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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. I agree. I like "bio-assault". That's a good term for those that pass on their STDs knowingly/carelessly.

    I have only had to disclose a few times, but, each time went very well, and I'd have an idea of when we were going to engage in sex, so I'd take my meds, vitamins, and be sure that condoms were used. It helped a lot when I know my symptoms and that I told the men I was with before, that I was with my ex husband for almost 13 yrs, and I had herpes all that time, and never gave it to him.

    I was so nervous each time I did so though. To me, once you have an STD that's incurable, casual sex isn't really an option. You need to CHOOSE to have quality partners/relationships. Flings just increase transmission.

    • Like 1
  2. My circle of people I talk to seems to be going down. You know, I try and take the time to listen to others if they need to talk, or are having a hard time. Even when I'm super busy, I really take the time to listen. I may come across as a bitch, but that's only because I don't take people's shit, and I also am pretty blunt when it comes to some things. I tend to get to the point, and not flower stuff up when you ask for my opinion. And, I actually use my filter enough so I don't totally alienate people. LOL

    This week, there's been so much going on for a lot of people. I try to listen to as much as I can. This one person this week, who whines about everything when she comes in (and I do mean EVERYTHING), and I listen, came up and started again. Then she asked how I was. I started to tell her a little bit of why I'm down right now. (Godmother is dying, I've had 2 kids I know of loose parents in a week, my daughter has mono, and I just found out that another friend's brother just passed. Not to mention that it's been a very unproductive week this week, and the crazy parents just seem to be getting crazier!! Stress, emotions, and I'm not even PMSing!!! LOL)  She literally, like actually walked off on me because my problems far exceeded hers. I was like, really? And I didn't even get personal or in depth! Wow. Ok. Thanks for not listening.

    That's actually happened to me 3 times this week. 3. I will not be making those people much of any time the next time they try and talk to me.

    So, if someone tries to come to you to vent, disclose, or just unload, take the time to listen. Even the strongest need to vent every so often. I keep so much to myself most of the time, and I deeply appreciate those that take the time to listen to me as well. It's very rare that I actually delve deep and want to talk to someone. Usually just 2  people get that privilege. But I know that if I need them, they are there. But, jeez, I was just saying a generalization as to what's been going on, and the bitch just. Walked. Off.

    I'm not whining, or asking for attention, just making an observation, asking those to think, and take some time to be thoughtful. Someone may just need that.

    I'm normally a strong person, and come across as not needing anyone much of the time. But, everyone needs someone to talk to. Thankfully, my GF is awesome like that, but she's had to stay at her house for the last 3 nights, so I am missing her even though we talk on the phone every night.
    That is all.

    • Like 2
  3. I reread this whole thing. Wow. Yeah, I wonder what happened. I'm assuming they divorced. Once one person gives up, it's just a matter of time.

    This is a good lesson to some though. If you don't want to know an answer to a question, don't ask it. If they were such good friends, I'm sure she would've told him at some point that she had sometimes wondered about other guys, but glad she was with him, or something to the like.

    Not trying to sound negative, but sometimes, some doors need to remain shut.

    As far as the distancing thing goes, I totally get that. She spent a great deal of time with a nice looking guy that was encouraging her, pushing her, and doing physical activities with her. Pushing her limits, and complimenting her. Paying intense attention to her that she probably hadn't had in a while. It's natural to develop a crush in that situation. I mean, families can and do have a tendancy, at times, to take each other for granted, or just get caught up in the family life, forgetting to make time for the husband and wife aspect of the family.

    And if the husband felt like the trainer was such a threat in the beginning, why didn't he join himself, or ask her to go elsewhere or get a female trainer? I'm not fully blaming him, however, if he saw the signs very early on, then opened the curiosity door with her, by asking her if she'd want to sleep with someone else, well.......yeah, it's not like he didn't have an inkling as to what was happening.


    As to the original question: Can a woman have sex and separate love/sex?

    Yes, they can. I too am proof that they can.

    I will say that if a woman has sex with the same man over and over, even with the understanding that it's just sex, she probably will develop some feelings for the guy (like I did). I was smart enough to separate myself from that situation before I got hurt though.

    I'm thinking now, after all of these years, that he and I were both too stubborn and scared to admit that it was turning into more than sex between us.

    • Like 2
  4. Since I've rented all of my life, I'd say renting. The costs of major repairs falls on the owners. Taxes too.

    And, frankly, I believe homes are way over-priced anyway! It's like a never-ending money pit.

    That said, I do wish I owned a house, just for roots and the freedom to do whatever the hell I wanted with it!

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  5. Gawd, I think we all do!!!

    I've had the bed break. And it was a metal framed one. Both me and my BF weren't overweight either.......

    My dog decided to sniff my BF's nuts while in mid stride (the look on his face was PRICELESS!!!).

    I don't think my lover would have agreed, but I found it hilarious that this big guy (over 6"), rugged, police officer, was a total wuss in bed. He didn't like biting or even nibbling (me to him), I could barely touch him. I was like, uh, ok.....

    And, one other guy, OMG!!! When he came, he screamed........like a girl!!!! High pitch and everything!!! Took all my self-restraint (which I have very little to begin with LOL) not to say WTF!!???

  6. prolwer-01-2.jpeg


    The Prowler

    Growl! This power-packed vibrator brings the "old school" vibrator into the 21st century.

    What we had years ago, was just a smooth plain vibrator, or a ribbed one, all hard plastic, taking big batteries, loud, obnoxious, and limited. Now we have so many options! But I'm glad that California Exotics' Colt Gear line has added a bit of elegant modernization, while still keeping the classic basic in mind.

    Smooth, hard, black, seamless plastic, this toy has quite a bit of power. Taking 3 AA batteries, which go in the textured top of the handle. Like it's fore-vibrators, the base twists to turn it on, and adjusts the vibe strength.

    I love that it has a contoured handle! So, you don't have to worry about hanging on to the short base, this handle adds about 5" to the total length of this toy, which is about 11" total. Diameter of this toy is almost 1.5". I loved the added little strip of silver separating the insertable length to the handle. It broke up the black and it looked so nice. Oh, and yes, it IS waterproof!!!

    After putting in my batteries, I was pleasantly surprised at the variety of vibe strength from my Prowler! It is a bit loud, but not overly so. The whole shaft vibrates very well, and even with the tapered end offering a bit more direct stimulation on the clit, the power of the Prowler is very strong inside and out.

    I was able to make myself purr with this Prowler.....profusely! The vibes felt so good inside! Very strong, steady, and intense. The length and diameter of the vibe felt so good, and I felt nice and full.

    I wouldn't recommend this to a beginner just for the size of this toy. Though it is not overly phallic looking, so it's not as intimidating as some vibrators, the vibe strength even satisfied this picky Tyger!!! I'll be on the Prowler again very soon!!!


    Pounce on THIS Prowler!

    • Like 2
  7. So, I'm a secretary at the front desk of an elementary school. This week was our first week of school back. The 2 weeks prior, we were getting ready for the kids, trainings, meetings, and such. On top of that, my mother didn't check with me to see if this week would be a good week to come for a visit, and of course, I always tell her to check with me first, but she never does. I always tell her the first week of school is NOT the time to come. She always feels neglected when she comes during that time. Yeah, she's here.

    Not to mention trying to get my daughter ready for school,  and she starting her first day of school.

    Mentally, I'm exhausted!!!

    My daughter is at her father's this weekend. My  mother went back to her place (she has a small travel trailer on her own lot about 5 miles away). My GF is at her sister's, baby sitting. I have the house to myself (if you don't count my critters).

    I've made a few phone calls, played a few games of Bubble Witch, watched TV while eating pizza, and now I'm just vegging out. I need this.

    I've missed posting and reading, and I will be trying to catch up.

    • Like 1
  8. I don't agree with the stealing. Having been in retail, and seeing a lot of theft, I know that it's the thefts that make prices go up. It's good that she wants to get protection, however, I'd suggest that the next time you see them, let them know you saw them take them, and maybe then offer to pay for them for her if she wants them.

    When I lived with a few people, I use to get them for free at the Family Planning Clinic, then put them in a tin in the bathroom. I told the people I lived with that they were welcome to take whatever, or how much of them they wanted. I'm not sure if the clinics offer free condoms anymore, but it's worth the inquiry.

    Rather have the slight embarrassment of the talking to her about it with you, then for her to get caught stealing the condoms, and having to explain THAT to the parents!

    • Like 1
  9. no811b_thumbnail.jpg


    Sometimes, it's fun to use some sort of clit stimulating cream, gel, oil, or, in this case, balm, to help stimulate your clit just that much more for an added ZING!

    This ON Balm Natural Arousal For Her by Sensuva is all natural and menthol-free. I love all natural products! And, with people's growing sensitivities and allergies on the rise, it's always nice to find something that helps alleviate that worry.

    The item comes in a really simple, elegant  black box and the tube of the product is .075 fl. oz. About the size of a narrow lipstick, in fact. So, it's also travel-friendly due to size. The tube itself is an elegant shiny black plastic, and could be mistaken for a lipstick.

    The first ingredient is beeswax, then it's a proprietary blend of essential oils. After removing the safety seal, I opened it up, and loved how the natural-looking product was tapered at the end for the tube and the balm. There's no pigment to this, so it's a natural, cream-like color. There was a really spicy nutty smell to it, thanks to cinnamon and almond oils in it as well. There's also some vitamin E in the balm, so it's good for the skin. I twisted the tube to make the balm go up more, again, just like a lipstick. I put some on my finger, liking the feel of the balm. It's not greasy or sticky, and still smells really nice on the body. It didn't do anything on my finger, so we really needed to try it ON somewhere else. The tube snaps gently closed, to help keep it fresh.

    The directions on the box state to put a small amount on the clit, and allow up to 2 minutes to feel the full effect, and reapply as desired. It also states it's "shockingly powerful, buzzes with pleasure, and best used alone, or with others".

    Well, on this night, I used it with another. I put some on my girlfriend first. So, I put some directly on her clit, about 5 swipes of it. Then I put some on my clit. Be very careful not to push it on too hard. It spreads rather easily, and, well, it's sensitive down there!!!  Now, if you're expecting an immediate zing, buzz, or sensation, I'm here to tell you that it will not do that. Nor will it feel like the common "cool/cold" feeling that most clit stimulation lotions provide. Remember, there's NO menthol in this balm, so that sensation will not happen for you. I was a bit disappointed, but, about 1 minute after applying, and closing our legs a bit, well, OK! There it is!!! It's actually a warm feeling that starts to develop in the areas that you apply the ON Balm. There's a heat there that feels nice, and warm.

    My girlfriend didn't really like this particular item, and I was definitely surprised and a bit let down at it as well. It didn't really last very long, the warm feeling was nice, but almost in a comforting way, not a stimulating way.  I didn't find this "shockingly powerful", nor did it make me "buzz with pleasure" like I was expecting. It was a pleasant feeling, which we tried repeating a few nights later. But, with the same disappointing results. No "buzz" or very powerful. Though we did really like it on our nipples though. Unfortunately, it wasn't as ON as we'd hoped.

    Cleaning up was very easy, no sticky residue, and no side effects for us with this balm. I just used a tissue to wipe off the first layer  of balm after we had applied it to ourselves, for sanitary reasons.

    Overall, I give this item a rating of 2 out of 4 Tyger Paws.


    Is ON for you?

    • Like 1
  10. If you don't want to use cornstarch, though that is a very good suggestion, there are a few items on here that they sell just for the realistic feeling toys to help keep them soft and supple:

    Fleshlight Renewing Powder

    Fanta Flesh Revive Powder

    Vac-U-Lock Powder

    The majority of real feeling toys are made with the same materials, so these should work for them all. And, even though they're usually advertised for the male masturbators, they'll work on realistic feeling dildos too. Same materials, just a different shape.

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