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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. On 3/7/2018 at 6:50 AM, Zking said:

    If he drinks alcohol have him not to for 3 days. Juices are better to make cum sweeter. I stopped drinking for 6 months. When my girl sucks, we french kiss with her mouth full. I really noticed a better taste!  She absolutely did.

    This is SOOOO true!!!!

    • Like 1
  2. There are several factors that can kill one's libido and strength of their orgasms.

    Stress, medications, being tired, worried about something, or just plain not in the mood.

    Many people are like "well, stop stressing, stop being tired...." blah blah blah. It's not always that easy!!! Especially for women. We think ALL OF THE TIME!! We over-think. I admit it!!! We do! Especially those with kids. Usually, it's the Mom that holds things together, gets things done in one form or another, has the majority of responsibility of the kids, with very little help often (not always). Daily stressors can do that.

    If it's a matter of your lover just isn't pleasing you, please, peruse the site more. There are hundreds of tips, reviews, suggestions, and articles that you can go thru. However, such a broad statement of "Need better orgasms" really makes it difficult to ascertain what the issue is.....

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  3. Some people think that lube means that they're not getting excited enough. Well, for women, that's not true!! Just like for men, just because you may not have a raging hard on, or have troubles getting one, that you're not sexually excited.

    My 2nd ex husband got insulted if I needed some, thinking I wasn't "horny enough for him". Which wasn't the case at all!!! After a baby, and being over 30, and yes, over-tired, sometimes, I didn't get as wet as I use to!

  4. All sorts of things can make people have weird dreams. Lack of REM sleep, diet, need for exercise, something you ate (my GF gets nightmares if she eats pepperoni!!), things bothering you, fever, medications, the weather. All sorts of different things.

    I will tell you that, since getting the Himalayan salt lamp lights in almost every room, has helped make my bad dreams less and less. We have night light styles, and 2 chunk lamps, and one pyramid one. They're said to purify the air. And it's really helped!!! 

    • Thanks 1
  5. So, I see a couple of regular posters that post things, have several views, and then delete them......may I ask why?

    I mean, it's you're business to do so, however, this IS a pretty private forum, and so there is no need to worry about anyone you know seeing the posts, unless you tell them your screen name on here and invite them on........then I'd recommend you have a new screen name.

    I LOVE reading people's posts and seeing the titles, then having it all deleted is rather disappointing.

    What are your thoughts on this? I'd love to hear them! :)

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  6. I guess it would depend on how loud you actually were. I try very hard to stay off of my phone while in restaurants and in drive thru lines out of courtesy so that I can pay attention to the person taking and giving me my orders. Besides, I don't want others hearing my private conversations. That's just me.

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  7. I would say that it may depend on her upbringing, her feelings about gay/bi people, and how recent this news is. Since it's pretty fresh, it has caused a lot of questions and probable insecurities.

    Unfortunately, you came to this possible revelation AFTER you have gotten married. It'd be a shock to anyone. She's your WIFE. Not just some random girl. So, you've been with her a while....I'm sure she's trying to get over the shock. She also may be feeling that she's not enough for you and that, for some reason, you are unsatisfied and want more than her. She may also be feeling like you lied to her, since this is a part of sexuality that wasn't even brought up before. She thought she KNEW you. She thought she was secure in her place sexually. She's, understandably, blind-sided.

    Has she ever said that she'd be interested in having an open marriage? Is she old fashioned? Does she discuss sex openly? If she's never discussed sex openly, then you can't expect that to change.......

    To be fair to her, If it's only been about 2 weeks, you're expecting a lot for her to process. It took YOU this long to come to this idea, which you've probably been tossing around in your head for years. If YOU haven't been able to fully come to terms with it until now, how can you expect her to in such a short amount of time?

    You need to give her time. If she doesn't want to be with anyone else, and won't accept that you want to be, while still married, you're going to have to come to a decision of whether to stay or go. Not to sound harsh, but that's the way it is. Do you honor your wife and marriage, and stay where you are, never fulfilling those bi curiosities, or do you leave and try it out?

    I'm as open-minded as they come for most things. I probably would've been OK with this sort of news, but I would also have felt all of the aforementioned feelings as well.

    Give her time. That's what it's going to take. Time and understanding. Do NOT pressure her. This isn't going to be as easy as deciding on a color for a living room wall, and you need her to be able to come to grip with it.

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  8. OK, so, over the couple of years, we've perfected this.

    She's on her back, I am on all 4's on HER left side. On all 4's, I'm not quite parallel with her, but my head is slightly above hers (I'm taller than she is). She has her arm up, bent at the elbow. We're positioned like a very narrow letter A. I'm leaned down a bit too, not straight up on all 4'.

    It doesn't take much to stroke the g-spot. It's anywhere from 2-4" up inside a woman. Some people say it doesn't exist.....they're lying!!! LOL

    We don't start off doing this. We do that after both of us have cum a few times, and are all warmed up. We also grab a towel now too!! LOL

    Feel free to adjust to what makes HER feel good!! It's all personal preference.

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  9. The Joy Ride Power G-Vibe With Suction Base

    Anyone want to take the top off and go on a Joy Ride? Well, let me tell ya, Adam & Eve has come up with a great ride, complete with curves and power. Let me take you thru my test drive!!!!

    This beautiful blue silicone vibrator is perfect in almost every way!

    I love the color! It's my favorite shade of blue. It's a great size at 7" length, which is almost fully insertable, and almost 2" in diameter. Because it has a base which doubles as a suction cup, it's compatible with harnesses too! And, it gets BETTER!!!!

    Running my hands over it's curves, I felt that it's smooth and silky. Gotta love those aerodynamic lines.

    Insertion is smooth and easy and comfortable, plus very easy to clean!! The suction cup doesn't look like too much, and I admit I was skeptical on its strength, but it was very strong on the marble shower bench we have. Wow!!

    Joy Ride comes with its own USB cord that you can use in a phone charger's plug, or even from your computer. Make sure you charge it fully before you use, because, trust me, you'll want to experience the full range of gears on this baby!!!

    The plug in the dildo is discreet, and somewhat hard to find. But, the plug itself is a very small plug, that reminds me of a mini headphone jack. The plug inserts into a small area to the left of the power buttons on the dildo, near the base, as you're looking at the power button. Slides right in (the plug I mean LOL).

    After it's fully fueled up, turning it on just requires you to press the power button (bottom one) for about 3 seconds or so. No keys or kick-start required!!! Then, when it's on, you press the power button again to cycle thru 8 different types of vibration patterns. Yes, 8 gears!!!!  The motor is pretty quiet, even the highest gear too!!!

    And, one of the best features.....OMG......this is new for me!!! There is another button, on top of the power button. It's symbol is a lightning bolt. And that is the most exciting feature!!! You press that right at the point you want the most power, and, well, you get a power boost of about 10 seconds of uber-vibes!!! It's almost like a nitro boost!!! Van-Diesel would be very impressed!!!!

    The length and size are very filling, and going around the curves is, oh so worthy of any classic driver out there!!!!

    Because it's not realistic looking, I'd recommend this for anyone. The vibes are a bit strong, even on the lowest setting, and it's very easy to use, waterproof, and decently quiet. 

    This toy will not be parked in the garage very much at all! I plan on putting a lot of, uh, miles on it!!!

    This gets a 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws rating from this happily purring kitty!!!

  10. Awaken Clitoral Massaging Gel


    Awaken is advertised as a libido enhancing herbal infusion clitoral massaging gel. And, we all know that it's aaaalllllllllll about the clit! I do love trying out new ways to add some sensitivity to my clit, and.....well, I think I will have to keep trying!

    This stuff comes in a small .3 fl oz tube that reminds me a lot of lip gloss, including the slanted tip underneath the pull off cap. The packaging is nice and tasteful, and the tube is pretty purple and black. The gel is clear, and has a very slight scent to it that you can barely detect. It doesn't leave much of a film on your skin, and is not tacky. Vegan friendly, paraben and arginine  free, it's safe to use with latex condoms and toys.

    That is about all of the nice things I can really say about this gel. Both of us tried this stuff out. I put some on her. We waited because sometimes clit gels take time to soak in a bit, and work. I pulled out all of the tricks too! Blowing gently on it, massaging, applying a bit more, waiting......she felt nothing. Then I tried some because some people react differently to the same thing. I let my parts hang all out in the open to get air to the gel, applied a bit more, she blew on it, massaged it in, waited,.....nope.....nothing. 

    I must say that we were very disappointed in this stuff and unfortunately, I cannot recommend this.  It didn't Awaken anything of ours.


    • Thanks 1
  11. Coochy Oh So Fresh Intimate Lotion


    I have been a long-time fan of Coochy Cream shaving cream for a long time, so I was excited to receive another of their products to try!

    For external use only, this 4 fl oz. bottle with push down nozzle is just the thing to put in any intimate area that needs a bit of wetness protection. At first, that statement confused me, because, well, it's a LOTION!!! When we hear/see the word "LOTION", we think of moisturizing, right? Well, not with this stuff!! I live in East Texas. And though it's only early March, things can still get kinda hot. So, the first place I thought of was between my "Girls".

    There's not much worse for a woman than "boob sweat".  So, I applied some in between the bosom. Rubbing it in between and underneath my breasts, it went on really well. Then I noticed something. When I was done, my hands felt, um, odd. Not moisturized. I looked at them, and.....WHAT??? They looked like they were dusted with powder!! The lotion dries into a protective powder!!!! INGENIOUS!!! A little goes a long way, so even though it's a bit over $20, this stuff will last a decent amount of time.

    This can go in areas like your bosom, vaginal area (outside only), scars, in between thighs, anywhere you may think you need to stay a bit drier. 

    This product smells like Peony (it is called Peony Prowess, so that makes sense). Though I'm not a huge fan of peony, it wasn't too bad for even my sensitive sense of smell. I do hope they make a different scent though, something less flowery, maybe like vanilla or something. 

    I will warn you dear reader, that, like deodorant, you need to be careful not to get any on your clothes because it will dust them as well. I found that out, but also found out, for what I was wearing that day, using a slightly damp washcloth, it wiped off rather easily.

    Sometimes, NOT being wet is a GOOD thing, and this stuff will help keep those areas a bit less, uh, damp!

    I will give this product all 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws WAAAAY up there!!! I love this stuff!!! 

    Stay nice and dry with this lotion!

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