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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. get creative! Things likee bathrobe ties can make some great binders. Blindfolds are fun too. Be sure to have a safeword, one that tells the dom that what they're doing needs to stop. Something that isn't a normal bedroom word, like popsicle or twinkie. What most people don't get is that in true dom/sub relationships' the sub has the most power because in a true dom/sub scenario, the sub decides whether or not they will submit. Setting boundries is key, what one will do, won't do, is willing to try at least once, or not.

  2. Well, my daughter & I are all moved out & settled into our new place. It's only about 12 miles from the other place, & only a mile more from where I work than before, so it wasn't overly bad. I hate moving, but it does give me the urge to purge stuff, so I've been able to let a lot of things go. I already have everything unpacked, & only have 2 boxes left to get put away. We have a full week off from school/work, so I've been able to finish up. Took about 3 weeks to get everything over here & unpacked. I feel less stress, my headaches have almost completely disappeared, & I'm looking forward to the future. Our daughter has had some rough patches, but all in all, she's doing remarkably well.

    • Like 2
  3. Glad to see you're ok. I watched the news for days before & after the storm. What many people don't realize, is that we do get hurricanes up there, but they're usually not as strong as they are in warmer temps. Nor'easters are just as bad, compound them together in a short time frame, & it can be devestating. Much love to those affected by Sandy.

  4. Sliquid H20 is a natural intimate personal lubricant that had me at "natural"! Water-based & 100% vegan friendly, this lubricant is glycerine & paraben free. It's all natural, so it won't interfere with a woman's delicate balance *down there*. It's latex, rubber, and plastic friendly, so it's safe to use on ALL of your toys. I love that it's clear and flavor free, so it won't stain and is hypoallergenic. To reactivate the lube, if you need too, all you do is either reapply some or just add water! How handy is that?

    I had to laugh because one of the last things that the bottle boasts is that it's "formulated to last longer than most Hollywood marriages"!! You have to appreciate a company that has a quality product and a sense of humor!

    I tried this lubricant out with a favorite silicone toys one evening. I admit to having some issues with feminine dryness, so I'm always on the lookout for long-lasting lubes. And, I'm happy to say that this lube went the distance and then some! I didn't have to use much, because a little goes a long way. The flip-top cap requires little effort, and the gentle squeeze of the bottle, and you're good to go! I had a long play-time session, and didn't need to reapply, or suffer any soreness. It. Was. Fantastic! Clean up was easy, and no stickiness or odors left behind.

    4 out of 4 Tyger paws waaaaaaaaaaaaay up!! I definitely recommend this lube for EVERYONE!


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  5. Call me a woman on the go, but I love hands-free vibrators. Just adjust them, and/or insert them, and then go about your business, happily buzzing along. What could be better? Orgasms on the go! So, I was very excited (in more than one way) to receive the Mini G-Spot Strap On by Nasstoys.

    A girlie pink, the base is shaped like a starfish, with little bumps for added pleasure. The insertable part is a good size to reach that g-spot at 3". Though, I noticed that the TPR shaft was a bit more on the flexible side than I like in a g-spot toy. The pink straps are fantastically comfortable and adjustable for the small or full-figured woman. The controller is waterproof, and takes 2 AAA batteries from your personal battery stockpile. There are 2 white buttons at the top of the controller that run the vibe sequence from low to moderately high, and also giving 2 pulsation settings, and impressed this hard to please woman with its vibe strength.

    So, I get all inserted, strapped, adjusted, and ready to go. I turn it on high, which is always the setting I like. I start going around the house. About 60 minutes later, I've pretty much gone numb, almost forgetting it was there. I had had a small clit-stimulated orgasm from it, but I had wanted the g-spot one. Unfortunately, it fell to short and soft for that.

    I give this toy 1.5 Tyger Paws (out of 4) for sheer comfort, adjustability, and ingenuity. If the shaft was about an inch longer, and made of harder plastic, then it would've probably worked better, at least for me.


  6. The youngest I went was 8 yrs. He was 20, I was 28. It was just a booty call really, though I wish it could've been more, his sister didn't approve since I was "too old". LOL

    Soon, I will be free to date, and will be 40 in May. Cougar anyone? ;P Anyway, I really don't think too much younger than I would be preferable. Too much drama. But, ya never know!!!

    What you prefer, and what your chemistry tells you can sometimes be 2 totally different things. If you feel chemistry with someone before knowing their age, you might be surprised!

  7. Thanks BB. I'll admit, I've started a couple of books here and there, but never followed thru. I may just do that. Thanks for the suggestion. I always doubt myself, so wasn't sure if anyone would really want to read something like that, however, tabloids are pretty popular! LOL I do try to keep my positivity up and my sense of humor, which you really need to dig deep for sometimes, but it's still there. I refuse to loose myself. Thanks y'all!! MUAH!

  8. Going back, and reading some of the comments/questions I wanted to add some stuff.

    I am no longer really in love with him. I will always love him as a person, and as our daughter's father. I will always respect him as those 2 things. Do I respect him as a man now? No. Plain & simply no. A man would treat his wife as an equal. And, though he has always had a certain "old school" way of thinking, his hypocricy is getting on my last nerve. He has blatantly reverted back to a very sexist way of thinking. Maybe he always had that and tried to hide it, who knows? But more than once he's treated me like "A Little Woman", and that shit doesn't fly. For example, he fully expects me to clean up all the time. Even though when we talked about having children, he said that no matter who, he thought the one that either didn't work, or was home more, should do the majority of the housework. I guess he meant if that person had breasts, but not testicles. Testicles give you the right to be lazy.

    His own parents, both sets have been divorced for well over 18 yrs, tell me that he's lazy. Usually, parents are very supportive and defensive when it comes to their kids. They're more realistic. His father knows that his son will tell you anything to get you on his side. And I've noticed for a long time now, that he passes the blame for his mistakes on to everyone else, but him.

    I've been trying for the last 5 yrs to "stand by my man", and help him thru all of his depression. Realizing that he has had a lot of crap go his way, and he has been use to being the sole provider for a long time, and I'm sure his pride is almost gone. But, he refuses to get any sort of help. Holes himself up in this house, takes NO pride in it whatsoever, and just plays XBox. Everyone needs an escape now and again. I have here, FB, reading (real books TYVM), writing, jewlery making, and photography. However, I don't let those things take over my life, do it all day long, and neglect things that need to be done.

    His back doctor cleared him to be a truck driver. He left the company he was working for because they were embezzling $$ out of many driver's accounts. There's a lawsuit going with many drivers because of this. OK, fine, that sucks. Instead, he decides that he doesn't want to drive truck anymore. He wants to be a cop. NOBODY I know thinks he can be a cop, due to his bad back. I told him, as gently as I could that I don't see how being a police officer was possible physically. Do I think mentally he could do it? Even to this day, yes. Physically, no. He'd be killed his first year. His reflexes are no longer quick. And he's almost 40 (as am I). We're not Spring Chickens anymore. I asked him what his Plan B was, just in case. He told me I wasn't being supportive of him. I told him that I'd been supportive of his 5 other jobs he's had, and enough was enough. Pipe dreams are not realistic goals, and he needed to grow up and really think things through. Trust me, he's been wanting to be a cop for 2 years, and I've tried to be gentle about it, for about a year, but he's not clicking to the fact that it's not a realistic goal, nobody thinks so either, and all he has are excuses. I'm suppose to be the voice of reason when it comes to being in a relationship, especially when it comes to the well being of my child.

    We had been able to set aside our differences to have sex. Sometimes you have to have that release. Was it satisfying for me? Not at all. I'd have to wait until he would leave the room (to play XBox) and buzz myself to completion. I lost respect for him totally 2 years ago. Without respect, there's no real relationship. I don't even trust him anymore. I'm not talking faithfully trusting him, because I always have. I'm talking about with money, or his addiction to pain killers, and since he doesn't talk to me, then where do I place that trust? I place that trust in myself now. Fully. For me and my daughter.

    He forced my hand, immaturely, on Friday. He texted me (since he can't speak to me, a majority of our fights he starts via texting which I've told him not to do, especially when I'm at work), & told me that if I didn't tell our daughter that day, he would. She had a right to know what was going on. I had wanted to speak to her when he'd calmed down, and do it together, so she could see a pair of people that love her no matter what. I spoke with both of her teachers, the nurse (who my daughter loves), and the school counselor, just in case there's a change in her behavior, at least they'll have a heads up. Then, after school, we sat on the bench outside and talked. She was upset, but she did ask questions, cried a little, but seemed ok. So I think I did ok with that. I knew if I'd left it up to him, he'd come across as accusing, immature, and selfishly blaming.

    I own up to my flaws. I'm not perfect. I can be hard to live with at times. But asking him to spend more time with US instead of occupying the same air space as us is not unreasonable. Find a job and stick with it is not unreasonable. Take responsibility for your own actions is not unreasonable. Keep your word, is not an unreasonable request either. I'm an In-Your-Face kinda person. If there's a plan, I want to go with it. If there's a reasonable, realistic goal, let's go for it. I tell it like it is. I'm respectful. However, if you disrespect me, don't expect Sister Mary Sunshine either. That night we got into that argument, he told me to shut the fuck up. Um, negative Ghost Rider. Telling someone, very seriously, to shut the fuck up is not a way to show respect. I know that's only going to get worse since he's depressed.

    I can be a bitch, however, it takes a lot for me to get there. I've kept my sarcasm to a minimum, trying hard to keep it back. However, they even have to release Hoover Dam every so often, so the pressure won't build. Now that he's admittedly stopped trying, I admit that the sarcasm has made my personal dam crack and it's leaking out. I have common sense, which makes the sarcasm that much more direct as well. He doesn't like it when people call him on his shit.

    Anyway, I'll probably be on here ranting, and if you get tired of it, I won't be offended if you stop reading. LOL :) Thanks again to everyone.


  9. OK!! Well, I'll update y'all here, though it's no longer really a rant.

    The other night, we had another blow-up. I got tired of him sitting on his ass, and 4 days, yes 4 days of promising to do the dishes came and went and dishes kept piling up. I'm tired of all of his excuses, digging into a hole, and not wanting to come out and be a part of things. I'm tired of promises made, passed over or broken. I realize he's depressed, but he refuses to see it and/or get help.

    He's admitted to not even wanting to talk with me anymore, thinking I put "everything on Facebook". Which, I told him to go on my FB page right then and there and SEE what I really put on Facebook. If people don't speak with me verbally, they have NO idea that I'm unhappy. I don't put uber-personal stuff on FB. WHEN I do "change my status", it'll be after I've told the most important people in my family.

    His father was diagnosed with stage 3 & 4 prostate cancer on Thursday, and that's when we had our blow-up. I wasn't intending to dump all my stress on him then. However, it's been building up, and the 4 days of dirty dishes, compiled with the gnats they attracted, and him playing his stupid XBox game 24/7 got to me. He said that he knew I posted about his Dad on FB, cuz everyone knows of it now. I told him to march his happy ass to the computer since my FB page was up, and check it. I have posted NOTHING about his father on there. That's NOT my news to tell, especially that way! So, he'd better get his facts straight before accusing someone, and that I'm not the ONLY person he knows that has a FB account.

    I told him I couldn't take his negativity and excuses anymore. He oozes negativity. In the last year, I can recall only 2 nice things he's said TO me. I hear him say nice things to others, but never TO me directly. He refuses to share any of his life with me. He's admitted it. He's downed my jewelry, photography, job, everything I take pride in doing. The ONE thing he knows NOT to criticize is my mothering of our daughter. He doesn't want to go there, because she is my #1 concern always. He admitted to knowing I'm a great mother, and never doubts that.

    Long story, short, I told him I could not carry his ass anymore. I was done making excuses, feeling sorry for him, and being dragged down by his negativity anymore. I was unhappy for 5 yrs, since his injury, and he won't get help at all. He doesn't do anything to better himself. He just wallows in self-pity, and unless he admits it and wants help, there's nothing anyone can do for him. He asked me if I was saying I wanted a divorce and that if I said it, there was no taking it back, ever. I said very clearly that yes, I wanted a divorce. We've been together 11 years. Our last anniversary, I didn't even want to celebrate. Last Christmas, I didn't even want to get him anything. That's sad.

    However, after his pissed off reaction, I told him that he can think of me as the biggest bitch on the planet, that was fine, but I have to think about our daughter. He is dragging everyone down, and chasing everyone that cares about him away. I wished him well in finding himself and becoming a better person. I told him that I wanted to fulfill my promise of getting the rest of his dental work done, since we started that 3 yrs ago, and that he needed to get the hard-align on his dentures, due in January. That way, I can get a plan together, and figure out what I want to do. I want to stay in the area, but he has a track record of not paying his child support in a timely or regular manner, so my mom is willing to help me out, quite a bit actually. So, my daughter and I will be ok.

    What really help me find myself even more is a book we've been reading as a book study at work called The Energy Bus. If you haven't, you should get this book. It's about how we put out the energy we receive. If you think negative thoughts, negative things will happen to you. Even though it can be hard at times, when you think positive thoughts, you can't be negative, and the more positive you are, better things will happen. It's a great book, I'm learning alot, and I'm already much happier!

    The next morning, I awoke to a gorgeous sunrise and driving to work, I saw a bright and beautiful rainbow. Being Wiccan, I saw this as a sign from Mother Nature as good things are coming, I just have to drive around the bend a bit. So, Tyger is going thru another divorce. This will be my second. Apparently, I suck at finding spouses! LOL There's nobody in my sights, so I know that I'm not being dillusional or going thru the infamous mid-life crisis. I love my job, and I really like the community I'm in, though I have an area that I really want to be in more, I will stay, for now, here in this area. I feel like I'm a member of the community. Since it's so small, it's the first time I truly feel like I am one. It's a nice feeling!

    I vow to be the bigger person in this whole thing. I may post here rants and raves about my soon-to-be-ex, however, I will not bad-mouth him to my daughter, or infront of her. I will strive to be as understanding and compassionate as I can be, without being walked on.

    I appreciate all of the PM's of concern at my initial posting, and I truly appreciate all of my friends on here. Your support and kind words mean more to me than you realize.



  10. Have you ever used a strap-on before? It takes some getting use to, but it's a fantastically empowering experience! I would suggest verbal cues: "do you like it when I stroke you like this?" "Do you want me to do it harder?" that sort of thing. All can be done in the heat of the moment and add to the experience.

    I hope you have fun!! :)

  11. Dear iRide,

    What a thrill it was to finally meet you in person! I have admired you from afar for a very long time, and was so happy when you finally came to my door. May I say that I'm a huge fan of your designer, Adam & Eve? Not to overly flatter you, but you do come from a fantastic company, and I'm so glad you're representing them so well.

    You certainly gave me a shock with how big you actually are, however, it was a pleasant one at that. I mean, a little over a foot long and about 6" wide! You sure are a thing to behold aren't you?

    May I compliment you on your pretty in pink-ness? I love the 4" shaft you have and the bullet for my clit right above the shaft. Made with ABS, TPR, (aka plastic) and phthalate-free, how much more can you offer? Oh, that's right, I should not forget the silkiness of the top of you. You're like satin, yet still very sturdy, all at the same time. The bottom part is the hard plastic for your firmer ride. Your battery compartment is also fabulous. But of course you know that. Easy to open and insert my 4 AA batteries, you sure seem like a greedy thing, don't you?

    Your 2 buttons just turn me (and you) on. I'm so glad you respond to my touch, and have 3 settings, low, medium, and medium high. One button for the shaft, and another for the clit bullet? You over-achiever you. I must say that though your shaft is quite strong, your bullet could be a little stronger. However, I am a very picky gal, preferring a more stronger vibe than most, so I can forgive this small fault that is not your own. And since I can pleasure myself in different ways with you, the slight issue I have with your vibes disappears beneath my thighs. I can ride and rock you, spoon you, straddle you, or lay down and clench you. Either way, you fill me up and buzz me well.

    You were very comfortable with me on every angle I decided to try you on. After rocking my way to a rather strong and satisifying orgasm, I removed your batteries, and cleaned you up easily. I want you to rest, and stay in your designated spot until I decide, soon, to rock your/my world once again.

    Thank you again for rocking your way into my room.

    Forever yours,



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  12. This is actually a good topic that some people are too shy to ask their doctors. Anal sex has a stigma to it that many people try to avoid, even though they enjoy having their backdoors opened and played with.

    As with any sexual activity, there are risks, as well as pleasures.

    True, it is a myth that your rectum can get stretched out. I think that that's stemmed from when you have anal sex over long periods of time, your body/anus is trained to receive going UP inside of it, making some people think that they've stretched, when all they've done is train the body to accept something it's not normally designed to do.

    Yes, there's a cleanliness factor that people must be aware of. You should never "double-dip", meaning don't go from the rectum to the pussy. Always take the time to clean up before engaging in vaginal or oral sex. There is bacterial up inside the rectum that can aggrevate and irritate the vagina, causing infections. So, best to wash in between "dips". Some adult DVDs show the "double-dipping" and so some people think that's ok. I wish they would not show that sort of thing (and I LOVE porn flicks) just because of the health factors involved.

    The anus is NOT a self-lubricating orifice, so take care to use lots of lubes. There are lubes out there that are specifically designed for anal sex, many of those are silicone based. Be careful though: silicone based lubes can eat away condoms and silicone based toys (like UR3/Cyber-skin). Be sure that if you do use a silicone-based lube, it says CONDOM COMPATIBLE on it. That way, you know you're safe all around.

    The other thing anal sex takes is TRUST. If your lover wants anal sex, then changes their minds, for whatever reason (usually pain with going too fast), respect that, and back off/out. Do not ever force anal sex if the receiving, ahem, end has changed their minds. Trust me, nothing hurts more than a torn anus....owie.

    When first staring anal, slow and steady wins the pace. :)

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