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Everything posted by monetgracehoo

  1. thank you for all of your responses. it's good to know there are people who understand and have positive reinforcement on how to fix my dillema.
  2. I have been dating this fabulous guy for a while now who I love more than anything. But he really wants me to go down on him and I would like to but I just can't seem to get myself down there. It's like I have a leash holding me back. When we first started dating I said I wouldn't do it at all b/c I didn't like it. I have done it twice on other guys, neither of which were good experiences for me. I felt very degraded and inferior. I told him I would probably do it eventually it would just take me some time, and that was fine for a while, but now he brings it up quite regularly. I don't like that he brings it up and jokes about it b/c it makes me feel bad that I don't/won't/can't do it. I have gotten to the point now where I think about it doing it and consider doing it but I just don't know when I'll get the point where I will actually peform it. Any words or wisdom would be helpful. I just don't know want to do and I feel bad b/c I can't do it.
  3. Obviously I am new to this whole thing, otherwise I wouldn't be posting here. My best friend in all her infinite wisdom decided I had to have a vibrator since I didn't have a boyfriend and proceeded to buy me one for my birthday. It is a slimline vibe with an attached bullet. It works quite well, now that I have figured out how to "work" it. The only thing is the vibe is only 1 1/8 in girth and I like insertion and truthfully don't get much from it in that way. Thus i was wondering what size girth would be good to go with without going overboard. I was also looking into something different, a g-spot or dual action vibe or dildo. There are so many options and materials and I have read all the articles and still feel very lost. Plus I am on a serious budget and would prefer not to spend over 25 - 30$ if possible. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks, monetsgrace
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