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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. Hey there!! I moved your post to Ask a Sexpert, because that seemed the better fit for your question.

    As far as searching the site......I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for. 

    Since this is a sex toy shopping site, I'd recommend you searching the site for some really nice dildos/vibrators.  Things that are colorful and interesting, since, it seems that he sees you via webcam at this point since he's overseas. If you want him to SEE the toy, the more bright they are, the more visually appealing it probably will be for him, especially since overseas webcams can be questionable at best sometimes!

    When you do, be sure to check out our reviews on the shopping page, then also here on the forums. Many of our customers will post on both, as well as our Review Team, which I happen to be a member of. This way, you get real live opinions about experiences. 

    The other thing to keep in mind, in my opinion, is to pay attention to noise levels of toys. If you're trying to stimulate your husband via webcam, and, he probably wants to hear YOU, and not the buzzing, check out how loud people say the toys are. Go for quieter ones. 

    I hope this helps!!

  2. It really depends on several things, as to why she's not initiating sex.

    Her feeling like a whore if she initiates sex with her husband seems a bit extreme, in my opinion.  I mean, women weren't really thought of as sexual beings back in the 1800's, but not now.

    Age, upbringing,  health, medications she may be on, kids, even the amount she's sleeping,  can all affect one's libido.

    If you want her to want you, cheating on her will do the exact opposite.  So, I'd stay away from that idea.

    First thing to do is to have an honest conversation with her, without guilt. Do not make her feel bad.

    The other thing is, take a look at what you're putting into the relationship.  Are you appreciative of what she does? Do you flirt with her? Do you bring home flowers just because?

    Being taken for granted and just going thru the motions, doesn't make either one of you wanting to put forth extra, but someone has to start somewhere. 

    • Like 1
  3. I think male naughty wear is fantastic!!!

    My first ex husband had a couple of things we bought together,  and I always loved when he wore it for me.

    My 2nd ex, a real cowboy,, didn't dress in anything like that. However,  one night, I came home from work  and he was on my bed, naked, except for a cowboy hat and leather chaps and boots. OMG......That was a great ride!!

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  4. Rubber is a good starting point because the rubber stretches a bit, and is a good way to learn how to put one on.

    Cock rings are designed to keep the flow to the penis, like when you grab it hard with your hand really hard and make it swell. Makes it more hard and probably more sensitive. 

    One man I spoke to, said that rubber catches the small hairs a bit, but that's just like rubber bands in hair I'd think. Manscaping will help.

    Metal ones, you definitely want to have the right fit, because they won't stretch, give, or are able to easily break off if need-be. Probably want to practice a bit with the rubber ones. That's my recommendation. :) 

  5. I love this rant!! Only As Old, this may be an older post, but I love it!!! Well said!!!

    I heard this guy doing a sermon:

    Guys, if you don't like what you're getting in your relationship, take a close look at what you're putting in it.

    A woman will give you 10x what you give to her.

    If you give a woman sperm, she will give you a baby.

    If you give a woman a house, she will make it a home.

    If you give a woman food, she will make it a meal.

    If you give a woman shit.......well..........

    • Like 2
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  6. You are in control of what YOU do.  To be fair to yourself, I'd say split. 

    The other thing is, old flames are self-esteem  boosters sometimes. Remember, he's an ex for a reason. It may feel great that he wants to see you again. But, how great would you feel if you cheat too? Until you split up, you are still in a relationship, such as it is.


  7. On 9/29/2019 at 3:55 PM, RedKatana79 said:

    Ok here goes. My So and I have been together for 17 years and have three children together ranging from 12 to 6. It came to light recently that over the course of the 17 years he's cheated on me numerous times. A little about me I'm 5"6 redhead blue eyed, 46 DDD (all real) and weigh 220.  Now I just found out the recent one he's cheating with is 5'0 brunette and weighs over 300. My thing is what is wrong with me😢😥

    Well, this thread is over a year old. Hopefully, RedKatana found her way out and is doing well.

    The sad thing is, is that, many times, when men cheat on their girlfriends/wives, the women blame themselves for their man straying. The last sentence of her post is such a common question.

    More often than not, there's NOTHING wrong with the woman that is with a cheater. Sure, it takes 2 to make a relationship work. However, if someone cheats, the cheater isn't trying to make the relationship work at all. 

    Women have a tendency to blame themselves for everything That goes wrong in a relationship when, they can only control what they do. That's true for either party. You can't control what the other does. No amount of nagging, jealousy, snooping, or possessiveness can prevent someone from cheating if they really want to do so.

    It also shows that, no matter what your body type, someone that may be seemingly totally out of someone's preferences, may turn them on. Chemistry is chemistry. That doesn't mean that everyone you have chemistry with, you should go for and cheat on your partner with!!! YOU are responsible for YOU. The whole "it just happened" excuse doesn't fly with me. You can control what's in your pants.

    Stay strong. Stay true to yourself, even when in a relationship....especially when you're in a relationship!! 

    In my opinion, if you want to be with someone else, then break it off with your partner first. Be fair to yourself and to your partner. Respect them enough to not cheat.

  8. On 8/14/2020 at 12:15 PM, curiosity 82 said:

    I'm interested in more information on "pansexual"

    PANSEXUAL is similar to bisexual. However, with Pansexuals, they love the PERSON and don't care about the gender identification. Whether their significant other identifies as straight, bi, trans, or whatever, it doesn't matter to a pan.

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  9. Well, you could go to a really nice sex toy shop, or, better yet, peruse TooTimid, and have her do that with you, and ask her to pick out a nice dildo or other sex toy. When it comes, gift it to her.

    My ex husband was very if-y about sex toys. He thought that sex toys were replacements, not enhancements. But, once I had gone to a few sex shops with him, letting him pick out a toy for me or him, and going home, and just playing with the toy, testing out what it does and doesn't do before playing, and then watching each other play with the toys.......it creates a better acceptance and understanding of what a sex toy can do.


  10. I think that anyone that has a preference for "real" breasts are awesome!!!

    A woman, and men for that matter, need to do whatever makes them feel sexy, and confident.

    Natural is beautiful! Whether it's breasts, labias, penis', testicles, natural is so much fun!

    I'm not knocking (knockers....) the ones that have had a nip, tuck, or implanted either.  Hey, you do you honey!!!

  11. Good afternoon Members!

    I've had a few vague reports requesting that some pics and/or post removals from someone signing on as a 'Guest".

    I'm assuming that this may be the subject of the photos, but I can't be sure. 

    If you are someone on here, signing on as a "Guest", that's fine.  However, if you have a request for a post or pic removal, in the report, please state WHY it needs to be taken down. If the original poster has violated your trust, please report away. 

    For example, if pics were posted of you without your permission, please state that.

    "Please remove the pics on this post. They are of me, and I didn't consent to having them posted."

    This way, just a simple "Please remove this post.", which ANYONE can send, will offer a bit more help to us moderators.

    All reports are confidential. But, if someone signs on as a Guest, I cannot PM them to ask questions to clarify.

    We want to ensure that all members are comfortable and following the rules. If you want us to, we can also PM the original poster as to why their post/pics were taken down. 

    I would also suggest that you speak to the person that uploaded the pictures, if they posted them without your permission. They should be made aware, by you, that they were wrong, and you're not happy with what they did. 

    If you are the poster of pictures, it should go without saying, but please please please be sure you have consent of the subject, to post them online. It's a violation of, at the very least, trust, to post pics without permission. Proud as you may be of your lover's body, you MUST have permission to post pictures of others.

    Thank you!


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