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Posts posted by Wannerer

  1. Do you achieve orgasm only in rare of the cases, when you try with the same method? Sometimes you succeed, but mostly not, even though the method is the same.

    (I don't mean such a systematic difference that "succeeds when masturbating, but not when having sex", whose explanation is so simply the used method.)

    Can you think of any reasons, what is differently, or what you do a bit differently, when you succeed or don't succeed in getting an orgasm? Increase enough the speed of technical movement in masturbation? Think or see something arousing enough?

    Does it bother you, if you don't get an orgasm? Is sex (or masturbation) quite OK nevertheless, or indeed wonderful and meaningful, even though you didn't get an orgasm?


  2. On 1/13/2023 at 4:14 AM, Beek43 said:

    Mutual is great, but when your partner is not there, phone sex comes in handy and a good vibrator.

    I'd say I'm at 75% 

    Topic didn't say anything about phone sex

    The intention was that phone sex is included as "entertainment". How much masturbation without any entertainment other than your own imagination remains, after that exclusion? 0%?

  3. How often do you masturbate so that you don't use any erotic entertainment, other than your imagination:
    - no watching of porn, nor listening to the sounds of porn videos
    - no erotic books or audio stories
    - no watching of any photos or videos, not even of fully dressed people
    - no watching of television, nor surfing on the internet
    - no watching of people around yourself (no matter how they are dressed)

    Give the answer as a percentage of all your masturbation:

    100 % = without entertainment 100 times of a hundred masturbations: every time when I masturbate

    75 % = without entertainment 75 times of a hundred masturbations: 3 times per each four times when I masturbate

    50 % = without entertainment 50 times of a hundred masturbations: every other time when I masturbate

    25 % = without entertainment 25 times of a hundred masturbations: once per four times when I masturbate

    0 % = never without entertainment: I always use erotic entertainment when I masturbate

    X = I never masturbate, so the question is not relevant for me


  4. If it depends on your will, and your partner doesn't insist having sex in different circumstances than you would like:

    Do you prefer to have sex with the lights on, or in darkness?

    A) preferably with the lights on, or in daylight
    B) preferably in very dim lighting
    C) preferably in complete darkness
    D) it doesn't matter, all options are equally nice

    You can also explain your preference, if you want.


  5. I made a questionnaire, which includes 86 different levels and styles of women's clothing, and 71 styles of men's clothing. Everything possible from the very scantiest strings / bikinis all the way to Islamic burkha. But mostly something much more typical, between these extreme ends.

    As there are so many photos, for practical reasons the questionnaire is done at another website, and not directly in this discussion:


    In the questionnaire you are asked to tell your opinion for each style of clothing, how sexy the person in the photo is. So the questionnaire seeks an answer to the question, which styles of clothing are more neutral, and which styles spontaneously inspire sexual thoughts in a passer-by. Or does any type of clothing (or lack thereof) inspire such thoughts in you?


  6. We cannot know the future, but do you have such a feeling now that your current partner in love relationship is "The Right One" for you, with whom it will be good to live probably the rest of your life?

    Or do you have some specific person in mind, who would be a more suitable "The Right One" for you than your current partner, and who you are secretly dreaming of, to be in a love relationship with this other person? (In that case: what in this other person is assumed to be better than in your current partner?)

    Is your current love relationship dating, cohabiting, or marriage?


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  7. A week ago I asked if people enjoy French kissing. Most people said that it is delightful, but some had the opinion that it is outright repulsive.

    How about sex? Let's not assume the answer to this question, and see what people will reply.

    Do you enjoy having sex (if the partner is very attractive)?

    A) Very delightful
    B )  Quite pleasing
    C) A neutral experience
    D) A bit uncomfortable
    E) Very repulsive
    F) Otherwise would be nice, but it causes me physical pain too much


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  8. If you are heterosexual, what feelings does the thought cause of having sex with the same gender/sex?

    In this case "sex" would include these things: tongue kissing, giving oral sex to the other, and receiving oral sex from the other.

    The sex partner would be according to your wishes, as pleasant as can be possibly found, but anyway of the same gender/sex.

    A) Utterly intolerable, disgusting
    B) Very uncomfortable
    C) Maybe a bit uncomfortable
    D) Neutral feelings, neither nice nor uncomfortable in any specific way
    E) It might be a bit nice
    F) Quite nice indeed
    G) Extremely lovely

    If you are homosexual, you can answer the other way round: how would it feel to have sex with the opposite gender/sex? (In that case, mention that you answered from this perspective.)

    Tell if you are a man (M) or a woman (W), so we can conclude from the discussion, which gender/sex has stronger positive or negative feelings about this.


  9. When you are having sex with your partner in a long-term relationship, who or what do you think about during sex? Especially in the phase when you want to achieve an orgasm.

    A) I admire the sexy forms of my partner's body. (Admiring which body parts is most arousing during sex?)

    Or then, maybe even with your eyes closed:

    B) I imagine the lovely bodies that I once saw in porn. (Why? Because your partner's body is not very interesting?)

    C) I imagine the sexy body of some other person whom I know personally. (Why? Is this person sexier than your partner?)

    D) I imagine some other person, but not specifically the sexiness of his or her body. (Why? Do you love this person more, or are you just seeking more thrill from a wild fantasy?)

    E) I think (or at least I hope) that my partner is looking at my sexy body with admiration.

    F) I focus on my own experience of physical pleasure. I think about my own physical sensations.

    G) I think how much I love my partner.


  10. Most people have some time watched porn, in which people are nude. But have you ever masturbated watching photos or videos of people who are not nude?

    A) I have never masturbated at all.

    B) I have never watched any photos or videos while masturbating.

    C) When I have watched photos or videos while masturbating, they have always contained fully nude people (too).

    If you have ever in life masturbated watching photos or videos, which did not contain any fully nude persons (during the entire masturbation session), what kind of clothing did the people seen in the photos have at the time, when the photos that you watched contained LEAST nudity (during the entire masturbation session)?

    D) WOMAN with bare breasts, but the waist area had some clothing
    E) WOMAN in bikinis, or in bikini-size underwear
    F) WOMAN in one-piece swimsuit, or in underwear of similar size

    WOMAN wearing a shirt:
    G) in short shorts or skirt, less than half-thigh
    H) in knee-length shorts or skirt
    J) in skin-tight leggings
    K) in tight jeans or trousers
    L) in ankle-length and loose clothes
    P) wearing a tight shirt that reveals the shapes of upper body, and it was the most interesting detail in the woman
    Q) wearing a shirt with an open and low neckline, and it was the most interesting detail in the woman

    R) MAN without shirt, in quite small and tight swimming trunks or underpants
    S) MAN without shirt, in short shorts, less than half-thigh

    MAN wearing a shirt:
    T) in short shorts, less than half-thigh
    U) in knee-length shorts
    V) in skin-tight leggings
    W) in tight jeans or trousers
    X) in ankle-length and loose clothes
    Y) wearing a tight shirt that reveals the shapes of upper body, and it was the most interesting detail in the man
    Z) wearing a shirt with an open and low neckline, and it was the most interesting detail in the man


  11. An ordinary male orgasm is approximately like this (in its most complete and long-lasting form):

    A) First there is a loading phase for a couple of seconds, during which the man knows that an orgasm will start soon (and one cannot really prevent it any more). During these seconds the muscles at the root of penis contract, so that it causes quite clearly noticeable pleasure, which is more intense that the usual state of having sex. Meanwhile, semen gets transferred to the root of penis, to be ready for ejaculation.

    B) Then begins the actual orgasm and ejaculation, during which there are strong muscle contractions, firstly approximately one per second (or even more often), which will slow down and fade out bit by bit, so that it can eventually take even 5-10 seconds between contractions. If stimulation is continued for more than half a minute, or even over a minute, eventually it can become unclear, are the last very muted contractions authentic orgasmic contractions any more, or are they just one's own voluntary use of muscles.

    Questions to men:

    C) Is this description of orgasm correct, or do you want to clarify and correct this story in some way? Is your orgasm different than what was described here?

    D) How many seconds does the "loading phase" of orgasm last, when you know that an orgasm will soon begin, and one cannot easily prevent it any more? Is 2 seconds a realistic estimation? Or can it be 1 second, or perhaps 5 - 10 seconds?

    E) How does it feel during the "loading phase" of orgasm? Does your penis (or the muscles at its root) contract to an extreme cramp for the loading phase? Or is your penis quite relaxed during the loading phase? Or do you feel the muscles at the root of penis contracting with a slowly increasing intensity, first very lightly, and then ever stronger and stronger during these seconds?

    Then questions to women: what are your orgasms like?

    F) Does a female orgasm have a "loading phase", which would resemble in any way the description of a male orgasm above? A woman has no need to wait for some seconds just because it is necessary to move semen from a large storage X to a smaller temporary storage Y. So does the female orgasm include at all such a starting phase of some seconds (how many seconds?), when you know that an orgasm will begin quite soon, and one cannot prevent it any more, but nothing happens immediately anyway, one needs to wait for a couple of seconds before the orgasm starts?

    G) If the female orgasm includes such a "loading phase", how do you feel during it? Which body parts contract then, or in which place does it feel special, and how does it feel?

    H) What about the actual orgasm: Does the female orgasm resemble the description of a male orgasm above, at B)? Are there contractions firstly one per second, which then slow down and fade out bit by bit? Or is there perhaps just one long contraction, which lasts for an eternity?

    I) Can you experience various different orgasms, which have different characteristics? What is the difference between these orgasms, and how are the orgasms produced?


  12. I don't know, how important for women is the esthetic appeal of the partner's body. We will see what the replies will be, and from which gender.

    How desirable sexually is the body of your partner? On the scale 0 - 10, where 10 = the most attractive that you can imagine.

    In the best case, this way:
    woman 42, nowadays 9, in the best years was 10
    (or shorter: W 42, now 9, max 10)

    ... which would mean that your partner in relationship is a 42 years old woman, and her body is nowadays nearly the loveliest possible (9). In the best youthful glory of her life she was a pearl worth a perfect ten (10).


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  13. How many orgasms per day can you experience, without it causing any kind of problems?

    How many orgasms would be too much for the tolerance ability of the body, so that it causes some trouble that you can notice: sex no longer feels perfectly enjoyable, but a bit worn-out, or you will have pain in the genitals, etc.

    Very rarely on one day it is probably possible to experience more orgasms than usually, without it causing an uncomfortable feeling or lowered satisfaction during sex or orgasm, or after sex.

    When doing it several days in a row, you might more easily encounter some limit, which is too much for the body, if overexertion develops in some erogenic body parts.


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  14. When you are (or were last time) in a long-term relationship, how many times in a period of 4 weeks do you:

    a) have sex with your partner

    b) masturbate

    Usually the amount of sex is asked as times per week, but due to the break possibly caused by menses, I think it is better to count times per month. In that case the correct answer would be 3 weeks amount of sex, and 4 weeks amount of masturbation, if menses cause a break in sex life, but not in masturbation. And so on. Depending on if there are menses, and if they cause a break in your sex life and/or masturbation.


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  15. Do you go to mixed sauna etc. fully nude, among such a group of people, which assumes the social rules of ordinary people (approximately the rules of a nudist beach), so that any references to sexual interest would probably be reproached?

    Is such mixed bathing in sauna a fully neutral experience, or does it happen that you assess the most elegant-looking bodies also with an erotic or even sexual interest?


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