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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. Before I pose the question, please lets not be judgemental, call people names, or insult them. If they are brave enough to respond, please be respectful.

    If you cheated on your S.O., why did you? Was it a one-night-fling, long-term affair, with a friend, or an old lover? I've always been curious as to why others cheat. Men & women. Please share.

  2. Some people get really creative making their own toys. Sadly, I have not done so.

    Though I have heard that electric toothbrushes can be quite stimulating, but I've never used one.

    I would recommend saving some change, and whatever you can, to get a basic toy. I love this site, and have never had any problems with the toys that couldn't be resolved. There is a one year guarentee on all of their toys, so it's a very low risk venture. We also have reviewers that try out some of the toys and post reviews here on the forum and on the toy's page on the site, so you know what may work for your specific desires. We're all very honest about the toys, features, and whether or not they worked for us. I believe all of us have said with at least one toy "it just doesn't work for me".

    Toy prices on here are very comparable to other sites as well as Adult Toy Shops as well. You can also add one of the freebies offered during the ordering process as well. So it's like buy one get one free! The guarentee also extends to the free items as well.

    And, trust me, the boxes are just regular boxes, and there's no way that anyone seeing it would know there's a sex toy in it. :)

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  3. I've taken BB's suggestion, and have started a book. I have no idea where it will go, if I'll even finish it, or what it'll be called, but I think it'll be therapuedic for me. Though things weren't as dramatic between the 2 of us as many other couple's splits, I do think that it may help me heal, and possibly show others that it's ok to leave if you're just not happy anymore.

  4. Here's the thing that you have to try to understand: if you're making all of the efforts, suggestions, and doing all the work in the relationship, in & out of the bedroom, then it can't be a true relationship. He sounds very selfish, not ready to commit, and wants to have some fun. in any relationship, anyone can just up and leave. Though it's scary, it's true. Whether you're dating, married, have kids, or whatever the case, anyone can just decide one day to leave. What makes relationships really stay true is a mutual love AND respect for each other. Being friends, laughing, sharing the same sorts of moral codes and beliefs, and WANTING to be together.

    From what you've said here, he's just having his cake and eating it too. He knows you love him, and he's comfortable where he is. He doesn't have to make much of an effort, and he will continue to be one-sided. He hasn't shown signs of changing, right? But if these questions bother you, keep you up at night, question his every move, comment, gesture, and the times he's away from you, it's not healthy to obsess about this.

    Another thing to remember, everyone LOOKS. Even in full committed relationships, you may find one person that you're sexually attracted too. It happens. One can chose to stay or act on their lust. Staying true to your love is what's most important. But,if a guy tells you he DOESN'T look, he's most likely lying. Women look too. Humans appreciate pretty things, people, ect. They LOOK. It doesn't make anyone a bad person or that they don't truly love the one they're with.

    Ever watch the movie "He's Just Not Into You"? If not, watch it. It's very informative & humorous at the same time.

    As far as the orgasms (or lack of them), you're stressed out, overthinking things, and not fully comfortable with the person you're having sex with, it's almost impossible for you to HAVE an orgasm! Women are awesome, we're beautiful, and strong. However, the way our brains are wired, if we're not feeling close to the person we're with, or overthinking things at the time, we can't enjoy it fully. If you had an orgasm a year and a half ago, then I would say that that was the last time you felt comfortable with this man.

    I hope things work out for you, whichever you choose. However, I agree with the previous posters. Too much drama for you to put up with!

  5. Are you talking like Realskin type toys? I believe the toy you're talking about, which comes from a sort of "monster" collection, is kinda square shaped, & made of a harder silicone than the Realskins, UR's, & other more real-feeling toys. I've seen the one, & others in the series. None of which looked overly stimulating to me. Try going for something maybe a bit more realistic looking, or, at the very leased, more circumstances. I myself LOVE Tantus' Tiger. It's got smooth, stimulating stripes, it's curved, silicone, & amazing feeling. Slightly realistic in shape, but still has some whimsy for fun.

  6. Thank you. Things are going well, all things considered. I try & keep my daughter out of the drama as much as possible. I told her at the beginning of all of this that there are things between her Dad & I that won't be her business, & I will tell her so if I find a question of hers not her concern. And that I don't mean it to be mean, just how it is. And I don't badmouth her father infringe of her. I detest it when parents do that. I know why they want too, because I have that urge too, but her happiness is much more important than any stupid sense of personal affirmation.

  7. I have seen many people my age & older bash bisexuality. Most say "why not just pick one gender since it's all in your head anyway. I think that's b.s. I don't think it's an age thing, really, but more about how you were raised &, possibly, your religious beliefs.

    Personally, (& being 40 has nothing to do with it), I think that acknowledging & accepting you're bisexual, it opens up your heart for so many more options for love.

  8. Yes, he does, actually. He takes her every other weekend & watches her 2 days a week while I work. I've had to tell him that he can't feed her fast food every day, since it's bad for her & makes her sick. But, I think he knows that my #1 concern is her well-being. Though he acts like I'm criticising him when I discuss things about while she's with him, he will get over it. LOL

  9. If you're looking for a permanent way to enlarge your penis, no. They do give a little extra length for a short time though. If you're talking about helping getting an erection, yes, they do. Doctors will even prescribe them for those that may have trouble. I guess it depends on your reason for wanting one.

  10. My neighbor that was allowing me to piggy-back off her wireless account switched to cable modem, so, I only have internet on my phone for now.

    Things are going well. My divorce is still up in the air since DH (which is now short for Dick Head) dragged his feet filling out the child support part, so now we have to go speak with the D.A. before the judge will do anymore with the divorce. Yay.

    I've been asked out on a few dates, but have nicely turned them down. I want to wait until everything is all done before I go do anything publicly.

    I will say, for now, there is one guy I am very interested in, & he me, so we will see how this pans out. I won't go into details.....for now though. Again, this is just in case DH decides to try & spy on me on here, though I doubt he will.

    DH has tried to be overly dramatic on a few things, but I haven't entertained him one bit. I just remain calm, logical, & firm. I realized that I stopped loving him years ago, so I truly don't feel the need to get emotional at him. I think it helps too that nothing traumatic happened, like physical abuse or cheating. Though, after speaking with his mother & ex wife, I see a pattern of his that has gone on for 20+ yrs of using people, excuses, job jumping, tantrums, going back & forth between his parents & their $, excuses (worth mentioning twice), & lack of personal accountability.

    He hasn't paid anything towards child support, but we are doing ok. I know how to pinch pennies. Plus, a couple of friends have begged me to clean their houses (they have 3 or more kids), so I'm earning extra cash that way. I'm also going thru a lot of stuff I've been hanging on to, & selling them on local message boards. My daughter already has her back to school clothes, & some supplies already. My mom has been a great support to us, & will also take my daughter shopping for some school clothes too. I've also sold some more of my hand-made jewelry. So, things are going decently. :)

    I'm typing all of this on my little HTC smartphone, so please forgive any odd out of place words (autocorrect).

    Feel free to message me here or on Facebook for my Facebook friends. I will try to get on here via phone when I can. I've just been wrapped up with my daughter's karate, work, & personal crap. But I love you all & miss being on here. Don't forget me!!! ;-)

  11. Well, one of my raves is that it's SPRING!! The pollen has finally settled down. My divorce hearing is on the 29th of this month. I'll just be glad to get this all over and done with. We got 2 new puppies (oye vey!), and things are going pretty well with that. They're only 8 wks old now, so th training will take some time, but I took up all the rugs, so to avoid any permanent ruination. LOL

    My rants? Well, my mother forgets how it is to have a full time, demanding job. I know she's here by herself all day long when she visits, but I can't help that. I work. DD goes to school. I just need 10 min when I get home of SSSSHHHHH time to unwind a bit, then she can chat me off my eardrums if she wants! But no. She gets all pissy because I don't want her to lecture me on proper grammar when it comes to my 10 yr old daughter's thesis for karate. She's TEN. They're not grading for grammar, but content. And if it sounds too adult, then they'll question if she even wrote it t all!! DUH. *facepalm*

  12. Ever want to try something perfect for pegging? I've found the perfect dong for it!! The All American Mini Whoppers 5" curved dong with balls made by Nasstoys is the perfect dong for the job! It has a powerful suction cup that sticks to most smooth surfaces, perfect for if you want to use it on yourself, or for a handle, and it also helps secure it into most harnesses for pegging your partner.

    Phthalates free, this particular version (there's also a 4" one, straight one, and a vibrating one) I really liked this one. Insertable length is 5", but it's about 7" long in total. I loved the nice curve to the veined cock, the balls that made it took real, how soft and realistic it felt, and how supple the 1" diameter dong felt inside. Since it's made of rubber, remember to use water-based lubes only with it.

    I tried it on in my harness, which looked great, and felt amazing. It's not as large as I usually liked, but I enjoyed using this dong very much.

    I'd recommend this one for beginner peggers, or even newbies to sex toys, so long as you're not wary of realistic looking ones. The size is non-intimidating, and the base will make it easy to manipulate.

    I give this toy a rating 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws.


  13. That's a great question, and I am wondering why you care now if he's an ex. However, in the spirit of being non-judgemental, I'll try to answer your question as best I can.

    If your ex is an alcoholic, and has been for a while now, stopping drinking will take longer than a week or 2 to help with the erectile issue, if in fact, the erectile issue was caused by his drinking. Alcohol is stored in the system for a while.

    If he's on any sort of medications, that can effect his hard on, so can depression, stress, problems with his cardiovascular system, diabetes, low self-esteem, age, family history of erectile dysfuntion, weight gain, or, and this is a more likely scenerio if he is an alcoholic: he's continuing to drink. Many alcoholics will say they've stopped drinking to make others happy, but haven't completely stopped due to their addiction. If he was a long-term addict, there's been damage done to his body, that he may never be able to heal from.

    When people abuse their bodies with drugs, alcohol, ect. for a long time, there can be times where the damage is unable to be fixed with time or drugs. There's no magic fix for addiction riddled bodies & minds. His best bet would be to go see a urologist, and being HONEST with the dr.

  14. I'm not saying that everyone that gets these surgeries has issues. However, it does change the way your body can handle certain foods, and you will have to take supplements to make up for the vitamins and minerals that you can no longer take by eating food. It's a big commitment (no pun intended).

    I've met a couple of people that had the surgeries and did really well with it. Though, the most successful one that had success with it (bypass), can no longer eat most foods, having to eat her meals in the form of shakes/smoothies. Rarely any solid foods.

    I hope you're able to find a method that works for you. :)

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