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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. Glad this toy was a success for you. You're not alone with your bending complaint. Many toys that bend lack the strength where they bend to withstand the pressure we want to stimulate our g-spots, and they fail that way. Glad it still gave you a POP you wanted though!! :)

  2. I just LOVE strap-ons!! There's something exciting and empowering as a woman, to see a penis thrusting out of you like it's your own! Many strap-on harnesses don't fit right on me due to the "hippy-ness" I can thank my mother for. LOL

    This toy has MANY pluses in my experience.

    First, this has a harness that is very adjustable, that fits this hippy size 14, with a bit of room to spare! It's a sliding adjustment thick woven strap, that is really sturdy and strong.

    Next, it does have a detachable rotating, rubber, ribbed dildo that you can use with the harness or for solo fun. At 7" long, this will be sure to please you and/or your partner.

    It only takes 3 AA batteries (not included). They go in the base of the shaft, and you can use the dial to adjust the speed of the spinning. The spinning goes from slow to a decent, yet not blender strength high speed.

    In cases of female on male playing, the shaft is very sturdy, so you won't get frustrated with all sorts of bending out of place.

    A couple of drawbacks:

    I will say that this toy is a bit on the loud side, so be aware of that. It kind of sounds like a grinding sound.

    The other one is that I found it a bit difficult to get the toy on the harness. It's possible, but make sure it's done before things get exciting.

    The website says that just the tip rotates, which is wrong, the whole shaft rotates.

    It is very comfortable to wear, and looks very sexy. I have used the dildo on myself, after cleaning it with soap and water, patted dry, with very little odor. It felt fantastic!! I felt full and the humps on the top of the shaft gave added stimulation.

    This would be a great advanced strap on set. For beginners, unless you've used anal plugs, or other anal toys before, (if it's a female on male situation), then you may want to go down a few sizes before attempting this one. For more experienced players, again, just make sure you get things put together first, before the heat of the moment.

    I give this toy 4 (out of 4) Tyger Paws all the way up as a rating!


  3. I've only had one successful date that wound up being 4 dates, including meeting his friends, and him meeting my sister, and having him come over for dinner one day. The others fell thru. The one good one was from OKCupid. I thought the guy and I connected, but then he changed his mind, so I'm back to square one. I'm so tired of the games, already. I've had guys give me lame excuses on why they can't meet up, If you can't make it, please don't even bother making the date. It's a waste of time.

    I really thought that the one guy I had a few dates with said he was "confused" and didn't want to string me along, though he said that he really liked me and that he wanted to try it out, but then he backed off 2 days later. Yeah, thanks. So, I'm fresh out of the gate, and already had a sprain.

    On a good note, I will be trying again, though not so soon. I'll wait until I get back from my trip up home for a few days.

    The thing is, is that why do men still do this? Play games, get a notch on their "belt", then drop you? I had a good vibe from this one, and he shit on me. I guess I wasn't ready to do this.

    I'm not wanting to be a bitter bitch, or a man-hater, but with all these guys playing games, it doesn't make me want to trust much of anyone.

    Anyone else feeling this way?

  4. I thought I found a really good one 2 weeks ago. We had 4 dates. Talked/texted every day. Yes, we slept together. It was great! After we slept together, he was like "I really want to try this out and see where it goes", making me feel really good. An hour later, he tells me that an ex of his that he dated 6 mos ago just contacted him and now he's confused again. WTF??? Are you KIDDING ME??

    I know 4 dates isn't a lot of time. I'd made time to see him, which, if you have kids/visitation situations, you know it isn't easy. Met some of his friends, and he met my sister who liked him (she's a hard judge of character).

    This was almost a week ago. I feel very bummed and slightly used. I had to disclose the whole herpes thing, and he said he was fine with it. If you've never had to do something like that, you have NO idea how hard it is to do. It opens up a part of you that you try very hard to keep inside and protected. I really thought that this man had extreme potential. Apparently, again, I suck at seeing things that I should see.

    He said he'd give me some time before trying to contact me again. I would've been better with this, had he not said a bunch of stuff that seemed promising right after we had sex. I can handle a FWB's situation if I'm mentally prepared for it. I was in no way prepared for this. I told him that I was NOT going to be in competition with anyone, nor was I going to be anyone's second choice. He really didn't know how to handle that. I know I'm worth more than that. I told him I wasn't going to beg, nor was I desperate to be with someone. If he wants to be with me, he'll be with me.

    I'm now rebuilding the damages done to the walls around my heart. I know, a couple of weeks is really nothing. But for me to open myself up, after years of being alone even in my marriage, and attempting to open myself up, takes a lot, and he really had stirred something inside of me.

    I'm sorry if this sounds like whining, because I don't want to sound like I'm a whiner.

    So, another helpful hints to guys out there:

    If you're possibly hung up on someone, regretting breaking up with someone, and/or just unsure if you are ready to date, please don't put anyone thru what I am going thru. You want to know why women build walls up and are hard to get to know? THIS is exactly why. We have to protect ourselves. Women WANT to love. I've been talking to one of the members on here that is also having to do this whole dating bullshit. She made a great statement: To open ourselves to love, we have to also open ourselves up to the possibility of being hurt.

    I'm not sure if I want to open myself up again. I'm rebuilding the walls to help me protect myself. It's going to take a strong, persistent, caring, sincere man to tear them down. Any man worthy of me will be up for the challenge.

  5. Wow. Just wow.

    Anyone that's read a few of my reviews knows I love love love glass dildos! They are so versatile! Hypoallergenic, strong, smooth, easy to care for & clean, no need for batteries, no strong plastic/rubber smells, and able to give us gals that love firm pressure, exactly what we want.

    With an insertable length of almost 6", this 7"+ beauty is perfect for having some sensual fun. Curved for added stimulation, and having bumps on the shaft for extra pleasure, this glass toy is perfect and feels oh, so good!!! The base has 2 bulbs on it for easy gripping, Its 1.25" diameter really makes you feel full and satisfied.

    I was already excited when I got my newest item, and the box that this toy came in added excitement and class to my glass. The box is black, with the 50 Shades of Gray logo on it, and then you slide a classy looking black box out of the covering box. The flexible plastic that the toy was set in was hard to get it out of, but the toy was definitely well protected. The packaging is discreet, and worthy of gift-giving as well.

    Washing was a breeze, as it is with all glass toys, just soap and water, rinsing very easily.

    I loved the coolness of the toy. Did you know that glass is a great conductor? It is!! You can put it in hot water to add heat, or even freeze it, for an added jolting thrill. I just used warm water to warm my toy up a bit, and settled down to business.

    It slid in easily, and it felt sooooo good!!! It only took a few thrusts to stimulate my g-spot, soaking my sheets, and curling my toes.

    I think Mr. Grey would be very proud of my reactions. :)

    This toy is also perfect for anyone that is wanting to try a sex toy, but may be intimidated about a more realistic toy. This toy is beautiful, functional, and fun to use!!


  6. Actually, yes, I have. I've had sex with another couple in the same camper as we were, and also the same boathouse. Then there are the times when it's been in a tent with someone else in another tent right besides ours. I had sex with my ex husband, on our honeymoon, in a semi-public hot tub, that people probably could've seen us, but nobody said anything. I'm sure there are others, but those are the ones that come to mind.

  7. I haven't deleted my account. I've had 2 others (new) be interested. There were 3 before, including the guy that has a GF, one other hasn't contacted me in 2 weeks, and that's ok. The other one, I'm not sure if he's interested or just wants to chat here and there. I've given him ample opportunities to ask me out on a date, hinting I was available, but yet, all he does is ask how am I, what am I doing, blah blah. He doesn't say much. So, I may give him a "are you even interested, or just bored?" and see how that goes. Another said he wanted to meet for coffee, but hasn't called yet (though it's only been 2 days), and another that IS contacting me on a daily basis, and so we shall see.

    I'm just trying to want to try to go out more, but I'm still really wary of most men. It's sad that I'm not really wanting to take the risk. But I am trying to keep in mind that not all men are the same. I just want someone to prove me wrong. :) It seems that all the good ones are taken. :)

  8. I'm not one to go out to the bars, or even out to clubs to go dancing. I've turned into quite the homebody. I have a very busy job, where I have kids and adults at me all day long. The last thing I want to do is go out amoungst mostly stupid-acting people. That said, I've joined a couple of dating web sites. It's something, better than nothing.

    WHY is it that if you're in a relationship, would you join a dating website? I am soooooo frustrated. I had thought I had found a really nice guy, and we were trying to work a time to get a date with. His GF found out and texted me, asking me to leave him alone, that she knew I was contacting him. I told her that I was shocked, and wouldn't contact him again, however, she should rethink his whole commitment to her if he's actively looking for someone on a dating website, and that he sought ME out. I didn't contact him first. So, she blocked my number, and his profile is no longer on that particular website.

    My frustration is that this is the second time in less than a year, that this sort of thing has happened. The first one, unfortunately, was with a guy that I had already slept with, and his ex wife/live in GF texted me. Seriously. I am a magnet for this type of thing apparently. The next time I get that feeling that something isn't quite right, I will stop it. Both had legitimate reasons we couldn't spend time together, though the first one and I had agreed that we weren't wanting a relationship, just a FWB thing. So, I wasn't really bothered by it, too much.

    If you're in a relationship, PLEASE do not join a dating website!!!!!! Don't waste other people's time, energy, and hopes. I thought I had wanted to go start dating again, but this second one has set me back. I'm so over the drama and bullshit. I'm so tired of the crap. Give me a freakin' break. Either stay faithful, or leave the woman you're with, if you're not happy, leave. If you're happy, stay faithful. It's really that simple.

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  9. A few weeks ago, one of the older men that work at the place I o, came in, sat down, and was asking some work questions. No big deal, I'm a secretary, I deal with questions all the time, but the one he asked last really threw me:

    "So, now that you're single, are you on the hunt for a new man?"

    *Blank Stare*

    After snapping too, I responded with a laugh, and told him I just got rid of a bunch of crap with my ex, why would I want to have any more of that right now??

    He said "oh, come on!".

    *laugh again*

    Nope, I'm happy being single, spending time with my daughter, doing what I want, when I want, with no one to answer to buy my daughter.

    You would've thought I just told him I was really a man.

    It was unbelievable to him.


    Why is it hard to believe that, yes, there are people out there that are enjoying being single??? I don't feel the need to have a man in my life to feel complete. I had done everything by myself for the last 5 yrs of my marriage anywhere, so why would I want someone to fill a void that wasn't even there?

    I don't need a man's money to survive. I'm doing fine on my own. Yes, it's a struggle at times, but we're not homeless, have food in the house, clothes, and pets that are taken care of.

    Maybe it was this man's age, the time he grew up in, that the woman needs a man in her life to get by in life.

    Wouldn't he be shocked to learn I was voluntarily getting my tubes tied in a couple days? Therefore, lessening my "marketability".

    My thinking it is his generation. However, I've heard men AND women my age and younger also having this way of thinking.

    This doesn't mean that sometimes I don't wish for a relationship, or to go out on dates, however. I do, and I will, when the time and interest are right.

    But why is it so terrible that I want to be a bit selfish for me and my daughter?

    What are your thoughts, experiences, and opinions?

  10. I would love to read some other perspectives on this subject.

    Since my divorce, I've stayed out of the dating scene. I've just started becoming interested in maybe going out. I use to be jealous, but with my last husband, I think it was a combination of how he was, and that I just accepted that if he wanted to cheat, there was nothing I could do to stop him from doing so. I never got the "he's a cheater" vibe. He's many failed things, but being faithful isn't one of them.

    So, any updates on jealousy issues, opinions, life-stories? Let's revisit this interesting topic.

  11. I have only had the experience with one hollow strap on.

    Unfortunately, the way that they're designed, you probably won't be able to feel any of her heat. They're not like a condom. You could try putting it in warm water on the inside, and warming up the hollowed toy. Although, between your body heat & friction, you may create enough heat for yourself.

    They also sell penis extenders. My ex and I tried one, but because he was already big, it was more painful.

    The thing to remember with sex toys an lubricants, is that if it's made of silicone (UR3, RealSkin, any toy that feels very very similar to real skin), do NOT use silicone lubricants with those toys. They work against each other and the lube will kill the toy (makes them mushy).

    The features are really up to the both of you. For example, I LOVE a strong clit stimulator. I don't care either way if the shaft that goes inside of me vibrates. I like a jelly or silicone toy, or glass (love glass). But it depends what I am in the mood for too. If you want to suprise her with something, get a basic model for her to get use to first. Maybe have a bullet handy-one can ALWAYS use a bullet!!!

    Fetish makes some great strap ons and other toys. Try that line. We have it on here and I've loved the majority of all my Fetish brand items.

  12. I think for many of us, the things we find pleasurable come from experimentation. I didn't know I liked hair-pulling until early 2000, when my FWB did it to me. I don't like it when I'm trying to be emotionally as well as physically intimate, but when I want rough sex, I LOVE it. I also love being bit (but not too hard), getting hickies (and giving if they're receptive), being held down, and talking dirty. All discoveries came from different lovers over the years. Some things have changed, and some things have not.

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