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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. On 5/29/2019 at 10:34 AM, Candiegirl1996 said:

    Does anyone know of any places for hookups or a safe way to meet people in the NH area. As a female I hear horror stories of craigslist ect. But want a NSA type thing with someone I dont know. Any suggestions? 

    I'm really not sure about safety. NSA is hard enough to come by. I have been lucky and have had 3 FWB's when all I wanted was sex, and no commitment. I'd known these guys for years, and we were friends before, and are still friends now.

    • Like 1
  2. I'm so sorry to hear this. 

    I do not have personal experience with this. However, my step sister is paranoid schizophrenic, and unless she is stoned or drunk, she has such severe delusions that make it impossible to enjoy sex. At least, that's what she told me YEARS ago.....she's more decreased now (won't continue to take her meds), so I have no idea.

    Be very careful if you are on meds and drink......that can be dangerous. 

    Much love and blessings.

  3. Men CAN experience multiple orgasms for sure!! My ex husband actually did when he had an anal toy inside of him, and was either jerking off or we were having sex. The first time, we were together doing it, and, he was behind me, I had a clit toy on me as well, and he was sooo shocked that he came twice!!! He loved it!!! And then he fell asleep hard!!! LOL

  4. On 7/3/2019 at 11:42 AM, Wisconsin Cougar said:

    Well i want to add that we have often discussed why it took us so long to bring ourselves to this point. Just know this if you or anyone else are planning to share your partners and you establish rules to play by, by all means walk the line. Both he and i know and give our approval for the sake of safety and cleanliness. As long as we both tow the line we can play anytime we want as long as they are from our group of friends, they too agree as they don't want to pickup any bugs. Above all be inclusive and have fun. 

    FANTASTIC advice from a pro!!!

    Open, honest discussion is key for any sort of relationship to work for sure!!! 

    The thing is, if both people aren't wanting to participate in the behavior, then, it can do more harm than good. There are, of course, fun alternatives.....like sex dolls, sex toys, role play......

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  5. 15 hours ago, bisexualrom said:

    some of them are fun to use but don't do anything for size of course 

    They can be fun to use for sure. I use to enjoy watching my (now ex) husband pumping himself up with one. It got him hot, and did add just a tad bit of bulk to his already large member.

    They do do something for size, but it's not a large amount, and, unfortunately, the results are only temporary. 

    When using one, be careful of the size you get, clean it thoroughly before and after use, and be a bit cautious the first couple of times you use it. My ex had one that pinched him. He had to actually cut the rubber gasket that goes on the base of the penis, so it didn't hurt him

  6. On 6/17/2019 at 7:05 PM, carrie said:

    My (male) bi friend says he goes to sex clubs (a lot) like once a week.  I am curious how he know if people have an STD? He says people in clubs are very conscious of not giving STD to others. He engages in Anal, Blows other men and sex with women.

    I am worried he will catch something, and now he wants to have sex with me.  Please give me your thoughts  



    Hi Carrie.......

    This is a huge concern for sure!! You can NOT ever tell if someone has an STD just by looking at them. And, yes, STDs can be transmitted orally as well as genitally. Some people are even carriers of an STD and never know it/don't have symptoms. These are all facts that can be verified either online, or better still, with your doctor.

    Personally, I would caution you not to have sex with him.

    Trust me, I have genital herpes. I've said this on this site several times before. You can't tell just by looking at me that I do. I have always been very cautious, and never have passed it onto anyone that I know of. I was married for almost 11 yrs to the same man, and, because I was so careful, he never got it. Genital herpes, depending on which study you go by, affects either 1 in 5, or 1 in 8 people. So, I highly doubt, that, in a sex club, they are ALL STD free. Just my personal thoughts though.

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  7. Personally, when I was single, I'd go to a local bar to find something. However, I also had a FWB, so I was able to have it whenever I wanted.......

    Some larger cities have sex clubs, where hookups are normal. Usually though, you have to be invited to them. But, sometimes, if you find them, they will let you in.

  8. Hi Carrie! 

    Thanks for joining TooTimid!

    Wow!! That is a lot to have to deal with!!!

    Here's MY opinion: something to think about, but, he is an ex for a reason......and, you are comfortable with who you are it seems, right? If he isn't the person that you think you can have a relationship with, the type of relationship that YOU want, as the person you are NOW, then, you will probably have to let him know that, though ya'll had fun years ago, he is married, and engages in a lifestyle that is just not for you (that's what it sounds like).

    Yes, it's so flattering to have an ex come back into your life, and want to be with you, sample what once was. My first ex husband was that for me. It didn't work out at all for us, and though I loved the nostalgia, his love for himself and need to have other's attention, is what drove us apart. So, yes, I get what you're saying. Totally.

    You have to do what makes YOU happy! And, hanging on, or having a constant reminder of the past keep contacting you, well, it would be hard for you to try and concentrate on anyone else-including yourself!!!

    If he can't appreciate who you are now, and what your choices are, well, myself, I'd say goodbye to Tony.

    Best Tyger Wishes!

  9. I'm sorry to hear about your cancer, and am assuming that you have been cured (I hope??). If so, congratulations on your recovery!!!

    I can see where getting a shot isn't always a great solution, and probably a bit frustrating!! I have heard that ED can be a result of getting treated for many types of cancers, and for that, I am so sorry.

    Strap ons are great for added pleasure, or enhancing. I've enjoyed being the receiver and the giver of strap on fun many times!! 

    Will this give you the same sensation that it would if your cock was fully functional? Probably not. You can't feel with a strap on. HOwever, the excitement of using one can probably come really close!! Especially if you use a realistic feeling one and put your cock inside. There would be some friction there I would think.

    This is only MY opinion though. I would highly suggest talking with your oncologist or your doctor, to see what your options are. 

    May I also suggest maybe using a penis pump? That may also help, and some doctors actually prescribe them, or at least they use to. Just a suggestion....

    Best wishes!!!! ❤️ 

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  10. On 6/7/2019 at 10:11 PM, Corazon said:

    So I’m a plus size women my husband likes to basically bend me in half putting my legs on his shoulders I have nerve damage in my legs and also we seems to sink in the bed when he tries to enter from behind we got new mattresses but it doesn’t seem any better 

    Try pillows lifting your hips up. Doggie style bent over the bed? Doggie style in the shower? 

    Being a plus size shouldn't hinder you. However, if you are being posed in positions that cause you pain, you need to talk to him about that. Sex should be enjoyable, no matter what your body type!

  11. This would be a great thing, however, even with simple, everyday things, like heating pads and the chair massager pads, you shouldn't have anything vibrating on you anywhere, all day long. I believe some recommend up to 15 minutes, others 20, depending on what you're talking about. 

    That said, you CAN use Ben-Wah balls (or anal beads) all day.........

  12. Also, one thing I noticed on a LOT of the reports......is a lack of people saying why they reported it. I had some that seemed to actually have hit the Report button instead of reply, because it seemed to be a response to the post. So, I just marked it as done. So, if you do report something, please fill in the little box saying why you're reporting it. It would make things go a lot smoother!!

    Thanks again everyone!! ❤️ 

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  13. Just an fyi:

    A lot of Reports of post have been submitted. Rob was finally able to work his magic on the forum's behind the scenes so I can update my account to be able to go through them. Many have been reported, so I wanted to update all of you that yes, we DO see the reports, YES, a lot of things have been taken care of, and are continuing to be (there's a LOT). Some spammers have been banned, others warned thru PM's, some topics of obvious SPAM have been and will continue to be deleted.

    We would like to thank all of you that take the time to report the spammers on the forums. We can't see everything all of the time, but, when a report is made, the Admins of the board do get an email, and try to handle the most obvious against the rules post first. 

    So, thank you all for your help, support, and continued interest with making this place a great adult-subject on to go to!


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