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Jerry S.

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Everything posted by Jerry S.

  1. My name is Jerry and I am here to find out if I am normal. My wife and I are in our late 30's and we have been married for about 10 years. We met this couple, Ron and Kathy, about two years after we married. We went out with them and went to their home many times. One night we had all been out to a bar and we all had too much to drink. We managed to get back to Ron & Kathy's home but we decided to spend the night rather than risk a DUI.. My wife and I were in a separate bedroom. During the night my wife had to use the bathroom, which was in the hallway. She was naked and when she got out of bed, I told her she needed to put something on but she insisted everyone was asleep. After about 15 minutes, I got up to see what was taking so long. She was not in the bathroom. She came walking toward me from the kitchen. She said she was looking for something to drink. A few moments later, I heard someone walk by our bedroom door. I was pretty sure it was Ron since I saw his wife go to bed earlier. It didn't take much imagination for me to figure out what was going on so I decided we should go ahead and drive home. About a year later, Ron and Kathy divorced and it wasn't long after that I discovered my wife was having a sexual relationship with Ron. It bothered me at first but I chose not confront her about it. I did not want our marriage to end in divorce, so I looked the other way. This is hard to explain but whenever my wife and I were having sex, she would find ways to bring up Ron's name and began fantasizing about having sex with him. I'm not sure why but I was really turned on by this and It got to where we were talking about him almost every time we had sex. I knew she was seeing him often. His house was about five miles from our house and there were many times when I saw her car parked in his driveway. This went on for almost five years. It finally ended, I think, when her remarried. What concerns me is why I was OK letting her have this sexual relationship with another man. To this day, just thinking about her having sex with him gets me turned on and I don't understand why. Is this unusual? Am I a sick person?
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