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Posts posted by mtngal

  1. Ginger J said it best when eliminating labels. I am a lover of humans. To date I've taken only men to bed and married two. I have always been heartily aroused by women as well. It is the person I respond to--gender tends to be an afterthought for me. I have been hanging with a woman recently and if given the opportunity would make love to her in a minute. It was her smile, wit and grace that compelled me to talk to her. It was my ex-husband's hands, confidence and stature that drew me to him. If someone wants to label my actions and desires--fine, whatever blow their skirt up. For me, I love who I love, no explanation needed.

  2. Thanks for all the well wishes.

    I can say now I have completely lost my libido. All it took was a mind numbing, soul crushing asshole to do it.

    I know I'll find it again. right now I'm looking in the bottom of finger (or two) of scotch. Nope no libido.


  3. ok. I'm NOT stupid. A bit of detective work and hmmmmmm..... Debi Lewis is as apparently free to call anytime she's in town, by the way, according to my husband's email she's gorgeous. TJ he misses her beautiful face. Or should I use her pet name ter-ber.

    FUCK!! I am shaking mad!

    Folks, Whatever is making you sad, now you can say, "AT least I'm not getting screwed over like mtngal"

    What a bastard. Wonder who he's dreaming about in the next room?

  4. So true it was a shell. I have received a lot of good input and advice from folks here, as well as, some friends here at home. I actually spent my first evening out, like out with my friends, in seven years, last Saturday. It was an eye opener. Several of the things I have heard here were echoed in person. What I thought was admirable action to stay for the kids was really just naive and chicken on my part. I know I have a role to play in this, but I feel intensely angry. I guess that will run its course, but it feels bottomless at the moment.

    I have no idea where to go from here. Thanks for the best wishes. i owe the lot of you for your kindness.


  5. Thanks for all the empathy and input. i realize I emotionally left this marriage some time ago. It came specifically after some months of "trying" only to be told I never try. I shut it down then and there and have been lying to myself ever since. i am really angry.

  6. MOHD you make a damn great rock.

    Folks, I've watched a bunch of you offer your cyber selves to one another in ways that feed my soul. there may be bunch of dark stuff on the web, but I have seen and experienced altruism on this board. It is fascinating to watch and be a part of it.


  7. Insomnia. I've had it since I was roughly seven or eight. I'd complain to my parents that I could not get my brain to shut off. I feel you. I am super grouch when I am enjoying a rare sleep filled night and it is interrupted by unwanted activity.

    now, wanted activity, that's a different story......I am currently very safe from any REM interruption for that. Wait. My best wanted activity takes place in my dreams..........

  8. The boys are six and four. I've been as honest as I can with him. We've both really hurt one another in so many ways. I would give it go again, but he uses past hurts as a reason to be physically distant. He lays the blame at my feet. I can't do the work of two. trying and being refused makes a gal feel ugly--which, by the way, I'm not. I do turn heads.

    It's very sad to watch this thing we had die so slowly. I can't take the refusal anymore. it defeats me.

    I don't feel like I would jump on anyone who was kind, I have the fortune of being surrounded by kindness in many ways. I frankly need, want, yearn for sex. I don't want another relationship. I'm just really frustrated feeling this way in a marriage--cause it isn't fair to step out--unless it's agreed upon. Shit. I can't explain it. Can a marriage survive this?

    Anonymity is a blessing here, cause this heart isn't often worn on a sleeve.


  9. I really want to believe you Ladylove. Couples counseling, individual counseling.....been there. I am absolutely aware that I can't model a fake happy relationship. What I hope to be modeling is what to do in a damn difficult situation and still keep a chin up. I'm a "practice random acts of kindness" sort of gal. A far as my spouse? emotionally I'm just done....so very done. I have tears even typing it. it's sad.

  10. Chloegirl. AMEN. Hubby fits the bill. Additionally, It's really not about me anymore. I've got two wee ones. While I do worry about what I may be modeling as far as a relationship, I do believe they deserve two parents. I would gladly trade anything for those lads.

    I miss sex desperately and achingly, but i love my lads more.

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