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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. As far as this idea goes, that's fantastic!!!

    As far as personal experimentation goes, try going for a set, maybe made out of more flexible silicone. This way, you may be able to find something that works better for you.

    Each person's preferences and body designs are different. Sex toy companies usually go for the basic stuff. The more customized they are, the more expensive the toy. 

    Many people create their own toys. 12GAUGE is famous for that (a member on here). I haven't seen many posts from him for a while though.....

  2. On 9/2/2018 at 2:09 PM, Britta said:

    I like the message option on this forum, although it isn't super convenient, but guys if you are sending me messages, try to expand some energy into your messages.  One sentence messages, messages without a vowel, text lingo messages don't show much thought or creativity.  I'm a little anal about this because my Mom is an English teacher, so those messages likely will be ignored.

    Maybe it is generational as the older gentlemen seem to have a better handle on this concept. (Lol, not kidding,)

    Wow!! My mom was an English teacher too!!! Punctuation, complete, and creative sentences are a HUGE plus for me too!!! LOL 

  3. It is hard to find a really good lube that is like silicone based lubes that work. Since water-based lubes are what's recommended for silicone toys, and also, water-based lubes dry up faster (because they're water, and evaporate and are absorbed by the body). Plus, different lubes work differently for each individual, as far as preferences. It's a lot to keep up with!! LOL

    I would recommend, unfortunately, to try out different ones.....it will be hard work (pun intended), and lots and lots of studying!!!!  ;)

  4. Hello!! I'm so excited to see all of the new faces! 

    However, I am getting a little worried about all of the reports about the unwanted pictures in PMs, and pictures of people's "junk" in this area.

    Let me be clear, this is NOT a hook up site. Nor is it a dating site. This is a site for ADULTS to openly talk about sexual experiences, issues, success stories, and some personal stuff too........ NOT to get laid!!!! 

    There is an awesome section near the bottom that is for Member's Personal Shots. THIS is the forum for posting pictures of yourself, if you so choose. It is NOT required to do, and it's ONLY if you want to!!! Be sure to post in the areas appropriate for your comments, questions, or pictures.

    I love seeing all of the new names, but then when I click on a newbie's intro, and BAM! Dick pic in the wrong area.....well, it's a bit frustrating. We love our forum members, and enjoy hearing their stories. There are MANY of us that have been here for a long time, and are happy when we see new names!! Many of us have formed real friendships over the years stemming from TooTimid!!! ❤️

    Yes, I've been on here a long time. I've seen and done things that I don't mind talking about. If I can help someone out, I am happy to do so. Lately, however, I've been getting a lot of unsolicited PMs with "dick pics", asking cheezy lines like "would this satisfy you?" That is remnants of the days where I was on POF, and that's NOT what this site is about.

    Please do NOT send anyone......and I mean anyone, "dick pics" that they haven't asked to see. If they ask, well, that's a totally different story, and you're welcome to do so, if you choose. Again, not necessary if you're not comfortable. I love getting PMs, and the compliments are wonderful (who doesn't love a compliment?), and I do appreciate everyone's individual attention to reach out to me. ❤️ Please feel free to do so!!! I'm going to be answering some more messages tonight.

    Welcome to TooTimid!!! Please check out the forums, post, ask, and have fun. Post on topics that may have happened a couple of years ago. We love fresh perspectives and new stories!!!

    Also be sure to check out our Members Articles and Stories too! Some of those are really HOT and steamy!!!

    • Like 1
  5. We did have a chat room. But, a few people took it over, and flirted and basically used it as their own personal sexting area, which clogged the chat, and others got bored with it. It was a bitch to moderate, because we had so many reports of people just "talking" over others, and screen sexing, that I am kinda glad it's gone.

    I believe when this forum switched over to the newer format, they got rid of it.


  6. It's natural to be curious of some of your SO's past lovers. 

    It's not weird to be turned on by such things. In fact, this is where sex toys can help fill that curiosity and you be one on one with the action. Get a thick dildo, and have your way with her. Or play out a fantasy with her that turns you on.

    Should you ask her about her past experiences? Well, how's your self-esteem? How long have you been married? Do you think you will want to divulge some of YOUR past experiences to HER? Because, if she's going to tell you, she will probably ask you questions about your past as well. Fair's fair!

    Asking those kinds of questions, you may find out things about your wife that can turn you on, or possibly make you jealous, insecure, or wondering if she compares you to other guys at the most inopportune times.

    My first husband found out that my ex before him was very well endowed. He brought it up frequently that, since he was only 6", and my ex was at least 9", how he compared, did I even feel him, did he satisfy me, or did I think of my ex and want that big cock back. It was very frustrating.

    Be careful what you wish/ask for!

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  7. On 9/23/2018 at 3:05 AM, Lisset Finnien said:

    I can NOT spend another penny on gspot finders!  I have about 5 of them that claim to get your gspot shooting but they all lied to me - lol - I have yet to find my gspot with any toy...I know it’s there somewhere.  I got a couple tips from a guy on here and ima gonna try again on my next day off to find that elusive orgasmic spot....not expecting miracles but one would be nice 😎

    How did it go?

  8. Very nice! Thanks for sharing!!

    So, you're saying that the vibes can be heard, even with the toy inside of you? Obviously, apparently, if people at a bar heard it.

    Also, a word of warning......I'd invest in some anal lube......and be careful, because you can't use a silicone lube with a silicone toy, it destroys them. Petroleum jelly is slick, but it's not meant for internal use, and can cause bacteria to be harbored in places that it really shouldn't be. ;)

    Thanks for sharing the story! I'd love to read more in the Anal Avenue section, about your adventures!!!

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