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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. I would definitely talk to your supervisor first thing. Keep it short and sweet, and don't cuss (though I know that's probably your temper on here, which is fine). Tell them that you don't feel it's fair that you're having to do all sorts of schedule switches, and you feel that it's because you don't have children and that you're female.

    I'd send an e-mail as a follow up to any discussions, CCed to your boss and the HR department. Suget my thoughts down on paper first m up your conversation with them, and your concerns. Personally, I would write the e-mail first, so you can have a good thought process down and articulated (don't send it until after your conversation). It helps me to get my thoughts down first, and then verbalize what I want to say without coming across as some ranting lunatic. LOL

    I totally agree that many times, females do get the shaft (not literally in this case LOL) in the workplace just because they are young/don't have kids/are single. I understand that families like to do things together, but there should be fairness in the schedule shifts.

    I feel the same way about smokers. Why should smokers be allowed to go and take several breaks during the day for a "smoke break", that usually takes 10 minutes each, when most full time people only get 2 15 min breaks and a 30 min lunch?

    • Like 1
  2. You couldn't "get it off"? LOL

    I've used an All American dildo before. It was one of my faves for a long time. Though, it's the one I found out that if you don't get ALL of the lube off of toys, and if that other toy had silicone lube residue on it then it rests on another, it WILL melt! Now I put each toy in its own box/bag.

    This was a HOT review, and informative! Thank you!!!

    GO AMERICAN!! :)

  3. Lubes are a necessary item to have in any adult toy box. Companies are making more options available for personal lubricants now. So I'm always happy to try out a new lube to see if that may be one that I just have to stock at all times in my toy box. I've tried a few Climax lubes, and have always liked them so far, and this one is no different.

    Climax Intensify Lubricant has L'Arginine in it, which stimulates blood flow to the genitals, which, we all know is a GOOD thing! I loved this lube as soon as I pulled it out. This 2 oz bottle has a lot of product in it, and since the bottle is clear, you can see that the lube is as well, which means that this stuff probably won't stain most fabrics. It has a slight sweet pleasant smell to it.

    I used this lube to help me with testing the Goliath dildo, which is a good sized toy. The lube came out of the flip-top at a good rate. Since this stuff is so slick, be careful not to squeeze the bottle too much. A little goes a long way with this stuff. It spread over the toy well, and easily. I was impressed with the slickness and durability of this lube. The L'Arginine created a nice warm feeling in my labia and inside, making me a bit more sensitive. It went the distance, and cleaned up real easily with soap and water, not leaving a sticky film or odor.

    I give this lube a 3.5 out of a 4 Paw Tyger Rating.


    • Like 1
  4. gioliathblack.jpg&maxx=440&maxy=0

    Feee, Fi, Fo, Fum, here is a dildo that will make you cum!!! Goliath!

    When I saw this in my order, I was a bit nervous. Anything named "Goliath" can seem a bit intimidating!!! LOL However, upon arrival, I was more thrilled than nervous. This toy isn't the biggest I've tried, however it is pretty big, so I would suggest that this be for a more advanced toy user. Plus, it does highly resemble a real cock, so this toy may be a bit intimidating for a new toy user.

    I LOVE silicone toys!! They're antibacterial, and hypoallergenic. They can be bleached with a 10% bleach solution, boiled, or even put in the dishwasher! The only thing to remember with ANY silicone toys is NOT to use silicone lubes with them. I know, it sounds weird, and that they should be compatible, but they're NOT, so always always always use water-based lubes with ANY silicone toy!

    This big, bad, black boy is 7" long, and almost all of that is insertable. it's over 1.5" in diameter, which gave me that FULL feeling I soooo love (in a big way!). The shaft isn't slick feeling, and it does have "veins" in it, and the head is pronounced as well, so this thing feels almost like the real deal-do. ;) It has a base to it, which is good for gripping and also to use in a harness for added fun.

    Anyway, since it is silicone, it had no real smell to it, was easy to clean (soap and water). I was so excited to try the Goliath out. I'd read the description of the toy on the site before arrival. I was pleasantly surprised that the bullet actually DID have the watch batteries in it, but this bullet should be pictured because this was a fantastic addition to this toy. It's about 4" or so, Silver hard plastic (which you can NOT boil or put in the dishwasher, so be sure to remove it from the toy before doing any of the cleanings other than soap and water). It's also pointed at the tip!!! Unscrewing the base, I was able to remove the small piece of paper that prevented the connection, and screwed it back on. I was happily surprised that this bullet has a LOT of power in its one setting, which can be turned on by pressing the rubber button. Wow!

    Settling in, I decided not to use the bullet in the toy, and instead, used it separately to stimulate my clit. I loved the pointed tip for the more direct stimulation, which I always love, and the bullet satisfied the high vibe speed that I do so love!! I teased my clit and labia for a while, getting myself really excited before trying to insert the Goliath.

    Grabbing some lube, I slowly, slowly, slowly, pushed Goliath inside of me, loving the feeling of being spread open and filled so fully!

    Between the strong bullet and the fullness I felt with Goliath, I soon was having a very fulfilling orgasm. I was satisfied in a BIG way!

    So, if you're looking for a big'un, you should try this big guy!!


  5. Now I am understanding a little bit more of your issues and insecurities.

    I will say that it's great that your husband was honest with you about his past, which is great.

    Most bisexual people will tell you, which I'm sure he has as well, that when they're in a committed relationship, that's the person they want to be with. Hopefully, he got all his curiosities out of his system. For him to commit to anyone, that's usually the case, so if he is with you, he chose you.

    Does this mean he won't look? Well, be honest, do you still check out other guys? If you're honest, you will have said yes. If you're human, you look. Even the most happiest people in relationships, will still check out other attractive people. We're genetically geared to do so. So, yes, he may look at other guys. This can actually be fun if you let it be. Comparing notes, bonding, and having fun checking out other guys sometimes. You have to be secure to do this though.

    He's told you about his past, which was awesome, But, keep remembering, it's in his PAST. If he wanted to be with guys, he wouldn't have married you. That speaks a lot about his commitment to you. Most men don't take getting married lightly.

    Being in your early 20's can be an insecure time. At least it was to me. Over time, and reassurances that he's wanting to be with YOU will help. However, if you continue to dwell on his past (which, again, is in his PAST), and constantly wonder "what if", will not only drive you crazy, it will eat away at the foundations of your marriage. Trust me. Enjoy each other in the NOW. Leave the past in the past.

  6. I guess it depends on what those issues are that make you uncomfortable (I'm not asking you to share, only if you want too).

    Many people are excited about the IDEA of marriage, but have no idea what it truly entails. Trust, friendship, communication, caring, a willingness to make compromises, trust, love, respect, and trust. Yes, trust is mentioned 3 times. LOL

    Your husband also has to work on the marriage too. Just one person working on any concerns, issues, or even every day stuff, won't make a marriage work. It has to be a team effort.

    Using toys can be fun and exciting. Role playing can be fun too. For all or any of these things to work, communication is key.

    I hope you read over some of the topics in here and if you have any questions, please ask away!!

  7. Oh yes, I've engaged in public (yet discreet) sex. Once was at a lake, in the water, with others around. I'm sure they knew what we were doing. Most places we could see others, but nobody seemed to see us. It was very exciting.

    Pretty recently, I went with a friend to a baseball dugout, at night, and it was poorly lit, and we did it there. We were cautious, and didn't strip down to nothing, but it was still fun. ;)

    • Like 1
  8. RC,

    I know where you're coming from. I've been single only a year and a half, though I was lonely in my marriage for about 5 yrs. It makes you question what's wrong with YOU.

    Well, I know it's NOT me, but who I've allowed in my life thus far. I've allowed men that will take advantage of me do just that. I've been single this long by choice. I KNOW I deserve better, and I won't settle for less. And I think you're probably in the same way of thinking.

    Your writing is fantastic and impressive, and I would've never have known if you hadn't said anything, about being dyslexic.

    Most people "get down" at least once in their lives. It's sad that Robin Williams went to the extreme that he did, tragic, and seems like a great waste, no matter who he was.

    I'm sorry that you're feeling down. I get that way sometimes too. I get doubts that maybe I'm not desirable anymore. Then I remember that I'm probably still desirable, but I do have a tendency to put off a "don't mess with me" vibe after years of practice and being married, and I do have tunnel vision, meaning when I go out, I don't really look around at the people around me, to see if I'm being checked out.

    You are desirable too. I'd love it if you were in Texas!! ;) Maybe your "vibes" that you send off is that you're just not fully ready for a relationship yet, and that's OK too. Getting back out in the dating world is scary and sometimes a pain in the ass. When you're ready, and least expect it, that certain special lady will appear. *hugs*

  9. Wow! \What an active topic!!!

    First off, welcome to the forum! It's great that you're wanting to expand your sexual escapades with your husband.

    I wanted to put some advice in here since I do have experience in most of what you've been saying.

    First, I've done anal play on my ex, and had it done to me. The few men that I've tried it with (except one) have been very patient and understanding about my reluctance with anal play. I have only used small toys at this point for me. However, I have used harnesses and dildos on my ex. It's HOT!!! We had talked about anal play (which is something that usually comes up in most relationships anyway). We first tried it on me, which we both liked. Eventually, he brought up the subject of wanting to try it himself, but, like most men, he was worried that it may make him seem like he was "gay" if he tried and liked anal play. Which it doesn't mean that at all, BTW. So, we tried some small things first. I let him try my small toys (my favorite was a small glass butt plug). He tried different things, with me, and solo, to see which ones he preferred. Then we invested in a harness, which we both loved!

    The conversations regarding anal play is up to you how to address them with each other. You married this man, so you should know how to discuss some sexual things. Saying something like "If you fuck me up the ass, I get to fuck you up the ass" may not be as well received since it sounds almost like a challenge, unless you say it right.

    One thing I will insist on, is that, when playing anally, do NOT double-dip. Meaning, do not put a toy up your ass, then either inside your vagina or up his ass, without first washing the toy really well with soap AND water. Double-dipping can cause infections.

    The key to toys and/or anal play, is BOTH of you being open-minded. Some people think that toys are replacing them in the bedroom. They are not intended to be replacements, but ENHANCEMENTS. Allow each other to explore themselves and you with the toys. Do not make each other feel guilty for playing with themselves. The BEST way to find out what you like sexually, is to play with yourselves.

    As far as the quickies and then getting on electronics to play games, that was a MAJOR source of contention between me and my ex, and one of the reasons we grew apart. He would do his thing, after ignoring me for a long time, then go back to playing his XBox. I kept trying to talk with him about it. Using the electronics as replacement conversation, and ignoring you for them is a serious issue. Trust me. At the end of my marriage, I was ready to take that XBox and shove it up his ass, since he wanted to be on that more than on me. There is something that they call this addiction, but I'm not sure what. But it can be very serious.

    Anyway, I hope that you're able to get things going and more and more exciting. Good luck!!!

  10. No, you're not crazy. Many men have the fantasy of watching another guy fuck their girlfriend/wife & then maybe joining in. It's good that you can fantasize with the toys as well. Even though the fantasy probably won't come true in real life, it's fun to play, and it's fun to pretend that it's happening with your wife.

    If you can get her to agree, you can buy bigger toys later on, including maybe part of a male doll or a whole male doll (I'd recommend a quality one, and not the cheezy "blow up ones", unless she's willing to try it that way. That way, the fantasy can be even more real, without her compromising her beliefs and fidelity to you.

    Good luck. Can't wait to hear more!!!

  11. Welcome to the forums!! We have had a lot of good Q&A's here, and I hope that you can get a lot of helpful information on here. If you're not sure if a question has been asked, please feel free to ask away anyway! We're all adults here, and are willing to help out when/if we can. We love seeing new people on here, so please enjoy!!!

  12. Hear ye! Hear ye!!! Here comes the Duchess!! The Duchess of your dreams that is!

    Rabbit/dual action toys are quite popular. However, finding the RIGHT one is definitely a seach worth of a tale all unto itself! Some are too short, some don't fit, and then there are those that are juuuuust right! This toy is JUST right!!!!

    I loved this toy from first sight! The company that makes The Duchess is California Exotics, which is one of my favorite sex toy makers. This is also one of their "i5" series. Meaning that it has 5 fantastic functions: 5 vibe strengths and 5 patters of the vibes. Another favorite feature of mine. This is a gal that loves choices.

    The box is classic California Exotic styling: clear plastic with all of the stats of the toy all over it. Looking past all the verbage, I gazed upon what can only be described as royalty of the sex toy world.

    Clear and hot pink, the toy's elegance is apparent. The base is a metallic hot pink and silver. Unscrew the base, slide out the battery compartment, add your 3 AAA batteries, slide back in, screw the base back on, and you're good to go! To turn the Duchess on, you just push one of the buttons. The button with the wave icon on it controls the clit stimulator, which, by the way, is impressively strong on the lowest setting. The highest setting was an OMG factor! The button with the swirly is for the swirling rotation of the shaft, which also is very impressive in its strength. The buttons have an LED light in them so you can see them easier in the dark. Just press either button and hold down for 3 seconds to shut it down.

    Now, remember, this toy has a lot going on in it, so it's not as quiet as some others I have tried. You've got a bullet in the clit stimulator that is VERY strong (even only powered by 3 little batteries!), plus the gears of the rotating shaft going on. It's tolerable, but not as discreet as I usually care for.

    The insertable part of the toy is a gorgeous clear jelly like material with a small shaft in it to power the rotation of the humped & bulbous shaft. The insertable length is almost 4", and even though it is a jelly material, it is firm enough to stroke your g-spot rather nicely.

    There also wasn't a noticable odor with this toy. Washing was easy-peasy.

    For me, the design of this toy was perfect. Let me say it again: P.E.R.F.E.C.T. The shaft was just right as was the shape/length/design of the clit stimulator, which, to me, resembles the shape of a hand doing the "come hither" motion with the index finger. It's pointed at the tip for that added direct stimulation that this gal craves.

    I teased myself for a little bit with the clit stimulator, and then turned on the rotation of the shaft. Between all of that, it didn't take me long to happily have a toe-curling orgasm! I felt full, stimulated, and fully satisfied after using the Duchess.

    This toy is a great beginner toy because of the simplicity of the buttons, ease of use, care, and clean up. However, it's also a great advanced user toy because it WORKS!! I was royally impressed. Many times, for me, a rabbit either does a great job stimulating me inside, or on my clit. I have to wiggle, move, shift, and maneuver around a bit just to get anything done. This one just took some time playing with the vibe settings (which was strong, really strong, and OMG!!!) and rotation settings before I got into the groove and was cumming like crazy!

    This toy gets one of my highest recommendations yet. You gotta get yourself the royal treatment with The Duchess!! In fact, I may go play a little right now......


  13. Once upon a time, there was a lonely reviewer named Tyger. Tyger was an adventurer and a scribe. she loved to explore, though not what brave knights explored, or sailors on the sea. No, Tyger explored her body and the playthings that would give her the most pleasure. She was on a quest to find the perfect plaything for her clit.

    One day, a parcel appeared upon her doorstep. The parcel was from a place that she knew well and knew that some more adventures lay at her feet. Grabbing the parcel, Tyger ran to her room, tearing the parcel open as she went. When she reached the bedroom, there were 2 items in the box. The one that grabbed her attention was a book. A book? What were the people from this place thinking?

    Tyger slowly opened the "book" titled Swans and Angels, Inside the book was a fun looking item. It was a controller and a jelly coated pink egg with a pink bird gracing the top of the egg. Though the bird didn't look like a swan, she was still intrigued by the design.

    "This item looks magical", Tyger thought. Reading the back of the book, which was actually the box this bird gift came in, Tyger discovered 2 other things, one, the toy is splashproof, meaning you could use it in the shower, but don't submerge it, and two, that this toy's magic comes from 3 AAA batteries that she had a stash of.

    Unscrewing the bottom the bottom of the controller, she slid out the removable battery container, inserted the batteries, careful to put the container back in the correct way so the batteries that would work their magic in the toy properly.

    Tyger lovingly bathed the bird and its egg with warm water and soap, patting it dry oh so carefully.

    There are 3 buttons on the controller, however, upon trial, Tyger discovered that the round button at the top and the button right below it worked, but not the one on the bottom worked. The round button turned the power on to the delightful egg, and the arrow like button right below it worked the different vibe patterns.

    Tyger prepared for her adventure by laying down and starting to slowly making the bird flutter around her clit and labia. The bird was pretty quiet, which made her happy. Tyger loved the feel of the strong vibes. She's a picky one when it comes to vibes! She wants them strong and quiet. The wings felt really good and the beak of the bird allowed more direct stimulation that Tyger craved.

    She wanted to take her time, enjoying the bird's different vibe patterns, but really enjoying the really strong and steady one the most.

    Slowly, she teased and buzzed herself all over, and built up her excitement enough to have a pretty powerful clitoral orgasm.

    Tyger had found that her dream of a perfect clit stimulator had been fulfilled.

    The End.

    On a personal note, I loved this toy! It's great, and has just the vibes Iook for in a clit stimulator. I loved the box it came in, pink and white, and looked like a book, which makes it a neat gift idea for a bridal party or bachelorette party. Whimsical and functional.

    The button on the bottom didn't feel as though anything was behind it, so it's probably a design flaw, trying to make the item more balanced looking. But I was still very happy with the results.

    It's cute, easy to use, and it works! What could be better?

    I give this item 4 Tyger Paws waaaay up in the air!



    I contacted Cheyene about the button that didn't work. She will be sending me a new item to try since it seemed to be a defective button. However, the parts that did work, worked like a fairy tale!!! And I buzzed happily ever after!!! ;)

    **Edit part 2:

    I'm happy to report that I got a replacement toy, and all of the buttons did work, and they worked well!! This toy is fantastic!!

  14. You did nothing wrong. I've had a few other men respond that are in relationships too. I've now put on my profiles that I do not want anyone that is either emotionally & legally tied with someone.

    It's up to them to disclose.

    When I went out with this one guy, I flat out asked him if he was involved with anyone, & will do so again. I'm also upfront with men and tell them I can no longer have anymore kids.

    I'm 41. I'm no longer pussy-foot around with games on my part & they will know I won't tolerate any on theirs either, damnit!!! Now I ask that in our beginning conversations.

    I've also responded to a few that have contact me that are totally out of my preference zone, whether it's age or status.

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  15. Creams are trial & error for women. Stimulation creams usually have menthol in them, which is what usually causes the warm tingle you're looking for. I've used several creams & gels that work from here, all I've tried from here I've done reviews on. One of my faces is Cleopatra's Secret cream. Great smell, and decently long-lasting.

    Please also note, that like with food, these things DO have a shelf life. Meaning, after a while, these things will also stop being as effective, but the shelf life depends on the ingredients, how the stuff is stored, (I prefer to keep my stuff in a drawer, in my bedroom which stays nice & cool), & if you remember to put the cap back on tight.

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