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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. Pearls are so sexy. I had a male friend that had a fetish for pearls. Even the fake kind turned him on. He was my boyfriend's friend. I had to be careful when I wore my real or fake ones (it was the early 90's, so long stranded fake ones were still in style), so he wouldn't be flirting or drooling and piss off my boyfriend. LOL Definitely sexy.

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  2. OK, OK. I get it!! I get it!!!

    Lately, I've been getting quite a few Messages, asking for a pic. I had some really pretty, sexy ones on the old forum, but, alas, those are gone with the wind......so to speak.

    So, I will show you a "are you naughty?" pic. You will get to see my face. LOL Not much else this time, sorry. 

    Maybe I can convince my GF for a pic......

    But, for now, this is what you get (and, btw, I HATE having my picture taken!!). I hope you like....




    Red Me (2).jpg

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  3. 1 hour ago, Cougar76 said:

    Any man that tells u ur less than perfect just the way u r is a fool and doesn't deserve u.  

    I was always under the impression that little to no inner labia was more desirable since it seems like that's what is reflected most often in ur typical porn star pussy.  

    You are right, Cougar, any man that doesn't appreciate you for you, isn't worth any time of any woman.

    What is "normal" in porn, is rarely ever normal in real life. AND many of those women (and men too) have had some surgery or 2......or more.....to achieve the more aesthetically pleasing parts for the camera. What's sad is, that many people think that adult films is how sex really goes, what men & women expect from their lovers, and what positions are truly pleasing. People have a hard time seeing the differences between reality and fantasy.

    • Like 1
  4. SA can be debilitating for sure. I've only had one episode of anxiety, never SA though.

    I have a friend that has SA, and one other one I believe has it. They each have just a small circle of people they keep in contact with, and they really don't like going out much, though they want to do so. They do spend a lot of time online, and try to get interaction that way.

    As far as the original poster goes, it's been a year, and hopefully, she has been able to do something about her situation.

    Death of anyone that we are/were close to can effect us different ways. I hope things have gotten better for her.

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  5. I'm sorry, I thought you meant on a post. Unless you've uploaded it to a website, I went and looked, but didn't see where you could upload a pic in a personal message from your PC or phone. I could be wrong though. 

    I think it's just because you're only allowed so much in your mailboxes here, data wise, that is. Don't want to junk up these small mailboxes with a lot of pix.

    You can however, you can trade personal emails if you want. Then you can share all the pictures you want.

  6. On 6/16/2020 at 8:52 AM, HuntersvilleNC said:

    Everybody says they want a kinky slut for a partner.....but when they get one they don't realize at some point you have to get to know the PERSON. As Chris Rock said ...no matter how hot or freaky a woman is, there's a guy somewhere that's tired of *ucking her (and I'll argue vice versa).

    So while it's fun to say all these things about wanting a 24/7 kinky slutty gal, remember you WILL at some point dial out. Dialing back in is another deal entirely.

    You are right. But it's fun while it lasts!!!!!

    What you said reminds me of the song by Rick James "Superfreak".

  7. On 6/13/2020 at 5:13 PM, Andrew said:

    It's not different. I don't think it is. I think there are some double standards to some of this stuff in place in our society, but I believe two women getting on is in the same ball park as two men getting it on. Depending on where you're at somehow it's more frowned on for two men than two women. I hate that one relationship is called gay and the other is lesbian. They've both same sex. It's should be titled the same thing. I guess when I think of men gay is an appropriate word for me because gay also means happy and when I see a hot guy I get very happy. Ha Ha. 

    My girlfriend says she's gay, not a lesbian. I think there's too many labels for the gay community, but everyone wants to fit in their own little niche. All of the subtitles, pansexual, asexual, demisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, (which to me, is redundant), fluid queer/gay,  then there's the racial aspect that people like to attach, like "I'm black queer" or "I'm Hispanic gay".  And then the other labels, like there's gay men that like to be referred to as Bears (because they're hairy),fems, lipstick lesbian, butch, It's all so tedious. The original 4 letters are just fine with me LGBT. It covers the whole spectrum.

  8. Well, it doesn't go up and erect like a penis, if that's what you're asking. It's not big enough to do so usually.

    However, if you feel up under her clitoral hood, if she lets you because it can be extremely sensitive, you can feel the hard little bean, which can be a hard nub if she's excited. :)

  9. 5 hours ago, Not large enough said:

    They told her because there are so many nerves in the nipple is why it takes so long to heal 

    Thanks for the info i will let her read this and maybe she will change her mind

    I hope so I like pierced nipples 

    Some people do experience some loss of sensation when it gets done, others say that they're even more sensitive after they heal up.

    A piercing and/or a tattoo should be the person getting it done's choice and desire. Not just to please their significant other.  Otherwise, they can regret getting it, and feel a bit manipulated into doing so. 

    If she doesn't want to do it, don't make her feel bad or guilty, it should be her choice to do or not to do. I love my ear piercings, and, when I had them, the tongue and navel. I took out the last 2 when I got pregnant with my daughter.

    Whatever she decides to do what SHE wants, support her. No pressure, no guilt. That way, she will appreciate your support.

    If she has any questions, she really should go talk to a piercer she feels a trust with.

  10. On 1/18/2020 at 7:55 PM, kanga grey said:

    the wife and i love to masturbate  i love rubbing her clit and putting my finger in her and touching her g spot then using her bullet vib to finish her off she them strats to rub my cock, sucking my cock then i give her a good pounding  and fill her with my cum  long time masturbater  still going strong  one day i would like to jerk another guy off just to compare my cock to theirs  just that make me weird?????

    No, that doesn't make you weird at all. :)

  11. On 3/26/2020 at 1:16 PM, Tak said:

    Sexual life is not what I wish it was. I wish it was much more fun. I have a hard time getting off by myself or with my husband. Does anybody have any ideas as to what I could try.

    I'm sorry that you're having problems like this. 

    Husband means you've most likely been together a while now....and I see from your profile, you're 31, so still young.

    There can be many factors......being married, you should have done a lot of exploring with each other, finding likes and dislikes. Hopefully, you were honest about those from the start, and not faking it to make him happy. I say that, not as an insult, but because I was guilty of doing that when I was younger, until I learned that sex is for both of you, and both should be having fun.

    Are you a mother? Being a parent, you can feel less of a sexual being, and more of a parental role, which has a stigma of non-sexual. This is a rut many parents fall into (guilty again here), but it can be overcome.

    Are you on any medications? Some can kill your sex drive. If you are, talk with your doctor to see if there are options to get that back.

    Are you in decent health? Health issues, stress, lack of sleep, all can factor in not being able to really satisfy yourself sexually.

    Do you know what you like sexually? Have you ever been able to get off? Do you play with your clit? You have to be able to know how to please yourself, before someone else can really do so. And, for most women, that comes with clit play. It's like, if you don't clit play, asking a  guy to get off JUST by playing with his balls......Most likely  NOT going to happen.

    Does your husband take the time with you to get you warmed up, and not just go for his goal? If he is all about himself, he needs to be retaught. 

    Are you happy? Are you sexually attracted to your husband?

    All of these questions need to be delved into, thought about, and answered HONESTLY.

    Then, we can give you some better tips. I hope that helps a bit.

  12. Ever hear the phrase "it's not the size of the dingy, but the motion of the ocean"? Well, that, my dears, is a very sexual phrase. Basically, it's not your size, but what you can do overall.

    Honestly, I've had shorter dick men, 4-5" erect, and I've had a 9"er too. It's honestly a couple of things, as far as being "respectable" when it comes to penis size. It depends on the woman: her shape, her cervix, and what she prefers, how much foreplay there is, including clit play, and how honest she is when she's getting it. If you say "oooo, ahhhh" indicating what he's doing feels good.....but it doesn't.....well my dears, that is sad for you, not him.

    You may have to show him how to please you, what you REALLY like, big cock or not, and even aim him in the right direction. If he's on the shorter side, and not doing it for you, there's always clit play as he's doing you, which can be hot for both of you. ;) 

  13. Unless she gets a really BAD infection, I've never heard anyone's ANY piercing take 9 months to heal. Even diabetics can get piercings, though they may take longer to heal, I doubt it's 9 months!!!!!

    I have had my tongue, navel, and several ear piercings done. The tongue, to fully heal (where it wasn't even just sensitive) was about 3 weeks. And that swells and is where you eat, so it is always actively moving, not to mention, I can be quite a chatter-box! LOL

    My ex husband had his penis pierced, the Prince Albert one, and his was healed in 3 weeks....they recommended 4 weeks abstinence to be on the safe side, but he was healed in 3.

    Now, with nipples, you do have to be careful. Many people have posted on a thread of the same topic, saying that they stay away from loofah poofs now because the piercings get caught on it, and sometimes other things, but that's really with almost any piercing, honestly.

    Keep the piercings clean and dry (as much as one can in the summer). Use antibacterial liquid soap to clean gently. Do NOT get overly paranoid and think you have to clean it every day. My friend did that with her navel piercing, and got severe irritation. We went back to the piercer, and he told her to only wash it once every other day (after the first week). She was cleaning it 3x a day, with soap, which can dry out anyone's anything! She followed his instructions, and healed nicely.

    If she does get them done, do research. Go to a professional piercer at a shop. Go to several. They need to be licensed, use fresh, sterilized, individually wrapped needles. Yes, the piercer will probably have a lot of tattoos and/or piercings, which is normal. But, even medical experts are now recommending that you go to a professional piercer to even get your ears done. Ask what the piercing entails. Which should be choosing of the jewelry which is usually stainless steel, cleanliness, marking the spot and verification that you like where they've marked it (with a marker), clamping of the area to be pierced (unless it's the ear), needle which is actually inserted quickly by hand, which, yes, is a bit painful, and then checking in the mirror, instructions for aftercare. Understand that the piercer does NOT get off on piercing someone's private parts. It's a job that they've been trained to do, and they're more focused on a clean piercing and where to do so. But, yes, they are going to have to touch the area to be pierced with their hands, and move it around a bit, so they can see the whole part, and get a good idea of where to pierce.

    Your wife should be fairly comfortable with the piercer. If she is comfortable with the piercer, that's awesome, and she'll be a bit more relaxed. She may even get a jolt of excitement from being pierced there. A friend of mine almost gets off on it, she loves being pierced that much!

    Again, I'm not sure who told you 9 months for healing time, but that is not true. I mean, even when you have a baby via C-section, it only takes about 6 weeks to fully heal-speaking from experience here.

    I hope this helps. :)


  14. My best vacation was the first one I took when I had gone back to Maine with my daughter. She hasn't been to the state of her birth since she was 3, and, we needed to just get away.

    I was lucky because I got to play tourist for my daughter, and she got to see some great, natural beauty. Though I'm all about site-seeing, and maybe going to some attractions, since I grew up in Maine, the more natural things were more interesting to me, and I wanted to show her that.

    We went to the Maine Wildlife Park in Gray, the ocean & Fort Knox in Bucksport, Snow Falls and a few others where she got to get a taste of real mountain fresh water, and try lobster and clams for the first time. Plus I got to see my oldest sister and some other family & friends as well. 

    On the way there, we had to stop in NY for a small lay-over, and she got to try real (as real as it can get in an airport at least) NY pizza. :) 

    The way home was fun and uneventful too.

    It was nice to recharge and feel a bit better/relaxed.

  15. At the bottom of your message window, you should see a paperclip, that says Drag Files here to attach, or choose files (which the latter is a link that will open up your pics from your phone or laptop/CPU. Then, it's just a matter of either choosing the pic, or when the picture window is chosen, dragging and dropping here in the message box.

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