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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. I do realize he probably trusts my decisions,  however,  his lack of participation in her life has dwindling the last 2 years (ever since his son was born). I would think think that he'd want to know exactly where she is.  It's maddening. She's almost 14, and sees it too. I just see that his attention is only on the family that's living with him at the time.  It breaks my heart for her. 

  2. So,  we've been at our new place since the last of October. My ex husband has yet to ask to see where we live or even ask for the address. 

    Am I being too "bitchy" in thinking that this is terrible on his part?  

    If and when he moves,  you best be certain I'd be going there to see it and get the physical address to check out the neighborhood!!!! 

  3. On Saturday, September 24, 2016 at 5:33 PM, 12GAUGE said:

    Girl go with Tyger's thoughts. She may be a bit younger than me but she is a woman and she undoubtedly knows way the heck more than me. I am just an older fella who dreams of what we (I) once wanted and at my point in life I am willing to *go the extra mile to let you know you are the ONLY ONE FOR ME.*

    Can't make it more plainer than that without going full motard.

    Thanks 12. I appreciate the agreement. :)

    • Like 2
  4. I seriously think that Mother Nature is bipolar. Here in East  Texas it has been hot, then cold, then warm, then cold, then hot and humid, and freezing cold, and now it's warm again. Today's temperatures were in the low 70s and slightly humid. Three days ago it was freezing cold and Sweater Weather. Seriously Mother Nature, take your meds!!!

  5. I think that in this instance you would be safe if you decided to do a tape of you and your lover. I think that those laws about taping someone without their consent is more about privacy issues with private individuals against those that they do not share or some sort of relationship with. I think in this instance you would be safe to do that. You know him better than we do and if he would be all for it great if not you can always destroy the tape were deleted or whatever format you use you can dispose of it.

  6. There is no better advice than your gynecologist's. 

    I believe all birth control pills use some form of estrogen levels since that's the hormone that the body uses especially when pregnant. But I could be wrong. 

    Now,  there are other forms of birth control other than pills.  IUD's, condoms,  spermicide foam, shots,   I'm not sure if they pills are out that are for men yet,  but I read that they are working on it. 

    Birth control is the responsibility of both people.  But it usually the woman that takes the responsibility of the woman,  since she's the one that can get pregnant. 

    Due to lack of insurance,  my ex husband and I use to use condoms and spermicide foam together. I definitely wanted to ensure no pregnancy. 

    After we divorced,  I went and got my tubes cut,  tied,  and burned. I have one child,  that's all I wanted. :)

  7. Stimulating the G-spot is the way to squirting.  Any toy that curves up,  or even a curled finger doing the "come hither" motion along with some pressure inside can do it. Yes,  clothes stimulating is also a must.  The type of toy, pressure,  vibe strength,  and even position,  will vary person the person.  The fun is the practicing part!!!! 

    Don't be frustrated if it doesn't work the first few times or toys.  Each woman is different.  What works for one,  may not work for another. For example,  I prefer a direct strong vibe. I also cum faster with something inserted inside of me.  My girlfriend's preference is a lighter,  indirect vibe,  no inserting of anything usually. 

  8. I would say that he's most definitely using you as his Down-Low Toy for sure. 

    If someone wants to contact you,  they would,  no excuses. They would contact you, AND,  WTF is this "you can't contact him" crap?  Yeah,  he only cares about himself. Even if he became single tomorrow,  he'd still have you as an "on the side,  and in the down-low". He doesn't value you as a person. 

    Yes,  you certainly do seem to have a low self-esteem,  and I'm sorry that you feel so low about yourself. Obviously,  you're not as unattractive as you think,  since you have men that want you. Why do you think you don't deserve more than being someone's toy? You get what you put out,  even when you don't mean to. In other words if you feel like you're not worthy of a relationship or being with someone that is deserving of you in a relationship, you're going to send out vibes to people that are looking for nothing more than sex. Convenient sex. You're going to put Flags out for users and they are going to pick up on it. That's not fair to do to yourself. You need to change the way you feel about yourself. That's hard to do but it can be done.

    If you develop the attitude that you're a quality person,  and deserve more,  "nut-up" so to speak,  those users won't stand a chance,  and you're  self-worth will go up.  But you have to BELIEVE it. 

    Only YOU can change how you put yourself out there.  The first step is to cut it off with Mr.  User.  No more contact.  Break it off.  Be honest with him.  Tell him you want AND deserve more  and tell him no more contacting you. Don't accept his calls.  Or anyone else that used you. 

    My GF was a lot like you.  Felt like she wasn't worthy of a quality partner.  Had people use her so much. Mostly for what she could do for them.  Selfish people and lovers. She found someone that changed her views totally.  That person passed away from cancer,  but she's thankful that this woman showed her that she's worthy of love..... Real love. It opened herself up to me.  She thought I was "too pretty " for her,  not contacted me anyway,  and I'm so glad she did!!! 

    I've purged many people that I knew were using me overtime. It's sometimes not easy, and sometimes those people are even family members. However, if you value yourself and your self-worth you will understand that you deserve better than this sort of treatment.

    Best wishes to you. 

    • Like 2
  9. I agree with RC. Any kind of drug use can open one up to more dangers than just being with an addict. Addicts can't be trusted whether it's with finances, telling the truth, or even sexual partners usually.

    I'm sorry this hasn't worked out for you. However, if this person IS an addict, which meth users are, (meth isn't a drug that can only be done just once or twice)  then it's for the best for you.

    I love the fact that we have a man on here willing to talk about his relationships with other men. It's a great different point of view that we haven't had the pleasure of experiencing very much here. Thank you for sharing your stories and keep sharing.

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  10. Just keep in mind that a toy that works for one person may not work for another that's why there are so many different sorts of toys out there! It doesn't mean anything is wrong with you or wrong with the toy it just means that that particular time doesn't work for you and that's okay. That goes for men AND women. 

    One of the most fun aspects of using toys is that you get to experiment with a lot of different items to find the ones that work for you!


  11. Thanks for all of the support guys and gals!

    I had to laugh!!! Last night, the woman that just walked off on me called me for advice. They had created some committee for the activity my daughter does, yet chose not to include me. THEN she called me for legal advice, knowing I've dealt with that sort of thing before. I kept it brief, and general. Then I got off the phone because I was moving stuff. Too bad, so sad.

    Is it wrong of me that doing that felt good? LMAO

    • Like 2
  12. To sum it up: Life Happens!!!!

    So, Friday marked the first 6 weeks of school. I'm still fighting to get parents to turn in paperwork, believe it or not. Plus, dealing with our Admin to get more kids enrolled ASAP (more funding that way). Then, also helping get 2 new software programs learned, and then up and running for the teachers. Yes, it's really been fun.....not.

    On top of that, I had to go to the superindendent due to the condition of the house I'm renting from the school. The bathroom is in the middle of the house, and it is now sinking. Long story short, the middle of the house is sinking due to lack of ventilation under the house, which is rotting it from the ground up. At first, they said they'd fix the house, because they like me here. Which is nice. Their budget is $10K for it. Unfortunately, due to the damage, and now a bowing out exterior wall which will cause more damage and money. They had a contractor come out and look at it. He said it's not safe for anyone to live in, and that we need to move. So, I've been packing for 2 weeks.

    My life consists of ensuring my daughter is being taken care of, spending some time with her, packing, cleaning, purging, a yard sale to get rid of stuff, and more cleaning and packing. I also have to squeeze in time for my Squeeze of a GF too. So far, I've been doing good I think.

    We're moving in with my GF. She has a large home, and has offered us a place to stay. It's 45 min away from where I work, however, the savings with rent will  be a huge help. Plus, I'll be able to have some sort of a private life again. Living across the street from the school I work at is convenient, to say the least, however, EVERYONE knows where I live, and I really can't do much without someone from the school seeing me.  So, this will allow me to be me a bit more.

    I'm trying to get all of this done really quickly, yet organized, because the more I move stuff, the more damage I'm seeing to the walls and ceiling, so I'm working on getting this stuff done ASAP.

    I miss seeing your posts so much!!! And I'm sneaking on here to get my "fix". ;)

    • Like 2
  13. On 7/25/2016 at 7:04 PM, Kinkster said:

    Can't imagine why any guy would be threatened by a piece of plastic. :/ Especially when you are the 'operator'. :)

    Wife really loves it when I use a dildo in her, while licking her clit. She fantasizes that I'm double jointed, and cums like crazy. 

    It's even better, if we do it after I cum in her first. Not for the timid I suppose, maybe a bit messy, but it sure adds to the intensity of her O!




    Believe it, some men do get intimidated by a sex toy. My ex, before he really got into me reviewing toys, thought that if he did the job good enough, I wouldn't "need" a sex toy.

    I think that this is great!!! If you have a desire to please her over and over, I tip my hat to you sir!!!!

  14. What's a "little thing" you do for your SO that you know it's something they'll appreciate. I'm not talking huge efforts here, I'm talking small things like wearing a type of shirt you know they'll like, wearing a certain color or perfume, just making the bed, or something that you just KNOW they'll notice and appreciate where someone else may not even see it?

    For me, my GF loves me in a tank top. She loves seeing the cleavage. Also, she loves the color blue, so I try and wear blue more. She loves my nails (not too long though.....owie), so I try hard to keep them really nice and a good length. I text her little things here and there thru the day, whether it's a cute, funny, or loving meme from FB, or just a simple "I love/appreciate you". Just so she knows I'm thinking of her.

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  15. My first husband had an, at the very least, an online fling. I'm not really sure to this day, if she had a full fledged affair.

    We had had a rocky past, with him cheating, leading me on, and playing games. Our 3rd time together, I had told him that I was not going to play anymore games, and if I even sniffed a fling, affair, or even a major flirt going on. I was D.O.N.E. When I found the chat histories, pics he was sending and recieving, and no accountability for where his money was going, yep. I was GONE!

  16. Hey there. Welcome to the forums. I know you've been here a while now, so sorry I missed this. I'm a school secretary, so this last month and a half has been so chaotic for me! I've missed a lot!!!

    First, I'd be interest to know if he was OK with the 3some being ok if it was with another woman, but not a man. Just out of curiosity really. That could exp

    Yes, 3somes can be successful in an open, totally disclosed relationship. It takes a VERY secure couple to be able to do this, whether only once, or a long-term thing. It takes a very very very secure relationship to do a 3some for a long term thing.

    If your husband has some mental issues, this was NOT a good thing to suggest. Again, it takes a VERY secure couple to be able to participate in a 3some, and anyone with mental issues usually has a lot of self-consciousness about it, and is insecure. If he's been insecure for a while, again, not a good thing to suggest, and he may be a bit resentful that it was a suggestion, even if he was for it at first. That's how I think of it anyway.

    Now, even if he has a mental issue, that is NO excuse for him to abuse you verbally, mentally, or physically. A happy, healthy marriage requires 2 willing people to work at it. It sounds like that your marriage is NOT a stable or happy one, so a 3some is not a realistic thing to be looking into.

    If you're not happy, and if he is being abusive, and if he's unwilling to get help like counseling/medication, you really need to think about other options for you and your kids. For your mental well-being, and your kids as well!

    If you want to stay with your husband, and still want to explore, you can possibly use toys as a fun substitute for another person.  Name a dildo, and "introduce him" to your hubby, and have him play with you with "him". Or, get a type of masturbator for men, name "her", and play with "her" with your husband. It takes a bit of creativity, but it can be fun!!!!


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