tell by a certain way the head throbs or I just tell her I'm about to shoot, that she pulls my cock completely out of her mouth, and lets me shoot my load all over spread open pussy! My wife told me on the night of our Honeymoon, if I ever cum or try and force her to take cum in her mouth, she would punch me so hard in the balls, that I would end up in the emergency room with crushed nuts, and there would no more sex of any kind ever! 15 years of marriage and lots of the greatest Oral Sex a guy could want, I have never tried to challenge her warning,  going back to our Honeymoon!

    I mean, you have to respect her point of view, and the, um, threat! LOL 

    If someone has voiced that there's a line they won't cross, then, you have to respect that. Especially if she's tried it before, and just didn't like it.

    Forcing anyone to do anything isn't healthy or safe. Plus, it's disrespectful. 


  5. Most states assume that, in a marriage, a pregnancy that happens during said marriage, is product of the marriage. If the legal aspect is what you're worried about, if he's not interested in any sort of parental rights, his name doesn't need to even go on the birth certificate. The choice is either putting you on the b.c., his, or leave it blank.

    It sounds like the baby is wanted, which is great. And you finding out your wife is pregnant and sexy is awesome. Kuddos to you for stepping up and being so open-minded.

  6. I'm so glad Rob reached out here.

    It shows that, yes, TooTimid is a very reputable company. I've been doing things with them for almost 2 decades now.

    The other thing I'd suggest is, that if you have issues with the battery operated stuff, there's a few options.

    If the batteries are included with the toy, chances are, the batteries are from China, very cheap, bought in bulk for a deal with a company. Nope, those don't last. Replace the batteries with quality batteries, and see how the toy works. I use the Energizer Max ones (silver). 

    When playing, be sure to shut it off when you're not using it. We can get carried away, put a toy down in the throws of pleasure, and forget to turn it off.....it's still running and can drain the batteries just the same.

    If purchased from TooTimid, they will stand by their warranty. Contact them first, before posting something (as with any company). If they fix the issue, be sure to follow up and say your side, the full story.

    I've gone back and fixed or updated reviews that have been less than stellar, with other companies if they do right by me.

  7. On 11/20/2020 at 10:01 PM, Rio said:

    I can just picture that and it makes me chuckle. I can see him laying in bed with cowboy boots on and a cowboy hat over his package giving you that look like come and see what's under my hat

    LOL Well, he had his hat on his head, tipped down. The chaps framed his groin rather nicely.

    Though he did chase me around once another time, with just a hat covering himself!! LOL 

  8. As far as OTC ED meds, no, there isn't any. There are always supplements that claim to enhance, help, aide, but, if they REALLY worked, then we'd all hear about it. 

    Anything that affects sexual health, blood flow, or hormones, should be under the care of a dr.

  9. On 9/13/2020 at 10:02 AM, Curious Kitten said:

    I have been bicurious for many years and now I want to explore being with a female. What is the best way to start this?

    With COVID, and different states doing different types of closings, this can be harder to do now.

    However, if  you're looking for anything to try out, maybe try a gay club that's known to be more lesbian friendly. It doesn't hurt to just people watch. If someone asks you to dance, go ahead. 

    Be as careful as you would dating a man though, sex wise. 

     Be honest that you're bisexual, and just exploring stuff you never have before. It would be up to them if they want to continue to hit on you. And, of course, up to you if you want to flirt back.

    But yeah, I'd recommend a gay/lesbian bar.

    • Like 2
  10. Your profile? Meaning what is under your name, all of the stuff like Gender, location, interests, age and gender? Because you can do that. Admins and moderators can't unless we delete your entire account.

    Since you're an active member, with many posts, so I can't see you wanting to delete your full account.......please let me know. 

    You filled it all out, so you know how to get there, unless you forgot. In which case, let me know, I can instruct you step-by-step instructions.

  11. On 11/30/2020 at 1:36 PM, Rio said:

    Take care of yourself, Tyger. Especially in these days with covid and all the lockdowns etc. A lot more people are suffering depression. Try to get out in that sunshine and fresh air as much as possible.

    Thanks Rio. I am trying. COVID definitely has something to do with it this year as well.

    We had 3 days of dreary, rainy weather in East TX, then 2 days of cool, but nice weather, where we all got outside and worked in the yard, getting holiday decorations out and set up. Now, it's raining and cold again. 

    I'm in comfy clothes, including my leopard print fluffy slippers. :)❤️ 

  12. On 10/10/2019 at 6:32 PM, Amy D said:

    I'm starting to wonder what some of these thread authors have as their definition of a significant other (SO).  A one night stand is not a SO.  A significant other deserves your sexual fidelity, no matter the gender of your latest sexual infatuation. 


    I have to agree. I think that the terms for relationships have gotten overly specific, people wanting to be in relationships too quickly, or they just want someone to say "it's ok to be with someone else if *****".

  13. Unfortunately, you can't force anyone to love you. It sounds like she may have lost respect/love for you, and, you being there is a convenience.

    And, also unfortunately, many women are good at mind games, where they turn their issues around on their partners, so they can not be responsible for things going wrong.

    I will tell you that most people masturbate, so her doing so wouldn't mean she's cheating. Sometimes, you just need a quick fix....And, it's also normal for a woman to finish herself off if she hadn't climaxed during sex.

    Her showing a bit more aggression (liking rougher sex), may just be something she's discovered. It really all depends. If you think she's cheating, you will have to have a serious conversation with her. If she swears she isn't, then you have to learn how to forgive her. From your posts, it seems like you probably bring up her cheating often, which, though she was wrong to do so, you can't keep bringing it up and move on. It's hard to do, but, if you want her to not feel like you're hating on her anymore. 

    Either you try or you or you leave and move on. 

  14. Yes. I was diagnosed with S.A.D. which is Seasonal Affected Disorder. Not enough vitamin D. The holidays are hard too, since money is tight. I try and open the house up to get some fresh air, clean the yard when possible, and make things as cheerful as i can.

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