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Posts posted by MystryKitten

  1. Both of these men are absolutely correct! Also, what takes some women a LONG time to realize, is, just because a man may kiss you, flirt with your, perform/recieve oral sex from you, and even sleep with you, does NOT make him an automatic boyfriend! Some men will go as far as they want with you, and then just stop calling. They got what they wanted, or found a new conquest.

    Well, I completely understand this to be true, I learned that lesson a long time ago the hard way! I wonder though, why even bother flirting with me and invited me over to be with them if its not going to go anywhere? I mean right now in my life I just want some friends with benefits! I don't want to be in a relationship, but I dont want to be a 'slam-bam, thank you m'am!' either. Well, let me tell my story (and Ill ask my friend later if she wants me to ask anything) There is this guy who had been really heavily flirting me, talking dirty and telling me Im cute and everything. I've even been to his house on three different occasions to 'cuddle' with him. Seriously, thats all we did. Curled up on the couch, held hands, gave each other massages, and held each other. It was really fun! I didnt want to keep my hopes up, and knew he probably didnt really like me, so I didnt think much of it. Then the day after our last cuddle session, he stops sending me dirty text messages, and stops automatically chatting with me with I sign on to IM. I just though it was quite odd, and a little rude of him to just stop...?

    *shrugs* I did tell him just the other day tho, that "If I really really want sex, like cant take it any longer, I'll come to you?? lol" Hes like "Oh, yea?" And I said "Idk, maybe." And we pretty much left it at that. The last text I got from him was last night, and he said "Wheres my bj?" and I go "Wheres my kiss??" (No I never gave him one, nor did I ever say I would, thats just the kinda dirty talk he says) and havent heard form him since...so I guess I'll just see how this all goes. I'm not sad or anything, just little bummed that he seems to have lost intrest in me (?)

  2. My best friend and I were talking last night about boys. We got to talking about some boys we know that will get to know you, heavily flirt with you, maybe even hook up with you a couple times, and then one day it all....STOPS! They dont text you anymore with flirty messages or ask you come over or anything. You try to get a hold of them but alas, with no luck. Now out of all the guys that have done this to us (this has happened way more to my friend) sometimes we are just looking for a quick hookup, and others we get attached and in the end feel either lead on or that we might of done or said something wrong. I came to the conclusion that the guys were just 'testing the waters' what I mean is, getting with us to figure out weather or they really DO like us. And if we arent quite what they are looking for, they ignore us and move on. Is this the case? Can somebody elaborate more as to what may really be going on? Thanks.

  3. I'm having the hardest time finding a good deal (under $50) on a sexy looking waist cincher/corset on ebay.

    Usually I can find just what Im looking for, but not with this item! Most of the 'cinchers' listed are these ugly body suit underwear things, lol!

    What Im looking for a is a black with bones, laces on back, hooks in front, underbust corset. Its like a corset for just the waist. i'm looking for just about the smallest size available as I'm quite skinny. Anybody know any good search key words? Or possibly a web site that has what Im looking for??


  4. Would kissing be a fetish?? When I see cute couples (all, as in, girl/girl-guy/guy-girl/guy) It all looks so hot I have to stop and stare... !

    I also have a very large collection of kissing posters/ads/clippings. Over 100. Sometimes I think kissing is better then sex depending on the mood. Its so FUN.

    What about tattoos and piercings?? I LOVE THOSE. Body art is sexy sexy SEXY! Could that be a fetish? *eager learner*


  5. I have never tired real bondage but would LOVE to! When my ex and i were dating, I knew that being pinned down turned me on BIG TIME as when we had tickle fights, this got me really excited, (like you ropenot, I watched people get tied up in tv as a child and always had an interest in it) I'm definably a SUB, and I dont think I could really ever get into DOM, cause SUB sounds and feels so much more THRILLING, having zero control is sexy. So my ex pinned down my arms once, and I struggled for the fun of it as he pinned me down harder. I loved it, and got really wet fast! He never caught on to the idea though, and we went back to the sex we were usually having.

    Someday, I hope to find me a real freaky bondage guy!

  6. well i just found out that he has an open relationship with a guy......

    the man i made out with that is.

    nothing against that.

    but they also have 3sums all the time? idk whats true and what isnt (his lover told me all this btw) but i guess it ruins my chances of being with him, LOL there is no way im going to have random sex or a 3sum anytime soon!!

    mannnnn i get my hopes up too fast. lol.

  7. I go to the club to dance (let loose and feel free!) and to make new friends. My older sister has had many expirences with clubs and tells me that 90% of the guys that invited her home, just wanted sex. I'm not looking for the 'one and only' but if this guy does like me, and wants to date me, I'd like to date him, and edventually we'd have sex, but only if he is willing to wait. We'll see. If he just wants sex, as fun as that sounds, I WONT do that, Im not that kinda girl...

  8. Recently in the 'sexpert' board I posted about having trouble wanting sex with my long term boyfriend. Well, last week we decided to end it. I wasn't as happy as I felt I should be, and are lifestyles were just too different. But it was the best breakup one could ask for. We talked for a couple hours, he held me in his arms as I cried, and we had good breakup sex. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I feel really good about our decision. The first 24 hrs were the hardest, and Im still healing, but I'am doing much better these last couple days!

    Soon after we broke up, I madeout with a guy I knew at the club. I know that seems fast, but it was hella fun and it felt really great dancing with a gorgeous guy and being held. I dont think its going to go anywhere though...on my myspace he told me I should come over to his place. I pretty much take that as 'i want to screw you' but deep down Im hoping that isnt his intentions. Either way I hope we makeout again. Kissing is one of my favorite things!

  9. I dont think it was his intention to guilt trip me by comparing me to other lovers, but I've been told never compare your past lovers to your new ones, as its unfair. I thought he was just giving me examples? I guess he just doesn't quite understand why I wont fuck him all the time like his past girlfriends did, lol. Ughh and he really doesnt understand why I cant have an orgasm during sex. I would like to eventually have a gspot orgasm (I think Ive been close a few times) but that just takes to much time and its not at the top of my 'sex to do list' im happy for now just getting off with a vibrator during sex, it feels GREAT especially with a penis thrusting inside you! :lol: He most defiantly DOES want us to have sex more, he got that point across. Like I said though, most the time I just don't have a desire... maybe you guys are right, I might not be attracted to him like I used to, which that saddens me, I really do love and care for this guy, and this is the longest relationship for both of us.

    ....I dont understand how I could possibly not be so much attracted to my SO anymore. Its been over a year, and your attraction is supposed to GROW over time isnt it? :( A part of me does want to 'explore' more with other guys, have my fun ya know? Im NOT saying I want to screw a bunch of guys but just date again. Err make sense? I feel bad about it though cause I feel that I shouldn't be thinking about that since Im so committed to my SO and we have been together for so long (long for most ppl I know that is)

    I'm over the surgery, I had it in late April of last year, and we starting having sex in June. I've learned to relax and am not worried about sex hurting anymore, so that probably isn't the real problem. Then again my BODY might not be completely used to having a REAL vagina, as it hasn't even been a year since I've had the surgery. And I really give my guy credit for waiting so long to have sex with me, and going slow and all that.

    Our sex locations are pretty much restricted. I've had it in the bed, on the floor once, and on the couch in his room once. He lives in a house with a bunch of other roommates and I wouldn't feel comfortable having sex in the shower. I've NEVER showered with a guy, something I would LOVE to do, but as far as I remember he doesn't like to do that sorta thing, and I dont know if I would feel comfortable...yea ok thats a warning sign right? I should feel very COMFORTABLE with him since I've been with him so long right? He also brought up that we should incorporate some of MY fantasies during sex. But most the fantasies I have are usually just that, and I wouldn't really want them to happen OR I really just cant see him doing that 'fantasy' to me. Odd??

    He doesn't always think of him and his penis, sex is usually pretty fair. The only times its not, is when he is trying to get me off after sex but its just taking too long and I've lost it, or we want a quickie and I don't have my vibrator. I think those are the main ones. And ok, sex not only feels GOOD, I have had some mind blowing sex with this guy, but what I mean is being all hot, and wet and all the thrusting and moaning feels YUMMY, even if I do or do not orgasm in the end.

    We used to have a bedside table, but it has a fishtank on it now and so everything is on the floor <_< But, if I talk to him about it, Im sure I can get him to put the condoms, lube, and wipes in his dresser drawer. ;)

    Any other additional advise is appreciated. Thanks to all that have responded.

  10. Like Aiden said, peroid blood wont hurt him or you, but its usually best to put down a towel so the sheets stay clean. May I also add that if you are or are not on your peroid, you still have a chance at getting pregnant if you dont use any fourm of protection (condom or birth control for example)

    Dont go down on him unless you both feel completely comfortable with it. There are some great oral sex articles on here that give great advise on the topic.

    Every guy is different as far as 'what turns a guy on' Most men like it if you express how you really feel in bed by moaning, or lightly pulling their hair, etc. Do what feels natural to you, and definatly dont fake it. If anything is ever painful diring sex (the first few times can be a little hard to get used to) remember to tell your lover to stop, or go slower. Communication in bed is ok! :)

    Have fun, be safe, and congrats on your wedding! :D

  11. It may not seem I'm not getting to the point in this topic, but I just want to lay out everything first...

    I've been with my SO for almost 14 months and we have been having sex for about 7 months. He was my first. We couldnt have sex until the time that we did bc I was 'special' down there. I was born with a semi-imperferiate hymen and had to have surgery to make a normal sized vagina. I kid you not, the hole in which you would call my vagina was so small, only a q-tip would fit in (and the hole did not stretch)....no joke!

    So, for the first two months of having sex (after i was all healed up) sex was very painful because it took me so long to relax. After this time, sex always felt great, but I could never get off during sex. Yes, I know most woman need clit stimulation to get off, I've read the articeles, (and most the time I use a vibrator during sex, or he gets me off before hand) but my SO thinks that if I just learn to get a 'excieted' to have sex, I should have an easier time getting off (what i mean is, getting off with a Gstop orgasm). Which fast forwards this to todays time...

    My SO and I talked last night about sex and how I never go wild, let loose, and really WANT sex. Because of my busy sched I always give the excuse of im 'too tired for sex' which really is true! He says that Im the only girl he has ever been with who has ever givin that excuse (my SO is 23 and im the 6th girl) He also tells me that he has never met a girl my age that wasnt crazy about having sex, especially with her SO. He also says all the girls hes been with have gotten so wound up over sex that they would easily get themselves turned on and would want sex 1-4 times a day! I, on the other hand (and I agree with this) just am not CRAZY about haing sex all the time. He understands I used to be 'special' down there and thinks that could be contributing to the fact that I cant get off with a gspot orgasm and/or am not overly crazy about sex. He also said that the other virgin he had been with, was able to get off during sex withing a couple weeks of having it.

    My SO and I have sex about once a week, and most the time he makes the first moves. I actually feel bad about this. I LOVE SEX, it feels GOOD, and I THINK ABOUT it, but I never have time, or engery to make the effort to do so. My SO says sex is about going all out, forgeting about everything, and just going crazy and having fun in bed... and I dont do that (i believe it is true through). AND I CANT FIGURE OUT WHY! Im 18 and only been with one guy, shouldnt I be going crazy right now and fucking like a damn rabbit???

    I also think I mgiht be making a chore out of sex...I have to take out my BC ring, find the lube, make sure im turned on, make sure hes turned on, find the condoms, have the whipes at hand for afterwards, blah blah blah. I know sex IS NOT A CHORE, but I cant find a way to RID OF THAT MIND BLOCK and Im not sure how to go about getting EXCEITED about sex!! I want to crazy and feel good and get off and go wild in bed and feel FREE. Sometimes, I have expierced all this (with the help of getting off with a vib of course) but not lately, and not frequently...

    ANd I dont even get turned on like I used to! My SO could touch my nipples, kiss my neck, and I was wet as a waterfall! And now, it takes 3x as long, and he has to work twice as hard to get me going. Maybe Im just not turned on by HIM anymore?? :o I have no idea...I dont what to do, or how to go about WANTING SEX more and getting CRAZY about it. I want to, I really want to! ANY ADVISE? THANK YOU.

  12. the mini rocket vibes are probably too strong for you. I notice that when Im trying to rush my orgasm my clit feels weird and i have to slow down. thats they key. take it slow, tease the clit, and back off for a sec, then contiue.

    ive never liked bullets as they are not strong enough and it just gets irritating trying to get off with one of those.

    as for g-spot toys, i dont really have any suggestions. Ive bought a couple, and they just dont work for me.

  13. Hope this is an ok section to post under, but I just wanted to know if anybody knew of any free sites where I can watch Anime porn! :) pornotube.com only lets you view 10sec clips :angry:

    I love how they portray most of their bondage, good long teasing, and little to no pain incorporated is how I like it!

    if not, does anybody know of good Anime porn movies to buy? I looked on here, and there was none :(

    much thankssss!!


  14. Of course he ends up swallowing some of yours it's unavoidable. I think he knows that and if it bothered him he wouldn't be down there in the first place.

    And it is natural to swallow his. Why would you think it's not? Why don't you try to swallow a little until you get used to it.

    I couldn't imagine not swallowing it, to me it's just the natural thing to do.

    What I mean by 'swallowing mine' is that I dont feel him lapping it up into his mouth. Sure he tastes it, but he sure doesnt suck me dry! Aftwards he usally wipes his mouth on the sheets anyways, sometimes spitting into them too when I get really wet.

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