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Everything posted by bumblebee

  1. I have been back to my first comment and re- read it at least 10 times. I do not see where I attacked anyone, I only gave my opinion .I was not looking for a fight. But with my first post, I was told by someone who is not interracial that I was "spewing ignorance" . I take offense to being told I don't know what I am talking about when I know for a fact that I do. I only pointed out social status because it is that "class" who bury their head in the sand and pretend all is well. I don't know anyone here but that is the way I read the post and perception is everything IMO. I did not grow up in Maine, I grew up in Alabama. I read some of the comments here sometimes, but refrain from commenting for a reason. This is one subject I know something about, sorry to have bothered you. Hugs & kisses back
  2. Finally, someone who understands. Thank you so much!
  3. In your rich world, what you say may be true, in the rest of the world it is not, and nothing has changed, not really. You said in several post concerning sex....if you haven't tried it, you don't know if you like it or not. Well, I'm gonna tell you this, if you haven't tried it, you don't know how it is. You can't have it both ways. No, I don't know you but YOU HAVE SAID YOU ARE WHITE AND WELL OFF. So, if that is the case you have nothing to base your opinion on except maybe what someone else said. How much time have you spent being an interracial person? I do pretty well Now too but not because of a sugar daddy but because I pulled myself up by the boot straps and made it happen. That does not change the FACT of how it was growing up. If you have not walked in the shoes.................
  4. My point was and is the kids pay the price, and yes I am suggesting that they get beat up , made fun of, etc. if you don't believe it, move out of Chicago and look around. I am fully aware that anything goes there but believe it or not, there are still places that do not believe as you do. If you really think prejustice no longer exist then you are the one spewing ignorance. Tell me something, What color am I? I'm betting you don't have a clue. Am I mixed? Am I speaking from experience? Do you REALLY BELIEVE that 2007 has changed basic human nature? Did you grow up with one black parent and one white? If you didn't, you have no idea what you are talking about. You Know how YOU, as a white woman who lives in an affluent neighborhood (your words another post) sees the picture. Now to the "Jungle fever" part. Yep, when these underage kids are out here having bastards for the public to raise and then support in prison that's what it is, and it isn't just *mixed*. Now, I never one time made any remarks to you personally an the first post. You did to me and let me tell you this, again you have no idea what the hell you are talking about, you have not lived it rich girl, and you sure as hell will never change my mind....ABOUT ANYTHING! Any time anyone disagrees with you about anything you show your true colors, you want to dictate the thoughts of others and you think you ALWAYS HAVE TO BE RIGHT. Be born to mixed parents in the south and then you come back here and call me how I spew stupidity. I'd love to live in your perfect world with no prejudice. There is a word for that, it's called utopia. It's post like the one you made to me knowing nothing about me or why I said what I did. Maybe you should stick to talking about dildos, buttfucking, lubes, and blowjobs, because you know nothing about growing up in a interracial environment . Every person is intitled to think as they wish, but to come on a public forum (big dog or not) and belittle someone else who has walked the walk is not only rude, it shows how truely ignorant you really are.
  5. And your parents are right IMO! There is a reason why dogs and rabbits don't mate! There is also different colors and cultures for a reason.
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