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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. No, not at one time.I mean like if you were dating someone, and you found out they had, let's say 25 previous lovers. Would that be ok, or would you possibly have a problem with that? HOPEFULLY one would stop putting notches in their belts when they get married, but let's face it, not all people do!

    Anyway, just curious to see what some of our free-thinking members may consider a "high" number as far as lovers go. No judgements, just opinions.

    • Like 2
  2. I'm getting ready to file divorce papers with the court. Already started the process. Got an appointment with the soon-to-be ex for next week to go over the papers before I get them all professionally typed up (can't afford a lawyer), sooooo, I will be fancy-free soon. It's been several years since I've been on the dating scene, and in this small town, I have no idea where to start. I really don't like the bar scene, so I was wondering who's dating, and if you would share any tips with me, I'd appreciate it.

  3. I think that, years ago, this was true. Before the internet, befor social medias/forums became popular and the norm. People could keep secrets back then, and sometimes had too. Whether they didn't have the means to tell someone due to being secluded, or even in the cities, people kept more to themselves, and put "faces" on out in public. Hence why you don't hear about the bad things that use to happen (rape, child abuse, ect). People kept many things to themselves. It doesn't mean that stuff didn't happen, it just means that there were less lips flappin'. Now a days, it seems that more and more people try to one up each other on Facebook, and a few years ago, MySpace. It seems to me that more people put all their dirty laundry online, and then are shocked when people gossip about it. I think now, women are worse about that then men are. I have several online friends, however, I read more drama-filled postings from women than I do men. I keep my personal drama off of Facebook, though I have posted several things on here. Most everyone that belongs to forums/social medias is guilty of this in one form or another, though, I'm not bashing my own gender, but again, women seem to be worse at it now from what I've seen.

  4. Rant: My knee is still swollen from the header I took on a walk Sunday, but it's going down. I don't dare stretch to do my home work out until it's gone down more and stopped twinging. I don't want to do more damage.

    Rave: My boss bought me lunch today!! Subway, YUM!

  5. In all honesty, yes, size does matter, to an, ahem, extent. However, it really depends on the woman's build too. Some women can handle larger penises, and some can't. My ex husband was only 6", which in all fairness, is the average size of a male hard. It was ok, but he wasn't just 6", he was also very, well, skinny when hard. So, he left me lacking several times. It wasn't until I was with my FWB that I found out that I like them thicker than longer.

    • Like 2
  6. It can be a bit daunting, that's for sure. There are so many options out there, it's hard to choose.

    If your looking for a dual action, aka vibrator, I would suggest keeping it simple. If the thought of something realistic is a bit intimidating for the first time, then go for something that doesn't have a real skin tone to it, though most rabbits are quite fun and whimsy. I'd recommend something that doesn't have a lot of fancy bells and whistles. One of the most basic rabbits I've used is called Thumbilina. It's not too big, has easy to adjust slide controlers, vibes ranging from low to high, and is easy to care for. It is a bit loud, but it's not too bad. Check that one out. And yes, those are made to be inserted.

    Bullets are usually used for clit stimulation only, and aren't usually inserted, although if they're waterproof, they can be.

    As far as the sexy photos, it takes a lot for someone to post those kinds of pics, and though this isn't a site to check out body parts/pornographic, we don't have people posting pics of sex acts. Sometimes we just have a little teasing fun. If you don't like that sort of thing, just avoid that part of the forum. We don't expect everyone to visit ever subject if they don't want too.

    Sex toys are all about fun. Whether you're single or with a lover, they're about fun, pleasure, and release. They're not for replacing a real live person if you have a lover. They are for enhancing a sexual experience, and who doesn't want more? If/when you do get your first sex toy, I recommend just handling it. Feel how it feels in your hand. Remember, sex toys don't guarentee orgasm, they can help, but orgasm comes from physical stimulation as well as what's going on in your head. If you're too stressed, worried, or trying too hard, most people just can't orgasm.

    You're not the only one that is nervous about sex toys. Toy virgins can be quite intimidated on their first purchase. It takes time to search and find one that you think you'll be comfortable with. If you do decide to get one here, let me tell you a couple of good points about this site. Mind you, I don't get paid to say any of this, it's my personal experience. This is the best toy site I've found, and believe me, there are a lot! The 1 yr guarentee, the quick service, very discreet shipping & billing, I've never had an issue with anything I've gotten as far as satisfaction. I've had to exchange a few toys due to them not working, but, it was without hassle, and the turn around was quick.

    Let me know if I can do anything to help. :)

    • Like 1
  7. I've tried condoms, The Pill, Nuvaring, vaginal foam, & VCF film.

    Condoms with the foam, film, or The Pill worked the best. However, I did NOT care for the film. If your fingers have the slightest bit of moisture on them, then it sticks, and folds on itself, making it a block of spermicide. Some people have had bad reactions to it, but the only side effect I had was a slight odor from down there for a few days.

    Nuvaring made me sick and crampy almost immediately after insertion, so I took that right out and got The Pill instead. I REALLY don't want to be pregnant again, so I always double up with condoms as well.

  8. FYI, you have to be a member to view forum posts. But only post what you're comfortable with. This forum isn't a bunch of teens just wanting to talk about sex. We all are different age ranges, from different backgrounds, social statuses, and stages in life. We can be brutally honest at times.

    If you have a specific question, you can do a couple of things:

    Do a search of the forum you think that particular subject may be in, and it should pull up a variety of posts that possibly may cover your question.

    Peruse the site. Find a member you like their style of, and think you may have similar interests with or one that you just "like", and message them. We're all pretty open to that.

    Check out more on the forum, get more comfortable with "us". I believe that we're pretty rounded as far as the things we've seen, heard about, read, and/or experienced. We're non-judgemental & have shared a lot about ourselves personally, emotionally, and especially sexually.

    I've been here since 2006, and have not only gleaned some great information, become a reviewer, but also made some great online friends that I regularly corrispond with off forum as well!

    Welcome to the board, and I hope you like it here. :)

  9. GRRRRREAT minds think alike! I just love the whole concept of Piepdreams' Fetish Fantasy Collection's Purple Cheetah Bondage Kit! This nice kit comes with a set of restraints for both your writs and ankles, along with a paddle, face mask, wide neck collar, & nylon leash to secure everything together, this kit is an all in one! The cheetah print is slightly fuzzy & soft with some slight padding while the reverse side is a shiny black PVC. The fuzzy part is what goes on your skin. The ankles and wrist cuffs are adjusted & secured by velcro straps, each having clips on them to secure them together. There's a nylon strap that will attach to both sets of cuffs & collar to "hog-tie" your sub.

    The clips are sturdy and the nylon strap is adjustable. The velcro strips are very strong, and are easy to remove for quick adjustments or escape. The elastic on the face mask is very stretchy and not too thin so that it'd cut into your head.

    The paddle can be used either fuzzy or PVC side on your sub, depending on the sound you wish to come from the paddling. The picture on the box shows that the paddle has a wrist strap, but mine didn't come with one on it.

    I believe that this purple kit would be great for almost anyone, however, it may be a bit too simple for the more advanced sub/dom participants. I would say that this would be a great beginner kit for those that want to try some bondage, but are a bit intimidated with some of the more intricate kits out there.

    I give this kit 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws for comfort, versatility, easy of use, and having everything all in one kit.


  10. Lubes are a very important staple in any sex toy box. I don't think anyone can ever have too many lubes. Variety is the spice of life! So, of course, I loved getting this pink 4 fl oz bottle of lube!

    Removing the safety seal inside the lid was easy and simple. The cap is a decently securing flip-top, and be careful, because it will come out rather fast if you squeeze the tube too much! This is definitely a more runny lube, so just be careful.

    This Topco Sales lube is water-based & boasts that it has pheromone attractants. I'm single right now, so I can't vouch for the success on the pheromones, but I can say that this slick lube is long-lasting, spreads easily, and cleans up very well. There's a slightly fruity smell to the lube since it does have some citric acid in it, however, it's not flavored (yes, I tried a taste), and it does NOT taste good.

    The back of the tube says that it's scientifically designed to drive your lover crazy based on he attractant alpha-androstenol. I've never heard of that, but when I do find someone to try this lube with, I will update you on how well the attractant works!

    For now, I give this lube 2.5 out of 4 Tyger Paws up for functionality, staying power, size of the tube, and being made in the USA!


  11. Also, if you're really bothered by the taste, of pre-cum, not bee poop or hornet saliva LMAO, then try some flavored lubes, or try some Good Head gel. It's made for that reason, in case the taste turns you off, you can put some of that on the cock, and lick it like a lollipop. Fun for him, and tasty for you!

  12. Not that this applies in my situation, because, as far as I know, niether one of us had an affair during the marriage. However, I was curious as to your opinions as far as affair participants.

    What I mean is, who do you think is to blame for an affair? Do they share equal guilt? The married person having the affair or the person that they're having an affair with (if the other person knows that they're married)?

    Personally, I blame the spouse having the affair. They know they're married, and if they choose to go out and have sex with someone else, it's on them. The person they're having an affair with, IMHO, isn't responsible for keeping the other loyal to the married person's marriage vows.

    What do you think? Please be respectful to everyone's opinions, even if you strongly don't agree with them.

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