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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. Lush put it very well.

    In my words, there is no age when you SHOULD have sex! It's not like a mandatory thing to do.

    It's a question of how mature you are, and are you ready for possible consequences?

    Pregnancy, STD's, those just don't happen to "somebody else". Trust me. These are REAL consequences to sexual actions.

    Plus, girls do have a tendancy to develop a softer spot for their "first". Make sure that the man you are willing to give yourself to, is someone deserving of such feelings.

    Don't do it with a guy of legal age (18) if you're a minor. Like Howard stated, you will brand him as a sex offender for life if you are not of age. That's real too.

    I was 16 when I lost my virginity. It was with the guy I wanted it to be with, and I do and don't regret that decision. I regret how it wasn't as special as I had hoped, we used protection too, but this was my childhood sweetheart. And, at the time, I thought he really loved me, and he did, in his own 17 yr old self way I suppose. We broke up cuz he was seeing another girl too, and I told him he had a month to make up his mind which of us he wanted to be with, and he couldn't, so I said see ya!! I never regretted that decision either. We got back together years later, and he became my first husband. THAT decision I DO regret!!! I told you all of this cuz of the emotions that a woman's "first" can bring out in you.

    Shaving is a personal choice. All the men I have been with (9 total) have LOVED the shaven me. Though, they really didn't care either way, to tell the truth.

    Be sure to think out your first time. Don't do it in the back of the car, or in a hurried way. Make sure you can trust him too!!! That's a biggie right there!! So if you decide at the last minute that you are not ready, he will be honorable enough to stop, and not force you to do something you don't want to do, just so he won't have blue balls!!! Have him help you make a memorable sexual opening for you. You'll be glad you did!!

  2. Now, if you have a long term Internet relationship with someone who takes you away from your partner every night, you leave him or her to go to your computer to cybersex with them, you fail to have sex with them, you are consumed with your fantasy Internet lover over real life lover THEN I do consider it cheating. I think the line is very blurred, but I can distinguish it.

    I have to agree with that quote from Mikala.

    Now, for my humble opinion, being as it is.

    My ex and I split due to financial problems, and his cybering. Not neccasarily the whole act of cybering, but the fact that he accused me ALL of the time of cheating online, that flirting online was cheating, and I was cybering, IHO. I wasn't doing any of that at all.

    That, and he was downloading nude pics of LOCAL women and sending nude pics of himself to them as well (lemme just say in all honesty, and not bitterness, that it's no WONDER he wanted me to get a high-resolution scanner for the little guy!!).

    If he had been honest with me, "hey hon, I'm cybering, wanna join?" I don't think I'd have had a problem with it, but him being a hypocrite bothered me.

    Plus, I found logs of him cybering with LOCAL women on FireTalk as well. He denied all around that he was married. I think that was a biggie too. And the whole LOCAL easily accessable women in the vicinity.

    Also, it was the whole thing of him thinking I was stupid when it came to him covering it all up. I was, at the time, an instructor at a computer training center, and had the knowlege of finding stuff on computers that he thought he had "cleverly" gotten rid of.

    Now, if my current hubby wanted to cyber, all he'd have to do is tell me, and I'd be fine with that. So long as they weren't local, and he didn't start ignoring me for the computer. :)

  3. Well, when I was newly divorced, that is EXACTLY what I wanted NSA!!

    Now, casual unprotected sex is a bad thing. Or just unprotected sex period I guess I should state instead.

    But, at least with that type of ad, there are no false hopes, no leading on, and no real expectations.

    Not a bad thing if that's what you want, IMO at least.

  4. Read some of the product reviews in this forum, they are very helpful for ideas.

    And let your man see some of the reviews as well as show him the product. There is usually a link to the product in the review, so you can see what Mikala (usually it's her posting the reviews ;) ). He will definitely like the reviews at least.

    Also, maybe ask him what he's always wanted to do sexually. If your up for it, try it out!! Baby steps, or jump right in!!

    Remember, sex is about the both of you getting pleasure out of it~adult fun!! So make sure that whatever you try, you are willing to do as well.

  5. I had something similar to that, except it was curved for the G-spot, and I loved it!! I was heart broken when it died!! :unsure:

    I wish more men would put reviews up here too, it's nice to get a man's view on sex toys, whether they be for a woman, or man!! I want to get my man a few too, and would love to hear more male's opinions!! Who's game?

  6. I know that this post is kinda old, but I am trying to catch up a bit, and hopefully help!

    I've helped a few friends "come out of their sexual shell" by showing them stores, toys, and videos to try! Plus, I've been telling LOTS of people about this site as well!! :D

    Mikala, is yet again SOOOOOOOOOOOO right!!

    Sex is about having fun, and if you're in a manogomous relationship, showing how much you love and care for that person. It's also about 2 people, not just one pleasing the other and that's it. It's for BOTH of you!!

    Remember to try new things, keep an open mind, and if there's something that you tried that you didn't like, voice it, cuz if you don't tell him that you don't like it, and he does, he may want to do it more and more, and you'll wind up not wanting to have sex at all!! :ph34r:

    There are LOTS of different types of porn out there. I love porn! :P They don't all have to have, guy on girl, blow job, girl on girl, blow job, doggie style, guy on girl, ending credits. :D There are different levels of it. If you want a bit of privacy to order these types of videos, there is another catalog/site, which I'm sure you've heard of/seen: www.carolwrightgifts.com

    They have some adult videos as well as some mild toys. The videos are unrated, so they are probably a lot like romance novels come to life, but I am not sure.

    I hope you're able to discover a bunch more sexual fun in your marriage!!! :)

  7. I met my current husband at a bar, of all places!! :D:rolleyes: I always swore that you couldn't find a lasting relationship at a bar!! :lol:

    Now, I met one guy at a rollerskating rink that I frequented, and he was lots of fun.

    Another guy I dated, I saw at the auto parts store (he worked there) and told him if he was single, to call me, and handed him my business card. He walked me out to my car with my car parts, and called me that night.

    I met 3 dates at work.

  8. OK, I've read the posts, and WOW!!

    All I can say, is that I've dealt with my fair share of jealous BFs, and 2 husbands. The first husband I found was jealous cuz he was cheating himself. My current (2nd) husband, will sometimes say "who are you getting all dolled up for?" when I am getting ready for work. I've always tried to look my best when going to work, whether it be the waitressing job at a little diner, or at a Fine Jewelry counter. So I tell him I do this for work. He knows this. Sometimes his comments irritate the heck outta me :angry: , but I am too stubborn to let it bother me.

    I know he's been cheated on, and can understand it to a degree, but I've never given him a reason to be this way. Nor am I afraid that he will go all violent on me. Now, he's threatened that if I ever cheated, that I'd better run. But I've also come back to him that if he ever cheated, I would cut off his penis as well, so it's serious about the cheating, but not the actions. Make sense?

    As far as Kitty goes, I'm not sure what to tell you here. If it keeps getting worse, maybe not only reconsider your relationship, but wonder if he is cheating on you. Cheaters get guilty consciouses, and then think "well, if I'M doing this, why can't SHE be cheating too?", and turns the guilt around on YOU.

    I'm not saying he is or isn't, but it's been my experience that this is what is normally happening.

    Now, with regards to Howard, who normally makes lots of sense. I respect his past experiences, understand them, and sympathize. BUT, not all cheaters are going to get violent. It depends on the person, and their anger threshold. If the guy is getting demanding, controlling (i.e. telling you what you can and can't wear, who you will and will not hang with), then this IS a major cause for concern. If he gets violent about what he thinks of your actions or what you're wearing (like hitting walls, throwing things, ripping up your clothing) that is also a MAJOR cause for concern. These are clues I've picked up on at least.

    Your explained behavior of just walking by, watching some guys bowl, IMO, is NOT flirting. Unless, like mentioned, there was certian body language done by you. You can't help comments made to you or about you from the opposite sex, and he should feel flattered that someone else finds you attractive, so long as they were not crude or disrespectful about it to you.

  9. I gotta agree with Mikala here.

    I've never had a 3-some, but have known several couples that have participated, and all of those couples are divorced.

    Nor only that, but sleeping with your best friend WILL change the relationship, believe me, I did it (guy though), and our friendship has suffered.

    I know of 2 couples in open marriages, and they seem happy, but they don't have 3-somes, and are SUPER secure in their relationships with their spouses.

    In a 3-some, as you have found out, there can be an attraction beyond the 3-some encounter (someone new and different-how exciting!!), and that can cause the marriage to break up. Look at your exhusband's new wife. Do you want that happening again? :o

    Now, if you choose to do the girl/girl thing, technically, that is cheating. Would you want your husband to do the guy/guy thing, or even guy/girl thing? Because if you ask him to allow that, it opens the door for both those situations. Asking a man just to WATCH is almost an impossibility. Men are visual creatures as well as hands-on. He won't want to just lookie and no touchie.

    Fantasizing is a great way to get off, and if you want to masturbate to those fantasies, great!! But think about how you want to be in the relationship with your husband, and if you're willing to risk all of the mentioned scenarios.

    Good luck to you!!

  10. After being with my husband for almost 5 years total I have JUST gotten him to the point where sex toys don't fully scare him off. In fact, he knows I have them, but HE suggested that we use them one night!!! I'm the one that enjoys porn, and the toys, and I think that he is learning that they are an aid, not a replacement! That's how he felt, that sex toys were a replacement. Though he could take or leave porn since we're together. But I know he likes watching it. Men can be funny sometimes, huh? :rolleyes:

  11. I agree with WhiskeyWoman here, break it off until the DIVORCE is finalized, and you see the notarized copy of it. If he truly loves you and wants to be with you, he will respect that, understand it, and honor it.

    Married people need not get involved with other people until they are seperated (legally) at least. Where this guy has done all these things, DIVORCE is the good time mark there.

    Howard made good points too about alimony and morality issues as well. Plus, that guy would be better off if his legal issues were resolved after the divorce, though, if there is money involved, either way, she will be entitled to at least half of it, if it's not involving a will of some sort.

    Speaking from my experience, when going thru my divorce with my ex, I didn't start sleeping with anyone until we were legally seperated. Mind you, there were no kids, and no real property to speak of, so nobody else was involved, and I was seeing a long-time friend ( who turned out to be a Friend with Freaky Benifits) and knew the whole situation. My ex was sleeping with people the entire time of our marriage, so he didn't care either way. For me, it was the respect for my promise that I made, that held me back from doing anything, dishonoring myself for what I would do, not my ex.

    That said, I hope that you are able to find the right thing to do to make you happy and able to face yourself in the mirror.

    One thing to leave you with: would you fully trust this man if you 2 were to be a couple? Would you wonder whether or not he would cheat on you the way he was with his wife?

    Just a little food for thought there.

  12. Sometimes I don't mind pleasuring my husband that way, but DAMN!! My arm gets tired!! LOL I mean really!!

    I will not swallow. I have, but I don't enjoy that, so I don't do it. And why, oh why, if you're jerking a man off, does it seem like he lasts longer than when you're having sex, and right on the edge....then....damn...he goes off before you!!?? :P

    I like it when DH masturbates me too. He just started liking using toys on me. He is one of those "If I please you enough, then you shouldn't need them" kinda men!! :ph34r:

  13. No, it's not bad, unless you have an STD or some kind of kidney infection or something like that. Just be careful, cuz as mentioned, it can pass on STDs to your partner. Always get tested before going into a new relationship. As cheesy and over said as that is, it's worth it~TRUST ME!!!

  14. Hon, I feeeeel for you!!! My ex husband was littler than I was use to (6 inches erect), but he really didn't do anything for me. He didn't know HOW to use the "Snail with the helmet"!! LOL

    To agree with Mikala, your hubby is lower than average in size, but like the old saying goes: "it's not he size of the boat, but the motion of the ocean"!!

    And I am sure that he is VERY aware that he is smaller than average. But, if you discuss other options, slowly, gently (a male's ego is a fragile thing). There are options out there for both of you to try. Penis extenders, clit stimulators, vibrators for solo or used together are very helpful and FUN!! And this site's SHOPPING area can give you some great ideas!! Look at the reviews and check it out.

    I'm not sure how old you are, but oral sex is NOT gross. Even animals do it!! It's a very pleasurable way to enjoy sex with your partner. It's natural, and most men (all that I have found in fact) LIKE the taste of a woman. :) Every female has a certian "odor" down there, that is natural. Unless you have some sort of infection, this odor is normal. If you feel very self conscious, shower first before intercourse, use some feminine cleansers. Maybe that will help your "genital self-esteem".

    If you're thinking of going elsewhere for sex, maybe you should re-evaluate your relationship. If your husband doesn't turn you on for some reason, then you need to figure out why. Is it him? Does HE disgust you? Do you not care for him anymore (as in IN LOVE with him?). Some people outgrow each other.

    If he doesn't disgust you, and you KNOW you're still in love with him, maybe a counselor (marriage) would be a good thing for you.

    Or, if you and your husband can "handle" it, trying an open-marriage. This can only be achieved by a VERY secure couple, and should not be entered into lightly. Self-esteem, trust, and most importantly, SAFE SEX needs to be addressed in situations such as that. And BOTH partners need to be agreeable to it.

    Have you EVER had an orgasm? If not, then you need to teach yourself how to do so. With a woman, we have our wires too complicated at times. We need to be aroused in the mind, not just the body. And that comes with relaxing, and learning what turns you on.

    I hope that this has been helpful in any way for you.

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