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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. My mother had the bypass done, however, she thought it'd be a magic cure, so she chose to stop following the prescribed diet, and gained a lot of weight back. I kept telling her how dangerous it was to over-eat. If she ate too sugary foods (and now), she feels sick and has to vomit to get rid of stuff. This includes binging on anything, too solid foods like turkey or whole chicken as well. She hasn't done that much lately though. It's curbed. She had the surgery 12 yrs ago. Took her a long time to learn they weren't kidding!! She knew what to say to the counselors to get them to approve the surgery in the first place. Now she's on a high protien diet, and has lost more weight than the bypass ever allowed her to do!!!

    My MIL had the Lap Band, and has nothing but issues with it. Pain, discomfort, gall bladder removal, lots of issues.

    One of my coworkers and his daughter went to the same surgeon for the Bypass, and they, along with this other dr's patients, have had nothing but problems, pain, sickness, infections. Be sure whatever surgeon you use has been doing the surgery for a long time, with minimal reports of things going wrong. Contact the medical board in your area to see.

  2. I'm in no hurry, that's for sure. I've been here, with just my daughter, since November. It's been really nice.

    I do miss the companionship of being with someone that I enjoy being with. I was unhappy overall, for about 5 years. I feel like I've been single that long, since I was having to do things all on my own anyway. And we never went anywhere together, and enjoyed each other's company. The last party we went to, I had to ask him "Are you going to pay any attention to me at all while we're here?" I shouldn't have to do that. It hit me hard, on the self-esteem front. I mean, if he really loved me, why wouldn't he WANT to pay attention to me? I don't feel as sexy as I use to, that's for sure. I got so down and irritated, I know I have a "keep away from me" vibe that I don't mean to send out to men. I'm trying to work on that.

    I've read several books, enjoyed some movies, computer time, some jewelry making, photography, going to my daughter's karate events, and relaxing. My house stays as clean or cluttered as I leave it, and I don't have the irritation of feeling like I should be getting help from a lump on the couch. So, though I do feel alone at times, I'm enjoying spending time with DD, snuggling on the couch with her watchng movies, talking to her, taking time for me, and getting out a bit more. :)

    In fact, during Spring Break, me and DD went to Florida to visit my mother & step father. It was fun to get out of the state, and we had a BLAST!!! I liked not having to feel like I had to call & report in all the time!!

  3. Well, I am sorry that you broke up, however, this is an EXCELLENT question, so I will still like to weigh in here.

    My soon-to-be-ex husband was only the second man I'd ever dated with kids. Now, almost 40, I know that this issue will arise on both parties when I actively date again. My father was married 3 times, and my step-mother (my father's last wife) was married 5 times. I've seen only good examples of what parents that have split deal with other people with their kids. And, I've found it's given me a less tolerant attitude towards drama. I don't understand how parents love to trash talk each other, or try to use the kids to get back at each other. I never experienced that, and in that way, I was very lucky. So, when I married my soon to be ex, his ex wife's games (and to be honest, his too) really pissed me off.

    No, you can't tell either parent how to raise their kids.However, you can sit down with the child, and his father (if this happens again), and have the kid's father explain how it is. Don't say anything but positive enforcement while he's explaining to his child that you are indeed important to him, and though not a replacement parent, you are to be respected as an adult, and therefore, listened too, obeyed, and can discipline them (to a degree to be determined by the father-though I'd strongly recommend you NOT spank, that should be reserved for the biological parents if they believe/do that).

    If sweets are offered like she was doing, take the bag, telling the child that, for safety sake, you're going to put the treats up, and you can dole out as few/many as you deem fit, discussing that sort of thing with the child's father. After all, for example, marshmellows can be choked on easily. Not only that, but if you leave them out, or the child leaves one behind, it can attract ants or roaches, so for cleanliness sake, snacks can be eaten at the table, in a reasonable amount of time, and then cleaned up after. Or, you could make it fun, by playing Go Fish, and using the snacks like poker chips. The child wouldn't really even know you're limiting the snacks that way.

    Changes like this need to be made kinda slowly and a bit creatively. Split parents need to learn to deal with the fact that the other parent may not like some of the things that are done at each other's homes, but, so long as the child is safe, then not much can be done.

    Dating people with kids can be a challenge, for sure. There will be drama, and you have to be willing to accept that you will never be #1 in a parent/child/dating relationship. Whatever happens with a child will always, always, always come first. Any man that will dump his responsibility to his kids to be with a girl isn't the type of guy you want to be involved with, because he's immature & not ready to be in a real relationship or be a father.

    When I was younger, I knew I was too selfish with my time to want to deal with any of that, and I was also NOT tolerant of drama. I'm still not tolerant of drama, which my soon to be ex's ex wife found out early on, so she didn't pull her shit with me after one time, and I let her know right quick that I wasn't going to put up with petty crap. It's a dangerous slope to be navigated with patience, understanding, and compromise. However, I will say that I still talk with my father's ex-wife, still call her my step-mother, and she's actively involved with my daughter's life. I'm enriched by her involvement, and her extended family's as well.

  4. I would suggest something designed to stimulate a male prostate. However, g-spot toys can be used and successfully, if you turn it upside down, with the curve pointed towards your testicles, since that where you want to stimulate. My ex husband used one of my g-spot jelly dildos for his anal play, and loved it. He actually claimed it for himself LOL.

  5. Hi there.

    Well, I'm not sure of both of your ages, but I'm gonna guess that you're both young. This tends to happen in younger relationships, or when someone thinks the other is cheating. If she's ever been cheated on, you're going to have to prove yourself to her, even if you haven't cheated on her yourself. Insecure girls, girls that have been cheated on, and/or control freaks are going to be curious if they're going to find anything. The big question in their minds isn't IF you are cheating per say, but WHEN you will cheat.

    Sound unfair? Yes, it probably is. It's not rational, especially when you haven't done anything wrong. There's also a big difference between checking your sheets, and possibly snooping into text messages, e-mails, personal papers. As one, I can tell you: girls are nosey. They're also highly suspicious, MORE so if they've been cheated on. If her last boyfriend before you cheated on her, then it's still pretty fresh.

    If you feel violated, well, you have that right. She won't be the first woman to have ever gone a'snoopin', and she certainly won't be the last. Hell, I did that when I was younger. My first marriage, I thought, well, I'd done the jealous thing, so I gave him a lot more privacy than I had anyone else. I extended trust to him. It was disrespected. He went thru my stuff, and I found out HE was the one that cheated. THEN I snooped. Then I kicked his sorry ass out. Have I been that way since? Nope. I learned a long time ago, that if someone is going to cheat, there's nothing you can do about it.

    The other thing I learned is that if that person's highly suspicious, they may be the ones that are cheating. I'm not sure if your GF was cheating or not, but that could be another reason why she snooped.

    Either way, if you don't think you can trust her, there's no point in trying to get back with her. Relationships take trust, and if there isn't any, well, there's no relationship.

    Best wishes!

  6. Yeah, I'm not in for any drama. I find it ridiculous how some people can get so stupid when they find out their exes are dating again. I mean, you left each other, why want them NOW? Thankfully, I don't think my ex will do that. I've been lucky that he hasn't made a PITA out of himself. He only got dramatic once, which I shot down. I don't have to tolerate that anymore, nor will I. I've thought about trying to write a book, but I'm not sure from what angle I'd go at.

    I do know I'm happier than I have been in a long time.

    I filed papers with the court & our hearing is on April 29. I'm pretty excited to get this over & done with. I'm the "get it done" type of person, and this waiting is just so irritating to me.

  7. You know, you can also create something like that with one of her t-shirts. Cut slits on the side, then tie the slits together in a square knot. Lots of people do this, either on the side seams, or they cut the back, then tie it. You could also cut a slit in the front as well. The "cut" look is in, and you could help her create something she'd be comfortable in, and looking sexy as well!! :)

  8. (Still won't let me load pics)

    Ever wish you could find a romantic set that wouldn't just scream "SEX!!"? One that's packaged well, comes with everything you need for a romantic night, and doesn't scare any newbie toy users? Well, The Perfect Gift Rose set is just such a one! It has almost everything you could want for a night of fun and romance. The theme of this set is romantically red, and it all works together to create a night of fun & romance.

    It has a baggie of silk rose petals which can be spread on the bed or on the floor. Since they're silk, not real, you don't have to worry about those with pollen/flower allergies. There was no scent to these either. Then there are the red silky ties that you can use a variety of ways from possible blindfolds, to binding your lover. Also included are 4 battery powered tea lights. You know, the kind that "flicker"? Yep, all that, without the fear of fire or clashing scents. And those did come with the batteries already installed. You just have to remove the tabs on the bottom, flick a switch, & you're flickering away.

    And who can forget the chocolate flavored, water-based, H2O lube? The masterpiece of this whole set is the "rosebud" bendable vibrator. It's pointy on the end for direct stumulation, and the "stem" is bendable, for easy positioning. It says it's insertable, but I didn't do that part. I used it on my clit only. The rosebud took 2 AAA batteries (not included), and was decently strong, and not loud. I loved the fact that the bullet was actually IN the bud, so you get stronger vibes that way.

    This set is perfect for all sorts of occassions and even gift giving. Great for bridal showers, Valentine's Day, anniversaries, or just a night of romancing, this IS The Perfect Gift Rose!

  9. Pushing boundries varies from person to person. The only boundries you have are the ones that you put up. And it's only as limited as your imagination.

    Some suggestions, if you're open to them:

    Try switching gender positions. Allow her to use a strap-on on you and have fun with that.

    Have you watched each other masturbate, without touching each other? JUST the masturbation show?

    Have you filmed yourselves having sex?

    Do you watch porn? Maybe you could challenge yourselves to try what the actors are doing on screen?

    Have you tried painting each other?

    Food play?

    • Like 1
  10. Being a woman can be a LOT of fun! We can dress up, accessorize like there's no tomorrow, change our looks on a whim, wear ridiculous looking shoes in the name of fashion, and apply lipgloss whenever the mood strikes us!

    That said, being a woman can also be A LOT of work! It's exhausting!!! Primp, curl, flatten, pluck, poke, twist, adjust........and let's not one hard aspect of being a woman: shaving! Finding products that work for our specific body/hair type can be like finding the perverbial needle in a haystack!

    When we DO find a product that works, we feel as though we should shout it from the rooftops for other women that struggle to find something that actually works! So, dear readers, please picture me standing up on my rooftop with a megaphone in my hand!

    Kama Sutra has this awesome Intimate Caress Moisturizing Shave Cream in a clear, 8.5 oz bottle with a hand pump at the top. I received the Honeysuckle scent, and after 2 weeks, I'm happy to report that I have almost no shaving bumps, my skin is soft, smooth, and healthy!

    Let me explain why I'm so excited about this stuff. Hi, my name is Tyger, and I come from a very hairy family of women! I'm not one of the lucky ones that has light, fine hair. I have dark, coarse hair from my navel down. I've finally found razors that work well, however, the lotion that you use to help glide the razor across your skin is as important as the razor itself.

    This lotion has aloe vera & jojoba oil in it, which are 2 of my favorite ingredients in skin care. The hand pump only squirts out a little each time, so it's easy to measure out just what your body needs for razor lubrication. It says it was dermatologist reviewed & allergy tested, but it does not give the results of those tests, so please read all of the ingredients carefully. I will say that I have sensitive skin, and the water where I am is very hard. So, it dries out my skin very easily if I don't use the right products.

    I love the soft honeysuckle scent. It's not overwhelmning or obnoxious, even right out of the bottle, and it hasn't clashed with my perfumes I prefer. I shave everything from my navel down, and I'm still very happy with this product's results.

    I give this 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws, a purr, and silky stretch (showing off my gams!!)


  11. Some of the things that you should look for when buying your first sex toy is:

    What's it made of? Some materials are harder to care for than others. If you're sensitive to smells, stay away from jelly toys, because many of them are strong in the odor department. Personally, I would recommend glass or silicone toys. Those are easy to care for, disinfect, and are long-lasting. The only thing to remember is that with silicone toys, only use water-based lubes with them. Any silicone based lubes with a silicone toy will turn the toy to mush, rendering it unusable and wasted money. Silicone toys are a bit more $$, but they're definitely worth the investment.

    Do you want something that vibrates, or just a plain dildo? That's pretty self explanatory.

    Do you want something that looks realistic, or not so much? Do colors matter, or not?

    How easy are the controls to use, and where are they located?

    Do you want something waterproof for say, tub play?

    Also, pay attention to the reviews, if that product has one, to see how loud they are. Even if you live alone, some people don't like a loud toy. It's distracting. Almost all of us include how loud a toy is in their reviews, so you get an idea of what to expect.

    Another thing to consider is, if you're looking for a toy to insert, how big/wide do you want it? Pay attention to the measurements. Consider the length and width that you're use too, and go with something either a bit smaller, or the same size.

    The last thing to remember is pricing. Of course you want to save some money, and again, they don't pay me to say any of this, but TooTimid is the best. They're usually cheaper, if not the same as many of the other companies I've come across. If they are a bit more $, it's not by much, and again, that's where the one year guarentee usually wins me over.

  12. Rave: I got to sleep in this morning!!!

    Rave: I get to get my daughter back from her father's.

    Rave: I get to talk with my soonto be ex husband about the divorce papers, go over them with him, have him sign them so I can type them up, have him sign again, and file.

    I have no rants today so far. :)

  13. Your profile doesn't say how old you are, so I'm assuming kinda young, like early 20's. I say that because with age comes more experience.

    I had a BF that hit my cervix too. He knew he was long & it'd happened to him before too. He was 5 yrsolder than I & had warned me this might happen. Before we actually slept together, I thought he was being slightly arrogant. Nope, he was telling the truth.

    Anyway, with each woman, he had to learn how deep he could really go. Every woman is shaped differently, and, just like a man, their vaginas come in different lengths. You're going to have to learn how far you can go, with her help, and remember where on your cock, you have to stop.

    I'm not saying this won't happen ever, once you've learned the limit.

    During sexual arousal in women, physical changes happen internally, just like a man's obvious hard-on, women have things happen too. These things happen inside her body when she's really excited:

    Blood goes to the breasts (usualy in women that haven't breastfeed), nipples get larger, outer labia flattens while the inner labia fills with blood, and the uterus moves up and out of the way of the vagina.

    Now, just because you're hitting her cervix doesn't mean she's not excited. There are men that are just a bit too long for their partner's bodies. However, now that she's scare of the pain (was she a virgin?) she may not be getting truly excited. For women, our excitement starts in our heads. Hence the desire to be romanced. If she's scared or over-thinking things, she's hindering her body's ability to become truly excited.

    I would suggest lots and lots of foreplay. That doesn't mean 10 minutes of petting and then gettin' down to business. Romance her, touch her, oral her, talk to her, ask her things like "what do you want me to do". You'll KNOW when she's ready for it because she'll be begging, panting, flushed, and very wet. You still may need to use lube if you're larger, so keep some on hand just in case.

    Kuddos to you for finding a place to get information from & wanting to please her!!! By the way, the website I got some of the information from about sexual arousal is:


    It never hurts to find out more about your bodies. I STILL research things like this and I'm going to be 40 in a few months. So, Very good for wanting to help her make sex more enjoyable and you're willingness to be open about it!!! Good luck & best wishes. I hope this info helps. :)

  14. Aw. thanks for that. Yeah, I haven't dated in 12 years. I've always been a "long-term relationship" kinda gal, except after my first divorce, but even then, I was "with" my FWB for about 9 months before I even thought of dating, even though I was totally free to do so. I only dated 4 guys before ending up with my soon-to-be-ex. I just like a dork about all of this. And I'll add an "old dork" too. LOL ;)

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