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Posts posted by Tyger

  1. I forgot to add that I also use the satin bags that glass toys come in for my glass babies. And, I've got a few Crown (whiskey) purple sachels for others. I try to reuse as much stuff as possible, and if I can reuse some gift sachels, ect, then that's what they are used for. ;)

  2. I'm thrilled to see so many new faces, from ALL over the country! WOOT!!!! However, some have posted HI's, and I haven't seen anything else. I hope y'all are still here, if just lurking, but I really hope to see some postings. Anyway, I haven't had the opportunity/time to say it individually, so WELCOME to TooTimid! I hope you're enjoying the forums. Feel free to ask questions! There is no stupid question (so long as it's sincere).

  3. I thought I'd bump up this topic. With summer coming up, and a little more board traffic, reviews, and hopefully more people trying out different sex toys, This is a great topic to restart. So, again, what do YOU use for sex toy covers to protect your pleasure investments?

  4. Well, at one point, I had over 300 sex toys! Yes, it's true!

    A couple of months ago, I went thru all of them. Some were dried up due to the bags not being air tight, some, their motors just wouldn't run anymore after many uses, cords were cracking, some I've "outgrown" and they don't do it for me anymore, and some I just didn't care for. A few I had were so similiar to others, I kept the newer versions of the toy. So, I had a ceremony disposing of some "lost loves", cleaning out one chest of drawers with 4 drawers completely! I have a nightstand with 4 other huge drawers, and one heart shaped large box with my most desired/used sex toys (there's about 8 in that box alone). I've made room for new acquirements!

    I wish I lived near Las Vegas. I saw on one of the shows on G4 that one company will take old vibrators for recycling, and give you a discount on a new one if you bring in an old one. THAT'S pretty cool!

    Anyway, now I'm back down to a reasonable number: 75......for now.......... ;)

  5. This last 2 weeks have been pretty decent, reading wise. I finished Anne Rice's The Wolf Gift, which was good, but predictable. Tonight I just finished reading Real Vampires Get Lucky (there's 5 books in the series, and now I want the rest of them). My next book will be How To Make Love Like A Porn Star by Jenna Jameson. I'm very excited about this one as well!! :)

  6. Well, I've had Tyger incorporated into many of my screen names, so this seemed appropriate. The "y" give it a slight personal edge to it. I believe there's a Tiger on the site too, if I'm remembering correctly.

    Plus, I LOVE tigers. Not to mention the whole "bad kitty" in bed imagery. I'm married, so Cougar never seemed appropriate! ;)

  7. Not sure what the question is here either.

    Some girls are deeply offended by porn, so just grabbing a porn for the sake of watching one isn't a great idea. I'd go for one that was directed by a woman, for women to start out with. Talk with your GF about it before shocking her with it by just popping it into the DVD player.

    Second, sex toys are a fun, yet serious thing to introduce. When I was younger, there was NO way you were going to get me to fuck myself with some plastic thing. Nope, uh-uh, no way. My first sex toy was a hard plastic generic, non-phallic looking thing, that took 2 C batteries to roar it to life. Though it was pretty un-intimidating, I didn't care for it. The second sex toy I had was in my mid-20's, and it was a bullet. THAT'S what got me to change my mind about sex toys. I picked it out, I tried it solo first, then allowed my BF to use it with me.

    Is she scared of them? How was she brought up? Has she ever tried one, honestly? Bad experience if so? There are many questions to be asked before just tossing a vibrator on the bed, or a DVD in the machine.......

  8. I haven't seen any of the afore mentioned movies....guess I need to make a list for when DD's not around! LOL

    It's not a sex scene, but I found that the scene from Take The Lead, with Antonio Banderas (drool), shows the city kids how dance can be classic & sexy with one of his school's students (I don't like her character, but she's a damn good actress). Antonio can twirl me around like that ANY day!!!

    I have the movie Kama Sutra. That's a GREAT story, and has a couple of really HOT sex scenes in it.

  9. Back to the original topic of this post's intent:

    I don't find food sexy. I agree with Em, I don't like the idea of food in the bedroom. Maybe it's just the clean up factor, I don't know. I enjoy food. I've eaten a fair share of "lobstah with buttah", muscles, strawberries covered in chocolate, ect. Never got horny off of them. Now, alcohol has helped lower my resolve a few times, but other than that, nope. Food's not a turn on.

  10. Another thing we need to remember when posting pics, is that this forum IS linked to a business. True enough, the business is selling sex toys. However, usually, website hosts have certain guidelines the company's need to follow, as far as "graphic" imaging. So, we have to be careful.

    That's not to say the pics can't be suggestive. Get creative! so long as the pics don't show the actual act itself, either solo or with a partner, you can still take some sexy picso be careful so TooTimid doesn't loose its site!


  11. I live in Texas too (originally from Maine, but I got here as fast as I could!)!!!! Welcome to the board, and I hope you find the information here, very helpful. It's really great to have a message board where people can be more open & honest about sex, something many peopl find taboo to speak about. Welcome! Y'all come back now!!!

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