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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. 2011-12-19.jpgThis minty green lil' cutie by the Sinclair Institute claims to be a g-spot & clit stimulator in one.

    The vibrator sleeve is made of a nice grade of silicone, which means no smell, or bacterial growth on it! The bullet itself is a hard plastic. The silicone sleeve can come off, making this toy almost like a 2-in-1! It comes with batteries, which is always a plus. The little push-button on the bottom switches from a pleasant low to a decent high setting. All are pretty quiet with the sleeve on, and not overly loud with it off too. I was pretty impressed with the vibe strength of this little green massager.

    As for it being a clit and g-spot stimulator? Not at the same time for me. The length of this toy is 4", with an insertable length stating 3", but it sure didn't feel like it. And, at least the way my body is, the shaft that goes inside, though ribbed for my pleasure, and I really DID like the ribs, and firm enough to stimulate my g-spot, but it's.....just......not........long.......enough to stimulate my clit AND g-spot at the same time. Now that's not saying that it wasn't stimulating to my clit, because the vibes were perfect for that, and would be a great clit stimulator during any kind of play since it's so small, it won't get in the way. For me at least, I need a stimulator on my clit as I'm stroking my g-spot to get me to cum that way.

    It felt good, but it didn't blow my mind, & I wasn't able to achieve the g-spot orgasm I'd hoped for.

    I'll give this toy a 2.5 out of Tyger Paw rating for power and sheer cuteness.


  2. Still not letting me post a pic, so as soon as I can, I will......

    Dolphins are one of the most popular animal to be molded for a sex toy. Let's face it, they're perfectly shaped for pleasuring, cute, non-intimidating, and so loveable!

    Wearable toys are even better! You have only to strap them into place, make sure the controller has its batteries in, and go about your day. Pleasuring in your pants. I love trying out wearable sex toys. I don't wear them to work, however, when I'm at home, and puttering around the house late at night, and I don't want to wake hubby up, it's a win-win situation!

    To be honest, I didn't read the description carefully. I thought that it was a dolphin for the clit, one for the va-ja-ja, and then the nubbies for the anus. When you look at the toy, you'd thing that's the way it goes.It's actually one for the anus, one for the va-ja-ja, and the nubbies go on the clit. Yeah, TOTALLY was WRONG on that one. You actually have to wear them with the dolphins headed toward your backside. However, I am a gal to make the most of things, so I gave it a go.

    The controller takes 3 AA batteries. With a twist of the cap, and a push of 2 buttons, one for each dolphin, your vibes go from low to a generous high feeling in no time. Though you have to push the controllers down all the way from high to low again to get it to shut off again. The indicator lights tell you what setting you're on. The vibes are kind of loud, even inserted. On a scale of 1-5 noise level, I'd give this a 3.5 on the noise level.

    The dolphins are made of silicone, so be sure to grab your water-based lubes only. They have some details molded onto them, but are also pretty slick to insert as well. I found them extremely comfortable to insert in both orifices.

    The nubbie part didn't quite do it for me, since my clit craves a more direct/firm stimulation, but the dolphin's power helped make up for that. I will say that before insertion, I used one of the dolphins on my clit to get myself a bit worked up, and it was very pleasurable!!

    The straps are cloth-elastics that are fully adjustable and rather comfortable, even for this full-figured woman.

    This toy is awesome! I'm not huge on anal play, but with all of the sensations I was having vaginally, anally, and a slight buzz on the clit, I didn't have to wear this toy for very long before the dolphins made my orgams come crashing in.

    My next experiment will be with one of those dolphins laying on my clit, and one in the va-ja-ja!

    On a scale of 1-4 Tyger Paws, this one gets 3 of 'em!


  3. (Item's not letting me post a pic at this time. Will try to get one on here for y'all soon!)

    Who wants a more sensitive clit for better orgasms? Can I see a show of hands? I do! I do!

    I'm always a bit skeptical of clit enhancing stimulation creams. After all, who hasn't bought something that's boasted great results, with mind-blowing orgasms, only to wind up with a slight sparkler-like tingling *down there*? Yeah, been there, done that, even got the t-shirt.

    Simply stated, this product says it will heighten clit sensations, elevate awareness of the clit, & make the clit feel & apear larger.

    Water-based, made in the good ole USA, with an easy to open flip-top, this creamy white cream has a minty scent to it, and comes in a 2 oz bottle that has a seal over it. After removal, take care on how hard you squeeze because both holes are decent sized.

    So, let me repeat, I was skeptical, but hopeful, since I've used Adam & Eve products successfully before, I was optimistic at least.

    Dabbing a litte on my finger, then massaging it onto my clit, I waited. And waited. OK, so I dabbed a bit more on my finger, then on my clit. Wait, wait......hm, and just when I thought I'd give up and just solo play without any additive, whoo-hoo!!! I felt the tingling warmth of the mint penetrate and allow me to feel my clit even more. And yes, it DID feel bigger than normal! Whoa! It took me no time at all to orgasm with a little playing. SUCCESS!!!

    As for the clean up, it washed off really easily, however, be warned dear player, the cream does get absorbed into your skin, so you will feel some lingering warmth for a while longer, even after washing. It took me about an hour to stop feeling the warmth. But it felt gooooood!!!

    I give this item 4 out of 4 Tyger paws up, with a resounding PURRRR!!!


  4. It's a cruel trick of nature to make women so complex at times. Thur's right. Sometimes you can try TOO hard to cum only to make it impossible for yourself. For women, orgasm is a physical and mental response. If we over-think it, we can sabatague ourselves. Deep breathing, do what feels good for yourself, give yourself plenty of time, don't stress about what you look like or how you sound. Also, in your solo sessions, seduce yourself. Light candles, give yourself plenty of time, line stuff up you may want to use, such as lubes, toys, wipes to clean toys or hands with. Have some nice music on, or watch a movie that gets you hot. I will suggest more clit stimulation. The majority of women need clit stimulation to orgasm. Take the time to play with yourself. Give yourself variences on what you're doing. It's all about self-experimentation. Good luck.

    BTW, nothing's wrong with you. It's absolutely normal to feel this way, and to have this frustration. I don't cum each time I have sex, or even when masturbating. Mostly due to over-thinking. :)

  5. I have an LG android for now, had it about a year and a half and our contract is up at the end of the year so will be getting something different, probably an HTC.

    I have an LG Optimus, purple, of course, and it's a smartphone. I hate it. I use to like it, but 3 mos after I got it, and of course, can't exchange it, I keep getting a Low Memory error message. I have Facebook on my phone. That's it. Myxer and Angry Birds are on my 8g memory card, but those, photos and ringtones are the ONLY things I can put on the stupid card I got to try and fix the known, yet not disclosed issue. My husband has the HTC, and I really like that one. My phone's purple and so is the protective case too.

    Rock on ShortStuff!!! :)

  6. My ex husband & I split because of lack of trust, respect, and support.

    It pissed me off that he thought I was such an idiot, since, at the time, I worked at a computer school, as a teacher, and was working towards my A+ certification, and was a Microsoft Office Professional. I knew how to delve into computers and find anything, even if it was deleted.

    He also had gone into my e-mail to see if *I* was cheating. He marked my e-mails as "New" so I didn't find out that he was reading them.

    A big source of contention was our finances. He never gave me any $$ for like 6 months, though he had a full time job. His money was suppose to go towards his truck payment and insurance. I found out he was 6 months behind on the truck payment and had NO insurance on it. Found that out when the bank called to repo it. The more I found out, the more I knew I couldn't trust him.

    The final straw was when I found the disc of the nude women from around our area, marked on the label that it was his, and please don't look at or touch. Really? Then I also found very explicit FireTalk conversations (was a similar thing to Skype).

    Upon talking to other friends, who didn't say anything to me at the time it was happening, he was going to parties, and flirting very heavily with other women, and acting very single. I was stupid, cuz I didn't think it was a big deal that he got a pager, even though most of his friends always called the house first anyway.

    When we split, I did it pretty much by myself. I was hurt by him, my high school sweetheart, my friends that let me marry him KNOWING that he was doing this, and not telling me, which I found very disrespectful. I muddled thru it, and survived. He tried Friending me on Facebook, just a while ago, and my only response to him was "are you friggin' kidding me?". LOL

  7. Though we are not swingers, I know of 2 couples that were, though they're not now. They had discussed it, tried it, one only once, and they decided they didn't like it. The other couple were swingers for years, and they grew distant with each other, since they had longer conversations with the people they were swinging WITH, and ended up divorcing, but amicably. Both had discussed it at length, and made sure they were both on board for it, with no doubts. Communication is key to this, IMHO.

  8. I wanted to add a small update to this posted article.

    Due to stress in our relationship, stressing about taxes, and feeling run down, I had the biggest breakout I've had since my first one this week. I've had breakouts sporadically, here and there. Last year, I only had 3 breakouts. One had 3 sores, the others had just 2. They didn't really bother me too much due to where they came out.

    This time, due to all the emotions & stress, I had SEVEN sores! Yes, 7! Owie is an understatement. I'm still not ashamed, or feel like I'm a bad person, but I was extremely uncomfortable these last few days! Itchy, uncomfortable, and sore. Ugh. On top of that, they were right next to my labia, and I was on my monthly. Added fun, oh yes, please! LOL

    They're starting to go away now. I even showed them to hubby. That's the first time I showed him any sores whatsoever. I'm still embarrassed to show him those sorts of things, but I wanted to prove to him why I was sore. What they looked like, and for him to understand. He said they looked like huge bite marks. LOL Yes, well, not good ones, that's for sure.

    Why share this? I want people to know that it's a continual thing. It doesn't happen once or twice and go away. I have to live with this for the rest of my life. All due to a slip of a condom! These thing happen to normal people. Most people suffer in silence. I mean, who's going to announce they have an STD?

    I had a friend, a few months ago, text me some questions, knowing I have genital herpes, and she asked me a lot of specific questions about first outbreaks, what they look like, ect. She now has a doctor-confirmed case of herpes. So we have one more thing in common & share info about. Though I'd rather not have anyone else I know and care about, have this sort of thing in common with me. I feel bad that she has it, since she has a lot of health issues.

    Which is another point: If you do have a compromised immune system, due to whatever reason, taking extra care not to be too caught up in the heat of the moment is very, very important. Your are more prone to get an STD if you have a weakened/overworked immune system.

    So please, everyone be careful. Don't judge a book by its cover, or what you may think you know, and stay safe my lovies!

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