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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. Admittedly, that's a long time to wait to tell you. 

    I guess being mad is up to you. Questions to ask yourself:

    Were you 2 exclusive at that time, or did you break up that night due to the fight?

    If you were exclusive at that time, then, yeah, I'd be upset for sure. And feel betrayed. If you broke up that night due to the fight, well, possibly. But if you were broken up, probably not so much, though it would explain her turning to someone else for comfort.

     Do you still trust her? 

    Asking more details is torturous for you, and she really should disclose much because it can hurt you more. 

    The big "um" moment is "slipping into her anally accidentally, and he's rather large. Uh, that doesn't "just happen". The anus doesn't self-lubricate, so, unless lubed before hand, especially with a condom, "slipping inside" takes more than a "whoooops! Sorry!!". Kinda hitting the anus a bit is sometimes normal, but going all the way in, no.

    If she tried anal, and didn't like it, then she should just say that. I have tried anal several times, I do not like it.

    I'd also question how good of a friend he was/is, because true friends don't do their friend's girlfriend.

    I'm with RideDaTrain. I'd be a bit of both upset and turned on I guess.

  2. 22 hours ago, Rob7160 said:

    Ok, if it could just give me an inch or so so I could put it into my wife I would be happy😊. Will look into them. Thanks

    It won't make it permanently bigger, if that's what you're looking for. It will for a short amount of time. My ex was rather gifted in the size department anyway, but I did notice some difference when he used it right before we got it on!

    Will love hearing about the updates!!


  3. On 11/6/2018 at 8:04 AM, saltybear said:

    I am shopping for penis pump and cock ring... ED from being diabetic

    I truly hope that it helped you! I've heard that they can. In fact, some doctors will actually prescribe them.

  4. Since you also PMed me this same question, I will copy my response here as well:

    I think that that may be one of the most oddest questions I've received........

    If you are female, I would say "No" because of the hormonal balance of the woman's va-jay-jay needs to stay clean and fresh. Veggie oil and dairy (blue cheese dressing really?) can mess with your balance.

    Not to mention the pain in the ass, literally and figuratively, it will be to clean that off of your car's seats. That stuff can ruin the leather. Also, being stable in the seats as you drive is very important, especially at high speeds. 

    I've had 2 Firebirds, I know what I'm talking about.

    I hope that this was a joke, because this is not a safe thing to do to your body or your car! 

  5. SaltyBear, 

    Though very nice, this was another example of an "unsolicited dick pic". They asked about favorite toys. 

    If you want to share pics of your dick, by all means, go to the Members Pics section and fire away. But please don't litter the forums with dick pics in the wrong sections. It's annoying.

    • Like 4
  6. On 4/18/2019 at 5:33 AM, Ryan said:

    For me with men its strictly sexual. I don't think i could be romantically involved with a man. However in the past i have hooked up with guys. Probably not that uncommon. Sucking cock is super fun. I love to bottom most horny men will stick it anywhere so finding guys was never that difficult lol

    No, it's pretty common, being "On The Down-Low". You're right. 

  7. Even with an enema, sometimes, residue happens on anal toys. There's really no escaping it. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's normal, and really common. I recommend that you have a clean towel or something to put the anal toy on after you remove it, if you will be playing more before being able to clean it. Cover it up with the towel if it bothers you. But, again, it's pretty normal.

    The point of an anal plug? Pleasure.

    Whether you are training your sphincter to have something larger go up inside of you, feel more full, or enjoy feeling the toy go in and out, anal play can be very pleasurable. It takes time to be able to relax with a plug inside of you *there*. Your body normally doesn't keep stuff up in there. The best way to get your body use to it is to start small, and work your way up. Just relax, breathe, and lubricate. 

    Some people have tried it, and just don't like it (raises her paw). However, many, many people enjoy anal play immensely with practice and patience.

  8. I don't blame you. This forum has gotten rather slow. I've been making it a point to get on here more, but it takes more than one or two active posters to get a forum going, truly.

    I will say that one of the reasons many of our old members stopped coming on here was the immature amount of unsolicited/wrong area postings of "dick pics". I know I've said this a lot lately. There's a REASON for it. Not only have I seen a ridiculous amount of them, in wrong subject areas (not in the Members Pictures section), but I've gotten a LOT, and I do mean a LOT of PMs full of them.

    It literally has chased people away from here. It's very sad. All we can hope to do is to try and answer questions, boost posts, and see what happens. I hope you don't give up on us. 

    I will say, on a personal note, what you're asking for is a bit on the personal side, so, you may not get any takers.

    I would suggest looking over the dildo section of the site, or better yet, the Sex Toy Reviews part of this forum. In there, you will get some detailed reviews of dildos, vibrators, and other sex toys that have been used and reviewed by our reviewers, myself included, where you may be able to get some ideas to help you out. 

    • Like 1
  9. I have been told that I seem unapproachable. I try not to be. But, usually, when I'm going somewhere, or doing something (errands, shopping, whatever), I have a mindset of getting business done, and an aura of "don't fuck with me". Plus, I have Resting Bitch Face. LOL

    I worked years on trying to be more approachable. But, like, when I went out with friends, and assholes hit on us, it got so boring, predictable, and, frankly, ridiculous. I got tired of the one-liners, the ones that just wanted to get a notch in their belt, or, just plain asshats. And, unfortunately, 2 divorces later, made me very skeptical. 

    This may not be helping. LOL

    I met my now, for almost 5 yrs, GF online on a site that was common-ground for both of us. Dating can be a bitch for sure. Men don't like women in groups usually, and women don't like going out alone. So, yes, it can be very hard.

    No one is cursed or undate-able. 

    Yes, I do love The Big Bang Theory, and the Amy/Penny comparison is awesome!!! ❤️

    Some sage advice that I heard on a commercial, is that, when one is having a good time, that's when they're most attractive. That, to me, sounds about right. Genuine smiles, genuine laughter, and genuine conversations all will help have that person interested in you see that spark, and want to see more. :) 

    • Like 2
  10. I think it's also like women with big breasts.....like, unnaturally big breasts....surgery, or, they're just extremely well-endowed! For men, it's probably the latter. That, and camera angles, lenses, lighting, and so on. There are men that are just HUGE, and go into porn because they have a huge member. The largest porn star I have seen, cock-wise, was freakishly well-endowed, probably about 12" or so, and made me go "oh, hell no". LOL

    • Like 1
  11. I mean, seriously. Some toys you see on the market, online, or in the stores, you can begin to wonder where do they come UP with these ideas?

    Like, there is a "dildo" that's shaped like an octopus tentacle. Yes, please, Davy Jones, fuck me! LOL

    Or, the one that REALLY made me go WTF was a life-sized arm with a hand making a fist at the end. HUH??? Of course, I'd heard of fisting, but seeing a, uh, dildo(?) like that made me really wonder.........

    What has made you do a double-take, toy wise?

  12. On 5/15/2013 at 4:09 AM, TheAnalPrince said:

    I love anal masturbation. I actually prefer this over masturbating the regular way. Although, for some men, it's seen as being gay and avoided because of this, it's actually VERY VERY pleasurable. Anal masturbation increases the climax tremendously. I've had one partner who indulged my taste and we actually went an purchased a couple of toys to use. But I've yet to find a partner who would use a strap on toy on me. That would be seriously pleasurable.

    This is a very common thing, and more men are being more open about liking this. Enjoying anal play does NOT mean you may be or are gay. It's like saying if a woman likes oral sex, she must be a lesbian!! LOL 

    One of the major things to overcome is being open and honest about what you like in the bedroom as time goes on in your relationship. Not waiting 10 yrs or so to say "Oh, hey, yeah, when I was younger, I loved having anal sex......wanna try now?" That can be a shock after 10 yrs of being with someone LOL.

    • Like 1
  13. On 3/8/2019 at 1:44 PM, Rob7160 said:

    My wife loves squirtz cum lube especially warmed up. I use aboug 3 cleanstream lube shooters and fill her up. I use up to 8-10 different sizes and shapes of porn star dildos to replicate a gang bang for wife. I Apply lube to each different dildo . The end result is tons of fake cum dripping out afterwards, what a mess, but it looks so realistic like she really got filled up.Just make sure you have plenty of towels on bed.

    Hmmmm, very interesting. :)

  14. Well, I have stated in the past, that, no, this is not a hookup/dating site. This is not that area. Unfortunately, the chat board we use to have has since been deleted because a certain few were using it for their own sexcapades, and didn't keep to the general chat rules. So, it got shut down.

    Have I met some of the members, not exactly. I have made a couple of good friends on here. I have a couple of friends that I directed here as well. But, the friends I already had, also got discouraged because of the lines and lines of people using the forums as chat rooms, and so they stopped coming on here. Which to me, is very sad, because they loved coming on here, learning, and contributing.

    • Like 1
  15. I'm still confused.........so if I get this wrong, I do apologize.......

    Are you saying that the woman in your mind, but is not real, or at least, not in the flesh, the thought of this person, has confused how you feel about sex in general?

    The person that some people make up in their minds as their perfect mate rarely ever exists. Because you have created a being that is your perfect, there is no way anyone person can be that ONE. You may be able to find someone close to it, but that person would probably not have all on your list of perfection.

    My sister use to have a long list of criteria of the men she wanted to have in her life. It was a very unrealistic, overly specific list, that was a mix of people she has met, whether they're friends, or exes, or people she's read about. She took years to learn that there is no magical person that fits that list (I believe there were 30 points of "Must Haves" on her list). 


    You can have things you know you will tolerate. For example, you don't like cigarette smokers. Ok, that's do-able. You like a woman that is gainfully employed. Yep. You like a woman with a sense of humor. Great! You prefer women with brown eyes. 

    Though connections can be made.....would you let the fact that a woman you are interested in has hazel eyes instead of brown?

  16. I'm sorry you went thru that. 

    My ex husband, at the end of our relationship, made me feel unwanted. He was unemployed (claiming he couldn't find a job because everyone were assholes). And he was completely dependent on me. But also refused to help around the house, and bitched if it was messy. Though I was working 40+ hours a week, and taking our daughter to her karate lessons, he sat on his ass and played video games. I finally asked myself first, and then him, what was he doing there except eating food I bought and taking up space? Absolutely nothing. He knew I was alone in the bedroom a lot, and he played video games instead of spending time with his wife.

    So, when I say BTDT, I have.

    Anyone that makes you feel less-than is not worthy of your time. You can't force someone to feel things they don't, nor can you control what they do or whom they speak to. It's up to them to be loyal and true to their significant other.

    I'm sorry you're going thru this, but, you will learn from this, become stronger, and be a better person in your next relationship.....on YOUR terms!! 


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