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Posts posted by trickychick

  1. trickychick?

    Do you stimulate your clit at the same time? My wife describes the same feeling but gets powerful orgasms. At this time she only gets them during oral sex, but we make sure the clit is stimulated either by my tongue or a toy. It is so sexy. Her legs are shakey enough for several minutes, I have to help her to where she is going.

    Its something I will have to try, as its usually during sex my clit is being rubbed by his body not stimulated directly, I think If I was having a clitoral O at the same time it would be rather awesome...! Maybe a toy would help...

    good for you and your wife!!

  2. Do you have a question? It is obviously a G-spot orgasm, and the fluid is not urine( pee). You may not have the same kind of tension and release you have with a clitorial orgasm, but you usually have to have an orgasm along with such a release. There are exceptions, just as with male ejaculations. If you relieve your bladder before having sex, you can reduce the amount of fluid that is released even in these G-spot releases. IF you anticipate that this is going to happen, have some towels handy to protect the mattress. Enjoy.

    No question, was replying to the OPs question "if anyone has any info it would be greatly appreciated." and added my info. (am I misunderstanding the dynamics and ettiquette of this board or something?) :unsure:

    I am sure they are not accompanied by an O but the sensations before a release are the best, that you get with deep slow thrusts, intensly pleasurable especially in my mind, but not what ive experienced as an orgasm per se.

  3. Spit or swallow?

    I have always thought that a man coming in my mouth should be the thrill, not what I do with the spunk!!

    I am neither; I dont always swallow (i never actually spit 'ptui' it out, that, I feel, is a little rude) I decide what to do with it when it comes out, sometimes the angle of his cock is such that swallowing is easy - great! Sometimes my mouth is momentarily open and it falls out, lol, so I let the rest drizzle out and rub it in after a few moments...

    Sometimes I drizzle it out anyway, sometimes I or he specifically requests drinking it.

    I/we decide at the time. Also I like the variety and freeness of this. No pressure.

    I asked him what he preferred, he said he doesnt mind.

    So I asked again, to tell the truth, he said, its up to me.

    So I asked again, but which does he prefer? Swallowing.

    I knew it!! he was trying to be 'nice' again.

    xxx :)

  4. Actually I suggested last night to my man that maybe he should tie me up and just try and make me come, Ive got a feeling that I need to let go of controlling myself, and also he needs a bit of practice, god knows Ive practiced enough on him!

    I think I like the idea of being rather helpless, and him having all the control, not just a little bit...

    Also I did try masturbating in a different position, in the bath, last night...had to revert to my original fish tecnique to have the first O, then i changed position, to my knees, to cum again, it did work, it was a completely different sensation, too...so I did it one more time for good measure. Im more hopeful now that I can change my habit!!

    Thanks to you both xxx

  5. I have these ejaculations, my bloke loves them because they are so hot, they usually only occur with slow and deep penetration, and the very first time I did it it seemed to be like a pint, it soaked all the way through the matress, but definately wasnt pee.

    I cant control them, and strangely, mine are not accompanied by an orgasm BUT I feel totally satisfied afterwards and terribly sleeeeepy!!


  6. Hi,

    I know this might sound silly, I mean he's seen me give birth 3 times forgodssake, but I just cant bring myself to masturbate 'for real' infront of my SO, the reason is that ;) when I am masturbating (lying on my back anyway), I HAVE to start with my legs apart and then straighten them & bring them together, then apart then together again you get the idea; it works really well, sort of very quickly, and of course I dont care how I look when Im solo, multiples-no problem, but my god I look like some sort of fish, swimming in some bizzare way, and I just cannot do it infront of my bloke!! I would like to be able to but, I just cant!! :D Do I sound silly?! lol

    The other way is better, on my knees/kneeling, but I have to have some phallus or other and use that on myself and its more a g-spot thing.

    In fact masturbating during sex has never done anything for me/helped me come, no one has ever managed to make me come through oral sex either and only once in 16 years has another person made me come with finger work. I find it easy to do to myself, and oral sex is extremely fine, but feels like something is missing...dunno if its in my mind or a physical thing.

    Well, that was a totally incoherent ramble, but what do I do? I dont know what to do!! :D

  7. Hello, newbie alert!!! :P

    Well the DP and I are only just trying anal (after 7 years together..!), Im just wondering, how do I get off on it? We're lubricated enough, relaxed, all is fine, but Im not sure what Ive got to do to get something out of it (cos obviously he is not having a problem!) I wonder if maybe he should stop being so careful and gentle, I think maybe I need him to be a bit more sort of rough, but Im not sure, is that safe?....any thoughts?!

    Its like being a virgin all over again!lol!

    Thanks! B)

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