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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. On 4/20/2018 at 4:38 AM, Jay | Tesstesst.nl said:

    Based on your description I'd say you have a cuckolding fetish. Which is not strange, however you can't really expect your wife to always be into what you like. Cheating is not the same as cuckolding, although with a cuckolding fetish I am sure it will have aroused you. The thing is, she also would need to enjoy being fucked by another guy while you watch and possibly interact with them. This might not be her cup of tea. Maybe you should discuss your fetish with your wife and see if you could work something out, or possibly find someone who can actually help you out with your fetish. And no, I don't mean divorce, but maybe your wife would agree to let your fetish be satisfied where she can not. But that is of course entirely up to you both.

    I like this answer a lot.

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  2. If she's dead set against it, I doubt you will convince her of anything.

    Sounds like she's committed to you, and that's awesome!! 

    I also think it's awesome that you're concerned for her sexual desires. Have you ever thought of a hollow dildo/harness? You wear the harness, and put the dildo over your cock. Then, you're still making love to her, and she's staying true to you and her beliefs.

    I would recommend that you not try to convince her to do anyone else, or invite anyone into your private life. That would probably kill her trust.

    Best wishes!!!

    • Thanks 1
  3. Thank you for your post. I have forwarded it to Rob, one of the owners of the site/company. So he can take a look at it. My abilities on here are limited. Thank you again for helping us make this forum as user friendly as possible!!!

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  4. Silicone G-Spot RabbitRabbits, rabbits, rabbits......

    What better type of toy can there be but a rabbit, which is a toy that has a shaft that goes inside you, and then another part that stimulates the clit as well? None that I can think of!! Oh, wait! But, with this one, there's more!! This toy is also designed to stimulate the g-spot, it's a cute pink color made with a smooth SILICONE, AND it's soooo easy to use! It doesn't specify whether or not it's waterproof, but it does have the gasket around where you put the batteries in, which indicates to me that it's at least water resistant (probably not submersible though).

    It only takes 2 AAA batteries to supply this toy with some strong, yet quiet vibes, that range from a medium low, medium high, high, and 7 various pattern vibes. It only has 2 buttons at the base. The bottom button turns in on, and the one above it changes the vibe settings for you. It shuts off quickly, and I was very impressed with how quiet it was, yet how powerful those 2 little batteries were!

    The head of the shaft is quite bulbous, and the shaft is curved up a bit, to help stimulate the g-spot, and make you feel nice and full. Now, for my personal preferences with g-spot stimulations, is having a toy with a more rigid shaft to add pressure to my g-spot. Since this is a softer silicone, it has a little more bend in it than I prefer. However, the 2 "ears" for clit stimulation were pretty comfortable and stimulated my clit really well. It more like hugged around my clit, but, hey! Whatever works!!! I 

    This toy is PERFECT for any new toy users that may be a little intimidated with anything that may look a little bit more realistic. Easy to use, clean, and feels really nice, I would recommend this to almost anyone.

    Though, for me it didn't work well for what it's specified for: g-spot stimulation, it still felt really good, and I did orgasm with it. 3 out of 4 Tyger Paws for a rating from this happy cat!

    Rabbit for you?

  5. Satisfyer Pro Penguin Rechargeable Clit Stimulator


    Oh. My. Gawd! Ladies!!! If you get one toy  this year, THIS MUST BE THE ONE!!

    Let me tell you, my Satisfyer Pro 2 has been a fave of mine ever since I got it. So, when I saw this little lovely, I just KNEW I had to try it! 

    Starting off with the basics, this little critter is so cute! It's packaged well, and very simply. In the box, there are 3 things: The Penguin, the charging cord, and the little manual, written in 6 different languages it looks like.

    The Penguin is so cute! It's less than 5" long, and almost 2" in diameter! But don't let the small size fool you! Dressed to impress in the little black and white "tux", to add a little class, this penguin has a purple little bow to add dapper to its look. the soft parts of the toy are silicone, and the harder parts are ABS (hard) plastic. And since this little toy is so cute, small, and whimsical, it wouldn't be as intimidating to use for any beginners looking to get the powerful orgasms they may be missing out on!

    The little Penguin can go in and out of the shower & tub, being that he's waterproof. 

    Charging is a breeze with the USB cord that will fit into any USB plug (like for your cell phone), or computer. There are 2 metal buttons on the base (or Penguin's bottom), to which you place the flatter part of the charger. They're magnetized, so if you try to put it on wrong, it won't happen. As he's charging, the button on his tummy will blink with a white light. When fully charged, the light stays on steadily. 

    To turn on this lovely little bird, all you do is press the bottom part of the button on his tummy for a few seconds. Then, I had to press in the middle to get the functions to cycle thru the 11 settings he has, but I found the setting I liked more, which is the strongest, steady one. Now, my other Satisfyer is kind of loud, so I was thinking that, since this is the same company, and very similar design, this would be too. But, boy was I glad to see and hear that I was wrong! This little Penguin adds even more class by being oh, so discreetly quiet! To shut him off, simply hold the bottom button down again for a few seconds.

    How does this penguin satisfy? Well, let me tell you, the open "mouth" that he has isn't just for looks!! That's what you put over your clit. It also feels really good on your nipples too. The open mouth creates a gentle, quiet sucking; not enough to give hickies or make marks, but a gentle sucking that teases your clit and nippes to a very, very sensitive state! They call it Pressure Wave Technology, and, let me tell you, I don't care what they call it, but it's VERY successful!!! It only took a couple of minutes of this little Penguin sealed around my clit to have my toes curling, breath coming in pants, and me over the edge of pleasure! The orgasms have been VERY intensely pleasurable!

    I would suggest that you be ready for some sensations you may never have experienced before when you try this Penguin out. You don't have to manually stimulate yourself first because this little toy does all of the work for you! The orgasms will most likely be very strong, so go with them, and have fun, because you won't be sorry when you get this toy!

    Cleaning is a breeze with warm water and antibacterial soap too. I love silicone and ABS plastic because it IS so easy to clean, and has little to no odors. Rinse him off well, pat and air dry, and return to his nest-y box for best storage.

    All in all, this Penguin adds fun, style, and satisfaction to your toy box for sure!

    Yes, you CAN get satisfaction!

  6. Please Read some of the other posts about 3-somes. It's not as easy as just "spicing it up". Though exciting and a normal fantasy, it can really add stresses to an already stressed relationship. If it's something BOTH of you want to do (and not having to be convinced it's a good idea, but BOTH of you TRULY wanting to do), then happy searching!

    • Like 1
  7. The only major complaint my ex would have is that many of them were too short. Be careful with sizes and see how long they are in comparison to you. 

    There was also one that was a tad too tight, so again, be sure you take care of paying attention to measurements!!

  8. I second the recommendation of a hollow strap-on. It goes over his penis, kinda like a condom on steriods (but not to be used for protection, just pleasure). The straps may go around his waist, legs, or both. This way, he can still be an active participant. I'd recommend a bit of lube for him going in the toy, so it won't rub, and possibly for you the first few times you use it.

    Be careful not to use silicone lubes with silicone toys. The silicone lube deteriorates the structural integrity of the toy made of silicone.I know, sounds odd, but trust me, it's very TRUE!!!


  9. On 3/5/2018 at 7:12 AM, Zking said:

    I was big drunk for a couple years. Stopped in 2016. I did a lot of stupid things that hurt people, me and my finances.  Now im sober and dont remember a lot but heard about them.  People understand wht i did those things. Very few dissed me. Go on with your life. Forgive and forget the things said!

    You can't change the past. I'm happy for you that you quit. Now, you can look forward to a better, clearer future, and hopefully, apologize to those you care about that you may have hurt. It's not an easy road for you or those that you care about.

    • Like 1
  10. Where I can see not getting replies, some of us have busy lives and can't get on here long enough to respond as easily sometimes. I have 3 jobs. LOL I read a lot of stuff on here, but don't have a lot of response times. All I'm saying is give us some time!! LOL

    I hope everyone posts away!! I love reading about y'all!

    • Like 3
  11. It's a fantasy. Fantasies can be great, and they can also be distracting.

    Before I left my last husband, I fantasized about a guy I worked with previously. Big, tall, funny, handsome, and, as luck would have it, divorced. I thought if we could hook up finally, I'd be happy.

    He is NOT the reason I left my husband. Not in the least bit. I was looking for an emotional cushion. 

    We actually DID end up hooking up for a few months, here and there. We both knew it wasn't serious. Lemme tell ya, it should've remained in my head. The guy had a small package, didn't know how to use it, and was very, um, quick. He was very selfish in the bedroom. And, come to find out, still living with his ex wife, who texted me that I was sleeping with a married man and wanted to meet!! Uh, no, thank you. No drama for this mama!!! 

    He actually tried contacting me, after about 3 yrs of not hearing anything from him, about 5 months ago. I told him to basically bugger off.

    Sometimes, the fantasy is much better than the reality!! LOL 

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Zking said:

    You are thinking right. You girl isnt into it yet. I've watched my girl give bjs and swallow. She loves it! I also had her pull a train on 4 guys in 1 hr! As long as we BOTH agree, we are fine with anything! Good luck.

    This is fantastic for you, and I'm thrilled you found someone this accepting.

    I'm playing kind of devil's advocate here, but your woman knew going in how you are, right? You're not married, and didn't spring this on her all of a sudden. 

    Where this is fantastically working out for your situation, Eros is right on. Some women just CAN'T accept it, and think of it as a competition. If they've never been around anyone that's bi, especially being WITH anyone that's bi, they're going to probably think that they're what many people stereotype them (incorrectly) as sex-crazed people that want to have sex with anyone.

    Where I truly DO hope that this works out for the best, and I really do. Not trying to be a "Debbie Downer", but this is a serious thing. It's great that you finally told her. But you can't expect her to change so radically overnight, or expect her to say "You have a free pass, go fuck whomever you want" either. I'm not saying that you're a bad person either. I'm just saying you have extremely bad timing. LOL

    Be patient. Be kind. Be understanding. 

  13. On 2/2/2018 at 8:10 AM, eye4eye69 said:

    Yes, it was awkward because it was right in the middle of things getting hot and heavy.  The relationship wasn't really super serious anyway, we've stayed friends, a couple years later we actually did become lovers for a while but with plenty of protection.  

    That is a bit awkward. Not like you were both fully thinking straight. Timing is very important, even with that.

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