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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. Well, you could go to a really nice sex toy shop, or, better yet, peruse TooTimid, and have her do that with you, and ask her to pick out a nice dildo or other sex toy. When it comes, gift it to her.

    My ex husband was very if-y about sex toys. He thought that sex toys were replacements, not enhancements. But, once I had gone to a few sex shops with him, letting him pick out a toy for me or him, and going home, and just playing with the toy, testing out what it does and doesn't do before playing, and then watching each other play with the toys.......it creates a better acceptance and understanding of what a sex toy can do.


  2. I think that anyone that has a preference for "real" breasts are awesome!!!

    A woman, and men for that matter, need to do whatever makes them feel sexy, and confident.

    Natural is beautiful! Whether it's breasts, labias, penis', testicles, natural is so much fun!

    I'm not knocking (knockers....) the ones that have had a nip, tuck, or implanted either.  Hey, you do you honey!!!

  3. Good afternoon Members!

    I've had a few vague reports requesting that some pics and/or post removals from someone signing on as a 'Guest".

    I'm assuming that this may be the subject of the photos, but I can't be sure. 

    If you are someone on here, signing on as a "Guest", that's fine.  However, if you have a request for a post or pic removal, in the report, please state WHY it needs to be taken down. If the original poster has violated your trust, please report away. 

    For example, if pics were posted of you without your permission, please state that.

    "Please remove the pics on this post. They are of me, and I didn't consent to having them posted."

    This way, just a simple "Please remove this post.", which ANYONE can send, will offer a bit more help to us moderators.

    All reports are confidential. But, if someone signs on as a Guest, I cannot PM them to ask questions to clarify.

    We want to ensure that all members are comfortable and following the rules. If you want us to, we can also PM the original poster as to why their post/pics were taken down. 

    I would also suggest that you speak to the person that uploaded the pictures, if they posted them without your permission. They should be made aware, by you, that they were wrong, and you're not happy with what they did. 

    If you are the poster of pictures, it should go without saying, but please please please be sure you have consent of the subject, to post them online. It's a violation of, at the very least, trust, to post pics without permission. Proud as you may be of your lover's body, you MUST have permission to post pictures of others.

    Thank you!


    • Like 3
  4. Anal play can take some getting use to, and prepped for.

    Make sure you have plenty of lube. Working up to something as big as a penis in a small hole, it takes some prepping. Hence the lube. You can get a really cool kit on here for working up to larger things anally. Start off small, so she can get use to it, and work her way up.

    Have fun!!


    Anal kit

  5. Considering how many women have boob-jobs, I'd say yes, we compare. 

    I am, right now, a 42C. For a woman almost 50, and had breastfed her child for a year, I'm actually really proud how firm my breasts remain. I've even been complimented by gay men, how full and round they are. But, yes, I've seen some breasts that I sometime wish I had......but not often. :) My breasts and my hair are the 2 (or would that be 3?) things on me I love the most.

    • Like 2
  6. 14 hours ago, pblo69 said:

    Nice, two years ago i would have volunteered to help with that! Nothings better that licking a nice sack and stroking  it for a bud!

    I would love to watch something like that. Guess I'm a voyeur that way!! LOL 

  7. On 10/2/2020 at 2:34 PM, Rio said:

    I think this quarantine stuff has a lot of us horny. I just took a shower and when the Water started hitting my dick I got hard. Had to jerk off while in the shower. And that's after I got a blowjob from my wife after inserting a prostate toy earlier today

    I totally agree!!!! For as tired as I am, I can't sleep, and I'm horny a lot more!!! LOL It's like, I honestly don't know if I'm cumming or going!! LMAO

  8. Even though this is an older thread, I think it's still a great one!!!

    Just because pelvic exams come back normal, doesn't mean there's something wrong that can cause pain. Most GYNs, when doing a pelvic exam, are just feeing for things to be in the right spot, and/or lumps that shouldn't be there. Plus those dreaded swabs, checking for any bacterial infections/imbalances & STDs. 

    Be insistent with your gynecologist, and insist that there IS something not right down there, and that there's pain. Sex shouldn't be painful. If you're lubing up, fully excited, and aren't experiencing any sort of bladder or yeast infection, sex should NOT hurt!! Having a well-endowed lover can cause some pain or discomfort, to a degree. But, our genital area is meant to stretch a bit to accommodate that. So, if you've been with your lover for a while, and pain develops, go to the dr. 

    If your current doctor won't listen, find another one that will!!! Sex is suppose to be fun and pleasurable for BOTH partners!

    • Like 1
  9. 15 hours ago, Bob Long said:


    The twist she does that no one else to my knowledge does is the psycotheraputic end of it for her getting in touch with and comfortable with her menopausal body and sex drive reaffirming her sexual confidence so to speak, as she explained many women have a very dim view of themselves when they typically suffer in silence going through menopause, they feel ugly and undesirable their husbands or SO's don't understand or care they're just bats-hit crazy  is what they think.

    My wife went to many therapy session by herself to help reaffirm that she was sexually desirable and capable of enjoying sex before I was asked to participate  to solidify what she had learned during her therapy sessions. I have to honestly say its like we were 25 years younger not only being sexually active in a big way that impressed the Dr. but we approached our therapy sessions more like "date nights" just us enjoying each other again no stress or pressure, no talking about bill's kids the house work (a biggie) Just us. The stress women must go through during these times has to be incredibly difficult

    I will confess that never having had sex with any kind of audience before was a lot less of an anxiety than I ever would have imagined I am sure due in part how comfortable she made us feel and how much I wanted to do what ever it would take to help my wife

    Many doctors get kickbacks. It's sad that money comes before the health of their patients. 

    I'm glad that you & your wife were able to understand that doctors are actually working FOR you, not you for them, and went elsewhere.

    You are correct. Many women have low self esteems and are use to being the one that takes care of everyone else. I'm really happy for you both!!!!

    • Thanks 1
  10. Hmmm, Well, there have been many. I was the most risky with just 2 of my male lovers, one being my first ex husband (he was my First too).

    *In a sex toy shop in the dressing room.

    *In a Catholic Church's storage/meeting room.

    *In a movie theater with one of the Star Wars movies blaring away.

    *In the woods beside a heavily foot-traffic area at a college.

    *In the woods at the edge of a local sandpit (Jeepin' in, Jeepin' out).

    *At the edge of a local park.

    *Swimming in a public beach (lake).


    • Like 2
  11. On 11/2/2020 at 4:01 PM, Bob Long said:

    For the longest time mine very vanilla so to speak, great blowjobs from the get go and sex was good but routine and then she began to go through the dreaded change and id not like what she was turning into I told her Dr./sex-therapist that I owuld kiss her ass on 5th ave on a Saturday at high noon because I loved her that much for saving my wife and I form menopause hell. It seems that her FORMER Dr gave her whats described as pretty routine meds for that situation well they were killing her sex drive and the Dr had a oh well thats too bad attitude . The woman actually cared about us as people and a loving couple. She took her off those meds immediately and took a more holistic approach along with therapy sessions , the result is my wife is hornier than ever and loves being sexually adventurous. I can't blatantly say that Dr's and big Pharma are in bed together but I have heard the exact same thing from so many people. Her friend and co worker who suggested this woman to her swears by her and said she was in the exact same situation. Her and my wife are now more than friends and co-workers another bonus

    It's really sad that her previous doctor didn't think it was a big deal. Was that previous dr a male? Not to sound sexist, but, many male doctors don't take women's sexual health concerns overly serious (in my experience), and so long as a man is ok health wise, it's ok. But, if a man goes to the dr and complains about ED, it's taken more seriously. It's sad that this is still a reality for many. Especially with older doctors, or those still stuck in old-fashioned mode.

    I'm glad that you found a doctor that listens and is open to trying things for you both. Loving couples need to be encouraged and helped along the way, and sometimes, that means medically too.

    • Like 1
  12. No, there isn't at this time. Unless you go to a member's profile page (by clicking on their username). 

    Most of the pics on here are either ones they've gotten off the internet, or maybe a snippet they've taken. Since it's only to add to someone's post, it's not something that has been really looked at. It's fun to see what people choose as their avatars here. 

    I would again caution not to use anything that people can tell it's you (personal). I've had a couple of people have to either cancel their account, or recreate it because they had chosen something that was they had used on other types of social media, and somehow was found on here by members of their community. Whether it was their username or pic.

    Counterproductive if you want to be semi-anonymous. LOL

  13. On 9/24/2020 at 9:02 PM, DewMan@1961 said:

    Oh really thanks for the heads up will have to be more careful with whom we chat with.  Thanks again..... Mandy and Dewey

    Thank you for reporting that member. One of our teammates has since taken care of the situation.

    Where it is hard to truly know whom you're speaking to online (I mean, anyone can check the box labeled "Yes, I'm 18 years old or older"), and this is a forum about sex, let's remember that one still must be careful what one puts out on the internet. We definitely want everyone to feel comfortable with their sexuality, experiences, and stories. That's what this forum is all about!

    And, it is much harder to pick out those that probably aren't 18+ now, since acronyms, and bad spelling/punctuation are more normal now. I say this because, years ago, you could almost tell those that were probably fakers just by how they typed responses. Now, it's a lot harder. Hence why we truly appreciate reports. If you see something that's questionable, please, report it. I go thru, check posts, and go about it accordingly. As do some of the other Admins on here. Some reports seem to be accidently made, some are questionable as to why they were made (maybe in error). So if you do have a report, please be sure to include WHY you are making the report. It helps us behind the scenes investigate further.

    Some of these reports do lead to banning of members. If they're obviously in violation, possible SPAMMERS, or underaged people. So, thank you again!!! WE truly appreciate it!!!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  14. On 11/19/2019 at 5:14 PM, Bryon said:

    My wife has a very monogamies past primer to our marriage.  I love to hear her tell me about them while we have sex.  She gets really shy about some and some she doesn’t but I would like her to express it openly with me.  I really get excited the more detailed she gets.   She doesn’t like getting to detailed thow.  She also doesn’t have an imagination.   Help please 

    First off, talking dirty is vey hot. It really is.

    However, what people have done with their previous partners can be off limits if they don't want to share it, even with their spouse. Things that happened before you were together are not any of your business. It sounds like she is uncomfortable with sharing intimate details from her past. So, to be respectful to her, you shouldn't press her for those details. It's selfish and rude to push her to do stuff she doesn't want to talk about. Usually I'd say honesty is best, however, when I say that, it's honesty within the current relationship, not in relationships past. If she doesn't want to share, leave it alone. Some things aren't meant to be shared, especially from the past.

    As far as her being imaginative, well, that can be helped, but, please understand that not everyone can be creative, or even be comfortable talking dirty. You can start by asking her if she likes what you're doing, and what exactly. And, you telling her what she's specifically doing to you that you like. 

    My girlfriend sucks at flirting or telling me, so, I totally understand. I love dirty talk, and she loves hearing me get excited, but she has always had to be quiet, so she doesn't really feel comfortable doing so.

    There's a point where you have to accept who they are, in all aspects. You can't change someone. They have to be willing to do a bit of the changing, but it has to be on their terms. With some gentle help.

    • Like 2
  15. On 2/26/2020 at 8:19 PM, Not large enough said:

    Do women really like and want anal sex 

    It actually depends on the woman. Some do, some don't.

    I tried it a few times, with 3 different men. I found I could get some enjoyment with a small anal plug up there, but not with a real cock, or big anal toy. But it's not something that turns my crank.

  16. I'd be interested to see how 3D is doing, since this post is older.

    For some men, they feel less than a man if they start to get ED. I think those men would be a bit more understanding when a woman goes thru menopause. Strangely enough, I have yet to hear that's the case.

    Men don't like to admit that they're having an issue. It's instinctual actually. Asking for help is a sign of weakness, and, in the way of nature, weakness looses the ladies, status, and makes you an easy target. Even as "modern" as we pretend to be, Mother Nature still drives us in many ways. It's hard to win against instinct, even if it sounds silly.

    For anyone else experiencing this, it's high time that you have some serious heart to hearts. What people experiencing ED (or menopause for that matter), is that, if your spouse is of the opposite sex, physically, there is no way that they can truly know how you're feeling. Whether you're the one feeling neglected, or the one that's having the hormonal issues. Speaking up, and being honest, WITHOUT THE GUILT PLAYING, and keep talking about it, is the only way to get over it emotionally. Then, getting them to the doctor for a checkup and possible assistance with balancing it all out. Whether that may be homeopathic, or medicinal, is up to the patient themselves.

    The key is not to make the person having the physical issues feel bad. They are probably so lost in what they can't do, or how they feel their body is betraying them, that, they have no idea that you're feeling neglected. When they do know, then, they usually feel bad about that as well.

    Yeah, it's a delicate thing, but, truly,  kind honesty is the best policy when dealing with this.

  17. Are you looking for basic or vibrating?

    Definitely check out our shopping page, and see which ones have the ratings you're looking for. The items with star ratings, usually have reviews typed up as well, which can always be helpful!

    We have a great assortment of prostrate massagers, and, the best part, a one year guarantee on our products!

    Happy shopping!!!

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