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Posts posted by swimma

  1. Thanks for all the good advice, I would never pressure her into anything...I've never been a pushy person and I hope it didn't come off that way in my original post...I was just curious about this and you all have been very helpful. I certainly don't want to put any pressure on her, that is why I hadn't brought it up at all, I want her to feel totally comfortable and I want what is best for our baby, I could care less about my needs!!! I thank you all for the helpful information and as soon as we find out the sex of the baby, I will let you know!

    Thanks again and any other tips on how to keep her happy and make things easier would be greatly appercaited!

  2. Hey everyone!

    Kinda new to this site but it seems to have a lot of knowledge people on it so hopefully I can get some advice...

    My wife is about 18 weeks pregnant and hasn't been in the mood since she got pregnant, I was wondering if this is normal and if there is a time when she is likely to be in the mood because I've heard that pregnant sex can be awesome for some women...

    I was also wondering if there is a way to approach this without seeming insensitive or pushy, or if I should just let her come to me when the mood strikes?

    Any advice would be great!


  3. so i talked to her the other night and she has been with girls and guys, hasnt had sex with guys but girls and such have gone down on her but she likes when i do...she hasnt said if girls get her off more than guys and yes, the threesome crossed my mind but i dont think she is into both at the same time...although maybe at some point she could be, but still not sure if i should "bow out"....any more thoughts?

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