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Posts posted by Patris

  1. While I'm not suggesting my wife won't like one, she wants one but she doesnt know which one I should get her, nor does she want to be the one to buy it... Essentially I want to get a multitude of answers in order to get the best one for her.

  2. My question is regarding the different types of rabbits out there, I finally convinced my wife to try one of these and since I have known about them I havent really followed them... and I'm surprised as to how many different types there are.

    I need some consultation as far as which one is the best for a woman who is sorta still shy about sex, I'm just hoping this is the toy that will shock her out of that :D

    Thankyou ahead of time!


  3. She is quite timid when it comes to sex toys, her mother pretty much beat it into her head that masturbation is a horrid thing and should never be done. Well that was years ago, and I've been trying to get my wife to get a little more interested in sex. It isnt exactly the easiest thing I have done, she is quite stubborn. So about a year ago, I had an idea, I got her to go to a adult store with me to pick up some lube and condoms or whatever, then I saw a "grab bag" and thought maybe the stuff inside would pique her interest... it sort of worked and I got her to use a sex toy for the first time, trouble is, the toy isnt a nice one at all, just a small piece of plastic with a weak motor and all that not so great stuff.

    My question is, since I got her to finally open up, she says "They're your sex toys, because you like using them on me more than I like using them." but that is totally not the case, she has an orgasm every time I either watch her use it or use it on her myself...

    First question: Why wont she admit she likes it? Could she still be hung up on her mothers words from over 10 years ago?

    Second question: If I get her a new toy to hopefully open her eyes a little more, what would be the best thing?

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