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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. My ex husband use to get soooooo insulted if I mentioned having to use lubes......However, he was really big and wide, and so, yeah, it could hurt!! But, there's nothing wrong with a little extra help with using lubes to make sex more enjoyable for the both of you.

    If you're NOT using an sex toys or condoms, and sex is painful, then I would recommend a silicone based lube. It isn't absorbed into your body like water-based ones can be), and silicone lubes last a long time.

    Being wet enough before hand, in other words.....foreplay for YOU, is very important. If you're not fully aroused physically, this can also cause pain.

    After I had my daughter, I had pain with sex. Talked to my GYN about it and she did an exam. She said I had something to which I cannot remember the name of.....it's common in white women, and it basically caused one spot on the cervix, to stay dry.....like a dry spot. It feels like a grain of sand is irritating that one area, and yes, I did bleed from it. My GYN recommended a cream that I had to apply up inside of me. Then, she highly recommended lube as well.

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  2. On 11/23/2018 at 9:49 AM, Thomas Biddle said:

     I'm just fucking not going to wear one I'm at that age in my life still love to fuck she can't get pregnant the way I see it I have nothing to lose I will fuck without one in a minute besides flat hating them

    If you're talking about sex with your wife, or long-time GF, then there probably wouldn't be a real reason to do so. However, if you're just going around and having sex with a lot of other women, without protection, it's like playing Russian Roulette with your health and those of the ones you screw.

  3. Also, please remember that, in porn, that's not real-life stuff. Yes, you can get some great ideas.......but don't let the adult films create unreasonable or unattainable expectations. It's like reading romance novels, and expecting to be swept away by some rogue pirate with long locks, and a great......scabbard! LOL 

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  4. That is a great question!!!

    Yes, silicone lubes and silicone toys do NOT go together!!! If you use them together, the silicone lube will simply, turn your silicone toy to mush. Not a pretty sight.....trust me.....

    I have used both silicone and glass toys. I love them both!!!! Depends on what I'm in the mood for. Glass is great because, the type of glass that's used to make sex toys is the same type of glass they use to make that sturdy, very popular glass bakeware. Glass toys can be heated, boiled for cleaning and sterilization (if you want to do so). They also can be frozen (not right after boiling though!). They are very strong, and usually very pretty too. They don't have an odd odor like jelly and new silicone toys can have. There's no real after-care like the powder recommended with silicone toys (the kind that makes the silicone feel more realistic). Just wash, pat dry, and store wherever is clean and safe. I use warm/hot water and liquid antibacterial soap to wash my toys with. :) The best thing is that any type of lube can be used with them!

  5. Not going to knock the treatment because there's no reason to do so. I will say that if he's been on the treatment for a while, is there a time limit on how long he should be on it? If he's over that time limit, is he using it as a crutch?

    If you have degrees in the areas mentioned, then you know as well as anyone here that he really needs to talk to someone professional about his issues and his low libido. Where you are knowledgeable, he won't open up to you because, honestly, you are not a neutral party in this, and he needs to open up to someone that he doesn't feel bad or guilty about hurting, or a responsibility to.

    You also know his excuses and blaming are just a lame coping mechanism that allows him to not accept any personal responsibilities for his chosen behavior. Even with the treatment, he is now CHOOSING to watch porn instead of initiating and enjoying sex with you. Porn gives people an unrealistic expectation of what sex is going to be. Even if you're a mature person, and deep-down, KNOW better that porn is just sex-play/fantasy, your brain may not react the same way as your body does. So, I'd recommend him stopping watching the porn.

    His lack of personal accountability and responsibility to what he's done, and what he is doing is really seemingly key here, and I encourage you to have him go to a licensed professional to really talk to someone and get it out. He IS choosing to not address his issues, and instead of seeking help, or trying different things, blaming you is easier, and you're handy to do so.

    That being said, and, no disrespect or negativity intended, he may or may  not come to realize that, no offense, he may be staying with you out of comfort, loyalty, and familiarity. I don't know if that's the case or not, and I certainly hope not. But you have stayed with him thru quite a bit.....so, and you probably know this, the possibility is there. 

    Then, you need to probably figure out how much you are willing to put up with, deal with, and cope with.......with our without him. You are nobody's punching bag (metaphorically speaking), and you are not responsible for other people's actions, even your husband's.

    Much well-wishes to you.

  6. 15 hours ago, Hot married life said:

    Holy Moly! 

    So I asked my husband if we could get this. He is great in bed. He always gets me off,  but we have just recently, last year or so, started trying toys and things. Anyway the few vibrators that we've gotten haven't really done it for me. Fine I guess for self pleasure but if we are together I would rather have him. I thought this would be both. Something different, but still him. I just opened it and I think it is pretty big. Really girthy, which I wanted but dang! I hope he isn't turned off by it. I do still really want him to try it on me. :) I also want him to know I think his cock is great so if I do enjoy it I'm not sure how much I should react to it. 

    My ex husband was wary about toys for the longest time. It took month of me reassuring him that sex toys are additives and enhancements, NOT replacements!!! Good luck!!

    • Like 1
  7. There are a lot of posts about anal sex in this area, and it's great that you're trying new things.

    A couple of things to remember:

    Never use a silicone based lube with condoms!!! Though silicone lube really is best for anal play, the silicone lube doesn't do well with latex condoms.

    Also remember that your anal area doesn't self lubricate like your va-jay-jay does. So, yes, you will need some help with lubing.

    The pressure you felt was completely normal. That area isn't really designed to stretch as much to accommodate something going UP inside of it. So, most people will recommend you work your way up to something larger like a penis. The fun is in the exploration!!!!

  8. I know that there are some, but probably not on here, since this is a forum for sexual talk, and sex toy discussions. Not that there's anything wrong with your celibacy. I'm sure you have had your reasons, and that they are yours to have!! In today's world, you can never be too careful!!!



  9. Helpful tip!

    Other than posting in the Introduce Yourself, and posting pictures of your boobs and junk, going to the Member's Pictures section........(bears repeating)

    Some people prefer going to certain sections to help/read/answer. They look for posts of certain subjects. And ignore other sections altogether. 

    Check out the titles and subtitles of the entire forum!!! Check out the more specified areas. Post in the area you think your question, comment or concern references more. It would get more action, I assure you!!! 

    Happy posting!!!!

    • Like 1
  10. Welcome to the forums!!! Please repost in the relationship section so more people can respond better!!!

    Helpful tip!

    Some people prefer going to certain sections to help/read/answer. They look for posts like this. And ignore other sections altogether. Please repost! I'll bet you get more answers!

  11. This is an older post, but I just saw it!! LOL Bad Tyger....spank me later....

    Anyway, I think, culturally, women in general are taught that, yes, even today, men are suppose to be "in charge". However, it's not as prevelant in the U.S. as it was about 30 years ago.

    That said, we really can't say if one race is more loyal than others. I've known all sorts of races, religious people, and individuals that defy their cultural "norm", and do their own thing. It'd be like saying all Russian women over in the U.S. are mail-order brides.....just not the case. 

    I think that you have to learn an individual, and talk about trust in the relationship.......also, be true to yourself and your partner. Respect on both sides. Sometimes, it takes a person that's done a lot of sh*t, and been thru a lot of sh*t, to truly value a quality, faithful relationship.

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  12. When I was in my teens, THE cologne for guys to have was Polo. However, thru the years, I've grown to not like it as much.

    Fast-forward to now, being with a woman.......the first perfume I smelled on her was Chance, by Chanel. She says she only likes that and one other one. Though I haven't smelled the other one on her, the Chance gets me every time!!!

    On me, she likes Antonio Banderas' Blue for Women.

    I also really like Jennifer Aniston's One, and Bath & Body Works' Vanilla oil. However, the latter is now discontinued, so I have to use what I have sparingly.

    Who likes what on their partners?

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