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Posts posted by luvmywifesass

  1. I know this answer has been a long time in coming, but my wife and I have been having anal sex three to five times a week for more than 20 years now, with no ill effects. I always cum in her ass. We both enjoy it so much, we've given up vaginal sex altogether. For more than six years now, we've only had anal sex. This said, I think I speak from experience when I say you and your wife can enjoy anal sex as often as you like.

  2. It feels amazing doesn't it? ^_^

    First off save anal for last. No anal to vaginal or anal to oral unless you use a condom and remove it or wash first.

    No limit really, do it as you want to, we do it probably once or twice a week.

    Side by side, him in back will work, doggy, or you on your back or riding him. Find out which is better by experimenting.

    Get a bullet and use it for clitoral stim or just reach down and use fingers. Don't be embarrassed this is your husband.

    And last but not least just enjoy! It gets better.

    Aiden hit it right on the head. My only recommendation for a good position to start out would be spooning, where you push back onto him rather than him penetrating you. My other recommendation is to pick up a good silicone based lubricant or a really thick water based lubricant.

    Good luck!

  3. As your body adjust to anal you will like it more and more. The first few times were not bind blowing by any means. It's great that your bf went slow, and let you take over in a manner of speaking. Remember you can never use to much lube.

    My wife felt the same way, the more she did it, the better her orgasms felt until, eventually, she only wanted to have anal sex (which was alright with me). I'll be the first to admit we're not the normal heterosexual couple, but we've only had anal sex for nearly two years now. About a year and a half ago I got her a jackrabbit vibrator. I had to find a model that doesn't stick out too far, as she usually likes to be on top facing me (cowgirl). She now uses that for vaginal/clitoral stimulation for even more incredible orgasms. Previous to that, she used a dildo in her vagina about 50% of the time and straight anal about 50% of the time.

  4. Thanks guys 'n' gals....

    Time to invest in some lube. She'd originally said she didn't want to, so I believed her and didn't buy any lube...Silly me!!

    At the moment she only ever really shows an interest in anal when she's got her period, so anything with her rosebud is usually out of the question...

    I don't know if that'll change when she's had a more positive experience of anal. I sure love the idea of my member in one hole and my finger in another.... She's taking a while to open up to all this kind of stuff, but that's fine with me - it's her I'm after not the experience!!

    I was trying to be extra slow and careful, but I'll really build up slooooooooooooooooooooooowly next time!

    I guess I'm not clear. Was the soreness she felt internal, or at her spinchter? I agree with the others, it's probably a lubrication issue. However, if her soreness was internal it may be due to other reasons.


  5. I do not advocate having only anal sex...


    I guess I'm intrigued as to why you don't advocate having only anal sex? Since trying anal sex over 14 years ago, my wife and I have rarely had vaginal sex. We haven't had vaginal sex in nearly a year, and have a perfectly healthy sex life. It does include anal sex, but there is usually anal play involved there too. It is simply a preference of my wife and I.

  6. this forum helped me out when i was a scared beginner. not that i'm an expert (yet ;) ). now i have a problem.... i LOVE anal play and sex. i can't get enough. my boyfriend is somewhat abliging but a little bummed that i rather do that then "regular" sex. the problem comes in that before we tried anal, i could orgasim almost EVERY time with some manual stimulation to my clit. since anal, we do the same thing and nothing. it's like my body knows how good the orgasim is with anal so it just rather wait for that. it's caused a bit of a problem. my boyfriend is starting to feel he isn't "fulfilling" my needs and i'm getting frustrated cause even though i LOVE anal, i don't want it to be the ONLY thing i can do to get to orgasim.

    am i a freak here or has anyone else experienced this? i would welcome any and ALL suggestions on what to do.

    My wife also loves anal sex. She had orgasms through vaginal sex, they just weren't as intense. Over the years, the frequency of vaginal sex we had went down and the frequency of anal sex went up. Last July we were discussing it, and my wife admitted she only had vaginal sex because she felt it was "normal," and that she thought I might want it. After assuring her I would be quite happy only having anal sex, that's what we've done. We haven't had vaginal sex since last July, and our sex life is great.

    I really think your boyfriend's concern is that he thinks he is unable to please you vaginally. Explain to your boyfriend that he is an incredible lover who knows just how to please you, and that you love him in your vagina, but you really love having him in your ass. I'm certain he'll be happy to oblige once he realizes it's not that he can't please you vaginally, but that you simply prefer anal sex.

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