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Posts posted by elizabeth

  1. It's never a good sign when the first thing you do at the sight of a sex toy is break into gales of hysterical laughter. That was my reaction when I pulled my Marble Slimline G out of the box. Although the shape of the toy is pretty typical for a G-spot vibrator, an egg on the top of a bent stem, the material of this toy is… unique. It looks like really unconvincing fake marble, or possibly malachite. One expects, when one picks it up, to be able to use it as a weapon to bash against the head of an unsuspecting burglar who has wandered into one's bedroom during an intimate moment. Yes, it looks like nothing more than a cheap statue. Sadly, it's actually made of lightweight plastic, so the burglar fantasy is not a practical one, but, even despite it's unattractive aesthetics, the packaging of this strange little toy did have one word that filled me with hope… "waterproof." I'm willing to put up with a lot for a waterproof toy, and so I pulled out two AA batteries (not included) and got myself psyched up for a test drive.

    Color me shocked, not literally, because I didn't trust the waterproof nature of the toy enough to take it into a bathtub with me (I like to see at least a rubber o-ring), but because this little green monster has power. I don't quite get g-spot stimulation, which probably means I'm doing it wrong, but this little strange looking vibrator provides quite a punch. It's adjustable vibrations range from mild to quite strong, given that it only runs on two AA batteries, and I actually quite enjoyed playing with it. The stem is quite slender, so the head is like a nice, small, vibrating egg on a stick. Despite the urge to mock it, and a friend saying "it looked like an invention of the Vorlons," it was quite a fun toy to play with. It's also quite easy to clean, due to the waterproof hard plastic exterior. Plus, it gives new meaning to the concept of a trophy partner…

  2. SE2089-00-3main.jpg

    Reviewing the miracle massager puts me in the middle of an interesting dilemma. What do you say if you love a sex toy, but not for its intended use? The miracle massager is similar to the Hitachi Magic Wand, but more affordable and having multiple levels of intensity (this is a good thing.) It's very aesthetically pleasing, has an interesting wobbly head, and both levels of vibration are quite satisfyingly strong. It makes an absolutely fabulous non-sexual massager – I was using it on my sore muscles the other day and it's positively delightful – however, it just doesn't get me off. For me, the head is too large to focus vibrations where I want them, and the sensations are just too diffuse for me to really enjoy them sexually. I'm pretty sure that it will get lots of use around my house as a massager, but not for masturbation. Other people's mileage may vary. I will freely admit that the Hitachi isn't my favorite toy either – even though many of my friends swear by it for speedy, efficient orgasms.

  3. DJ0932-02-3main.jpg

    I love a good lucid dream. In my sleep I get to be the wild, crazy, and lascivious girl who I have to restrain in the waking world. Doc Johnson totally gets that. The Lucid Dream #54 G-Spot vibe is my second from the lucid dreams collection and I love it just as much as I love the first one. The only downside to either vibe is the ghastly new toy plastic smell, but they're such delightful creations that I have trouble bringing myself to care. Like my Lucid Dreams #69, you don't even need to turn on the #54 to love it (or to orgasm from it). The shape is incredible. This is the first G-spot toy I've ever actually "gotten" as a G-spot toy. I inserted it and the little heart shape nubs did their dirty work and all of a sudden G-spot stimulation made sense. The little nubs are incredibly intense as you insert, or remove, the toy; you feel every single one. As a vibrator, the lucid dream #54 is nice as well. It's not the strongest vibe in my collection, but it's more than strong enough and it makes up for any lack of strength in also being extremely quiet. When it comes down to it, I cannot recommend this toy highly enough. The only thing that would make it better is if they could figure out how to de-stinkify it before putting it in the package, but at least since it's waterproof you can wash it as much as you want.

  4. TCGL81main.jpg

    I'd heard a lot about glass dildos, and knew a lot of people who loved them, but I'd never tried one before the Rose Quartz showed up in my mailbox. I must say that, as my first glass dildo, it has managed to live up to the hype. First of all, it's an absolutely beautiful toy, and comes in its own velvet bag. It looks exactly like it does in the picture and the texture is subtly different on each end. What you don't expect until you pick it up is how heavy it is. The Rose Quartz is a weighty implement. It looks so pretty and light, but it's a solid piece of glass and as a sex toy it is a force to be reckoned (or at least orgasmed) with. The sensation of the dildo when I inserted it wasn't really like any other toy I've ever had. It's a nice size, but it's rock hard, with no give, and heavy, and so you feel it very differently than you would a jelly dildo of similar girth. In particular, it feels bigger and more intense than toys of a less solid consistency. Which, in my mind, is kind of awesome. I also love how easy it is to clean and how you can get different sensations by cooling it or warming it before using it – its mass holds temperature well, which gives you a bunch of options for different types of play.

  5. The shape is not bad, the vibrator certainly does have some good things to it. It has a few different settings you can cycle through, if you're into variating patterns. For those of us who like to finish off with something strong, this was not the vibrator for it. I blame it on the 2 AAA batteries- any toy that uses less than 2 AA's generally doesn't do much for me.

    Are you sure your batteries were fresh? I was really surprised by how strong the vibrations were. I didn't expect much, because of the AAAs.

  6. fun46034main.jpg

    The LAYAspot vibe from Fun Factory is a gorgeous example of sex toy design. From the elegant packaging, to the modern art feel of the vibrator itself, everything about this product says that Fun Factory is a company that really cares about making a quality toy, and by and large I think they have succeeded.

    The LAYAspot vibrator is a small, powerful, vibrator shaped to fit well over a woman's pubic area and stimulate her clitoris. Its vibrations cover a nice range of strengths from barely noticeable to "oh god yes!" and it's a very comfortable device to use - I even found it possible to go hands free. The diagrams on the package claim in the international language of illustration (as well as French, German, Spanish, and English) that the vibrator is both waterproof (it shows it inserted in a container of water) and very quiet, but although the diagram of how to use it is very effective, I'd be inclined to dispute the other two pictures.

    The LAYAspot isn't the noisiest vibrator I've ever used, but it's also not all that quiet. It would not be my first if I were looking for "silent play," although the design is innocuous enough that I would happily carry it in front of friends without ever worrying that they might notice I was packing a sex toy. As for waterproof... the one problem I had with the LAYAspot is that the cover for the battery compartment kept popping off... which did not make me want to test the claim.

    Still, even with those two problems, I think that the LAYAspot is a pretty phenomenal vibrator. It's not only very satisfying, it's aesthetically pleasing, and the packaging is a model of quiet restraint. This is the sort of vibrator you could give someone who is obsessed with modern design, and she'd want to keep it out on her living room table. Well at least until she realized how much fun it was and relegated it to its proper place next to the bed...

  7. This is not your average bullet vibe. In fact, I wouldn't call it a bullet at all, more of a "curvy goddess statue" but perhaps I'm being overly literal. Nonetheless, no matter what you want to call the lucid dreams #69, you will also be calling out "more!"

    When I first saw the #69 in my box of sex toys I was a little leery. It's slightly larger than the toys I generally prefer for penetration. I am leery no longer. It is rather girthy, but the jelly consistency is nice and it's shaped very well for easy penetration. As it turns out, for me, it's exactly the right size... not too big at all. I had an orgasm just from inserting it, without even needing to turn it on. Those bumps are extremely pleasurable, and once it's inserted I at least felt very nicely full.

    The vibrations on this toy are relatively strong and, as the package advertises, it's very quiet. By no means is it silent, but behind closed doors no one could tell you were having very wet dreams (which is what I misremembered the toy name as.) Really, the only bad thing about this toy is the slight "tackiness" that the other reviewers have also reported and I found that after wiping down the toy with alcohol, and then washing it, I didn't notice it much at all. It's certainly no worse than any other jelly vibe or dildo. The fact that I had to click down through all for levels to turn it off didn't bother me at all.

    I loved this toy and can not recommend it highly enough.

  8. There is very little bad that can be said about the Natural Contours Liberte vibrator. It's a very well designed toy. The shape may seem a bit different to those individuals who are used to more "realistic" vibrators, but it's actually quite a functional design. When used externally the soft curve wraps naturally around your "natural contours" and allows you to experience the toys satisfying vibrations all along your genitals. It's also very smooth and easy to use for insertion play.

    There are several wonderful design features incorporated into the Liberte vibrator. The first is that when you turn it on it actually comes on at full speed, and then additional clicks turn it down to first lower levels of vibration and then a nice pulsing program. This is in contrast to most vibrators which start low and then need to be ramped up. It's worth noting that something about the design of this vibrator conveys the vibrations very well even at low speed. I'm normally a "turn it to the max" girl, but I found myself quite well satisfied using this vibe on even the lowest setting. This vibrator is also relatively quiet, and you could probably use it with roommates in the house without them ever knowing.

    My only problem with the Liberte vibrator is that I found the batteries slightly difficult to insert. However, I'm willing to forgive the flaw since the toy actually _came_ with its own batteries (hallelujah!), and once they were in it worked well and felt quite sturdy.

    I have to say that I was almost shocked with how nice a vibrator the Liberte is. It doesn't look like much when it first comes out of the (well designed and aesthetically pleasing) box, but its structure works beautifully and I can tell that it will be an oft-used staple of my sex toy collection.

  9. SE9733-00-3main.jpg

    You want me to tell you what I want you to do?

    You want me to write it down with this pen?

    All my naughty little secrets and desires, committed permanently to paper and ink with this lovely silver pen?

    It does feel good in my hand.

    I'll turn the barrel to get it ready, and… OH!

    I'll turn the barrel to get me ready.

    I'll tell you want I want.

    I want you to write love letters on my skin with this vibrating pen.

    Intimate letters. Letters that speak of desire.

    I want you to mark me with words, and shiver as I feel the tip move across my flesh.


    The Lina vibrating pen is not only a brilliant idea, it's well executed. The pen writes well and smoothly, the vibrations are strong, and the volume is low. I love this toy, which comes with an elegant organza bag, two sets of batteries, and a silicone sleeve. I want to use it to spell out a partner's orgasms letter by letter and word by word. I want to write my own ticket to pleasure.

  10. jjform6_x02main.jpg

    There are some women who like thrift store jewelry – full of sparkles and shine, fun, but not elegant – and there are others who only want diamonds. The Form 6 is the vibrator for that second group of women.

    The Form 6 is, unquestionably, the most elegant vibrator I have ever seen. From its packaging to its construction and sleek beauty, everything about it screams "high-end." The vibrator is so sleek that I have no problem leaving it out on my bedroom table. It looks less like a sex toy than some sort of post modern mp3 player or cellular phone.

    As for its usability, it is very good at what it does if what it does is what you want. It has six programmable vibration modes, each of which can be used at a strength from mild to firm and some of which provide different sensations depending on where on the vibrator you are holding. It is not the strongest vibrator I have ever used, not by far, but it makes up for that by being relatively quiet and sounding more like a digital toy than a bedroom one.

    The thing I like most about the Form 6, after its elegant appearance, is that it's rechargeable. Any toy that doesn't require me to go looking for working batteries is a toy that I'm more likely to use. The vibrations are, perhaps, more subtle than some of my favorite toys, but I do like the variability of the programming, and the shape and texture of the Form 6.

    This is not a vibrator that is going to scare anyone away. If you want to give someone special a sex toy, and have the money to spend, when they open the wrapper on the Form 6 they will feel very special indeed. It's well packaged, well made, and fits a niche market. Like a well made bag, I feel more grown up just from carrying it around. When I bring it into the shower to play I feel like I'm starring in a very classy commercial… one that I'd pay to act in again.

  11. The Impulse Computer Accessory totally pwns me. I mean, it's l33t. It's the sexiest thing to ever happen to my USB port. It is the geeky girl's (or boy's) electronic wet dream. I am in lust.

    The Impulse is, basically, a USB powered vibrator. This is, frankly, awesome. I mean, we all know that the Internet is for porn, so your computer should help to enable you in highly stimulated viewing of said porn. If you're the sort of person who has IM sex with her ex-boyfriend and is forever bemoaning the fact that the sex toys live in the other end of the house and never have an y working batteries, it isn't half bad either. Not, mind you, that I know any of that sort of person. Not at all. Ut uh.

    Where were we?

    Ah yes. The Impulse. It's not only l33t, it can has strong vibrations! The impulse is programmed with 10 different vibration settings from soft purr to escalating surges like a train pulling up to your skin. It is stronger than many of my battery powered vibes and far more variable – I could see my enjoying all of the different programs depending on my mood. Plus, it has two interchangeable heads! Depending on which attachment you power up you either have a small vibe with 3 stimulating nodes that slips onto your finger or a small bullet – which could be used on its own or with the many bullet toys and accessories that are out there in this wonderful world of vibrating fun.

    The only downside to the Impulse is that although it would make an amusing office toy… it's a bit too noisy for it to be practical. Still, though, if you unplugged the vibrating head from the motor body, you could leave it attached to your computer and think dirty thoughts with no one the wiser. The part that plugs into your computer could be anything at all – all it says on it are the words "up and down," and the words on the back could easily be covered by a sticker.

  12. The Dream Extreme vibrator is, by far, the blingiest toy I have ever owned in my life. It is gold. Gold like the chains around your boyfriend's neck in the late 80s. GOLD. A nicely sized plastic vibe, it has a slight curve to the tip to make G-spot stimulation easier. The base is ribbed, and overall it's a good, basic, hard plastic vibe. I have nothing against hard plastic vibes, but sometimes their bases don't feel like they fit very well, or they seem flimsy. The base was definitely an issue on this vibe, however once the battery was inserted it had a nice solid feel. Also, unlike with many vibrators the base fitting on isn't as much of an issue because once it's on, it's on - the Dream Extreme turns on with an on/off switch, not by turning the base (my model seemed to be a single speed version. Either that or I'm blind.)

    Once on, the Dream Extreme provides very nice, powerful vibrations. It's kind of noisy, but not the worst toy in the drawer by far. You could, however, easily hear it through a door, even if it's inserted, so this may not be the best toy to purchase if you're looking for discretion. All things considered, it's really a surprisingly good toy for the price. So if your girlfriend has been hinting that she'd like something gold...

  13. dj5400-02main.jpg

    "Blargh!" I said, as I removed the pink thing from the packaging, "this vibrator comes with a rubber Dalek."

    It was not the most opportune introduction to a vibrator.

    After all, most people don't associate sex and Doctor Who, and if they do it's more the Doctor and a Sonic Screwdriver rather than a metal encased alien changing "Exterminate, Exterminate."

    And this wasn't just a Dalek. It was a pink, rubber Dalek with little tentacle things that felt so disturbing on my hand that my initial instinct was to fling it across the room. A little piece of me died when I opened that packaging. A little piece of my soul that was pure and innocent and fair.

    I knew my duty, however. I had to test the Pink Pocket Rocket with Stimu Sleeve. I had to get past the fact that I would be going to bed with a Dalek instead of the dreamy ridiculous 10th doctor. I had to make the blasted thing vibrate.

    First, find a battery. That was easy. One AA battery. Nothing strange… nothing alien. No watch batteries or other strange, illicit power devices. Just a standard AA.

    I inserted it into the basic pink device, while leaving the Dalek off to the side. The pocket rocket (even it was of extraterrestrial manufacture!) had a strange odor, like baby powder. Perhaps a sign as to its origins?

    No. I couldn't get distracted. I turned it on. Hmm. Interesting. An intense vibration, and those bumps on the clear plastic cover give it a nice tickling sensation against my skin. Hard, strong, like the doctor's blue glowing tool against my…

    Oh. There's metal underneath. I'm fascinated by the inner workings of alien technology and so remove the plastic cap to explore. It's a less prickly sensation against my body, and the brass colored tips of the device make me think of cyberpunk pornography and computers jacking into my skin to jack me off. High tech, high style, high arousal.

    Finally, it's time. I can avoid the task no more. I mount the Dalek on the rocket and prepare to blast off into space. Dear lord, when set in motion those little tentacles are less like worms crawling along your skin and more like soft hairs or breath. They flutter against you. The nubs along its body are, as its false name suggests, stimulating. The Dalek… oh, the Dalek… the Dalek!!!!

    I embrace my extermination.

  14. Does the smell mix in with that rubbery smell? DOES IT GET RID OF IT?! That would be so nice lol.

    This actually sounds like an interesting product. I never thought of using a cleaner, I just washed my toy by hand. Is this item from the site or did you get it from the store?

    It doesn't seem to get rid of the rubbery smell on the toy I tried on, but it did help. And yes, I got it from the site. If you clink on the linked text it should take you to the product :)

  15. pj04023main.jpg

    The pjur med CLEAN intimate cleaning spray is an interesting product. It seems to be primarily marked toward cleansing of intimate skin rather than cleansing of sex toys. I experimented with it to see how well it cleaned off lube, and it did a very good job. It has a slight medicinal smell, but it's not offensive, and if you used it after sex I don't think you'd notice it much at all.

    As a sex toy cleaner, the pjur med CLEAN spray has some activity against bacteria, fungi, and viruses, putting it leagues above many of the other toy cleaners out there. It is not, however, going to be 100% effective at removing any of these infectious agents so it should not be used instead of condoms on shared toys (or shared body parts), and I want to applaud the makers for stating this clearly and concisely on the label.

    All in all, I think the pjur med CLEAN spray is a nice addition to my sexual tool kit. I'll probably keep it in my nightstand drawer for cleaning non-shared toys. It's a lot milder than the hospital grade disinfectant I use for certain items, and has the extra advantage of not being toxic.

  16. zeros19031main.jpg

    The pjur woman bodyglide lubricant is an absolute delight. It is, in fact, everything a person could possibly want in a silicone lubricant.

    1. It has absolutely no smell
    2. It has absolutely no taste
    3. It works well as a lubricant
    4. As it "expires" from its lubricant purpose it soaks into your skin making it feel softer

    Seriously. If this stuff could walk my dog I would probably marry it. The lack of scent, combined with it's nice slippery texture and the fact that it lasts reasonably long makes it pretty much the perfect silicone lubricant. I'm only a recent convert to silicone lubricants, because I prefer lubricants that I don't have to worry about with my toys (and I'm incapable of remembering whether any given toy is made up of silicone. Therefore any silicone lubricant can only be used for sex with condoms, and I'm lazy about condoms on my non-shared toys), however this stuff is great. I will definitely be keeping it in my travel bag, and I will definitely be using it. I give it two thumbs (or other things...) up.

  17. DVD_jkP08main.jpg


    Killer Sex.

    They should have killed this "mood killer sex," because the profound awfulness of much of this movie actually occasionally turned my stomach.

    This movie was like a recipe for "things you should not do in porn." Clearly, however, the filmmaker has never read a recipe for things you should not do in porn, so I will write her one.

    1. If your porn stars cannot act, do not try and make your film about acting. People are not watching porn for the plot, and therefore if your stars cannot sustain it, you shouldn't make a big point of it. Remember, you're making porn. The plot is just an excuse to find new locations for your stars to have sex.

    2. On that note, if you go to a lot of trouble to set up a plot point, don't waste the fact that we've had to watch that much poor acting by making it utterly irrelevant. She's sad? She doesn't want to meet her roommate's boyfriend's partner? Then, she's not going to start fucking him 5 seconds after he comes in the room!!!

    3. "Artistic" camera angles during sex should not be clinical. You should not be staring at an isolated image of a woman's anus while a penis is sliding in and out of her vagina. It's not pretty. I don't want to be thinking "Oh, look. She did a lovely job of shaving her anus," while watching porn. In fact, I don't want to be thinking clinically at all while watching porn. Hardcore shots do not have to be that non-sexy. And there were a lot of isolated body part shots that seemed to be designed to say "look! They're really doing this! They're really having sex! Lets make it utterly impersonal while proving this to you!" There are ways to do a hot hardcore shot. I've seen them. These were not they.

    Now for the question on everyone's minds… How was the sex?

    When the angles weren't terrible, the sex was fine. There were some mildly interesting choices (vaginal sex with a neon blue butt plug inserted, a mmf threesome) along with all the standards (oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, double penetration, lesbian threesome, and lots of facials – why? Seriously, what is the appeal here, someone explain it to me.) Despite the variety, all the sex managed to be, by and large, completely not to my taste as almost every scene involved a lot of spitting, talking about body parts in the third person ("fuck that pussy"), and stupidly unsafe sex (fingering with long finger nails). Plus, all the women were bleached blondes with fake boobs who acted like idiots, three strikes against my finding them attractive.

    Do I think this movie has an audience? Maybe. There are lots of people who like hardcore shots, spitting, bleached blondes, fake boobs, and only vaguely literate third-person dirty talk. However, do those people like serial killers in their porn? The movie is, after all, called killer sex, and there are some Real Life Murders (real death murders?) to whet your carnal appetites if that's your thing (they happen off screen).

    All of which is to say… you may like this. I have a feeling it may appeal more to men than it would to women. It certainly didn't do anything much for me. Even when it would manage an occasional moment of hotness it was always ruined within a few minutes by something that made me gag.

  18. dvd_viv029main.jpg

    Let me not underestimate how much I loved Chemistry vol 2. It was unquestionably the best pornographic DVD that I have ever seen. Why? Because the actors actually got to have sex how they wanted, with people they wanted to be having sex with. People doing the things they like doing are hot.

    The concept behind the Chemistry DVDs is that a bunch of adult film stars are brought to a house to spend a few days together. They know who they're going to have sex with, but not when or how. Those things, they decide themselves. The actors also have the opportunity to pick up a camera and film anything they want to, and the DVD is punctuated by group discussions of what life is like as an adult film star. It's fascinating. It would be worth watching even if you skipped all the sex.

    Fortunately, however, the sex is also great. There is a nice variety, girl on girl, guy with two girls, guy/girl, vaginal, anal, oral, toys, etc. Everyone seems to be having a blast with what they're doing, and that makes it fun to watch. Plus, all the women were gorgeous and none of them had fake breasts. I give Chemistry vol 2, an A+... it really knows how to cause a reaction.

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    I feel sorry for Dr. Laura Berman. I'm sure she's a lovely woman, and she certainly sells some nice sex toys, but my instinctive reaction to the words Dr. Laura, particularly combined with a blurry picture of a blonde, is to throw the perfectly good sex toy across the room. Because there is no way in hell the evil Dr. Laura, or anything she promotes, is going anywhere near my vagina. Which, in this case, would have been a shame. The Lila is a good basic purple bullet toy. It has several nice characteristics. The first is the very long cord - so that you can insert it, lie back, and play. The second is that it's waterproof - for easy clean up. The third is that it's quiet - remarkably so given that the vibrations are relatively powerful. I think it's a very good buy. The finish is a nice, warm, matte purple, the controller is comfortable to hold in your hand, and it's does its job well. I only have two complaints. The first, you've already seen, and may not bother people who are not filled with seething hatred at the mention of Dr. Laura Schlessinger. The second is that I really can not tell the difference between the two vibration modes. That having been said, there is one really nifty thing about the controller I should mention. You can pause the vibration by pushing down on the button, but not clicking it all the way to the next setting. It makes for a rather enjoyable pulsing sensation. In retrospect, since the evil Dr. Laura probably would be horrified to know that there is a non-evil Dr. Laura making money off of sex toys... the whole thing makes me want to buy every product her name is on.

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    You may not know it, but in my other life I'm a professional safer sex educator. It's how I make my living. Therefore, when I look at an item like the Playgirl Toy Cleaner, it really pisses me off. If you're going to sell an item as a toy cleaner it should be, at least, rated as bactericidal, if not viricidal. This stuff, which at the bottom of the container is noted as being "sold only as a novelty" is rated as neither. Spray it on, wipe down the toy, and you're not doing much other than give it a surface clean. Some of the ingredients have mild antibiotic properties, but it's not much better than dish soap. It's main benefits are that it's in a spray bottle and it might be slightly less irritating to your squishy bits if you don't get it all off. It's a decent quick fix, I suppose, and it doesn't smell awful, but if you plan on sharing your toys this product is not designed to disinfect them well enough for you to do so safely. You'd be just as well off using plain old soap and water.

  21. dj5543-44Main.jpg

    There is a lot to love about the Club Jenna "Velvet" series of vibrators. It's pretty exciting when you open a box to see one waiting there for you to play with. The "Kitty Caress" is my second one from the line, and so far it seems that it's right in line with the Velvet G. Namely a fabulous vibrator with one utterly incomprehensible production decision. This is what I thought when I opened the box...

    Nice, inoffensive packaging - check.

    Waterproof style - check.

    Fabulous soft sexy texture - check.

    Attractive and intriguing shape and color - check

    Incomprehensible warning label..... check.... wait a second...

    Why is there a sticker on my vibrator that could quite easily mean any of "Do not put batteries in the device," or "Do not insert device into coffee cup," or even "Do not jerk off while drinking coffee and sucking on a battery." There is no explanation for the warning label anywhere in the box, it's just a graphic element stuck to the outside of the base in order to confuse horny women. The equivalent in the velvet G was the paper label telling you which way to insert the batteries that _fell out of the vibrator when you opened it_.

    Anyway, I was still intrigued enough by the vibrator to risk playing with it. I hid all coffee in another room and prayed to the gods of rechargable batteries that nothing untoward would happen to my girly-bits, since I am really quite fond of them. Then I put the batteries in the vibrator and... it didn't work. Ok, I thought, maybe the batteries are dead and I tried another pair... still didn't work. Those had been out for a while so I got a fresh set from the drawer... nope, still no vibrations. I took another look inside the battery compartment and... yup. Sure enough, it was another one of those removable pieces of paper telling you which way to insert the batteries. So I decided not to listen to it, flipped the batteries around, and boom. The paper had gotten reversed. Now we had vibrator.

    All of that was a lot of introduction to say that the Kitty Caress is basically a nice, basic, waterproof vibrator. It's small and powerful, the velvet texture is wonderful, and you can feel a difference between the vaguely suction cup shaped side and the standard rounded side. I think it would probably make an excellent choice for a beginner vibrator, since it's pretty, not intimidating, and made out of my current favorite material for insertable toys.

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