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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. If you're a guy, and maybe masturbating anally, do you ever kinda role play, maybe fantasizing that someone is ramming your pussy?

    If you're a female, do you maybe have, for example, a double ended dildo, and when you use it, do you pretend that the end outside of your body is your cock, and you're jacking off, or mentally fucking a pussy?

    I've done the second, and, OMG, does it get me off fast and hard!!!!

    • Like 1
  2. Thankfully, I have "resting bitch face", so I'm very rarely touched, even when I was pregnant. I've been told I have a "don't fuck with me" vibe, though I don't mean to in most instances. Now, when someone compliments my nails, asking if they're real or not, THEN I tell them to touch them and see.

    However, since working at an elementary school, I do allow the kids to touch my hair or nails, or give hugs, or hold my hand.  I never tell them no  because I know that, for some of them, school is the only place they get any sort of affection and/or attention.

    • Like 5
  3. Oh yes, I love the smell of vanilla!! I haven't found anything as sweet-smelling as Bath & Bodyworks Vanilla Oil, but, alas, they no longer sell it.

    My GF wears Chanel Changes, and OMG, every time she wears it, it makes me wet! The one she likes on me is Antonio Bandares' Blue Seduction. I love that perfume on me, as well as Drew Barrymore's Cherish. I use to like CK Obsession, but my MIL wore it, and so it no longer felt sexy to me. LOL

  4. Once warmed up, was it an intense tingling, or just light? On a scale of 1 -5, how would you rate the tingle?

    Did it have a scent? Or a taste?

    When reviewing stimulation creams, you should always give an example of intensity, your personal preference, and scent/taste. People, like myself, who love to try new stimulation creams find that information important. If it's not a good one, be honest. Not every item will work for you, and if it's not a good product, it's not a good product.

  5. if you had a complete hysterectomy, which includes the removal of your ovaries, you may have to continue to use some lube. Hysterectomies remove the parts that generate estrogen, which also helps lubricate you.

    I would suggest talking with your GYN. They've heard it all, so this question won't be shocking to them, and they may have a solution that works for you.

    I know my mother had a hysterectomy when I was 9, and only one ovary removed, and she needs to use lubricant from a bottle, even though she takes hormonal pills and sometimes shots.

    Again, check with your doctor..

    • Like 1
  6. My ex is from the south too, and was feeling the same way. Not gay, but wanted to try. He was the one to bring it up. And, we had several discussions on his not being gay, and pleasure is pleasure, and who cares what we do in the bedroom so long as it's consentual?

    Again, anal sex does not have any baring on whether or not you're gay. Now, if you want a guy only to peg you, then.......well........you're gay. LOL But if it's only a dildo, or you want your girlfriend/wife to peg you, then you're probably not gay. If you don't care if it's a guy or a girl, then you may be bi.

    That all said, anal sex can be a pleasurable event between consenting adults.

    • Like 1
  7. If you have neighbors, how do you get along with them?

    Personally, I'm not a hard person to get along with. I like the people that live right next door. However, they had one dog that they had in a kennel, outside, and then, on top of the 4 kids they have, decided to add 2 more dogs. One dog is out back, near my house, and it YIPS All. Day. Long. It's quite annoying. It's a pitbull mix, seems friendly enough, but it wants attention, so it yips. Which they keep it outside most of the time. All of which is perfectly legal, but very annoying.

    Then, the people that live on the corner of the property, have 2 other big dogs, one of which is also a pitbull mix, and is a bit more aggressive, those people have been shooting guns randomly here and there (which is illegal considering how close they are to residences and a school), and I've called the PD about them. But their dogs get out often. I'm debating on getting a paintball gun to shoot them so they'll steer clear of this property.

    I have very nosey neighbors. Living in a small town, and living at the school's rental property, is proving interesting, but so far, have been left alone. I'm assuming most people know how I am and will leave me alone, but we shall see. For the most part, I have legitimate complaints, but not much I can do about them, other than what I'm doing.

    How are your neighbors?

    • Like 2
  8. This is for both men & women:

    What do you use to shave your face or legs? If you shave *down there*, do you use the same razor or a different one?

    I'm interested because I have course, fast growing hair. I found a great 6 blade generic (yes really!!!) that worked really well with me. When they went on clearance 2 yrs ago, I bought a lot of them that lasted until like, just this week. The handle I had broke, but, thankfully, I actually found a handle that fit these blades (after searching for months and trying other razors in the meantime) from the Dollar Shave Club. I suspended my account with them until I used all of my other blades.

    Now I'm back on there, and I use the Executive, which is actually really good, and keeps me smooth for at least 2 days. Normally, I have to shave about once a day, Sometimes once every 2 days.

  9. On 12/22/2015 at 6:06 PM, WenWitch said:

    I can relate with the idea of not "performing for the men". You want your first time or some subsequent times after the first time to be soley you and her. My ex eventually found out about my interest in women ( I told him) and immediately his thought was "awesome a 3-some! Um, no. I'm sorry but this is something I need to do on my own at first. That's how I felt. It's nervey enough to be with a woman for the first time but then to have an audience. How do I know this is what I really want? The fantasy was there but was it just that? A fantasy? A little off reference but imagine you fantasize about sky diving. You get in the plane. It takes flight. Next thing you know you're standing there with parachute and all on and someone's there telling you "jump!" It's at that moment when you truly realize whether or not you're going to do it. Talk about pressure. When there's that extra person waiting to see you perform, all the intimacy goes out the freaking window. You're put on the spot. At least that's how it would have been for me. Some people do get turned on by an audience. And there's nothing wrong with that. Just not my thing.

    I totally understand this! My ex husband told me randomly one night that he'd be ok with me being with a woman. Then, when I told him that if it ever happened, he wouldn't be there for the first meeting or 2 because 1. I'd be nervous enough, and 2. I don't understand the way of thinking that if a woman wants to be with another woman, and men think that it's a GO for a 3-some.

    • Like 2
  10. Born and raised in central Maine. I moved to Texas the first time, in 2000 after my first divorce. Met my now second ex husband, moved back to Maine for almost 2 year, then back to Texas. I'm in East Texas, not too far from Kris. I'm kinda stuck here until my daughter is 18, per the divorce/custody arrangement. We've been thinking of moving back to Maine when that happens. I do miss my family and friends up there, and the ability to go outdoors without being drenched in sweat immediately after going outside due to the humidity! I love Maine, but the taxes are a bitch!! So, even maybe NH. But anyway, I'm a Maine City Kid now living in Redneck Country! And, yes, I too have a horse!! LOL

    • Like 3
  11. It sounds like, and, no offense intended, he's such a home-body, and not wanting to put forth much of an effort other than what he has to do, is making him very selfish. Now, sometimes, being selfish is not a bad thing. Everyone needs to take some time for themselves. However, since y'all are together, he has to learn that it's not all about what he does and does not want to do. He has to share his time, and if that means going out of his comfort zone every once in a while, then he needs to do so.

    This is personally and sexually. Talking is good, however, if you're talking AT him, and he's not fully engaged in the conversation, then it won't do either of you any good. There's a big difference between talking TO someone and talking AT someone. And it can't be in the heat of the moment, or at the height of your frustration. Talking about issues that you may have have to be fully acknowledged by him, and absorbed. That means eye to eye contact, and an attitude of willingness on both sides. Be ready for him to talk about his wants and needs and concerns as well. It also can't be a Blame Game either. Those never, ever work!!!

    Talking to a man about sexual prowess is a tricky thing. Some CAN be done in the bedroom while making love, with oohs and aahs, and "I like it when you do that", and "oh yes, right there, like that". Men get verbal cues like that, and want more of them, and will usually do anything to get them!

    • Like 1
  12. iconic-rocket-1_thumbnail.jpg

    Pocket Rockets are a staple in any woman's sex toy collection, in my honest opinion. I find they're better than most bullets, and get the Job. DONE! Most are pretty affordable, easy to use, and only require one battery.

    So, when I got the JimmyJane Iconic Pocket Rocket, I was super excited to try it out. I've tried  out a couple of JimmyJane items, and they've never let me down before. And I've always been impressed with their designs and quality, so I was looking forward to this experimenting! It is a bit more expensive than many pocket rockets I've gotten before, but I was hoping for something that was worth the BANG for my buck. And I was not disappointed!!! First off, this hard plastic white beauty came in a very simple box, and when I opened it, I was excited to see that it already came with its own AA battery. As with most pocket rockets, it only took the one, and it goes in easily. It's easy to turn off and on with a simple twist, and it has one setting. Again, like most, its one setting is HIGH, and I just love strong vibes! Oh yeah! The vibe is not overly loud, but not quiet either. On a scale of 1 to 5 for loudness, I'll give it a 3. It's also water proof, which is great for shower play!

    It's your basic pocket rocket design, with 4 plastic nubbies on the top for better direct stimulation, and it even has a clear plastic cap for the top that just snaps on, to keep it nice and clean after playing, which adds to it's travel-ability, so, even if it's in your purse, the top will stay clean no matter what. The sides have a raised ridges as well as the base, to make sure you can keep a grip on your play toy as you stimulate various parts of your body.

    Grabbing mine, and starting to rub it all around my labia and clit, working myself up slowly, The vibes were the perfect strength for me, and I was rocketing to a very strong orgasm in no time!

    I'd recommend this toy for a beginner or experienced toy user. It's ease of use, care, and ability to travel well, makes this a great addition to your toy collection. It'll bring you to the moon and back!! BLAST OFF!

    This pocket rocket is well worth the money. I give it 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws rating!


    JimmyJane Pocket Rocket-to the moon!

  13. This a repeat of the weather and flooding last year at this exact time. The ground hasn't had the chance to fully dry up, and it's completely saturated! I went with my GF to her house today, and it took us almost 3 hours to get there, when it normally takes about an hour. We had to detour, and I took some photos (ok, almost 300 pics). Some of the flooding just astounds me!

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  14. My ex and I got one from here, and it worked REALLY well!!! I can't remember the name of it, but I'll look and see if I can find it. Simple to use, easy to clean. He didn't have any erectile dysfunction, but it did make him harder and more sensitive.

    Those supplements that you can get at "head shops" are if-y at best, and I have NEVER had any of those that worked at all (except keep me awake since some of caffeine in them.

    I guess this is just another example of how different things work for different people. :)

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