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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. If you're looking for realistic ones, go for ones that may be labeled "RealSkin", something saying it feels like the real thing,  or are made of soft silicone. It will say on the description. The thing to remember about silicone (or RealSkin) is that you can NOT use silicone lubes with them. They won't be as firm as the plastic though. They can't feel real and still be overly firm. Are you looking for one to peg your lover, or to put your cock in?

  2. Hello all!! Welcome to TooTimid!!!

    I have been getting a lot of concerned messages and emails lately as to the content of some of the posts, so I thought I'd take a minute or two, to go over what this Message Board is about, the goals and points of it, do's & don'ts, and so on........

    So, this board was starting YEARS ago (ahem), to be an offshoot and support of the TooTimid online Adult Novelties (aka sex toys) store.

    TooTimid is committed to helping with all sorts of sex toy wants and desires. TooTimid's founders have made this board for helping mature adults (over the age of 18 only please) feel free to discuss sex, sex toys, issues, concerns, questions, and also to see reviews in a more detailed manner than is allowed in the shopping site.

    For those of you that don't know, when doing the reviews for the sex toys on the shopping site, you are only allowed up to 2000 characters in the review. That can be hard if you simply LOVE the toy you got!!! So, this board has a section where you can see a more detailed review of the toys. Also you can see who liked what. There should be a link to that toy so you can go to it faster as well.

    That being said, let me repeat this: THIS IS NOT A HOOK UP/DATING/WANNA FUCK/SEE MY VIDEO/I'M SELLING SOMETHING (not of TooTimid) SITE!!!!  This is NOT what this message board is for! Selling stuff that is from your personal shopping site, or privately, is rude, IMO.

    We have a Members Pics forum just for those that love to share pics of your special parts! We love it when you share pics! However, I can't tell you how many reports we've been getting, and PMs I've received on unsolicited dick pics inserted into all sorts of conversations on here. 

    I'm in no way a prude or shy, trust me. But, when I get into a subject, and start reading, and then scroll down, and BAM!! There's a dick......well, unless I'm in the Members Pics section, I personally feel that shouldn't be there, it's immature, and not cool dudes. Unfortunately, it is mostly men doing this, so, please just don't.

    I've had many people message me because of these pics, and saying that, due to the high amounts of the dick pics in odd areas, they don't feel comfortable (in a sex discussion site!!!) any more and have left! Or just stopped coming on here. This saddens me greatly.

    I can honestly say that I've made some amazing friends from this board. We talk off of here, and share our lives with each other more personally. I know their real names, and we talk. Honestly, if the board was like it is now, I probably wouldn't have stuck around for as long as I have. I think I'm the most active "old timer" on here now. That also saddens me. 

    Some of my own personal tips when posting on here:

    *Use a name that is hard to guess. Don't combine your real first and last name, or a special nickname you may have. 

    *You should not post a picture of your real face for your avatar.

    *Do NOT share any intimate videos to people you meet on here. -True story: one of our members has deleted all of their posts and left due to making the bad decision (they admitted this was their fault) of sharing a video of themselves masturbating, and the recipient of said video shared it to a local forum of their area. So, you probably shouldn't do this.

    *Do ask question in the specific areas. A lot of us tend to focus on areas on the board that are what we are interested in. So, naturally, we look at those areas for tips, questions, and so on. Peruse the site. Have fun. Read. Even if you don't want to post, the reading is very interesting at times.

    *Share as much as you feel comfortable. If you don't feel comfortable, don't share it. Please understand that, if you post something, people may comment on it, and therefore

    *We love hearing about your fantasies, loves, desires, wants, needs, concerns, worries, and hobbies. So, please share what you wish, in the most accurate forums on here. I love reading all sorts of stories, experiences, and opinions! ❤️ 

    *Do NOT give your phone number, address, or any social media info to people you meet on here. Years ago, when we were smaller, I did. I'm not sorry. But, it took me a loooooooooooooong time to do so. If you PM people over a long period of time, then, do what you're comfortable with. However, as with online safety, it's best you don't do so with people you just met. Don't be offended if you ask for info, and people don't give it. They're just playing it safe.

    *This should be a no-judgement zone. Please be respectful in your comments, should you choose to make any. You may not understand or condone some of the behaviors, but try to at least be respectful. Yes, people have actually been banned for being disrespectful, spiteful, and rude.

    *Understand that this is geared for mature adults only. 

    *PLEASE Enjoy the site!!! 

    *If someone is offensive in the message board, please report the post. If someone is rude via PM, please message me, Rob, or another Admin. We will address it as soon as possible.

    Thanks for reading, and again, WELCOME!!! We are happy to have you here and look forward to seeing your posts!!!


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  3. On 5/24/2019 at 7:47 PM, Knightstallion said:

    Hi, what's this thread about,  sorry if that's a stupid question. 

    This thread is just an introductory one. 

    Please feel free to look around the whole message board with all of it subjects and sub-areas. Most people have one or 2 areas that they like best, and tend to post there. We welcome all of you here and I look forward to seeing your posts around the Message board!!!

  4. On 5/10/2019 at 2:01 AM, Enchantress13 said:

    So I hope this is completely confidential. I am a 35 year old woman who has never been able to completely satisfy orgasm without a man. I feel as though I've always been taught that it was wrong so when I finally get to the point where I could climax I stop myself. I have always felt like I would like to try a dominated version of masturbation so that I would not be able to stop myself so I could climax. My biggest concern at the moment as with a few relationships in the past is that men can climax easily, especially with porn. My previous relationships I have determined every man likes porn, but if it gets in the way of my sexual needs because he has already taken care of himself throughout the day it becomes an issue. I have no issue with a man masturbating to porn in his spare time as long as he is taking care of his woman. When it seems like he is watching more p*** and I am not getting the attention I deserve, I get jealous, I feel like that is fair. What can I do to make my man focus more on me than his sideline activities. PS. I am a very attractive highly sexual individual. I would prefer response from Married individuals who have had a similar situation inside the relationship and have overcome it I need advice not criticism thank you.

    Welcome welcome!!! 

    Yes, this is completely confidential. I would recommend also using a screen name that nobody uses or knows about, just to be on the safest side possible. But, we don't go by real names, and, your screen name is pretty non-identifying.

    I would also re-ask this in the area of "Ask a Sexpert". Use the forums as much as possible, and make sure to post in a topic that you think will be the subject of your post's area as best you can. Some people look in only one or 2 areas of the forums, because that's their "Thing", so, make sure to post away!!!

  5. On 5/21/2019 at 9:49 AM, Mattcunny1 said:

    Hi everyone. I just got on here. I am a divorced 44yr old male. I really started to embrace sex and my sexuality. I learned to enjoy experimenting and exploring. And I became comfortable with it all. 

    I never thought I would enjoy being submissive but I had a friend and she broke me in over a few times hanging out. After three or four times she was using a strap on she found a couple ways to feed me my cum. 

    Since then I have had a few more experiences like that. I have typically always been turned on by being in charge. But my God, it was so freeing and probably the most turned on I never been giving up control. The turn-on for me is more giving her control than the act.

    I also love being watched and watching. Weather at sex or masturbating. So far today I have been edging for 2 hours.I never used to be able to do that and now I do it almost every time. Sometimes I laugh when I think of how many people have seen me jerk off or have a video me jerking off. It's a good thing that I don't plan on running for president because it wouldn't be hard to find one haha plus I would likely be very controversial because in a few of them I use a prostate massager. Haha by the way guys if you've never explored with your prostate I can't recommend it enough the orgasms that I have. I came for about 45 seconds to a minute one time. I mean that was actual come coming out I've had orgasms that last a couple minutes and go to my whole body



  6. On 6/1/2019 at 12:40 AM, Cass said:

    Ok so its really hard for me to orgasm. IDK why but its always been VERY hard to actually get me off. I've never been able to succeed masturbating, i have come close but with dildo's my arm gets too tired before i can get there and just clit stimulation feels nice but doesn't give me a release.  9 times out of 10 when we have sex he gets off too quick to get me there, and i dont really enjoy getting eaten out so that doesnt work either. He can get me off and even make me squirt by fingering me but its a lot of work and most the time hes too tired for all that. When he does get me off from sex its because hes actually pounding it which is typically what gets me there. Because of all of this i have been buying toys off amazon. ( Typically cheap ones from china that cost anywhere from a couple dollars to MAYBE around 25 but most have been $10 or cheaper.) Trying to find a toy that i can actually get myself off with. He works an hour and a half away and hes been working 10 hour days 7 days a week. So hes very tired, which i completely understand and i appreciate him and what he does to support our family. (we have 3 kids) I feel like the Love Thrust-Her Thrusting Silicone Vibrator might actually help since it does the thrusting my arm wouldnt get too tired and go numb before i could get there. BUT he says $200 is way too much to spend on a maybe. And i understand it is ALOT of money, but im cleaning, and cooking, and doing laundry, and running around after toddlers all day!!! At night i put the kids to bed and we hang out a bit then i put him to bed. Almost every night i give him head, a hand job, or jump on and ride him to get him a nut because i know it helps him sleep. And of course he always falls fast asleep, even on the nights he doesnt get one. While im stuck sitting in the living room, or laying in bed, unable to sleep and most the time horny. I want to be able to get that release when i need/want it and not feel guilty about it. Ive secretly thought about getting $20-40 cash back when i go grocery shopping and save up for it then get it with a visa prepaid or something, and tell him it was a gift from the ONE friend i have. (Yes im a stay at home mom with 0 family any where close, 1 friend who doesn't get much time to come over, and hes gone/asleep more than hes around so i get VERY VERY VERY little adult interactions!!!) So all of that to say, is it actually worth the $200? Is it worth the lying? Am i just being selfish and try to figure out some other way to get there??  SORRY ITS SO LONG, DONT HAVE ADULT CONVERSATIONS HARDLY EVER!!!!!! 

    I had sooooo many concerns with your post for you!!!! OMG woman!!

    OK, so, first, let me congratulate you for finding us!!! And for being a SAHM!! I did that for 6 years. And I KNOW how hard that is!!! And, yes, you have a hard time finding adult conversations that don't circle around the kiddos at all! I get it!!

    As far as YOU being selfish, um NO!!!! Not to be disrespectful, but it sounds like your husband is the one being selfish!!! He gets off, and then doesn't make SURE you do too? Seriously? There is NOTHING wrong or selfish for getting off too!! And I would suggest you talk to him. And, make sure he knows you are unsatisfied. Then, ask him to make sure you have an orgasm BEFORE his one-shot-wonder does so, and he goes to sleep. He sounds like he's only concerned with his "nut" as you put it! LOL Love that!!! 

    Some men also think that, if they get off, then you have too, or you SHOULD have at least....and that's not the case at all. Real sex is NOT like porn. Rarely does both people cum at the same time.

    Some men/people think that  staying at home with the kids isn't "real work", and downplay how hard it is....until they have to do it....usually for a few days, to really GET that it IS even harder than actually going to a job outside the home!!!! 

    So, please understand, I GET you. I understand. 

    I will say that some of the thrusting toys are great, but they can be LOUD, which can be a concern if you have small children that may not sleep well. So, please keep that in mind. I've tried a few, liked a couple, but, you have to really look and compare. Make sure you read the reviews. If it's on here, also, I'd recommend reading some of the reviewer posts to see what they have liked as far as their preferences go, or even reach out to them, especially if they've reviewed the toy you're looking at. Some reviewers aren't on here much anymore, but we do get emails if we get messages. So, please, ask ask ask!! We want to all make sure you get the toy that you think will work for you.

    I will say that, most women get off with clit stimulation. The clit is really the nerve center of our sex, and with clit stimulation, and thrusting, even if it's just a plain dildo, that should work. I use to have a hard time cumming too. I read all of the posts I could on here, and found this to be very true. Which, when I did get the glass blue swirl dildo, and used a bullet for clit stimulation, I soaked the chair I was in!!! It. Was. AWESOME!!

    Please let us know if we can help in any way, and NO!!! You're not being too selfish at all!!!!

    • Like 2
  7. On 6/1/2019 at 1:46 AM, lis said:

    Try the curved blue glass g-spot dildo on this site 1st.  

    I was always like you, couldn't orgasm.  Them I finally did by masturbating but it took forever (I also just put the dildo in & a vibe on my clit.....that seemed to be the only way I could orgasm) but the 1st time I used the curved glass g-spot dildo It was probably within 4 or 5 strokes & I was squirting everywhere!  I was in shock & had to do it again!

    Try that with a bullet on your clit & if it doesn't work tell your husband you are definitely worth $200 & you tried another way but it didn't work.

    I LOVED my curved blue glass g-spot dildo. Reasonably priced too!!! Unfortunately, it got dropped on stone tile and got cracked really bad. I was sooooo sad!! That was the first toy that ever made me squirt!!!!!!!!!

  8. That's great that you can share that with your girlfriend.

    Please please please, Love Getting Pegged, though, it's great you're proud of your package, do not keep posting unsolicited "dick pics". I keep getting reports on this.

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  9. I guess that would depend on several things. 

    The first step is a lot of talking. Setting rules, like, if one wants to stop, that should be respected. Would it be ok for her to see the other guy without you? Would you want him to play with just her, or you too? Protection should be worn all around. Condoms are a no-brainer and non-negotiable.

    If she truly does want to do it, ask her what she'd expect. Does she have someone in mind? How would you approach the subject? Would it be a one time thing?

    If she honestly does NOT want to do it, respect that, and continue the fantasy with more realistic dildos, or, if you want to spend the money, even a male sex doll! :)

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