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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. Great advice saltybear!!

    Also, horny farm girl made a great point! If you haven't, you should consult with your doctor to see if you can find the cause of your ED as well. Trust me, your doctor has heard it all, so there's no need to be embarrassed or ashamed. There can be many reasons, from age, medications, diet, weight, stress, blood flow........

  2. TPR is an acronym for Thermoplastic Rubber.

    Similar is TPE, which is Thermoplastic Elastomer.

    These are generic names that, in reality, can refer to a whole bunch of different blended materials, but they’re all going to be non-toxic. Some are advertised as being non-porous. But, if they’re soft & squishy, then they are probably porous. So, to be on the safe side, just assume these are all porous.

    These toys also shouldn’t be stored touching other toys because material will break down over time,can stain, or even melt together (ew!), regardless of temperature in your toy storage container. And make sure all of your porous toys are completely dry before you store them to avoid mildew (yes, that can happen). Pat-drying won't get rid of all of the moisture, so give it time to air dry too. I recommend that you store any porous toys in their original packaging whenever possible. It helps keep them clean, lint-free, and stable.

    TPR and TPE toys are best used with water-based lubricants. And whether silicone is OK, depends on the specific toy and manufacturer’s instructions. When in doubt, always go with water-based lubes. Remember, these can be a combination of different materials, and silicone, or silicone-sensitive materials can't be used with silicone lubes. Reputable companies will usually recommend a lube type on the packaging.

    TPR and TPE toys can only be surfaced cleaned, not down in their pores. It's not for lack of trying, it's just physically impossible.....like your skin. You do the best that you can. They can’t be sterilized either, since, being a rubber/plastic based material, the can melt when placed in hot water. Use regular soap and water or a recommended toy cleaner, and inspect your porous toys for changes in the toy such as color changes, any sort of odor, or dark mold spots before using. After time, this is something that can happen, even with the best of cleanings and care. Personally, I recommend anti-bacterial liquid soap for any sex toy cleaning, just for an added touch of hygiene. 

    Knowing what your sex toys are made of is very important. Especially if you have allergies to certain materials. This is good for your health and can also help prevent having to go to the doctor due to a reaction. If you are still in doubt, before purchasing, make note of the company that makes the toy, and contact them asking what the specifics are.

    I hope that helps!!!

  3. I sent a reminder to see about a winner.

    Since the due date is passed, I don't expect my submission to be counted, but I wanted to respond anyway.

    With my GF, I LOVE it when I get on all 4's, and stand over her on the bed, slightly leaning back. She's under me, and has her fingers inside me just at the right angle, hitting my gspot, and I usually end up soaking her and the bed (we learned to put a towel down first LOL). I'm usually playing with her clit too-so long as I can keep my wits about me long enough to get her to cum too!!! LOL

    • Thanks 1
  4. Well, my ex had this one: Apollow Trainer Penis Pump to start out with. Now, I will warn you, if you are a guy that is long (he was 9" when erect), these can be a bit too short when you've gotten erect inside of it. He did say a few times that the lube around the base of his cock helped release the unit from his, um, unit. LOL

    Most are basically the same, as far as how they work. They have a plastic sleeve the cock goes in, a sleeve inside the sleeve, whether it's like this, or even a fun add on like a silicone attachment like a mouth, anus, or pussy. The pump itself is either the bulb with a release valve, or a handle similar to a gas pump, with a release valve.

    I HIGHLY recommend that you play with any penis pump first, before actually using it. We made the mistake of not doing so, and I didn't know about the release valve, which caused some slight discomfort for him. You can try it out on your leg first, so you know how hard the suction can be and how to release it.

    They're a lot of fun to try. Many doctors actually prescribe these sorts of things for ED.

  5. On 3/30/2020 at 9:03 PM, Bob Long said:

    My experience has been very positive unlike the op's situation my balls didn't get sucked into the tube that sounds like a fit problem but my FWB and I enjoyed bringing it into our sex life. its my understanding that you "may" see some increase but nothing drastic I've read its the same as stretching in some cases an increase is noticeable 

    Yep. It's usually minimal effects. You're right.


    • Like 1
  6. So, here's some of my take on all of this....you know, since you asked. :)

    First off, please bare with me. I'm almost 50 (yet still sexy), so I may have some "old school" ways of thinking. However, I DID grow up in the 80's, and am one of the most free-thinking people in my family.........

    All of these labels, and "I identify with's" may give you a better sense of self, which is good, but (of course there's a but), it can also make your way of thinking overly anal-no pun intended. If you over-think things, it can over-complicate your life.

    When I was growing up, I never thought of different people as weird or odd or bad. Gay people came up in the public eye more....unfortunately a lot had to do with the emergence of AIDS, but more and more, gay people were coming out....quite literally. I didn't give 2 thoughts about it. Basically, you had gay men, lesbians, and then a bit later on to cover those that like both: bisexuals.  That was it, and that was ok!

    All of these other labels added to the LGBT acronym is growing, and almost will grow to encompass the entire alphabet! LOL Seriously though. Many people in the LGBT community are accepting, but at the same time, just think the over-analytical aspect of being so microscopically specific on how someone is, is actually making it harder for straight people to take us seriously.  Think about it: do straight people say "I'm straight, with a tendency to be attracted to people that are short, with black hair, small feet with painted toes, and blue eyes"?.........

    I'm now in a relationship with a woman (5.5 yrs). Before that, I've always been in relationships with men. l have yet to truly "label" myself, and I probably never will. My girlfriend doesn't even go so far as say she's a lesbian-probably because it's obvious, but also, she just says she's "gay". Simple, easy, and everyone knows what you mean. So, I do understand what you are talking about, so I'm not just spouting off on things I know nothing about. Please believe me.

    I noticed even the question of "are you a virgin?" was over-thought. It's actually a basic, normal question that's an easy yes or no. So, if you "boil it down" and simplify the answers, then, you may find that you can actually come to some decisions and ways of thinking easier.

    Not having sex is, basically, not weird. If you haven't found the right person yet, that's ok. Standards are really important. If you're not ready, you're not ready. It's as simple as that. Whether you have sex with a girl first, or a guy first, is totally up to you. It's that simple.

    Romance can be very exciting and a bonding thing.  Again, in today's way of thinking of almost being literally "fast & furious", romance is a dying thing.  When I was on the dating scene, I was doing more online searching. And, even guys my age, were ridiculous!!! I mean, I had put on all of my profiles "no dick pics". Guess what I got the most of? One guy I actually went out with put me thru "tests".....where, our first kiss, he said after-"well, you passed that test". Then tested me by bringing me to his friend's house. Like I was trying to get a degree from him. Seriously??? I then opened up my profile to No Preference, and my now GF hit me up. Our first night together was soooo romantic, well thought out, and so sweet. She knew it was my first time with a woman, and knew I wasn't even sure if I'd go thru with it. She was very considerate. Our first date was well thought out and very nice. I did the over-thinking thing too, and got scared. But, after speaking with a great friend of mine, asked for a second chance. I got very lucky.

    Please don't think I'm belittling you in anyway. I'm not trying to do so at all. I truly think that knowing oneself is very important. I do. I also think that a higher level of thinking is a sign of intelligence. But, it can also be a bit hindering. Just relax, have fun, go with your gut....not your label. Go with the person you want to be, not your label. Simplify. It will relax you. If you feel an attraction to someone, just go with it. See where it goes. Have sex, don't have sex-that's totally up to you! It's your body, your life!

    I hope I see some wonderful updates from you!!!

    • Thanks 1
  7. In many instances, especially with older women, our hormones get out of whack (yes, the dreaded word menopause), work, family, friends, and other responsibilities, can really kill a sex drive. As can medications.

    The "quality vs. quantity" aspect is actually is a good one. At least it's not a closed issue, right? I mean, some people think that even bad sex is good sex.....not for most women. What's the benefit for a woman if they have sex, even with their loving partner, if there's little to no pleasure (the ultimate goal-"O"), what's the point?

    I mean, you wouldn't like it if you got a blow job, or had sex, and didn't get your orgasm, causing blue balls, right? Well, believe it or not, women can have discomfort and sometimes pain, without getting to their goal too.  Sometimes, women can dry up, or, ache when their organs move to get ready for sex, and then have to move. It's rare, but it's happened to me a few times. It's uncomfrotable.

    If she wants quality sex, then, you are going to have to take time to seduce, excite, and please her more regularly. Trust me. It's worth it!


    • Like 1
  8. Angry sex, every once in a while, can be very exciting. However, if you're having angry sex with your partner more often that fun, loving sex, there's an issue.

    But yes, sometimes angry sex dillutes the underlaying issue that caused it! LOL

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  9. Honestly, it doesn't sound like it's an innocent thing.

    After all, if it was a got for you, it should've been in a box or plastic wrapper for safe-keeping.

    However, the only way to know FOR SURE is to ask her about it. It sounds like you're already on the defensive, so be careful how you word it AND how the tone of your voice is.

    Beware though....even though she may have been deceitful, you have been too....by questioning her son & going thru her purse without permission.

    I'd own up to that with her, bit, still ask her.

  10. As with oral on a woman, it really depends on the guy!!! Kuddos to your wife for perfecting her technique for you!!! That's awesome!!!

    I have been with a guy that only liked his balls played with by hand, another had to have a LOT of suction-but no touching with hands, and one that had to have me have part of my finger in his anus. It's really in the personal preferences, which is awesome!

    Most of the time, I'd add a little teeth scraping (not too much-didn't wanna hurt the guy), along with some really strong suction. No complaints. :)

  11. So, I believe I had seen this report. However, I've been going thru a lot of them, so please bare with me......

    When reporting a post, it's best that you make sure to type a reason as to why this is a reportable post. Be sure to report ON the person you're reporting on, on that specific post. We won't delete anyone unless they themselves has asked to be done. If I get a request, I will check, but usually forward the request to Rob, just to keep things honest and upfront with one of the owners of the site. We will also block or ban anyone we have seen totally violate the TOS's.

    I believe I did delete the whole thing as requested, but I think you had already removed the media. I get a lot of emails for reports, and I thought that you'd get notification that it was addressed. If not, I do apologize for that. 

    I'm going thru some more reports as I respond to this.

    Again, it helps if people are more specific. Just clicking Report Post, doesn't tell us why, and therefore, we can really determine what's going on, especially if the offending poster has deleted their response (happens more often than you think). If I don't see anything on the reported post, or any one of us, won't do anything if we can't see what the issue may be.

    Thanks for letting us know though. I am trying to get on here more, and if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to PM me as well. The other Admins are also employees of TT, and have other duties. I will try to address things as I can. :) 

  12. I actually posted something last year about this particular site and posting hints and tips. One of them being that you need to be cautionary on what you post. NOTHING is truly private. Especially on a chat site. Things can get hacked, saved, stolen. Once you put it online, it's out there for anyone to get at.

    I'm aware that that's the way things are done "now", however, I'd be very cautious. I'd also be more cautious when posting things on any sort of public forum (such as pretty much anything Google). Even here. You have to be very, very careful. 

    I'm sorry this happened to you. There's no need to be ashamed of anything you do, if it's consensual, however, keep in mind before posting, it can get out there. I hope you get some resolution soon. 

  13. No, this is actually a very good question.

    When you masturbate, you can cum quickly or not. It's your pleasure you're dealing with, and not having to worry about anyone else's.

    When you have sex with a person, you should also be concerned with their pleasure as well as your own. It takes time and practice to develop the skill, yes, it's a skill, to hold back before you cum. This is usually a concern with men, since men generally cum faster than women anyway.

    And, yes, if you masturbate a certain way, it can become harder and harder to cum any other way.

    Communication is key when trying to seduce a lady (or man). At least if it's someone you want to be in a relationship with.

    Things can change for you if you want them to. When you find the right person, it will happen. Be honest with them, and listen to them too.

    • Like 3
  14. On 2/16/2020 at 7:52 PM, Not large enough said:

    Ok so my wife is going through this period of turning 50 and has become my sex slave, whore slut what ever thank you honey 

    But now she has seen some videos about pegging and wants to try it with me as the recipient. My question is if I enjoy it does that mean I'm a little gay  or something 

    No, this does NOT mean you are gay, or have gay tendancies in the least! I mean, does it mean that a woman is gay if she likes to play with boobs? No. Pleasure is pleasure. 

    I will agree that you should use a lot of lube if you're going to do it. Also, be sure you're all clean up there. Some people like to give themselves enemas before anal play, but it's not necessary. Just make sure you're all empty and good to go. Residue is normal (after all, the anus isn't self-lubricating), and it really does have just one natural function, so, residue is normal.

    If you use glass, or plastic toys, then it's safe to use silicone lube, which does last longer. However, if your toy is silicone itself, use water-based lubes. Silicone toysand silicone lube don't go well together (the lube turns the toy to mush).

    Lube will ensure that things go, literally, smoothly! :) 

  15. 2 oz.

    This personal lubricant is a dream cum true!!!

    It's all natural, vegan friendly, and made in the USA. What's not to love? No, seriously!! 

    I have a very sensitive nose. Scents can make or break a deal for me.......There's a very slight musky scent to it, but, just barely there.  I loved it! It's a natural scent, and it's so gentle, some may actually miss it. 

    The liquid is clear, water-based, and silky smooth. Using this on one of my silicone toys, it was so nice, and lasted a decent amount of time. And, a little drop will do. 

    Cleaning it off my toy and myself was a breeze too. Since it's all natural, my body absorbed most of it anyway. No sticky residue or staining sheets here!!!! Though, since it was absorbed by my body easily, I did find that I may need to reapply in some situations, so just be aware that this may be the case for you too. Totally normal and natural.

    I got the 2 fl. oz, and I have a feeling, I'll be able to use this for a long time!!!

    Remember, it's totally OK to use lubes!! It doesn't mean that you're not excited enough, or that your lover isn't turned on by you. Sometimes, for whatever reason (medications, menopause, dehydration), you may sometimes need a little added wetness to help enjoy your sexual interlude more!!

    4 out of 4 Tyger Paw rating!!!


    Sliquid pleasure

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