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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. That sounds extremely selfish and lazy on their parts.

    I know how you feel. I've always gone to other's houses before I had a child. It WAS easier for me to travel and hour or 2 with just me than it was for 3, 4, or 5 people. So I didn't mind at all. However, after I had my daughter, I'd told people that it was now THEIR turn to come see US, since most of their kids were grown, or at least much older. Yeah, that didn't happen as much. So now, I don't invite. If they want to come, they can call. Most are in different states. But, I just enjoy the time with my daughter and sister. I don't stress about seeing anyone. And they've got tired of my response to "when are you coming over to see us?" I respond with "it's YOUR turn to do the visiting". LOL

    Besides, you can freeze portions of what you made, and have lunches ready for you later on if you choose to stay home. :)

  2. Thankfully, I'm on a 2 week break. This time of year at a school seems bad. At least the 3 weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. Kids are getting excited and ornery.

    Parents are getting frustrated at their kids, so they're going to take it out on people that they think they can. Parents also seem to think that being 45 minutes late picking up their kids is OK, since, apparently, I'm a babysitter when everyone goes home. So, I've threatened calling the police the next time it happens. Yep, that was last week.

    Teachers are getting frustrated at lack of parental caring, until they realize that their kids may fail, then all of a sudden, the report cards, progress reports, and notes home don't mean anything. It's the small lightbulb that goes off above the parent's heads. Duh.

    Teachers think I can whip items up they need out of thin air, and forget it takes 2 weeks to get anything ordered, IF, and it's a big IF, the item gets approved.

    Thank goodness it's Winter Break and I can just chillax!!

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  3. You deserve to be respected! His actions drove you out. I totally understand where you're at with this. My ex husband did the same thing when I'd go out with friends. I did the same thing to him once, to show him how it felt. But, I stopped going out, to avoid this situation. I resented him for it.

    You left. You made a mistake by sleeping with someone else before you were legally seperated or divorced. If he chose to accept you back, after you confessed, him showing you physical and emotional pain is NOT appropriate. It NEVER is, no matter what. If he says he forgives you, he's lying, because his actions tell a different story!

    You deserve to be loved. Him physically and emotionally hurting you is NOT love. It's a form of ownership and control. This man sounds like he is pathetic, immature, and blames everyone else for his problems, and not taking accountability for his own actions. You deserve SOOOO much more!!!!

    • Like 1
  4. I would talk to her first. If she's as shy(or to use your words, prudish). She may not get pleasured by the whole "go down on her afterwards without warning". Just assure her that this is something you really, really want to do, and how excited you get about thinking about it.

    Some women get a bit self-conscious after both of you have cum, and it can feel squishy and slimy if that's how she thinks of it. Remember, women are taught at an early age, that we're suppose to be neat, clean, and smell good at all times. Getting dirty is usually taboo. It's hard to change that mindset.

    She will probably say no the first time you mention it. Again, reassure her that this is YOUR idea, and something you REALLY want to try. Relax her to the idea. If she's resistant, and then you do it anyway, it will prohibit her to enjoy it.

    • Like 1
  5. I've been re-reading some topics here. I'd like to add a few helpful tips on buying a harness/strap-on.

    Take a close look at the size that the harnesses fit. This is a MAJOR issue many people have. If the harness is too tight or uncomfortable, it won't encourage repeated usage. I look for "adjustable", or elastic. I have HIPS!! Even when I was younger and thinner, I had HIPS. So, make sure you know about how wide your girl is, or what she may like to try. I've reviewed a few. I've found a few that I like.

    Too thin straps can cut into the skin. Also, look for something that either allows for a clit stimulator (with a sleeve), or even a double penetrating harness, with one toy on the outside, and one that the wearer can insert as well.

    Feeldos are ok, but, unless you are practiced with them, they can be quite awkward for a new user. You also have to have excellent vaginal muscles to use those. I would recommend a harness for a newbie. It makes the first few times easier. And, if it's a dual stimulation one, if she's feeling good, the less the reservations will come into play.

    I'd also recommend a stimulating cream for her clit. This way, she's totally turned on! Though, there's something about seeing yourself (as a woman) with a stiff cock sticking out of your body like it's yours. Yeah, it's hot, in my opinion!!!

    I hope that helps some more.

  6. I was just going to say what Mikayla did. The few I've tried, rattle, make a lot (A LOT) of noise, and always shake their way free of the plastic vibe. 2 smooth surfaces trying to hold onto each other just doesn't work.

    Sorry this didn't work out for you. But thanks for the honesty!

  7. The Kama Sutra brand is a well-known brand for innovative, sensual products. I must admit that this item was a really great idea. I've tried several Kama Sutra items, and some have worked, some haven't.

    This item is a combination of vibrating clit stimulator, AND a container/applicator of stimulating gel. When I opened the flap on the front of the box, I could clearly see the applicator in it. It's a dark, shiny, almost-black, and resembles a small tube of lipstick. It's about 3.5" long, and made out of hard plastic, so it's cute and compact for discreet traveling. It doesn't say it's waterproof, but only recommends being wiped down with rubbing alcohol, so I'd say it is NOT waterproof. Since it is a smooth, hard plastic, cleaning it off is fairly easy. However, the rolling ball will also need to be cleaned, and I used some warm water and rubbing alcohol on it. In doing so, you do get some of the gel out as well, so to me, that is a waste.

    Taking it out, I took off the little tab that prevents the batteries from accidentally being activated, and then unscrewed the top of the applicator. The applicator itself is a rolling ball. You have to flip the applicator ball down, and roll the ball a bit to get the gel to get onto it. Rollin', rollin', rollin', get that ball a-rollin'!

    There was no noticeable odor to this gel either.

    The box it comes in clearly states that it just for external use only, so do not insert the vibe inside of you. It is water-based, and therefore, latex safe as well.

    I pushed the button on the base, and felt a really gentle vibe. I prefer a stronger vibe, but I was impressed with the quiteness of the vibe.

    So, I decided to try this out with my girlfriend first. I had gotten the stimulation gel on the ball, and rolled it around her clit, then turned the vibes on. She said it felt pleasant, but not mind-blowing. She also prefers a more stronger vibe.

    A few days later, I decided to try this out on myself. So, I settled down in, and got the ball rolling....literally.

    I rolled some of the stimulation gel onto my clit, It gave me a slight cooling sensation, but it took a few minutes for me to feel that. So I thought I'd try to use the vibe on my clit to excite myself some more. Again, I prefer a strong vibe, and the gel didn't seem strong enough for my taste.

    If you prefer a gentle vibe, and if the Kama Sutra brands work for you, this may be something you'd like to try.

    I give this a 1 out of 4 Tyger Paws rating, for innovation alone. But, unfortunately, this item didn't work for me or my girlfriend.


  8. I am very sorry to hear about your father. I hope that his treatment is going well.

    I too, am no stranger to the issues with the children's father, and the b.s. that they like to inflict at times. Stay strong for your daughter. People sometimes have a hard time remembering that the kids are the ones that suffer the most in these sorts of things. Feel free to message me if you just need to rant, rave, or bitch. ;)

    Glad to see your postings.

    I've been very busy as well, and have been absent from here off and on. I'm now trying to catch up and get some responses in.

    I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, and have a great Holiday Season!!!

  9. I think he is emotionally immature. He does this so that you won't leave him. He intimidates, degrades, and belittles you so that he can keep you around. If you don't believe anyone else would want you, he's secure that you will stay. It's emotional abuse, plain and simple. Everyone deserves to be treated with, at the very least, respect. Yes, even YOU!!!

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