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Posts posted by bvartec

  1. First, did I read right, you are using CORN HUSKER lotion as LUBE? If yes - STOP RIGHT NOW! This is not safe for internal use - you HAVE to invest in a good lubricant for anal play, most likely a silicone lube if your toys are not silicone or cyberskin! Do not use things that are not designed for sex!

    Second, no one but you can dictate the size and frequency that you want to have anal sex. I woud suggest to you that it IS possible, over time, to stretch your rectum to the point of no return. I have quite a few gay friends, who have been having anal sex for many, many years and they have yet to stretch themselves this far. I have asked my doctor, and she suggested that gay males who have anal sex for 10 or more years eventually have some trouble with BM - but if they are careful about lubricants and such, and do not OVERextend their rectums that it could be longer until there is a permanent problem.

    Third, as for your hemmoroids, yes, they will get worse with anal sex. This is just something that happens, especially if you are not allowing yourself to heal when there is a flare up. What do you tell your doctor - the truth! Doctors have heard it all - trust me - and being honest with him about your anal activties is very important. Plus, believe it or not, he will know by looking that you have had anal penetration (if you are doing it on a regular basis.)

    Cautions are: never do this when you have pain, wait until the hemmorroid flare up is over, use PROPER LUBRICANT and LOTS of it, do not over-stretch your rectum, you can tear the sensitive lining there, make sure you are THOROUGHLY washing your toys BEFORE and after every use.

    I think that about covers it....post back if you have more questions!

    Thanks Mikayla!

    1. I have used several lubes, Ky Jelly, Aloe Vera clear jell & silione jell before I stumbled upon the corn huskers lotion. It actually works best as a lube and I have had no problems with it in three months or so.....I have seen several men who have used it and none said anything about problems. Any specifics about problems you know it will cause? I really hate to give something up that works so well.....

    2. As far as diameter of dildo? I have seen a variety of butt plugs with what is described as a T-base. They are pointed on the end & go up to 1 to 3 " in diameter before narrowing at the base. The T-base is not at big as the balls on my dildos. Is there any chance of losing the base? I really like, or should I say, my prostate really likes that filled up feeling, by I'd hate to getit stuck.....Any suggestions?

    3. Hemroids....As I said, I have no bleeding with the protusions on the outside of my anus. There is no discoloration & no pain. I didn't make it a point to look at my anus in the morrow before now, so I really don't know if they were there before, but it looks like wrinkled skin. Any more thoughts?

    Thanks again for providing this forum. I will try to get her to check out your topics. Although, we have had a very active sex life for over thirty years now, and she is open to experimentation, She is sometimes reluctant to try new things.....We mostly just want to please each other....but I would like to please her evern more....Any suggestions....


  2. Hey! Thanks for forum... 55 year old married man who has been into anal for about a year now...started with 4 inch x one inch butt blug now up to 9 1/2 inch x 2 1/4 inch jelly cock and balls....I could ride it morning & night as it gives me the most intense orgasms....with or without wife's participation....lol...that's another story...Question....2 part....1. Can I stretch my rectun and anus too much. I have heard of cases where you get loss of BM control. I have tried to back down to once every 2-3 days but really love riding my dicks 'wife's description" I love the way the big cock feels in me as I squeeze and relax....With plenty of corn huskers it goes right in....and I love the ride....I'll describe the feeling in greater detail in another post.....ANY RECOMMENDATIONS ON FREQUENCY, SIZE, LENGTH OF TIME OF EACH RIDE???

    2nd question about external hemroids ..... I have some protrusion of skinoutside of anus....they do not bleed, but I am concerned they will get bigger....What do I tell my doctor when he give my yearly prostate exam? He is a 75 year old.....and not sure how to discuss? Any dangers her I am missing....I keep my toys very clean.....Would love to hear from other guys....as well as gals who live to fuck their men (for wife)

    Love riding my cocks"

    ....Bobby ANAL AVENUE

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