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Posts posted by MystryKitten

  1. Thank you all for your concerns! Both guys SWEAR they get tested yearly. I know some guys will say anything to get a girl naked, but I feel I can trust both of them, even though I'm always a little skeptical (thats just me though)

    A few weeks ago I got tested for gonorrhea, clymidia, and HIV, and everything came back NEGATIVE =]

    So I'm clean....for now =/ As my mother said "It doesn't matter how careful you are, what matters is the one time that you weren't" =[

    I have not learned to deep throat, but I'll keep your tip in mind Nymph, sounds sexy!

    As for your tips Mikayla, I do all of those as well! =D

    What do you mean by the two fingers on top, thumb on bottom tho??

    p.s. my almost boyfriend LOVES EYE CONTACT during oral, and sex omg its GREAT!! sooooo sexy!! if you dont do it I suggest it! We also tell each other how amazing one another looks while we are getting oral and fucking each other! Feedback is important ;)

  2. opps all THANKS to you guys, not thats, lol anyways....

    Two men have recently told me I give really good head! One of them is my fwb, and he says I'm one of two girls to get him off via head, and that he just cant get over how good I'm at it!...and he's mentioned this twice of the course of a few months! The other is this boy I'm probably going to be in an open relationship with. (yes, I'm fooling around with both of them right now, but they both know about each other so its all good) He says hes never gotten head like I've given him head, that he's felt sensations hes never felt before!!

    These guys are telling me this and I don't even swallow to. Plus to me, this says a lot since both of them have been with quite a few number of girls. I feel pretty special, and I owe it all to you guys!!

    Ive read about a lot of tricks to use to give a guy really good oral sex!

    Like, the figure 8 trick, where you lick their head consistently in a figure 8 sorta pattern. Licking the underside of the head to! Sucking on their dick like a straw, and the corn cob trick, where you nibble up and down the shaft like you would a piece of corn!! So thanks to all who have shared those tips and tricks, they are really working well for me!!!


  3. Aren't condoms really expensive in sex shops?? I know they are over here! Like, twice as much in sex shops then in at a local store. Anyways I can't really answer the question since I've only used trojan xl with my ex but those worked out great for us, never broke =]

  4. I've never gotten headaches, but has anybody gotten charlie horses/foot or leg cramps during sex/play ???

    omg hurts so bad but i usually can get through it if i breath right and relax! I find it happens when I'm trying too hard to get off, i tense up which causes the cramps! Breathing right is so important!!


  5. I tried telling my little sister that (shes 17, almost 18) but she wont do it!!!!! She wants a boy to give her her first orgasm...shes played around down there, but never orgasmed. This I know because she says she doesnt know if shes had one, and I say "You'll know its one when you have it!" She completely against it =[

    oh well, she'll learn the hard way i suppose, older sis can only persuade her so much =/

    I'm a Mom to 19 and 16 year old girls. I tell them all the time they need to know there bodies like and dislike before letting anyone in. It's very important!!!!! Don't wait for the BF to give you your first orgasm. Let her know a very conservative Mom said that!

    Thats what I keep telling her! =S Next time it comes up ill stress to her about how important it is again and let her know I know an older woman who agrees =]

  6. Know whats odd? My ex bf said the same thing........but yet claims to be bi-sexual just bc he had sex with a male once!! (he gave, not recieved) i told him that just bc he had had sex with a male, doesnt mean that he has to claim himself bisexual. I mean, I've made out with a girl, but I know I like men only!!

    Anyways, off topic, but most men it just creeps them out.

  7. I tried telling my little sister that (shes 17, almost 18) but she wont do it!!!!! She wants a boy to give her her first orgasm...shes played around down there, but never orgasmed. This I know because she says she doesnt know if shes had one, and I say "You'll know its one when you have it!" She completely against it =[

    oh well, she'll learn the hard way i suppose, older sis can only persuade her so much =/

  8. My husband, random scenes of two men together, randmon girl on girl, Amanda Palmer from the dresden dolls with Dame Darcy, various times with my husband, my husband doing things I'd like him to do, Kathleen Hanna on stage (female musician kink, hell yeah), Bowie fucking iggy pop, Bowie and Brian Molko, my husband getting it on with Brian Molko, mostly I think about either my husband and I, or other couples... I don't know why.

    OH! Brian Molko and Bowie, what a scene that would be =D but i like to think of Brian with me as well, lol!

    And I also think of the male friends in my life that I'm sexually attracted to/have been involved with...defiantly HOT! I imagine them eating me out to their heats content, mmmm! Aggressive passionate kissing to, oh my!


  9. shit, thats your husband? o.O

    he's HOT, girl!

    any guy that looks like a girl/similar to a girl, but is a guy, is sooo attractive, i dont know why but i loves it! :)

    deff love David Bowie as Jareth! He was my first celebrity crush when I was 7!! :D

    Look on eBay.com, they sell many old fashioned items, and holloween type merch year round.

    And yes, please post pix when its complete!

    "You remind me of the babe! What babe? The babe with the power..." lol cudnt resist, now ima have to watch it again! ^__^

  10. haven't done a lot so my list is kinda big... =]

    this shud be fun to think of:

    1. Sex on the beach

    2. 3 some, MMF first!!

    3. Sex on a trampoline!

    4. Ass sex (but not for a while)

    5. Making out on the stage at the club.

    6. Sex with a girl

    7. Sex in the SHOWER plzzzz!!!

    8. Oral sex in the shower omggg =]

    9. Sex in broad day light in the middle of a field on a warm day.

    10. Really hardcore rough sex.

    11. Sex with MUSIC ON (yeah the only guy ive slept with....well we really didnt have any adventurous sex like AT ALL!!)

    12. Making out on a table!

    13. Omg sex on a washing machine! :D

    14.. Oooh how about sitting on the table, and getting oral ;) that sounds hot!!

    15. Making out pressed up against a wall!

    16. TIE. ME. UP. PLZ.

    Ok, i'll stop for now :)

  11. I think Iha is very right in saying that sexual things encourage affection. I'am in general a very affectionate person..

    I may subconsciously have feelings for him, but the only reason I think I do is because of the physical attraction I have towards him, and also because we have done "sexual" things together.

    I find it odd though, I asked him why he kept backing away when we began to kiss.. hes says because "kissing makes things emotional. sexual things are...sexual. kissing is different." o.O I think I feel the complete opposite. Although kissing is a great passion I have (really, i LOVE kissing a great deal) i feel that iam putting myself more at an emotion risk by getting naked with him. Kissing is sexy and fun, letting someone see you naked is more of a .....privilege??

    I dont want a bf, but I dont want to lose this fwb as it is very fun indeed. I think I just have to get past the mind block of it all, remind myself what I'm in it for and that I have no right to be jealous.

    I also think another reason why I may be jealous is that I fear losing this fwb, this fun, the adventure. *shrugs*

    It's just something I'm always looking forward to.

    Also it makes me feel...wanted? Cause its like "hey this hot guy wants to see u naked and make you orgasm" who cud deny that? lol...

  12. wow.....you guys are MAKING ME HORNY!! I deff wanna try the strattling vibrator pillow trick, southern princess! :D

    i dont really have any great masturbating stories. ive felt myself up in the car a couple times, but always concentrating more on the road then myself, lol!

    Oh wait!! Heres one!! My first time getting drunk (it was with my bestfriend, sister, and my bffs cousin) and it was hilarious!

    I told me bff

    "YOU WANNA SEE MY SEX TOYS!!? They are in my closet!" And so I grabbed them all out of the Victoria Secret bag, dumbed them on my bed, and started showing my bff my fav toys and putting the vibs up to our faces to show her how good each one was!! Then I was like "I'm horny! I'm going to masturbate! So i went into the bathroom with one of my fav toys and had myself and O! Better if your sober tho....

    And I even let my bff barrow some of my toys!! :)


  13. No, hes really not "bf material" for me. There are some things about him that do attract me to him but I'm seeing a lot of things going on that I cudnt handle if him and I were in a real relationship together, lol. I told him in the beginning of our fwb affair that I was afraid of getting emotionally attached, bc i did find myself physically attracted to him so he kinda gets the idea anyways. :huh:

  14. Yes, I know. I have no say in who he can or cant screw, kiss, etc at all. I guess my emotions are getting in the way, but like you both said its really hard to seperate intimate acts with emotion. Silly jelously! lol.

    I guess I "cant have my cake and eat it to" or however the saying goes.

  15. I have a FWB. I guess you really wouldnt call us actual "friends" since we only get together to fool around, and we mostly just talk about sex. <_< We dont have sex (he cant wear condoms, and i refuse to have unprotected sex [even tho im on BC, i just dont feel safe]) so we stick to hand jobs and oral sex. (yes, i know the risks with unprotected oral)

    Let me say tho, thats its really great! I plan on staying single for a while, so having that extra "fun" is well, FUN! I've only been serious with two guys, and only had sex with one of them, so being with my fwb has...taught me new stuff? You learn things with each new person, ya know ;) I never liked 69, but its not so bad anymore! lol! Plus hes quite aggresive, and I like that! I've had a fwb before, with a real friend of mine, all we ever did tho was make out/feel each other up a couple times. This time around, its obviously a lot different.

    I dont really "like" my fwb in that way, hes so not bf material for me, personally. He is of course, really hot tho! :D

    And even tho I DO NOT want a bf anytime soon what so ever at all, I cant help but put the tiniest bit of emotion into all this, making me a little jelous/ticked off over a couple things, even tho I should NOT be feeling like this at all. We are just "fool around" buddys, nothing more, so I should not feel this way over certain things....

    Which brings me to my rants/questions:

    1. There is this girl, which he told me he was just fwb with her also, and he broke it off with her bc of boring sex. Come to find out, I'm 99% sure he actually dated this person...he told a frined of his while i was over at his place, that him and so and so were "over" ..something to do with the fact that he brought an ex (he told her not too worry cause they were are just friends now) of his to the club, and then she starting "bawling" and one of her guy friends got really mad at him for doing it. :blink: So, I'm feeling lied to.

    No, I DONT care that they dated, what worries me is that he lied to me about it. ...if he cud lie to me this easily, what else cud he of possibly lied about? I'm 100% postiave that they are borken up for good, but yet he had recent pix on his mysapce of him and her hanging out with a ton of friends cuddling and almost kissing?! I almost feel that he might be doing stuff with her behind my back bc of those pictures. I told him tho, that I'd like to know if hes doing anything else with other girls, just so I know whats up and all, ya know? I dont care if this a fwb, its a type of relationship and you need to have some extent of trust in it, right? (hes told me so far, that the only things hes done with a girl sexualy besides me, is get a bj forms someone at work) I dont want to bring it up tho, cause i dont want to give him the wrong impression. I cant understand why I feel jelous, I should not be. I'm getting my fun, which is what i wanted, and I shouldnt worry/be jelous what he might be doing with his ex!! WHY AM I THO? It's not fair, I'm trying to block it out of my head, not care, not feel jelous...but I'm a little. And it makes me mad that I'm. :unsure:

    2. A little off the main topic, but here goes. Hes REALLY GOOD at fingering, never ever have I gotten fingered so well! He really knows how to hit the G! He does it super fast and hard omgggg its soooooo hotttt and goooooood, lol! The only thing is, my vagina feels sore afterwards. Its doesnt hurt, its just uncomfortable. And it feels like this for atleast a half a day to a day afterwards. Is this normal? Does good fast/hard fingerbanging just take some getting used to?? :o

    Thanks so much for listening to my wild rants and questions. If you have any thoughts, advise, stories to tell, please let me know.


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