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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. This is an awesome post, and I wanted to comment on it to bring it back up to the top. 

    Many people fear what their lover will say if they broach the subject of sex toys.

    My ex husband was, at first, pretty insulted that I would suggest them, thinking that I needed a sex toy because he didn't do it for me, which wasn't the case.

    After many conversations, and assurances that sex toys were for added pleasure, and not replacing him, he was willing to try, and boy, when he did, there was a whole new world for the both of us!!


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  2. RC has some great ideas.

    Unfortunately, some religions, or ways people are raised, make sex seem dirty, wrong, and you are a bad person for enjoying something that's only meant to be for making babies. It's very sad, and a cruel way to be brought up, IMHO.

    If your hubby likes to read, maybe find some books on different positions, light bondage, or even some sexy stories to read to him. Light bondage can start with something as easy as one of your scarves, or a tie of his. Just a light knot so nobody feels truly trapped, and a safe word that you both know (tell him you like the word BANANA, and that way, if one of you says it, you know to stop what you're doing to the other person). A safe word should be something that is NOT SEXY or sound like an encouragement at all, to get the other person's attention.

    For most people, if they over-think sex, what they're doing, how they may look, or other thoughts, they can have a hard time orgasming. This is true for men as well as women. You're biggest sex organ is YOUR BRAIN!!! Ideally, you get lost in what your doing and how it feels, that way you can orgasm easier! Getting out of a mindset of years of upbringing can be very challenging, as RC said, but it can be done!!!


  3. 13 hours ago, Yellow said:

    My partner and I lie when people ask where me met. The usual story is that I knew his cousin for a long time since we worked in the same field. That is actually true. But the scandalous way we actually met was that I was an escort and a relative of his was my long-time client. He set me up with my now-partner and we ended up falling in love. So now we are your average couple, living together, happy, and getting engaged soon! You CAN turn a ho into a housewife ;) Hahaha

    Yellow, you could always say "we met through a mutual acquaintance". That's actually the truth, just not the full story.

  4. If you're new here, WELCOME WELCOME!! We love to see "fresh meat" so to speak!! LOL

    That said, please be sure to check out the WHOLE forum before just posting a question here.

    This forum is for Contests (though they haven't run any on here lately) set up by the Admin of the business, or FUN QUESTIONS, to get to know our members. Not serious inquiries how to do something or go about experiencing something, or in NO WAY an area for trying to find a date. This is NOT a dating site or hookup site, so if that's what you're looking for, you are in the wrong forum, sorry. NOR is this a site for you to advertise your "wares", products, personal items, or vitamins. So, if you post anything like those things, you will be reported, the post deleted, and possibly be suspended.

    We have MANY different headings, and then sub topics in each area. Please check out the whole Message Board, and find a topic or area you'd like to post a question in. 

    For me, I look in the appropriate topics for questions to help out with. Those in the wrong area, due to people not looking before they post, I mention, but will not specifically answer, nor will many of our expert members. 

    We LOVE to help out, but please post in the right areas (or what you may think is the right area), so it can be addressed. Some of our members don't even look in some topics due to lack of interest on their part. And that can make you miss out on having your question answered!! 

    We love our members, and are all adults here, and want to talk about sex, sex toys, sexual situations, and relationships. Please be respectful, helpful, and follow the rules.

    Happy posting!!!!

  5. I've always wanted to try one actually!!! I haven't (yet). Where I can see Juan's point, if ordered from here, you have the year guarantee, and you don't have to worry about it. My concern has always been storage room/privacy. With limited space, and a teenager, I don't have much for private space enough for something of that bulk. But I'd still love to try one out!!!

  6. I can attest to this. I've been with TT for at least 10 years. I've been a reviewer and a customer. I've never received any advertising thru the postal mail (email yes, if you accept it). The boxes the items are delivered in are usually white. And the return address says "Atlantic Innovations" as the return address on it. Nobody will know (unless they order from them too!! *wink wink*). VERY DISCREET!!!

  7. On 10/20/2018 at 8:11 PM, iluvladybutt said:

    Sad reality of life, Little tits suck, little dicks suck! Thats just how a lot of people feel.

    It's sad, and true, unfortunately.

    Women and men can't help the size of their assets, however, some can surgically enhance what they have......

    I always loved the saying "It's not the size of the boat, but the motion of the ocean".

  8. This is for Jasmine:

    Not to sound judgemental, but you are not in a "relationship". Any married man cannot truly have a relationship other than with his wife (if not just legally). You are, unfortunately, for him, a plaything that he has grown accustomed to having when he's bored or wanting something different.

    A "relationship" has to be between people that have mutual likes, interests, and RESPECT for each other. Any man that will cheat on their wife for 35 years (even if it's not constant), doesn't truly respect his wife or mistress........

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    Tantus Adam Curved Dildo

    Tantus has a fantastic line up of sex toys, just waiting to be tried out! I love this brand because of the high quality silicone they use, and that these toys really work!

    The latest addition to my Tantus collection is The Adam Curved Dildo. Nothing overly fancy......just a pretty purple silicone dildo. Basic phallic shape, but not too realistic other than the head. This toy has a base to it so it's easy to grab, and can fit in many harnesses as well. It has a wonderful curve to it to help either stimulate the G or P spot, so this toy can be used vaginally or anally. Though, for anal  play, I'd recommend it to be for someone with a bit of experience, since this toy is 7" long and almost 2" in diameter (wide).

    Silicone is also fantastic because people are not allergic to it. It can be washed or boiled for added sterilization, and it's non-porous, so it won't hold any nasty germs or fluids. This toy is relatively smooth, with only some small, smooth "veins" on the shaft, so it's very quick & easy to clean.

    My lover loves to play with themselves and also thrust a dildo inside of me as well, so one night, we had a mutual masturbation night. I was able to slide the Adam in very easily, and loved how it filled me up, and had some give to it as well, which felt fairly real. It felt reaaaaaaallllllyyyyyy goooooooodd!!!!!!!

    It felt so nice sliding in and out, and the base was easy to hang on to for my lover. We both enjoyed this toy, and are storing it in its original plastic container to protect it. Remember, don't use silicone lubes with silicone toys.....it will dissolve them....trust me on this one! 

    This toy is great for those that may be a bit shy with realistic toys, but still want the feel of being full. Plus, it's easy to clean, and not buttons, batteries, or gadgets to figure out. It's more like "plug (in) and play"! LOL And it's a great addition for any of us wanting to add some more dildos to our collection as well! Sometimes, simple quality is what we need!

    This gets my 4 out of 4 Tyger Paw rating!

    Tantus Adam

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  10. On 10/11/2018 at 3:25 PM, RC4BLUE said:

    Being shy is common. At the same time if you wish to be with another woman then you will need to put yourself in places where you have a likelihood of meeting like minded people. Now having said this I know that there are gay women who would be offended that you only want them for an experience or occasion sex. I have a few friends that have that stance. Other women that are bi/gay/flexible may be open to this experience with you. Those who participate in the Lifestyle can be more open to a same sex encounter. The other thing to try is casually turning a conversation to sexual things and gage responses. Sometimes that is a a great way to find someone to play with. 

    Also, please understand that, where this is a common fantasy, being a lesbian doesn't mean that you automatically will go for a 3-some......or that you also desire a cock. Yes, dildos are used, but the whole point of being a lesbian, in essence, is the lack of male parts in total! LOL 

    Some will go for this, but, the majority, especially if they're older, and Out, and comfortable with who they are, yes, will get offended if you ask about a 3-some......

    I got lucky with my GF. I was very honest with her, told her that I wasn't sure that this is what I really wanted, but I did want to try it out. She knew that, accepted it, and almost 4 yrs later, we're still going strong!!!

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  11. Probably from toy sites......like this one!!! 

    They do make dildos or extensions, for men, that are basically like, for better lack of a word, cones, that they put on their penises. 

    Many porn actors I've seen that are huge, really ARE that big....that's why they went into porn!!! LOL (I wasn't able to tell that there was anything fake about them.)

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