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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. :) Don't be so squeamish ... inquiring minds need to know.

    Hubby is an experienced anal player, and I'm an experienced harness wearer.

    This item is a bit long since it's 7", but he used the longer part, and the smaller one went into me as a g-spot stimulator. Though it didn't really stimulate my g-spot, but it did feel really good. Hubby said that this toy was going to be a fave for sure!

    The smaller dildo is about 1.25" in diameter, and the larger one is 1.5".

    As far as TMI goes, reviews are meant to be as informative as possible, and questions answered. It's up to the reader to keep reading, and gain what they can from it, or not read it. I welcome all serious inquiries.

    I hope that helped LL. Great questions!! :) <3 Thank you!

  2. I think that any efforts made to improve one's sex life is a wonderful thing. Some people have a really hard time accepting sex toys due to the "stigma" that they have. They're "bad, dirty, and only lonely housewives" use them. Or sluts. LOL My hubby said to me, a long time ago, before discovering how fun sex toys can really be, that if your sex life is so great, why do you need them? That's how many people think of them: as replacements instead of enhancements.

    It's hard to change one's way of thinking, but it's great that she's willing to admit to liking them. Just go slow, and reassure her that sex toys aren't a bad thing, and can be lots of fun! Also, that you know it's not a replacement for YOU or HER, just added pleasure for you both to share.

  3. I answered this on another thread, but, even though hubby & I are having serious issues, no he has not cheated on me.

    The only one I caught cheating when it was happening, was my ex husband. We'd been on and off since I was 14, and he'd slept with my step-sister (we weren't together at the time), and that was our 3rd time being ON. We were together for 4 yrs, married less than 1. I caught him with pics online of local women in various stages of undress, saved to a disk! He'd always told me if I was flirting online, I was cheating. When confronted with this evidence (plus other issues), I told him to get out of my house. I was 28, and had forwarned him I wasn't going to put up with anymore childish games. If he needed others online to boost his ego, when I was always there for him, then he could go have fun with them instead.

    There's only been 2 men, including my current husband, that has never cheated on me. I guess I turn a blind eye or something.

  4. Brandy, just to forward you, last year, they didn't apply our return for 7 mos to our tax debt. I kept paying and paying in, until I threatened to stop paying until the refund was applied. They asked for another copy of it (3rd time I sent it in) one week, then 3 days later, sent a letter showing where they applied it. It's ridiculous.

  5. I'm still debating about leaving. I'm not having high hopes for anything, but no, he hasn't cheated on me. That I'm sure of. If he has, he's been very very good about hiding it. But I doubt it.

    I'm frustrated, and have been complaining/bitching/discussing the same issues for almost 4 yrs.

    Actually, this thread was just started out of curiosity, to be honest with y'all.

    I'll dive into the reason as to why my ex & I divorced in 2000, less than a year from when we were married, later on.

  6. Rant:

    I hate the fact that my husband thinks that the taxes can just be put off, and lets me stress about them. He was a truck driver owner/op for about a month, and that little boost that we supposedly had, upped us in a tax bracket, plus the Self-Employment tax is a bitch! But, with the help of H&R Block's Premium software (and a huge chunk out of our wallet), I muddled thru it.

    RAVE: I got the taxes done tonight, printed, everything copied, and ready to be mailed tomorrow morning!!! WOOT! I know, I procrastinated, but at least it's done, and will be stamped by tomorrow's date.

  7. Wow. Just wow. Where the heck do kids come up with this information? 90%, really??? That would be like 9 out of 10 people! I seriously doubt that. Almost everyone I know in real life at this point in my life, is straight. It may depend on the people you hang out with. My exe's family, all but one of his aunts & uncles was gay (his mom isn't). His aunts weren't "pretty" IMO, but they were nice people, and 3 of his aunts were in long-term relationships.

    I AM bi-curious, however, saying that, there's a difference between wondering here and there (in all honesty, who hasn't even thought "what if" before?) and actually willing to try it are 2 different things. That would be like saying everyone that had the slightest thought of killing someone (I don't know too many people that hasn't said at one time or another, "I want to kill them"), calling those people murderers.

    Bi-curious/gay being more pretty than straight? I don't think that's even a fair question. Everyone's perception of "pretty" & "not pretty" is totally different. I may be drop-dead gorgeous to one person, and a dog to the next. It's all what draws a person into you. For example: Kate Moss. She's a supermodel, right? Lots of people think she's drop-dead smokin' hot. However, several people I personally know, think she's nasty. Is it true? It depends on your point of view.

    I don't like guys with pot-bellies, that resemble Larry The Cable Guy. However, one woman I met says that men like that just make her all ga-ga.

    Women in porn do girl-on-girl stuff because porn is designed to attract men, for the most part. Men love watching 2 girls get it on (many of them, but not all). So, of course, you're going to see hot women going at it with other women. That's not mainstream. We don't go around in PJs and have pillow fights with exploding pillows flinging feathers everywhere either.

    I'm glad you asked the question though. I'm not saying you're silly or stupid. I do hope we helped clear up a rather misguided statement though.

  8. Well, here it is, 3 mos later, and, unfortunately, things are going back to the way they were.

    He refuses to talk with his doctor. He had spasms going thru his back to his chest yesterday, and then, last night, he just passed out on the floor of the bathroom after we had a fight. I've looked up side-effects from long-term usage of hydrocodone, and some of the stuff he's been experiencing is spot-on. He's on a high dose of it due to his back. But, he acts like I don't know what I'm talking about. My sister even gave him some herbal stuff that helped when she hurt her rotator cuff, and got her off the meds. He said "I don't believe in that shit", without even trying it. I asked him where he thought "modern" medicine came from? Oh, right! It's that herbal shit!

    I'm tired of being the only one stressing about $$. I ask him to go get MILK of all things the other day, and he can't do that, but OMG, he always has a bottle of Pepsi, and cigs. Yes, that's helpful. Thank you soooo much, Mr. Selfish. I'm living on ramen, so DD can eat, but he has to have soda and cigs. Yes, thanks for your support.

    I'm ashamed and proud (at the same time) to say that I wasn't overly nice last night. I told him that I thought his philosophy showed him to be a hypocrite. After all, HE was the one to say that whomever wasn't working, should do the majority of the housework. I guess he forgot to mention that he thinks that's only if you are female, cuz I'm not seeing much housework done on his part at all. I slacked off the last month or so, to see if he'd pick it up a bit. Nope.

    He said I pissed him off. I told him I didn't give a shit if I pissed him off, insulted him, or whatever. I just didn't care anymore. It was quite a shock. I really didn't care!

    I'm tired of complaining about the same things over and over again.

    He said I should be more appreciative since he took care of us for a long time while DD was little. I told him not to ever try throwing that in my face (when we first discussed having a baby), and when he did, I went off on him. I have almost always worked. The first 2 yrs of DD's life, I didn't, but after that, to make sure the family had $$, I worked part-time. So, he can't say that he's fully supported us for a looong time. His bragging rights for that ended 7 yrs ago, TYVM.

    I told him that I have been overly understanding and sympathetic with his back. It's been 3 yrs (almost 4) since his accident, and I've done research, asked to go see his dr with him (he refuses), try to get him to stretch/move around so he won't stiffen up. I get nothing from him. Just "I hurt, I can't, you don't understand". I'm sure he's depressed, but if he won't help himself, how the hell am I suppose to deal with that? I have a child to worry about, and I can't baby an adult anymore. If he refuses to take steps to help himself, nobody else can help him.

    Yesterday morning, before I blew up at him, he looked down at my legs (in shorts) & asked if I had thought of tanning. WTF? I asked him where the $$ would come for that. He said the sun's free. Nice. I asked him if he ever thought of quitting smoking, since that DOES cost $$ that I have no idea where he's getting it from, cuz he's sure as hell not contributing here financially! That ended that part of the conversation.

    Then he said "I hate that shirt", I was wearing a cotton turquoise colored shirt, non-form-fitting. I told him not to wear it then. He gave me a dirty look and I said, well, I hate those yellow shorts of yours too (they'd make Tom Selleck blush when he was on Magnum PI!!!). Then he asked DD who was the better cook. HUH?? Out of the blue, asked her who was the better cook???? I don't LIKE to cook, never have, and have always been VERY honest about that. But you don't ask a kid that. I KNOW he's a better cook in many things (not everything). I looked at him and asked him if there was anything else he wanted to insult me with before I went to work?

    The last thing he did that pissed me right the fuck off was take his fingers and flick my boob. I'm sorry, but I'm almost 40 yrs old *gasp*, and I find that immature and stupid, not to mention disrespectful since he KNOWS I HATE that. I had grabbed a magazine in play, and swung it at his head the second time, again, in play. The third time, after telling him not to do that, I instinctively/defensively swung and grazed the corner of his eye with the pages. I DID apologize about hitting him in the eye, but not for swinging a magazine at his face. Again, I apologized for getting his eye, I know that it hurt, but I'm tired of the disrespectful behavior all around. Ever since I had DD, and I am proud to say that I breastfed her for a full year, my boobs don't wanna be touched, fondled, tweaked or sucked on anymore. Nope, I'm good. They're just aestetically pleasing now, TYVM. He KNOWS this. I let him suck on them a bit here and there during sex, but it does NOTHING but irritate me now.

    He doesn't TALK TO me. He talks to everyone else, and if I happen to be in the room, I hear stuff. But as far as him talking TO me, it doesn't happen. He internalizes. I'm tired of having my paycheck gone before I get it, and I get physically ill around payday. It's ridiculous. He says I'm being ridiculous. Really? Who's in the ugly Tom Selleck shorts again? LMAO

    He keeps thinking that he is going to become a cop. Not with those spasms he's been having, nor him passing out, he won't. He won't accept reality. I told him that I hope he has a back up plan (when we weren't fighting), because if this didn't work out due to his back, I didn't want his depression to get worse. Of course he denied any depression, and said I wasn't being supportive enough.

    Let me clue you in to a secret, I'm not an overly gush-y type person. Sunshine & lollipops don't happen all the damn time. Realism does. I can only be supportive if I know there's a good chance of success. I don't see it with him being a cop. I just don't. Maybe that's wrong of me, but so be it if it is.

    Thankfully, most of the time, when we argue, DD isn't even in the room, or awake, for that matter. So she doesn't hear it. Believe me, if she did, she'd let me know. She doesn't hold much back either. Not sure where she got that from.....LOL

    I KNOW I'm sometimes hard to live with. I admit it freely. However, I don't ask much of him. Take care of the trash (it's full right now inside and out), pick up after yourself. Hang things up, don't leave your clothes laying around, do the dishes sometimes (more than once a month). Wow, that's terrible of me, huh? He said "I take care of the lawn". Big freakin' whoop. I actually said that too. I told him that I could mow the damn lawn, I needed more help. I work, take DD to karate, come home, clean, get things ready for the next day, pay bills, get groceries, take care of the pets most of the time. I'm damn tired. Go figure! If you're a FB friend of mine, you know all of this.

    Tonight, I come home, and he'd shaved his head. I don't really believe a back spasm made him twitch when he tried trimming his hairline, since he usually asks me to do that for him (raising his arms hurts anyway). He KNOWS I HATE bald, at least on white guys (not being racist or anything, just preferences). I feel as though it was a dig. Usually, my first impressions are right, so I'm just going with that.

    Anyway, I'm not overly optimistic anymore. I gave him credit about finishing the kitchen, but I'm not going to preen him for a year for that, since I waited almost 3 yrs for him to do it! I told him I expected more help, and less seeing him on the fuckin' XBox online. I'm tired. I'm tired......

    Thanks for reading my soap opera yet again. I don't even wanna go lay down beside him. I'm so irritated/pissed off/disappointed in him, it's unreal. I can't help him if he can't try to help himself. I'm not going to beg to do so either. I. Don't. Beg. I'm too old for that crap. I told him last night, if he quits on us, that's on him, but I'm done being the only one truly working around here. He needs to get up and do SOMETHING. Whether it's going for disability, or what. Something is better than nothing!

  9. Ive pondered this a bit...And something happened last night...

    Yes, I can admit, Red Hair initially draws my attention, as well as dark Auburn colored hair...

    Funny thing, last night I was out, I saw the most stunning woman, tall, long legs, Long Red flowing hair, I watched as she reached into her handbag, only to pull out a cigarette and proceed to light it...

    I so tempted to walk and tell her how sexy she was until the cigarette, but thought why, not my life...

    She suddenly seemed so ugly to me...

    So Yes, the Red Hair I was initially attracted to, but only turned away with disgust... ;)

    Ive pondered this a bit...And something happened last night...

    Yes, I can admit, Red Hair initially draws my attention, as well as dark Auburn colored hair...

    Funny thing, last night I was out, I saw the most stunning woman, tall, long legs, Long Red flowing hair, I watched as she reached into her handbag, only to pull out a cigarette and proceed to light it...

    I so tempted to walk and tell her how sexy she was until the cigarette, but thought why, not my life...

    She suddenly seemed so ugly to me...

    So Yes, the Red Hair I was initially attracted to, but only turned away with disgust... ;)

    I understand this too.

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